Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
List of statutory minimum employment leave by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Take a guess, it's not hard. Also, this only applies to employers with a minimum of 15 employees.

You do realize that businesses are run by evil, greedy bastards that want to get rich at everyone else's expense, right?
I'd say multinational corporations are, along with any fuck who runs a sweatshop, etc. etc..

So what makes you think that they're going to pay for mandatory paid vacation for everyone by digging into their bottom line? All they're going to do is extract that out of some other aspect of total compensation, the most likely option being total cash compensation.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
List of statutory minimum employment leave by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Take a guess, it's not hard. Also, this only applies to employers with a minimum of 15 employees.

You do realize that businesses are run by evil, greedy bastards that want to get rich at everyone else's expense, right?
I'd say multinational corporations are, along with any fuck who runs a sweatshop, etc. etc..

So what makes you think that they're going to pay for mandatory paid vacation for everyone by digging into their bottom line? All they're going to do is extract that out of some other aspect of total compensation, the most likely option being total cash compensation.
Unfortunately for you, this isn't the case when examining other countries with paid vacations guaranteed, with many having higher minimum wages. Companies/etc love to do this in countries with little labor representation or regulations, but in scandinavia and such, not at all.
Cuba doesn't focus on painting houses

Nor putting glass in the windows.

it's a waste of time

Says who? I like living in a house that isn't a dump. And I'm willing to pay for it. Oh look, I'm creating jobs and providing income that people can use to support their families.

and yes, Cuba looks like that because we are in the first world

So I'll take living in a well developed first world nation for $500. If you like living in the slum that is Cuba, I understand that travel has recently been reinstated. I'll even help you pack.
Cuba doesn't focus on painting houses

Nor putting glass in the windows.

it's a waste of time

Says who? I like living in a house that isn't a dump. And I'm willing to pay for it. Oh look, I'm creating jobs and providing income that people can use to support their families.

and yes, Cuba looks like that because we are in the first world

So I'll take living in a well developed first world nation for $500. If you like living in the slum that is Cuba, I understand that travel has recently been reinstated. I'll even help you pack.
If you think it's justified to compare cuba, a victim of imperialism, blocking of trade, the special period, to the established imperialist united states, keep going on with your bullshit, the facts are relevant when comparing cuba to haiti.
Of course Sanders will push this, he won't be the one HAVING to pay for it.

man oh man. you want to become a SLAVE to the state go for it.
As a Canadian, I enjoy 2 weeks of paid vacation each year. Most employers offer more after 5 years of service.

Women have 1 year of paid maternity leave. Men have paternity leave as well. That's paid through the unemployment insurance fund, as is 12 weeks of sick leave (2 week waiting period for that to kick in) for extended illnesses.

Family care leave is new, so I don't have the details on that.

I also have Canada pension plan, similar to SS, and old age income supplement available for low income Canadians.

And healthcare of course, for which I pay $25.00 per month.

But then our government isn't spending trillions on our military, and our healthcare spending per capita is almost half what yours is because we don't waste money on expensive administration to reduce payouts. And we're not paying interest to China.

What we have is a balanced budget, longer life expectancy, lower abortion rates, a better education system, respect for unions, and the fastest growing middle class in the world.

This is why Canada is ranked so high on the Best Places to Live index.
Cuba doesn't focus on painting houses

Nor putting glass in the windows.

it's a waste of time

Says who? I like living in a house that isn't a dump. And I'm willing to pay for it. Oh look, I'm creating jobs and providing income that people can use to support their families.

and yes, Cuba looks like that because we are in the first world

So I'll take living in a well developed first world nation for $500. If you like living in the slum that is Cuba, I understand that travel has recently been reinstated. I'll even help you pack.
If you think it's justified to compare cuba, a victim of imperialism, blocking of trade, the special period, to the established imperialist united states, keep going on with your bullshit, the facts are relevant when comparing cuba to haiti.

The United States has done pretty damn good for itself without trade from Cuba. But Cuba has done poorly without trade from the US. That alone doesn't tell you something?
As a Canadian, I enjoy 2 weeks of paid vacation each year. Most employers offer more after 5 years of service.

Women have 1 year of paid maternity leave. Men have paternity leave as well. That's paid through the unemployment insurance fund, as is 12 weeks of sick leave (2 week waiting period for that to kick in) for extended illnesses.

Family care leave is new, so I don't have the details on that.

I also have Canada pension plan, similar to SS, and old age income supplement available for low income Canadians.

And healthcare of course, for which I pay $25.00 per month.

But then our government isn't spending trillions on our military, and our healthcare spending per capita is almost half what yours is because we don't waste money on expensive administration to reduce payouts. And we're not paying interest to China.

What we have is a balanced budget, longer life expectancy, lower abortion rates, a better education system, respect for unions, and the fastest growing middle class in the world.

This is why Canada is ranked so high on the Best Places to Live index.
That's why people from 3rd world countries risk their lives daily to go to Canada, right? LOL!
Unfortunately for you, this isn't the case when examining other countries with paid vacations guaranteed, with many having higher minimum wages.


