Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

Your quote is missing your dumbass insults that I was responding to...unbelievable the bad lessons the dupes learn from their bs propaganda...and no we don't admire Cuba's political system, just their social one on vacations DUH. Ay caramba. Arguing with angry functional morons...such a waste.
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And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Not a smart cookie are we? OUR as in EVERYONE WORKING taxes pays for it. Why are you OK with workers taxes going to warfare and foreign aid but not workers rights?
I'm not ok with workers taxes going to welfare and foreign aid.
Good then those taxes that go to that now can go towards THEM.
All I'm doing is showing the workers leave, that's it, I can just throw up Norway/the uk/etc if you want.

What I'm saying is there is no free lunch and all socialist gov'ts become far less attractive once they run out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to spend on YOUR favorite freebies. I guess next you'll tout the virtues of Greece and Syriza. Wait ... maybe not, eh?

That is making its way up the clueless post of the year...
UK has 28 days mandatory holidays and 9 public ones...
Now start again on your socialist crap...

I'm not certain what your point is but I don't take orders from raging idiots. The UK is not a socialist state but rather a welfare state where the means of production can be (and mostly is) privately owned and operated. The nature of the discussion was Socialist's favorable (yet ridiculous) comparison of Cuba and Venezuela to the US.
One of the wonderful rights we Americans enjoy is the right to relocate. I suggest you find a "Worker's Paradise" that satisfies your need for vacation time and move there.

Have the same right in EU (Europe)... The point I am making is in Europe they don't go on all day talking about family values but they get out and support the family. What they are doing is leveling the playing field... By introducing minimum standards they are raising the bar for families.

Look at Health and Safety from 40 years ago and look at the work place accidents now.

View attachment 42614
100 of thousands lives saved... Father and Mothers...

So the next time some one asks where are the parents, they are probably at work trying to keep there job.
You understand most of that is probably because the more dangerous manufacturing jobs have been replaced by less dangerous office jobs, right?

And technology has improved enormously to render many jobs safer and easier to do, and many pieces of equipment safer to use.
Every American can give themselves a week of paid vacation with this simple and easy to use plan:

1 - Save money so that you can not work for a week and still pay all your expenses.
2 - Take off for a week.

Employer doesn't have to give you the week off. Many employers don't want hassle of finding replacement staff.

Here in the real world, pretty much any employer will provide their employees with reasonable opportunities to take time off for vacations. It might not be paid, and there might be some blackout dates depending on your industry. But any manager worth two shits knows that people will need time off occasionally. An employer fails to do this will not retain employees very long.

But it is not legally obliged... You have no legal standing...

Ahh, yes. If the government doesn't mandate it and subsidize it, it JUST DOESN'T FUCKING HAPPEN. EVER! :rolleyes-41:
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...
Read this......Many Americans don't take enough time off even when it is made available to them...
We are a generally wasteful society.
We throw away too much food. We buy things we don't need and those things end up in places like good will, flea markets or garage sales.
We do the same thing with our paid time off.
Why Employees Don t Use Vacation Days - Business Insider

I don't consider it wasteful to not take paid vacation time, because most companies that offer it will also buy you out of unused time at the end of the year. If I can't afford to go anywhere anyway, it's really handy to have that extra chunk of money right around the holidays.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

And where would that be? North Korea?
Scandinavia, britain, canada, etc.. Quit spewing bullshit. Measuring many different things, of course, and using context, we can throw in alot of others. Healthcare? Happiness? Education? Literacy? Etc, Etc..
Then pick on and GO......Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
And don't forget to stop and see the Padre. He'll punch your ticket for you.
Surely you know that's a very common answer from the Right.

Because it's freaking OBVIOUS, and it's the most common thing leftists can't seem to grasp.
^^Mindless chump of greedy idiot billionaires...we're not going anywhere. Try Russia or Somalia if you like oligarchy lol...


You support "flat broke" Hillary, who can barely scrape together $500,000,000 out of petty cash... Don't feel TOO bad for her, Warren Buffet is willing to lend her a billion until her next payday.. Damned Chinese just drag the process out.

Hillary gives her speech fees to charity. You are misinformed. They had piles of legal fees in 2001 from defending themselves against total Pubcrappe for 10 years.
Hillary gives her speech fees to charity. You are misinformed. They had piles of legal fees in 2001 from defending themselves against total Pubcrappe for 10 years.

