Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

Venezuela: Workers are entitled to enjoy 15 days of paid annual leave in the first year plus one day for each year of service with the same employer up to a maximum of 15 extra days.[5]
United states: There is no statutory minimum.

Woo ... you sure can pick 'em:
As recently as 2013, the socialist gov't of Venezuela was unable to deliver milk, flour and other staples to its people despite the country's vast oil wealth and as of December 2014, Venezuela's inflation rate was 68.5%. The solution? Plenty of "free" money for everyone! WooHoo!
All I'm doing is showing the workers leave, that's it, I can just throw up Norway/the uk/etc if you want.

What I'm saying is there is no free lunch and all socialist gov'ts become far less attractive once they run out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to spend on YOUR favorite freebies. I guess next you'll tout the virtues of Greece and Syriza. Wait ... maybe not, eh?
Oh come on, you're truly pathetic, and great job ignoring my point on haiti, nice to see how you are. Honey, the whole "socialism" and other peoples cash is a fucking joke, how much debt is the united states in? Money circulates, and I'm pretty sure if we count the USSR as socialist it was stable. "Freebies" OH LORD, FOOD PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY? NUUUUUUU, I'D RATHER BUILD STEALTH BOMBERS. LOL. Greece was hardly going to the left, tell me, what caused the collapse?
Haiti? That hunk of rock has no economy....It is a de facto dictatorship with a very small elite ruling class that lives in the lap of luxury. While some 90% of the people live in squalor.
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed

Apparently not - we can just watch thousands of men, women, and children killed every day on CNN without lifting a finger.
Sad result of a world consumed with materialistic, first world bullshit.
Define "first world bullshit"...
This should be entertaining
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed

A noble thought but I reject your right to determine how I express my concern for my fellow man (and woman). Do not impose your notions on others.
Jesus christ, everything is some sort of "oppression" to you, isn't it? Also, good job continually ignoring my point on haiti/cuba/somalia, etc... .-.
Hint...Nobody cares about the insignificance of your point.
Believe it or not you actually have to care what happens to your fellow man no matter how far away, different or weak/stupid/depraved you think they are. Wow history 101 you all failed

Apparently not - we can just watch thousands of men, women, and children killed every day on CNN without lifting a finger.
Sad result of a world consumed with materialistic, first world bullshit.

There is no greater bullshit than that of "free lunch" socialists. Meanwhile, in Europe - that great bastion of "democratic socialism" - Greece is getting hammered for taking that whole OPC (Other People's Cash) thing a bit too literally.
Greece is about to default on a rather significant payment. As a result, global financial markets are jittery. Most likely we have a too big to fail issue and Greece will get some kind of reprieve.
Greece is a perfect example of why it is disingenuous for a nation to allow its citizens to vote themselves more and higher amounts of government handouts.
Where is the money gonna come from? I don't know but if I am judged to be worth fifth an hour, I wish, aren't I supposed to judge back,? You people just let the top take as much as they want as if it doesn't matter or won't affect you. Lol. Talk about foolish. You think the starving dying people will go away easily and you can escape the wrath of the demons you let out greed create? Not anymore in the nuclear bio error I cant believe how stupid you college grads are. Better build you bunkers deep and have crops and stuff etc.. Even that won't save you
Ok.....Time to pull apart your post above...This will be fun
"but if I am judged to be worth fifth an hour"......HUH? Care to clean that up so English speaking people can understand it..Thanks
"You people just let the top take as much as they want as if it doesn't matter or won't affect you.".....In this context, define "take"...
"You think the starving dying people will go away easily and you can escape the wrath of the demons you let out greed create?"
I gotta find out what you meant by that...Please explain....
"Not anymore in the nuclear bio error I cant believe how stupid you college grads are"....Were you absent when English class was scheduled?
""]Where is the money gonna come from? I don't know"
This is a major problem you libs have. You don't know, nor do you care. All you know is "you want".....
Sort of like the 17 year old girl who first asks, then demands mommy's credit card.....Either way, the answer is "no" because....wait for it.....The money HAS to come from somewhere. "I don't know" doesn't get it done.
All hat, no cattle. Cowboy wannabees...Add up all the taxes and fees, and Americans pay almost as much and get half a tank tread for it...subtract health tax, and it's about the same. Their crackerbox has and will last lifetimes, ours maybe one...

I don't tell Sheepboy Ted how to run his country - he can fuck off about mine.
AND an ugly American...
You know these "winners" actually think they deserve to take candy from banks as they do nothing for a living. If all the billionaires died tomorrow we might skip a beat but all the workers would and will soon realize that if we need others to lead us at such a high expense then we will remain lost forever as a species.
Oy vay.....Face palm
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

And where would that be? North Korea?
Scandinavia, britain, canada, etc.. Quit spewing bullshit. Measuring many different things, of course, and using context, we can throw in alot of others. Healthcare? Happiness? Education? Literacy? Etc, Etc..
Then pick on and GO......Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
And don't forget to stop and see the Padre. He'll punch your ticket for you.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
Your two statements are mutually exclusive.
And quite confused.
And you're wrong....Compensation IS a contract between the employer and the employee. If the employee is unhappy with his compensation, they are free to explore other opportunities. We also have wage and hour laws which are at the end of the day are good law because there are crooks among us.
One the other hand you lefties believe ALL employers are looking to rob, cheat and steal from their employees.
Funny thing is, most theft from employers is perpetrated by employees. Time theft being the largest of all.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

