Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?

because the U.S. isn't capable of doing what allegedly lesser countries can do. right?

isn't that what the right says.... that we aren't capable?

Apparently we are not capable of getting to full employment like so many other countries. I kind of figured out why millenialsi voted for Obama. They grew up watching mighty morphin power rangers so when Obama came along they saw him as an heroic figure that they grew up on. The mighty morphin power rangers. The 2008 campaign even resembled their battle theme which was

go go might morphin socialist Rangers. Let's kick there capatalism buts.

The hilarity that ensued after that would be funny if it actually didn't happen such as mass unemployment.
As a Canadian, I enjoy 2 weeks of paid vacation each year. Most employers offer more after 5 years of service.

Women have 1 year of paid maternity leave. Men have paternity leave as well. That's paid through the unemployment insurance fund, as is 12 weeks of sick leave (2 week waiting period for that to kick in) for extended illnesses.

Family care leave is new, so I don't have the details on that.

I also have Canada pension plan, similar to SS, and old age income supplement available for low income Canadians.

And healthcare of course, for which I pay $25.00 per month.

But then our government isn't spending trillions on our military, and our healthcare spending per capita is almost half what yours is because we don't waste money on expensive administration to reduce payouts. And we're not paying interest to China.

What we have is a balanced budget, longer life expectancy, lower abortion rates, a better education system, respect for unions, and the fastest growing middle class in the world.

This is why Canada is ranked so high on the Best Places to Live index.
That's why people from 3rd world countries risk their lives daily to go to Canada, right? LOL!

Thank god we have politicians who want them to live and work here so they can replace the American worker. After all, why move the plant to Mexico when you can bring Mexico here?
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?

because the U.S. isn't capable of doing what allegedly lesser countries can do. right?

isn't that what the right says.... that we aren't capable?

Apparently we are not capable of getting to full employment like so many other countries. I kind of figured out why millenialsi voted for Obama. They grew up watching mighty morphin power rangers so when Obama came along they saw him as an heroic figure that they grew up on. The mighty morphin power rangers. The 2008 campaign even resembled their battle theme which was

go go might morphin socialist Rangers. Let's kick there capatalism buts.

The hilarity that ensued after that would be funny if it actually didn't happen such as mass unemployment.

or maybe it's because the only legislation passed by rightwingnut freaks is in violation of roe v wade and to further enrich the top 1% or to limit voters rights.

or maybe because every time you guys get the keys, you drive us into a ditch.

but nice talking points. now if only any of it was true.
As a Canadian, I enjoy 2 weeks of paid vacation each year. Most employers offer more after 5 years of service.

Women have 1 year of paid maternity leave. Men have paternity leave as well. That's paid through the unemployment insurance fund, as is 12 weeks of sick leave (2 week waiting period for that to kick in) for extended illnesses.

Family care leave is new, so I don't have the details on that.

I also have Canada pension plan, similar to SS, and old age income supplement available for low income Canadians.

And healthcare of course, for which I pay $25.00 per month.

But then our government isn't spending trillions on our military, and our healthcare spending per capita is almost half what yours is because we don't waste money on expensive administration to reduce payouts. And we're not paying interest to China.

What we have is a balanced budget, longer life expectancy, lower abortion rates, a better education system, respect for unions, and the fastest growing middle class in the world.

This is why Canada is ranked so high on the Best Places to Live index.
That's why people from 3rd world countries risk their lives daily to go to Canada, right? LOL!

Thank god we have politicians who want them to live and work here so they can replace the American worker. After all, why move the plant to Mexico when you can bring Mexico here?

and that's never happened. but again, nice BS talking points. :cuckoo:

unless of course, you're so uneducated that you need to pick fruits and vegetables as day labor.
As a Canadian, I enjoy 2 weeks of paid vacation each year. Most employers offer more after 5 years of service.

Women have 1 year of paid maternity leave. Men have paternity leave as well. That's paid through the unemployment insurance fund, as is 12 weeks of sick leave (2 week waiting period for that to kick in) for extended illnesses.

Family care leave is new, so I don't have the details on that.

I also have Canada pension plan, similar to SS, and old age income supplement available for low income Canadians.

And healthcare of course, for which I pay $25.00 per month.

But then our government isn't spending trillions on our military, and our healthcare spending per capita is almost half what yours is because we don't waste money on expensive administration to reduce payouts. And we're not paying interest to China.

What we have is a balanced budget, longer life expectancy, lower abortion rates, a better education system, respect for unions, and the fastest growing middle class in the world.

This is why Canada is ranked so high on the Best Places to Live index.
That's why people from 3rd world countries risk their lives daily to go to Canada, right? LOL!

Thank god we have politicians who want them to live and work here so they can replace the American worker. After all, why move the plant to Mexico when you can bring Mexico here?

and that's never happened. but again, nice BS talking points. :cuckoo:

unless of course, you're so uneducated that you need to pick fruits and vegetables as day labor.

What is wrong with picking fruits and vegetables? It's a job...not a great job...but it keeps you from living with mom and dad and off of welfare. What is up with the job snobbery?
A law is not needed here as any decent company provides at least 10 days paid vacation per year. Anything less is not a place to apply at.
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

Yeah, look a Cuba....

I spoke to someone who visited Cuba. She said it is beautiful.
I dunno... looks like an inner-city shit-hole to me...
As do parts of the US.

Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

Yeah, look a Cuba....

I spoke to someone who visited Cuba. She said it is beautiful.
I dunno... looks like an inner-city shit-hole to me...
As do parts of the US.

Yeah, parts run by Democrats are always the shittiest places. Detroit. Memphis, Baltimore, etc. Shit holes every one of them. No wonder they love Cuba so much.
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

Yeah, look a Cuba....

I spoke to someone who visited Cuba. She said it is beautiful.
I dunno... looks like an inner-city shit-hole to me...
As do parts of the US.


But it seems likely that per percentage-of-square-miles or per capita, that Cuba has a lot more than the US.
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

Yeah, look a Cuba....

I spoke to someone who visited Cuba. She said it is beautiful.
I dunno... looks like an inner-city shit-hole to me...
As do parts of the US.

Yeah, parts run by Democrats are always the shittiest places. Detroit. Memphis, Baltimore, etc. Shit holes every one of them. No wonder they love Cuba so much.

This is Mississippi the poorest and most Right Wing State.
As a Canadian, I enjoy 2 weeks of paid vacation each year. Most employers offer more after 5 years of service.

Women have 1 year of paid maternity leave. Men have paternity leave as well. That's paid through the unemployment insurance fund, as is 12 weeks of sick leave (2 week waiting period for that to kick in) for extended illnesses.

Family care leave is new, so I don't have the details on that.

I also have Canada pension plan, similar to SS, and old age income supplement available for low income Canadians.

And healthcare of course, for which I pay $25.00 per month.

But then our government isn't spending trillions on our military, and our healthcare spending per capita is almost half what yours is because we don't waste money on expensive administration to reduce payouts. And we're not paying interest to China.

What we have is a balanced budget, longer life expectancy, lower abortion rates, a better education system, respect for unions, and the fastest growing middle class in the world.

This is why Canada is ranked so high on the Best Places to Live index.
This is the reality of what idiots in America need to realize, the rest of the world is progressing, and we're here bitching about evil "socialist" obamacare, which goes through fucking PRIVATE SECTORS. LOL. Then, we'll have rwers claiming paid vacations for all will somehow hurt businesses, well, look to almost every other country with guaranteed paid vacations. <3 Canada.
It's not businesses that made America a great country. It was its people. You built a great nation brick by brick.

But selfishness and greed have taken hold. You don't want to spend money on education or infrastructure, or programs to help your people. Republicans look for ways to disenfranchise minorities and poor people because they refuse to vote against their best interests.

You have no trouble making war, but no desire to make peace either at home or abroad.

You mocked the pictures of Cuba saying it looked like your inner cities.

There is no part of Canada that looks like that. We care about our people - all of them.

Rabbi says no one is prepared to die to get to Canada but that's not true. Every year our authorities find boats offshore full of refugees who have paid enormous sums of money to come to Canada. Because they consider Canada a safe haven and a land of opportunity.

Fewer and fewer people believe that of the U.S. Any longer. The U.S. is fracturing and divided and a house divided against itself cannot stand.

Muslims won't destroy America, Americans will.
It's not businesses that made America a great country. It was its people. You built a great nation brick by brick.

But selfishness and greed have taken hold. You don't want to spend money on education or infrastructure, or programs to help your people. Republicans look for ways to disenfranchise minorities and poor people because they refuse to vote against their best interests.

You have no trouble making war, but no desire to make peace either at home or abroad.

You mocked the pictures of Cuba saying it looked like your inner cities.

There is no part of Canada that looks like that. We care about our people - all of them.

Rabbi says no one is prepared to die to get to Canada but that's not true. Every year our authorities find boats offshore full of refugees who have paid enormous sums of money to come to Canada. Because they consider Canada a safe haven and a land of opportunity.

Fewer and fewer people believe that of the U.S. Any longer. The U.S. is fracturing and divided and a house divided against itself cannot stand.

Muslims won't destroy America, Americans will.
Yeah, and they're all liberals.
Sanders is in favor of enormous, gargantuan, brobdingnagian government. He's never seen a government rule, regulation, tax, or program that he doesn't love. He, like all progressives, is an authoritarian who loves telling others what to do, for their "own good" of course......

He's a wingnut....
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...

My wife gets six weeks a year. Of course she had to work to get those six weeks,which I understand is a foreign concept for liberals.
I'm pretty sure anyone who is employed works. I don't see why most americans on the right hate the idea of workers getting benefits.

I have never held a job that didnt offer benefits.
Maybe you should give up on your dream of being self employed as a male prostitute and get a real job.

Guess that's the problem with trying a vocation that you aren't equipped to do.
Sanders is in favor of enormous, gargantuan, brobdingnagian government. He's never seen a government rule, regulation, tax, or program that he doesn't love. He, like all progressives, is an authoritarian who loves telling others what to do, for their "own good" of course......

He's a wingnut....
Sanders is in favor of enormous, gargantuan, brobdingnagian government. He's never seen a government rule, regulation, tax, or program that he doesn't love. He, like all progressives, is an authoritarian who loves telling others what to do, for their "own good" of course......

He's a wingnut....

Bernie seems to forget that government is the reason these people got so rich to begin with.

What is he going to do that is any different.

Even if he gets elected....does he really think our corrupt congress is going to go along with him ?

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