Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

Its pretty simple. Good employers already offer paid vacations to attract good workers. Those that don't offer paid vacation don't and shouldn't expect a good worker to apply. That is called capitalism. SO DONT APPLY for a job that doesn't offer vacations. Simple math. There is a large percentage of bad employers out there. Avoid them.
There is no argument to why this is bad.
Of course there is. That you dont like the argument doesnt mean it isnt an argument.

Good job proving my point

Why don't you stop wasting people's time
There is no argument to why this is bad.

Then you should have no problem getting it passed right now.

Why hasn't Obama proposed it.

If there is no downside, everyone should hop right on board.

Good luck.

Like I said, there is no argument to why this is bad

Then get it passed.

Whether it passes or not doesnt confirm something is good or bad

And just because you said so does not make it good or bad.
No, your lack of stating anything bad about it is what confirms to me that there is no argument to why this is bad.
Hell, my last job we had rollover vacation and 5 weeks/year max. When I left cashed out like 9 weeks of vacation. Shit, how much time does one really need off?

The thing with cuba is...
  • Cubans get free food allowances and are allowed to purchase additional rations of staple foods at cost price from government run bodegas and depots.
  • Cuban utility bills are all highly subsidized. The monthly phone, electricity, and gaz bill is only about $2, which is basically nothing when compared to western bills.
  • All medical coverage is provided free by the government.
  • Gasoline is sold as subsidized costs.
  • Education is completely free, even for older people wanting to return to school just for a few classes.
  • Beer, alcohol, food is all sold by the state at cost or near cost.
  • Rental rates for properties are controlled and most Cubans own their own homes.
  • Property taxes and goods and service taxes are zero.
""And in Cuba, it’s not all about money. We can look at some of the other benefits that the average Cuban enjoys. The World Health Organization rates Cuba’s water quality as among the best in the world and ranks its citizens nutrition levels, health and life expectancy as among the best. Despite the average Cuban salary being about $30 per month, it is just enough for the average person to cover all their expenses and to enjoy a few outings with their friends once a month. The lifestyle is not that different from the average westerner. There are less comforts and fewer high end products (no large screen TVs or deluxe computers), but overall, Cubans are far better off than some of the poor African countries where people starve to death daily.
Despite the average wage in Cuba looking like it is extremely low by western standards, we must now factor in the actual cost of living in Cuba. As most people know, Cuba does not have a capitalist economic system. We can take a look at economic subsidies to see how they influence buying power for the average Cuban.""

So in your mind cuba is utopia? So when are you moving?
I never said cuba is a utopia, I'm simply examining the facts, and when you compare cuba to capitalist haiti, or listen to the WHO on cuba/etc, you begin to see a picture being painted.

You call haiti a capitalist country?:uhh:
So you DON"T know what capitalism is? lol

So I guess cuba and north korea are the same?
If they're not democratic, they're not socialist, since WW II, dupes. Cuba is relenting , giving some capitalism to the people- obviously N. Korea is nuts. You want a diagram?
Hell, my last job we had rollover vacation and 5 weeks/year max. When I left cashed out like 9 weeks of vacation. Shit, how much time does one really need off?
A month, after a year. It's called civilization. See the world, don't be an angry dupe.
Laughable at best, the idea that civilization can only exist with a month's paid vacation.
Hell, my last job we had rollover vacation and 5 weeks/year max. When I left cashed out like 9 weeks of vacation. Shit, how much time does one really need off?
A month, after a year. It's called civilization. See the world, don't be an angry dupe.
Laughable at best, the idea that civilization can only exist with a month's paid vacation.
It barely exists here- Look at the GD GOP. lol See sig.
Hell, my last job we had rollover vacation and 5 weeks/year max. When I left cashed out like 9 weeks of vacation. Shit, how much time does one really need off?
A month, after a year. It's called civilization. See the world, don't be an angry dupe.
Laughable at best, the idea that civilization can only exist with a month's paid vacation.
It barely exists here-
Another laughable proposition..
So in your mind cuba is utopia? So when are you moving?
I never said cuba is a utopia, I'm simply examining the facts, and when you compare cuba to capitalist haiti, or listen to the WHO on cuba/etc, you begin to see a picture being painted.