And where would that be? North Korea?
Scandinavia, britain, canada, etc.. Quit spewing bullshit. Measuring many different things, of course, and using context, we can throw in alot of others. Healthcare? Happiness? Education? Literacy? Etc, Etc..
Then pick on and GO......Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
And don't forget to stop and see the Padre. He'll punch your ticket for you.
Surely you know that's a very common answer from the Right.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.
Wage slavery?......:ahole-1:
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

And where would that be? North Korea?
Scandinavia, britain, canada, etc.. Quit spewing bullshit. Measuring many different things, of course, and using context, we can throw in alot of others. Healthcare? Happiness? Education? Literacy? Etc, Etc..
Then pick on and GO......Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
And don't forget to stop and see the Padre. He'll punch your ticket for you.
Surely you know that's a very common answer from the Right.
And?.....Get packing....
Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.
Only by fatheads like you. Get out of mom's basement and get a job, slacker.
I have a job, I just got back from work actually, don't see why my personal life has any relevance to the reality of wage slavery. I don't think the sweatshop workers in India want to barely scrape by, but it's either work a shitty job, in horrid conditions with little to no labor rights and laughable wages, or be homeless/starve/lack money to get clothing for your kids/etc..
That's INDIA......Who cares....Unless of course you believe the US should be the world's wage police force
Bingo! Cuba is the model for modern Progressive Democrats. Total equality (except the big shots of course). Everyone is poor and miserable and is guaranteed the same shitty 3rd world health care. They drive 50 year old cars and their technology basically stopped in the 1960s. Their biggest exports are cigars, sugar, and communist revolution.
That's what we need more of here!
Not at all, I could post a huge number of countries with other vacation days, I chose cuba, and let me tell you, no democrats or progressives want to model Cuba, however, as someone who examines history, I hold a fair critique, make sure to do proper analysis and comparisons, and this leads me to recognize that Cuba has had massive improvements when it took the revolutionary Leninist path, unlike capitalist Haiti, which is slumped compare to cuba. Shitty 3rd world healthcare? What is cuba's life expectancy? Infant mortality? Get back to me. They drive 50 year old cars because they don't really have anyone to trade with, do they, the world decides to shut them off, although the special period with the USSR really fucked them up, they got through it.
Bullshit, ever word.

Virtually ever other nation trades with Cuba. When I was in England I was able to buy Cuban cigars. They just dont have anything because they are an economic disaster. If the Soviets hadnt propped them up they would have disappeared in the 1970s.
Capitalist Haiti? Surely you jest.
Get out of mom's basement and get a job. Go to college and get an education.
Yeah, I'm sure to trust that website over actual facts, don't see the website backing up its claims, just fear mongering bullshit as usual. Almost no one traded with cuba for decades, apart from other communist states, this wasn't good for cuba. Haiti is capitalist, dominated by imperialism, and the haitians are suffering. Keep throwing out personal attacks, make yourself feel better.
You didnt read any of it. Of this I am certain. Anything that contradicts your little world view is immediately dismissed.
You are a communist stooge. When the revolution comes you will be put up against the wall and shot.
I did read it, it didn't provide any evidence at all. No, I make sure to address all points, I respond to every post made against me, and make sure to have a strong critique of everything. A communist stooge? I'm a democratic socialist.
No you make sure you have a bunch of complaining to post.
... billions of people in poverty are suffering.

Due entirely to the socialists that made them that way.
Are you kidding me? Let's ignore colonialism, imperialism, wage slavery, etc, etc.. Oh, by the way, if you want to talk about socialism and poverty, you will be surprised at the realities of socialism and poverty, if you want to call self proclaimed socialist states as following "socialism." Hugo? Reduced extreme poverty. Castro's? Reduced extreme poverty. Salvador allende in Chili? Vladimir Lenin? (Literacy, education, women's rights, healthcare, life expectancy, infant mortality, food intake, housing, etc, etc, etc..)
Yes, Venezuela. There's a success story! People rioting because they cant buy toilet paper. We need more of that in America!
Venezuela looks like they have finally run out of other people's money.
Venezuela was doing alright until the falling oil prices, and you can deny facts all you want, but after Hugo, extreme poverty was reduced, literacy increased, infant mortality decreased, housing increased, food intake increased, etc, etc.. Venezuela isn't perfect, but for a country in Latin america that was funneling previous oil funds into the pockets of a few, it's an improvement. I watch venezuela with interest these days. Although, if I pointed at haiti, a capitalist state, and showed you the lack of basic needs in haiti, would you blame capitalism?
Ok....So those protesters are just evil capitalist rabble rousers....Got it.
... billions of people in poverty are suffering.

Due entirely to the socialists that made them that way.
Are you kidding me? Let's ignore colonialism, imperialism, wage slavery, etc, etc.. Oh, by the way, if you want to talk about socialism and poverty, you will be surprised at the realities of socialism and poverty...

No... LOL! I wouldn't The two terms are synonymous.

Look clown... socialism does not promote production... it discourages it. Reduced production reduces the 'product', which reduces the resources that stem from such, which increases poverty.

It's not a complex equation, just one which is beyond your starkly limited intellectual means.
That's more then two terms, it's a shame you have to resort to such... lack of rational discussion. Capitalism only promotes innovation if it's profitable, if it's not profitable to innovate, it doesn't happen, and socialism does promote production, why would it discourage it? Bullshit, look at poverty numbers before and after self proclaimed socialist states took power. I go off of facts, you clearly don't.
No business owner that wants to stay in business would deliberately invest in a sure loser.
How is it that you find that to be a concept foreign to you?

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