Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

Bernie Sanders Free Vacation For Everyone - Daniel Davis

Bernie Sanders has introduced legislation that would take America one large step closer to European social democracy. The bill would require all businesses with 15 or more workers to provide two weeks of paid vacation for all employees that have been employed for over one year. The requirement would even apply for part-time workers who work an average of 24 hours per week.

"This is already done in almost every other major country on earth," said Sanders in remarks on the Senate floor Thursday. "If families are overworked and if husbands and wives do not even have the time to spend together with their least for two weeks a year, people can come together under a relaxed environment and enjoy the family."

Of course, Bernie has plans for those workers who get squeezed out of the private sector. He has massive infrastructure-building plans that make FDR look like a fiscal hawk, which would balloon the public sector to unprecedented levels.


The funny thing is how things like this will work on the gullible and the useful idiots, and we all know who that is.
Paid vacations and sick time have been shown to not only retain employees, but improve their job performance. Without these benefits, morale is low and productivity suffers. You also run the risk of spreading illness in the food industry without them.

Why you morons don't see the need to fix our infrastructure system absolutely blows my mind.
No shit...That's why most employers offer paid time off.....
Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.
Actually, it's called 'none of your business'. 'Wage slavery' is just another jingoistic creation to stir up disputes and trouble.
Tell that to the sweatshop workers, the miners in africa, the factory workers in china.. You either work to get food, or suffer.
Limit your comments as they apply to THIS country. The affairs of other countries are sovereign.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
Your two statements are mutually exclusive.
And quite confused.
And you're wrong....Compensation IS a contract between the employer and the employee. If the employee is unhappy with his compensation, they are free to explore other opportunities. We also have wage and hour laws which are at the end of the day are good law because there are crooks among us.
One the other hand you lefties believe ALL employers are looking to rob, cheat and steal from their employees.
Funny thing is, most theft from employers is perpetrated by employees. Time theft being the largest of all.

Most are. It is a simple fact of life in this country. If you don't pay your employees a living wage, you don't have a call to whine and complain if they cheat on their time sheets even though you may have a legal right to do so.
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

And where would that be? North Korea?
Scandinavia, britain, canada, etc.. Quit spewing bullshit. Measuring many different things, of course, and using context, we can throw in alot of others. Healthcare? Happiness? Education? Literacy? Etc, Etc..
Then pick on and GO......Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
And don't forget to stop and see the Padre. He'll punch your ticket for you.
Surely you know that's a very common answer from the Right.
And?.....Get packing....
Nativism. Last refuge of the RW moron. We're turning your RW ship of crap around, and you'll be the one leavng lol. Try Haiti- they've got your kind of capitalism, hater dupe. Take your RW bigot pals with you.
Greece is about to default on a rather significant payment. As a result, global financial markets are jittery. Most likely we have a too big to fail issue and Greece will get some kind of reprieve...

Greece is to be made an example lest other dead-weight Euro members choose to try their deadbeat tactics.

...Greece is a perfect example of why it is disingenuous for a nation to allow its citizens to vote themselves more and higher amounts of government handouts.

This Greek Tragedy is indeed a lesson for all and we now have a name and definition for it:
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers
And where would that be? North Korea?
Scandinavia, britain, canada, etc.. Quit spewing bullshit. Measuring many different things, of course, and using context, we can throw in alot of others. Healthcare? Happiness? Education? Literacy? Etc, Etc..
Then pick on and GO......Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
And don't forget to stop and see the Padre. He'll punch your ticket for you.
Surely you know that's a very common answer from the Right.
And?.....Get packing....
Nativism. Last refuge of the RW moron. We're turning your RW ship of crap around, and you'll be the one leavng lol. Try Haiti- they've got your kind of capitalism, hater dupe. Take your RW bigot pals with you.

Ladies and gentlemen !!!!

All gather 'round!!

We have a new winner of the "Most Useless Post of the Week" Award!!

I think this is the 142nd time he's won it. It's good to have a skill.
Greece is about to default on a rather significant payment. As a result, global financial markets are jittery. Most likely we have a too big to fail issue and Greece will get some kind of reprieve...

Greece is to be made an example lest other dead-weight Euro members choose to try their deadbeat tactics.

...Greece is a perfect example of why it is disingenuous for a nation to allow its citizens to vote themselves more and higher amounts of government handouts.

This Greek Tragedy is indeed a lesson for all and we now have a name and definition for it:
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers

That sounds a lot like the Republican party.
Greece is about to default on a rather significant payment. As a result, global financial markets are jittery. Most likely we have a too big to fail issue and Greece will get some kind of reprieve...

Greece is to be made an example lest other dead-weight Euro members choose to try their deadbeat tactics.

...Greece is a perfect example of why it is disingenuous for a nation to allow its citizens to vote themselves more and higher amounts of government handouts.

This Greek Tragedy is indeed a lesson for all and we now have a name and definition for it:
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers

That sounds a lot like the Republican party.

Sounds a lot like ... you.
So, it's exactly the way the democrats want America to be, then - it is the Socialist dream...

It never has occured to them that the country was created as we want it to be. Those assholes came along trying to "change it" and have done nothing but fuck it all up. Why can't those assholes go to a place where they'd be happier?
Most are. It is a simple fact of life in this country. If you don't pay your employees a living wage, you don't have a call to whine and complain if they cheat on their time sheets even though you may have a legal right to do so.