You call haiti a capitalist country?:uhh:
So you DON"T know what capitalism is? lol

So I guess cuba and north korea are the same?
If they're not democratic, they're not socialist, since WW II, dupes. Cuba is relenting , giving some capitalism to the people- obviously N. Korea is nuts. You want a diagram?

I'm not the one trying to compare Haitis brand of capitalism to the American version.
Thanks for proving my point.
Funny, isn't it; we can't keep manufacturing jobs here now, and what is the SOCIALIST solution? Why to raise costs more! And their reasoning is? Why everyone else does it, so we should too. Well, let me enlighten you SOCIALISTS a little; you can't take all the good, and ignore the bad. You want more stuff? You either pay more for goods BEFORE they flee US jurisdiction; or if you are smart, you tell the government to get out of their pocket a little so they can afford it.

I mean really, don't you people get it? Corporations and companies are fleeing America because of all of the regulations, taxes, and bull. You claim no they are not, they are greedy. OK, no matter which one is true, you tell all of us how this makes them want to stay here?

And understand this; it is not about if the idea is right or wrong, good or bad, fair or not. What it is about is you people again coming up with an idea that on the surface looks good, but will cost more jobs because business costs will rise.

Before you start planning leisure time in America, how about you SOCIALISTS try 1st getting the labor force back to work, and then we can all talk!
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?
Oh jesus christ, here we go, look at the list of countries with guaranteed paid vacations: List of statutory minimum employment leave by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I hate how people push this narrative of "none of the government's businesses" All this does is give workers paid vacation, like almost every other industrialized country. I don't want the government telling employers they can't hire 5 year olds at 2.00 a week, DAMN GOVERNMENT. - You in the past.
What a moron. Vacations cost money.

You say look at the rest of the countries with guaranteed vacations. Yes, look at them. Look at their economic output. Look at their standard of living vs ours. Contrary to what the other moron said, America has one of the highest standard of living the entire world.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
Promote, not provide.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?
Oh jesus christ, here we go, look at the list of countries with guaranteed paid vacations: List of statutory minimum employment leave by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I hate how people push this narrative of "none of the government's businesses" All this does is give workers paid vacation, like almost every other industrialized country. I don't want the government telling employers they can't hire 5 year olds at 2.00 a week, DAMN GOVERNMENT. - You in the past.
What a moron. Vacations cost money.

You say look at the rest of the countries with guaranteed vacations. Yes, look at them. Look at their economic output. Look at their standard of living vs ours. Contrary to what the other moron said, America has one of the highest standard of living the entire world.
Look at them on your own, most are doing well, tell me how much debt america is in again?
I never said cuba is a utopia, I'm simply examining the facts, and when you compare cuba to capitalist haiti, or listen to the WHO on cuba/etc, you begin to see a picture being painted.

You call haiti a capitalist country?:uhh:
So you DON"T know what capitalism is? lol

So I guess cuba and north korea are the same?
If they're not democratic, they're not socialist, since WW II, dupes. Cuba is relenting , giving some capitalism to the people- obviously N. Korea is nuts. You want a diagram?

I'm not the one trying to compare Haitis brand of capitalism to the American version.
Thanks for proving my point.
Haiti is a victim of colonialism, imperialism, rampant capitalist exploitation, and a prime example of why we need state intervention to make capitalism somewhat reasonable.
Venezuela: Workers are entitled to enjoy 15 days of paid annual leave in the first year plus one day for each year of service with the same employer up to a maximum of 15 extra days.[5]
United states: There is no statutory minimum.
Feel free to move to Venezuela
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]
Move there then.
I will never understand this line of thought, it's as if we in America aren't allowed to recognize that other countries (Not cuba, scandinavia/etc) are doing better then us, or else we have to move there.

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