Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

Who's going to pay for it? Your employer. It's part of the cost of doing business. They're the people who are benefitting from your labour.

Workers who take vacations are more alert, more productive. They come back refreshed and energized.

It's always laughable to me that Republicans, who promote themselves as the party of family values, don't promote vacations, maternity and family leave. They oppose the ACA, early childhood education and more money for education - while sending their own kids to private schools.

Republicans oppose any measures to help families.

Do you understand the difference between "vacations are great" and "therefore, the government should mandate them"?
Oh please, America is one of the last industrialized countries to not have guaranteed paid vacations for workers.
"Labor Department statistics show that while 87% of full-time civilian employees get paid vacation, only 34% of part-time workers get paid vacation. And only 39% of workers making less than $9 an hour get paid vacations, no matter how many hours they work."
That is unacceptable, no wonder other countries laugh at us.
Venezuela: Workers are entitled to enjoy 15 days of paid annual leave in the first year plus one day for each year of service with the same employer up to a maximum of 15 extra days.[5]
United states: There is no statutory minimum.
Feel free to move to Venezuela
I will never understand this line of thought, it's as if we in America aren't allowed to recognize that other countries (Not cuba/venezuela, I mean scandinavia/etc) are doing better then us, or else we have to move there. It's such a silly way to shut down discussion.
Valenzuela is a shit hole and you want to emulate them?

Personally if a company wants to pay people not to work it's none of my business.

But in all honesty if you take a job for a company that does not provide the benefits you want then it's your own fault.
I never once claimed I want to emulate venezuela, don't know where you got that from, however, holding an honest critique and conducting analysis on venezuela and recognizing the achievements it has brought forth means nothing for emulation. I never understand how people like you fail to grasp the concept that many workers today are working 2-3 jobs, struggling to get by, not having the option to get these all so "miracle jobs" you keep describing, then we have the college education requirement, which costs large amounts of money, and then we expect people to do that while working 2-3 jobs to care for their children, sick relatives, themselves, I mean, if almost every other country has paid vacations, with many doing better then us for working families, it's time we move forward, much like we need to in regards to universal healthcare, higher education, guaranteed maternity leave for long periods of time...

Funny I have never worked a full time job that didn't offer vacation in fact I have worked a couple part time jobs that offered vacation time.

So where are all these people working full time jobs (not seasonal) who get no vacation?
Venezuela: Workers are entitled to enjoy 15 days of paid annual leave in the first year plus one day for each year of service with the same employer up to a maximum of 15 extra days.[5]
United states: There is no statutory minimum.
Feel free to move to Venezuela
I will never understand this line of thought, it's as if we in America aren't allowed to recognize that other countries (Not cuba/venezuela, I mean scandinavia/etc) are doing better then us, or else we have to move there. It's such a silly way to shut down discussion.
Valenzuela is a shit hole and you want to emulate them?

Personally if a company wants to pay people not to work it's none of my business.

But in all honesty if you take a job for a company that does not provide the benefits you want then it's your own fault.
No, stupid, we're just saying even a shithole like Venezuela (and most others) have more worker rights than we do, PUB DUPE. And your heroes in reality just love easily bullied illegal workers to keep your wages down even more, CHUMP. Arrrggghhh...

Christ with all our advantages, you're afraid of competing with those shitholes on a semi-equal basis. I'm all right, Jack idiocy of the Pub dupe....

We have no workers' rights?

I've never had nor have I ever known anyone who had a full time job (not seasonal) that didn't get vacation time.
Pass the damn Immigration bill with a good work/SS id card and end illegal immigration forever. It would have passed the last 2 years if Boehner would just allow a vote. BTW, only we and New Guinea don't have any paid parental leave. pathetic.
Venezuela: Workers are entitled to enjoy 15 days of paid annual leave in the first year plus one day for each year of service with the same employer up to a maximum of 15 extra days.[5]
United states: There is no statutory minimum.

Woo ... you sure can pick 'em:
As recently as 2013, the socialist gov't of Venezuela was unable to deliver milk, flour and other staples to its people despite the country's vast oil wealth and as of December 2014, Venezuela's inflation rate was 68.5%. The solution? Plenty of "free" money for everyone! WooHoo!
All I'm doing is showing the workers leave, that's it, I can just throw up Norway/the uk/etc if you want.

What I'm saying is there is no free lunch and all socialist gov'ts become far less attractive once they run out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to spend on YOUR favorite freebies. I guess next you'll tout the virtues of Greece and Syriza. Wait ... maybe not, eh?

That is making its way up the clueless post of the year...

UK has 28 days mandatory holidays and 9 public ones...

Now start again on your socialist crap...
Paid vacations, pensions, healthcare, sick days, maternity leave, dental are all out dated concepts. It's all about the chosen few having it all. Again

Except for a vast majority of the world... Only in the US has it been brainwashed out of there heads...

US is only one country in 3 in the world with no maternity care.... F*ck families & F*ck the mothers....

