Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

So talk about moral values and discipline all you like but when it comes to paying for it, the family values guys shy out... Thus hypocrites
"Family values guys" expect people to be responsible with and for bringing up their kids.
This includes paying for them - they're you're YOUR kids; YOU, and no one else, are responsible for taking care of them.
How can they when you have given no holidays and no parental leave...
No one other than you are responsible for your child's food, water, shelter, clothing health care, education and well being.
How do you provide things w/o paid vacation?
You work.
I didn't even say paid vacation... I am saying any vacation at all... Employers are not legally obliged to give any days off...
Meaningless response.
You do not have a right to job, much less a vacation.

No one other than you are responsible for your child's food, water, shelter, clothing health care, education and well being.
How do you provide things w/o vacation?
You work
But it is not legally obliged... You have no legal standing...

You know what else isn't legally obliged? Giving sex to your partner. Funny thing, though, people still do it anyway.

Grow up. Learn how to get along in the world without waiting for someone to "legally oblige" you to act.
But it is not legally obliged... You have no legal standing...
You know what else isn't legally obliged? Giving sex to your partner. Funny thing, though, people still do it anyway. Grow up. Learn how to get along in the world without waiting for someone to "legally oblige" you to act.

He seems to have an advanced case of "Socialist Disease." He can't (or won't) do anything Mother Gov't doesn't tell (or allow) him to do.
So talk about moral values and discipline all you like but when it comes to paying for it, the family values guys shy out... Thus hypocrites
"Family values guys" expect people to be responsible with and for bringing up their kids.
This includes paying for them - they're you're YOUR kids; YOU, and no one else, are responsible for taking care of them.

How can they when you have given no holidays and no parental leave...

Same stuff every time, the anti family guys use every time. You are probably a guy who sits in front of a TV and gives out about kids on the street... Where are there parents? (AT WORK)

The US is the only one that hasn't joined the dots... They want parents raising their kids but want to have no hand in making that possible. EU has on this years ago, in France a parent by right is allowed to work 80% of the week for 80% of the money. Proper mandatory holidays and mandatory maternity leave...

Maternity leave is especially sick one. The economic forced separation of a mother from a baby at that time is just plain sick...

Could you do at least one thing next Mother's day, meet your mother and tell her how you don't believe she deserved maternity leave when she had you...

Hey there Cowboy, you want all those benefits that Europe has? Then how about you go live in a crackerbox like they do, give up your autos and take public transportation, and pay a 50% tax rate! Wait, wait!!!!!! You mean you do live in a crackerbox with your family? You can't afford a car? That explains everything, lol. Now just volunteer for the 50% tax rate, and we won't call you a hypocrite.
Sowhat happened to all thoe ple working 2 or 3 jobs the upes go
So you DON"T know what capitalism is? lol

So I guess cuba and north korea are the same?
If they're not democratic, they're not socialist, since WW II, dupes. Cuba is relenting , giving some capitalism to the people- obviously N. Korea is nuts. You want a diagram?

I'm not the one trying to compare Haitis brand of capitalism to the American version.
Thanks for proving my point.
We're closer to Haiti than any other modern country.
This is an outright lie.
Modern countries being the original EU, Canada, Aus., NZ, Japan- absolute fact, Pub dupe. see sig
Sowhat happened to all thoe ple working 2 or 3 jobs the upes go
So I guess cuba and north korea are the same?
If they're not democratic, they're not socialist, since WW II, dupes. Cuba is relenting , giving some capitalism to the people- obviously N. Korea is nuts. You want a diagram?

I'm not the one trying to compare Haitis brand of capitalism to the American version.
Thanks for proving my point.
We're closer to Haiti than any other modern country.
This is an outright lie.
Modern countries being the original EU, Canada, Aus., NZ, Japan- absolute fact, Pub dupe. see sig
Repeating your lie does not make it any less a lie.
Can you read? lol. I know plenty who get next to nothing or unpaid vacation....pathetic, Pub dupe.
You and your friends flip burgers at Wendy's?
Why do you expect a paid vacation?
Because I'm a civilized person,...
You mean you feel entitled to a vacation because of your unsubstantiated over-inflated sense of self-worth.
You do not have a right to a job; what makes you think you have a right to a vacation?
Because I'm intelligent and civilized, functional moron hater dupe ugly American fool of the greedy idiot rich. later, dumbass. See sig last line. IDIOT.
I like Bernie Sanders. I don't agree with most of his views, but I think he's a man of principle. If I had to choose between him and Hillary, I would vote for him.
Because I'm intelligent and civilized,...
You mean you feel entitled to a vacation because of your unsubstantiated over-inflated sense of self-worth.
You do not have a right to a job; what makes you think you have a right to a vacation?
Sanders isn't going to give Americans, anything. As There Are No Leftist Americans and it's a rare American that actually takes a vacation. And that is because, there's work to be done, all the time... and it doesn't get done from Disney World.
This is fantastic.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) wants to give Americans a paid vacation, as part of a "family values" agenda he outlined Thursday.

Sanders, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, said he is introducing a bill, the Guaranteed Paid Vacation Act, that would give 10 days of paid vacation to every employee that had worked for an employer for at least one year. The legislation would apply to employers with at least 15 employees.

"What family values are about is that at least for two weeks a year, people can come together under a relaxed environment and enjoy the family," Sanders said from the Senate floor. "That is a family value that I want to see happen in this country."

The legislation is part of the senator's "family values agenda." As part of the agenda, he also backed legislation that would give an employee 12 weeks of paid leave if they have a child or serious medical condition, as well as a separate bill that would give workers up to seven paid sick days.

On his support for paid sick leave, Sanders added, "I am not crazy about the idea of somebody who is sick coming to to work, preparing the food that I eat in a restaurant."

While Republicans had previously discussed "family values," Sanders said that "generally speaking, what they mean by family values is opposition to a woman's right to choose, opposition to contraception, opposition to gay rights."
Continued here:
Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation TheHill
Great yet another reason for corporations to cut back employees to part time hours.
Sanders isn't going to give Americans, anything. As There Are No Leftist Americans and it's a rare American that actually takes a vacation. And that is because, there's work to be done, all the time... and it doesn't get done from Disney World.
I did a fair bit of work last week while vacationing on my boat.... cleaning, painting, sanding, scrubbing, mending, etc.
Vote Dem and your boat wouldn't be a wreck might have time to see the world and not be a dupe, especially when you were a young worker, before you became an angry white beleaguered family guy/ tourist at most...
The way wages are declining nobody will go anywhere anyway. Pay me more I work harder. Pay me less I do less. The WAY IT SHOULD BE.

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