She gives her speech fees to HER charity, which has been conclusively proven to be not a real charity at all, but simply a slush fund for the Clintons. Puhleeze. If a Democrat told you sheep shit was a bouquet of roses, you'd have your nose buried in it, taking a big whiff.
If you spent 1/10 the time looking at POLICY that would help you and your friends and family as you do with stupid gossip and bs about people, you might not be a total chump of thieves- thieves thru policy. You dupes just get the best liars.
Hillary gives her speech fees to charity. You are misinformed. They had piles of legal fees in 2001 from defending themselves against total Pubcrappe for 10 years.

She gives her speech fees to HER charity, which has been conclusively proven to be not a real charity at all, but simply a slush fund for the Clintons. Puhleeze. If a Democrat told you sheep shit was a bouquet of roses, you'd have your nose buried in it, taking a big whiff.
BS, dupe. Country going to hell because of Pub policy, defended to the death, and you idiots try to arrest the Clintons because of gossip. Leave it to law enforcement. Who think you're nuts.
She gives her speech fees to HER charity, which has been conclusively proven to be not a real charity at all, but simply a slush fund for the Clintons. Puhleeze. If a Democrat told you sheep shit was a bouquet of roses, you'd have your nose buried in it, taking a big whiff.

The Clinton Foundation has not been proven to be anything but a charity. Its work in Africa has been praised and given awards. Suggestions that this charity are not legitimate are based on lies and innuendo. Even the author of the book questioning its legitimacy says he has NO PROOF.

For more than 20 years, right wingers have accused the Clintons of various illegal activities and the ONLY thing they were able to prove was that Bill lied under oath about a blow job.

Either Bill and Hillary are the smartest crooks who ever lived, able to hide in plain sight, and never get caught, or their enemies are just making shit up about them and repeating it endlessly until fools like you believe it's true.
She gives her speech fees to HER charity, which has been conclusively proven to be not a real charity at all, but simply a slush fund for the Clintons. Puhleeze. If a Democrat told you sheep shit was a bouquet of roses, you'd have your nose buried in it, taking a big whiff.

The Clinton Foundation has not been proven to be anything but a charity. Its work in Africa has been praised and given awards. Suggestions that this charity are not legitimate are based on lies and innuendo. Even the author of the book questioning its legitimacy says he has NO PROOF.

For more than 20 years, right wingers have accused the Clintons of various illegal activities and the ONLY thing they were able to prove was that Bill lied under oath about a blow job.

Either Bill and Hillary are the smartest crooks who ever lived, able to hide in plain sight, and never get caught, or their enemies are just making shit up about them and repeating it endlessly until fools like you believe it's true.
It's neither. The entitlement voters (who now make up half the population) don't care that they're criminals as long as they promise to keep the government assistance checks coming.
She gives her speech fees to HER charity, which has been conclusively proven to be not a real charity at all, but simply a slush fund for the Clintons. Puhleeze. If a Democrat told you sheep shit was a bouquet of roses, you'd have your nose buried in it, taking a big whiff.

The Clinton Foundation has not been proven to be anything but a charity. Its work in Africa has been praised and given awards. Suggestions that this charity are not legitimate are based on lies and innuendo. Even the author of the book questioning its legitimacy says he has NO PROOF.

For more than 20 years, right wingers have accused the Clintons of various illegal activities and the ONLY thing they were able to prove was that Bill lied under oath about a blow job.

Either Bill and Hillary are the smartest crooks who ever lived, able to hide in plain sight, and never get caught, or their enemies are just making shit up about them and repeating it endlessly until fools like you believe it's true.

Clinton foundation spent more than 50 mln in travel costs RT USA

Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State Dept. - The Washington Post

Clinton Foundation only gives 15 percent of donations to charities IRS concern - National Conservative

Charity watchdog Clinton Foundation a slush fund New York Post

I can only assume you're defining "not been proven" as "I don't want to know, because I want to pretend Hillary Clinton is Mother Theresa, I can't hear anything, :lalala:".

Don't talk to me about "She gives it all to charity, awww, how wonderful of her!" like she's going off to Calcutta to feed the poor with her own hands.

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