The US while talking a big game on Family Values are complete hypocrites when having to pay for it...
Venezuela: Workers are entitled to enjoy 15 days of paid annual leave in the first year plus one day for each year of service with the same employer up to a maximum of 15 extra days.[5]
United states: There is no statutory minimum.

Woo ... you sure can pick 'em:
As recently as 2013, the socialist gov't of Venezuela was unable to deliver milk, flour and other staples to its people despite the country's vast oil wealth and as of December 2014, Venezuela's inflation rate was 68.5%. The solution? Plenty of "free" money for everyone! WooHoo!
All I'm doing is showing the workers leave, that's it, I can just throw up Norway/the uk/etc if you want.

What I'm saying is there is no free lunch and all socialist gov'ts become far less attractive once they run out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to spend on YOUR favorite freebies. I guess next you'll tout the virtues of Greece and Syriza. Wait ... maybe not, eh?

That is making its way up the clueless post of the year...
UK has 28 days mandatory holidays and 9 public ones...
Now start again on your socialist crap...

I'm not certain what your point is but I don't take orders from raging idiots. The UK is not a socialist state but rather a welfare state where the means of production can be (and mostly is) privately owned and operated. The nature of the discussion was Socialist's favorable (yet ridiculous) comparison of Cuba and Venezuela to the US.
One of the wonderful rights we Americans enjoy is the right to relocate. I suggest you find a "Worker's Paradise" that satisfies your need for vacation time and move there.
Venezuela is engaged in a vicious race to the bottom fueled by generous gov't freebies and falling revenue. The country is sliding into economic disaster and dictatorship. You socialists would have us join the Venezuelans who "stand in lines for hours waiting to buy whatever may be available."

Economic collapse in Venezuela The likely fallout
An economic implosion is becoming increasingly likely in Venezuela, and the country's debtholders, trade partners and neighbors are bracing for the fallout.

The country's energy-dependent economy requires oil prices above $100 per barrel in order to sustain itself...

Meanwhile, a combination of inflation and currency controls have generated scarcity of basic needs such as flour, toilet paper and medicine. Venezuelans stand in lines for hours waiting to buy whatever may be available. Shortages have even diminished the country's ability to provide medical care.
Paid vacations, pensions, healthcare, sick days, maternity leave, dental are all out dated concepts. It's all about the chosen few having it all. Again

Except for a vast majority of the world... Only in the US has it been brainwashed out of there heads...

US is only one country in 3 in the world with no maternity care.... F*ck families & F*ck the mothers....

The US while talking a big game on Family Values are complete hypocrites when having to pay for it...

yeah, all that maternity care in Europe sure is helping keep those birth rates up, oh wait....
Hell, my last job we had rollover vacation and 5 weeks/year max. When I left cashed out like 9 weeks of vacation. Shit, how much time does one really need off?
A month, after a year. It's called civilization. See the world, don't be an angry dupe.
Laughable at best, the idea that civilization can only exist with a month's paid vacation.
It barely exists here-
Another laughable proposition..
Of all modern countries we're the most uncivilized...
Only if "civilized" means "lives up to your arbitrary, progressive standards" - thus, your position is laughable.
For instance, here's my rule: I will bring my substantial experience and skills to solve your problem for which you will pay me confiscatory levels of cash. It's a very simple equation.... Remove the confiscatory rewards and I tend to lose interest in your problem... INSTANTLY.
See how that works?
Tell me more about catalonia, the free ukraine, and if we count the USSR as communist, tell me more about the most rapid industrialization and productivity gains ever witnessed. Yeah, yeah, I know you want to believe that, but empirical evidence is against you.

If we count the USSR as communist? You're kidding, right?
You are aware of what happened to that "Worker's Paradise" and how long it will take Russia and her former Soviet comrades to fully recover from 75 yrs of their "glorious" economic experiment, right? Meanwhile Venezuela is headed down the same discredited wabbit hole.
You call haiti a capitalist country?:uhh:
So you DON"T know what capitalism is? lol

So I guess cuba and north korea are the same?
If they're not democratic, they're not socialist, since WW II, dupes. Cuba is relenting , giving some capitalism to the people- obviously N. Korea is nuts. You want a diagram?

I'm not the one trying to compare Haitis brand of capitalism to the American version.
Thanks for proving my point.
We're closer to Haiti than any other modern country.
This is an outright lie.
Who's going to pay for it? Your employer. It's part of the cost of doing business. They're the people who are benefitting from your labour.

Workers who take vacations are more alert, more productive. They come back refreshed and energized.

It's always laughable to me that Republicans, who promote themselves as the party of family values, don't promote vacations, maternity and family leave. They oppose the ACA, early childhood education and more money for education - while sending their own kids to private schools.

Republicans oppose any measures to help families.

Do you understand the difference between "vacations are great" and "therefore, the government should mandate them"?
Oh please, America is one of the last industrialized countries to not have guaranteed paid vacations for workers.
As it should be.

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