I forget Comrade, does a "living wage" include a 90" 4K flat screen in every room, or just a 70"? Obviously those who are too poor to trade their iPhone 5 for a Galaxy 6 edge are not paid a living wage..
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
Your two statements are mutually exclusive.
And quite confused.
And you're wrong....Compensation IS a contract between the employer and the employee. If the employee is unhappy with his compensation, they are free to explore other opportunities. We also have wage and hour laws which are at the end of the day are good law because there are crooks among us.
One the other hand you lefties believe ALL employers are looking to rob, cheat and steal from their employees.
Funny thing is, most theft from employers is perpetrated by employees. Time theft being the largest of all.

Most are. It is a simple fact of life in this country. If you don't pay your employees a living wage, you don't have a call to whine and complain if they cheat on their time sheets even though you may have a legal right to do so.
BS. Someone cheats on their timesheet and the employer has every "call" to fire them.
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
Your two statements are mutually exclusive.
And quite confused.
And you're wrong....Compensation IS a contract between the employer and the employee. If the employee is unhappy with his compensation, they are free to explore other opportunities. We also have wage and hour laws which are at the end of the day are good law because there are crooks among us.
One the other hand you lefties believe ALL employers are looking to rob, cheat and steal from their employees.
Funny thing is, most theft from employers is perpetrated by employees. Time theft being the largest of all.

Most are. It is a simple fact of life in this country. If you don't pay your employees a living wage, you don't have a call to whine and complain if they cheat on their time sheets even though you may have a legal right to do so.
BS. Someone cheats on their timesheet and the employer has every "call" to fire them.

As I said, they have every legal right, but don't have a moral right when they are cheating their employees to begin with.
Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
Your two statements are mutually exclusive.
And quite confused.
And you're wrong....Compensation IS a contract between the employer and the employee. If the employee is unhappy with his compensation, they are free to explore other opportunities. We also have wage and hour laws which are at the end of the day are good law because there are crooks among us.
One the other hand you lefties believe ALL employers are looking to rob, cheat and steal from their employees.
Funny thing is, most theft from employers is perpetrated by employees. Time theft being the largest of all.

Most are. It is a simple fact of life in this country. If you don't pay your employees a living wage, you don't have a call to whine and complain if they cheat on their time sheets even though you may have a legal right to do so.
BS. Someone cheats on their timesheet and the employer has every "call" to fire them.
As I said, they have every legal right, but don't have a moral right when they are cheating their employees to begin with.
You have every moral right to fire someone when they steal from you.
And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
Your two statements are mutually exclusive.
And quite confused.
And you're wrong....Compensation IS a contract between the employer and the employee. If the employee is unhappy with his compensation, they are free to explore other opportunities. We also have wage and hour laws which are at the end of the day are good law because there are crooks among us.
One the other hand you lefties believe ALL employers are looking to rob, cheat and steal from their employees.
Funny thing is, most theft from employers is perpetrated by employees. Time theft being the largest of all.

Most are. It is a simple fact of life in this country. If you don't pay your employees a living wage, you don't have a call to whine and complain if they cheat on their time sheets even though you may have a legal right to do so.
BS. Someone cheats on their timesheet and the employer has every "call" to fire them.
As I said, they have every legal right, but don't have a moral right when they are cheating their employees to begin with.
You have every moral right to fire someone when they steal from you.

And the workers have every right to petition the government to require a higher standard for minimum wage from the thiefs, erm, their employers.
Your two statements are mutually exclusive.
And quite confused.
And you're wrong....Compensation IS a contract between the employer and the employee. If the employee is unhappy with his compensation, they are free to explore other opportunities. We also have wage and hour laws which are at the end of the day are good law because there are crooks among us.
One the other hand you lefties believe ALL employers are looking to rob, cheat and steal from their employees.
Funny thing is, most theft from employers is perpetrated by employees. Time theft being the largest of all.

Most are. It is a simple fact of life in this country. If you don't pay your employees a living wage, you don't have a call to whine and complain if they cheat on their time sheets even though you may have a legal right to do so.
BS. Someone cheats on their timesheet and the employer has every "call" to fire them.
As I said, they have every legal right, but don't have a moral right when they are cheating their employees to begin with.
You have every moral right to fire someone when they steal from you.
And the workers have every right to petition the government to require a higher standard for minimum wage from the thiefs, erm, their employers.
So you agree that employers DO have a moral right to fire someone when they steal from the company.
Thank you.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?

And an employer might also claim that whether or not you get paid anything in compensation at all for your work is between you and he - except that it isn't. The government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of its people.
Your two statements are mutually exclusive.
And quite confused.
And you're wrong....Compensation IS a contract between the employer and the employee. If the employee is unhappy with his compensation, they are free to explore other opportunities. We also have wage and hour laws which are at the end of the day are good law because there are crooks among us.
One the other hand you lefties believe ALL employers are looking to rob, cheat and steal from their employees.
Funny thing is, most theft from employers is perpetrated by employees. Time theft being the largest of all.

Most are. It is a simple fact of life in this country. If you don't pay your employees a living wage, you don't have a call to whine and complain if they cheat on their time sheets even though you may have a legal right to do so.
What happened to the concept of a contract..Which a binding legal agreement between consenting adults?
The employer offers a certain wage. The applican agrees. Pretty simple.
One cannot go back and scream "do over" because he or she thinks the wage is insufficient.
And please, spare me the excuses people use.
" I have two kids" .....Can't help you. You signed an agreement
"I have rent" ...Can't help you. You signed an agreement.
"I want a new car"....Can't help you. You signed an agreement.
"My friend wants me to go on a vacation"...Can't help you. You signed an agreement.
In the world of big boy pants, that's how its done....
In the world of big boy pants, if a worker gets caught slacking because their panties are in a wad about their pay, they get fired. Done.

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