We're not talking about what other countries will do. We're talking about what will happen in the United States. Other countries have entirely different value systems. Because your entire perspective is juvenile and one dimensional you are under the mistaken impression that I support the current state of American inequality and the lackluster compensation American businesses provide for their employees. But to the contrary, I strongly disapprove. Nonetheless, I recognize that trying to legislatively force something down the throat of someone because you don't like the values their behavior and decisions reflect, will not change their values. Their behavior will continue to be dictated by the same values.

Like I said, American businesses are run by greedy, evil bastards who get rich at the expense of other people. They're not going to simply agree to give up their bottom line, because they don't have to. They'll just reduce the total cash compensation to make up the difference for the mandated vacation that they previously were not providing.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?

because the U.S. isn't capable of doing what allegedly lesser countries can do. right?

isn't that what the right says.... that we aren't capable?

Oh Rabbi, yet again you show your ass. I know you have no love for the conservative cause, being a raging statist liberal fuckstick, but since you insist on pretending to be a conservative at least do us a favor and not say anything at all. I'm sure MSNBC pays you alot of money to pretend being conservative and constantly making yourself look like a damned fool, but have you ever stopped to consider your immortal soul? Jesus hates liars, and your current path is going to lead you to burn in Hell for all eternity.

Now, to provide an actual meaningful response from the conservative perspective to Jillian's thoughtful point, it's not a question of capability. Yes, American businesses could provide a minimum one week paid vacation to every full time employee. Absolutely. American businesses could easily provide overall much better compensation to [the majority of] their employees. Ignore the stuff that Rabbi would say. He's not a conservative, he's just a dumb ass. The reason why American businesses don't do it is because our country has a completely different value system than other countries like Canada, Denmark, etc.

American businesses place greater value on higher level employees than is the case in other countries (that is to say, those who are in the highest rungs of the ladder who get to decide what values to focus on place a greater value on themselves). And they place very low value on lower level employees (i.e. those who are at the lower rungs of the ladder tend to habitually place low value on themselves). Many businesses claim otherwise, but it's rarely true. It's merely a talking piece used to placate the masses. You and I can agree on this being bad for the country as a whole, but what we can't do is insert our personal values into the minds of other people. Ultimately, people will conduct themselves in line with their own values, regardless of what proxy measures might be legislatively invoked to try to steer them toward a better path. In the present example, if employers are legislatively forced to provide a week paid vacation to employees they previously did not provide this to, the employers hearts and minds aren't going to be magically changed. They're still going to be of the same heart and mind, and their reaction will be in alignment with that, not yours and my heart and mind. The employers will simply reduce the cash compensation so that the total compensation package remains the same. And American workers will value it because they already value themselves low, which is why they've simply settled for low pay without any paid vacation up to this point.

Our country faces many challenges, but the solutions are not going to be found in trying to force people to do things they don't want. The solutions will only be found by individuals taking greater responsibility to advocate for their own compensation, and through improved educational/training opportunities that empower people to rise up out of low level jobs.
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

Yeah, look a Cuba....

I spoke to someone who visited Cuba. She said it is beautiful.
A famous saying in Cuba.
"We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"
What can you expect for $20. a month?
Average salary in Cuba rose 1 pct last year to 20 a month Fox News Latino
I'm sure the Right likes this idea for the US.
The thing with cuba is...
  • Cubans get free food allowances and are allowed to purchase additional rations of staple foods at cost price from government run bodegas and depots.
  • Cuban utility bills are all highly subsidized. The monthly phone, electricity, and gaz bill is only about $2, which is basically nothing when compared to western bills.
  • All medical coverage is provided free by the government.
  • Gasoline is sold as subsidized costs.
  • Education is completely free, even for older people wanting to return to school just for a few classes.
  • Beer, alcohol, food is all sold by the state at cost or near cost.
  • Rental rates for properties are controlled and most Cubans own their own homes.
  • Property taxes and goods and service taxes are zero.
""And in Cuba, it’s not all about money. We can look at some of the other benefits that the average Cuban enjoys. The World Health Organization rates Cuba’s water quality as among the best in the world and ranks its citizens nutrition levels, health and life expectancy as among the best. Despite the average Cuban salary being about $30 per month, it is just enough for the average person to cover all their expenses and to enjoy a few outings with their friends once a month. The lifestyle is not that different from the average westerner. There are less comforts and fewer high end products (no large screen TVs or deluxe computers), but overall, Cubans are far better off than some of the poor African countries where people starve to death daily.
Despite the average wage in Cuba looking like it is extremely low by western standards, we must now factor in the actual cost of living in Cuba. As most people know, Cuba does not have a capitalist economic system. We can take a look at economic subsidies to see how they influence buying power for the average Cuban.""

So in your mind cuba is utopia? So when are you moving?
I never said cuba is a utopia, I'm simply examining the facts, and when you compare cuba to capitalist haiti, or listen to the WHO on cuba/etc, you begin to see a picture being painted.

You call haiti a capitalist country?:uhh:
So you DON"T know what capitalism is? lol
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

And where would that be? North Korea?
I also fail to understand why you would even bother mentioning North korea. List of statutory minimum employment leave by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
We don't give a fuck what the world does, has it ever occured to you some people don't even like vacations? I personally have not taken a day off in 29 days now.

Is that you obama?
The minimum wage was always a way of eating into "excess profits" of the rich and I suspect paid vacations are the same thing. Same bullshit...different era.

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