Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

Oh shit, this is gonna really work the greedy old fat white Republican dudes all up. The meltdowns should be very entertaining. Personally, i think he's onto something. Many countries in Europe already do it. In fact, they provide even longer mandatory Vacations. Seems pretty humane to me. So i'll give Sanders some props on this one.
Wait.... I thought you were a libertarian?
I can't be labeled. I go with what i think is right.
How is it "right" for the state to force companies to give workers a paid vacation?
We need to help our Workers more. They've been shit on for too many years. We need to start taking a more humane approach to working. That's just how i feel anyway.
Ah. Your "feelings". Got it.
I'm on a vacay right now. I'm in Wildwood NJ, by the beech. It's my forth day here, I leave wenesday. I can't wait to get out of here. I got a bad sun burn, the food sucks, I'm sick of the ocean. I was going to hit up Atlantic City for a night, but now I just want to go home. I miss reading the NY Post, sleepING in my bed, and most of all my air conditioner.
Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

He's not pushing to give Americans anything.

He's pushing to forcibly take money away from people who earn it, and transfer it to people who didn't.

He's just being his usual socialistic, unconstitutional self.
Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

He's not pushing to give Americans anything.

He's pushing to forcibly take money away from people who earn it, and transfer it to people who didn't.

He's just being his usual socialistic, unconstitutional self.

People seem to like him. I think they like him better than the greedy angry fat white dudes who run your Party. What are they doing for American Workers? I mean, besides paying em shit wages, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing em with Illegal Aliens for Slave Labor. Why would an American Worker vote for you guys at this point?
Nah, that's just you trying to label me. But like i said, i can't be labeled. I'm not beholden to any specific political ideology or Party. I'm free.

You think you can't be labeled because you blow with whatever prevailing wind comes along, but the reality is that such a position has a label - populism.
People seem to like him.

He promises to steal from some, and give to others. Those he plans to share the take with, like him. His intended victims, not so much.

I think they like him better than the greedy angry fat white dudes who run your Party. What are they doing for American Workers? I mean, besides paying em shit wages, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing em with Illegal Aliens for Slave Labor. Why would an American Worker vote for you guys at this point?

The biggest crime I have seen against American workers is that of far left Disney in firing workers to hire foreign nationals at a lower rate. This little shitpile is one hatched and grown by the Communists you have jumped in bed with.

I know you want free shit, I know the Communists have promised you free shit, but nothing is actually free. When Communists steal from producers, they stop producing. You may be convinced that government is the answer to every problem, but it really isn't.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
List of statutory minimum employment leave by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Take a guess, it's not hard. Also, this only applies to employers with a minimum of 15 employees.

The consumer prices will rise. Which will further make overseas manufacturing more affordable for corporations.

I'm all for factions but there is a cause and effect to everything that is done. It needs to be thought through. To offer benefits with no options, it will kill businesses.
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...
Read this......Many Americans don't take enough time off even when it is made available to them...
We are a generally wasteful society.
We throw away too much food. We buy things we don't need and those things end up in places like good will, flea markets or garage sales.
We do the same thing with our paid time off.
Why Employees Don t Use Vacation Days - Business Insider

I don't consider it wasteful to not take paid vacation time, because most companies that offer it will also buy you out of unused time at the end of the year. If I can't afford to go anywhere anyway, it's really handy to have that extra chunk of money right around the holidays.
My wife works for a large bank which swallowed up a large bank...
The 'swallowee' allowed employees to carry over up to one week of PTO and "sell" one week of PTO per year....The even BIGGER bank that did the munching, allows none of this. The policy is "use it or lose it"....
A friend works for a large telco, which was bought out by a larger company also lost the ability to 'sell' vacation time back...
It's pretty common to find most firms while liberal with extending PTO or vacation time to their employees, also expect the employees to use all of the time allotted or they lose it.
My wife works for a large bank which swallowed up a large bank...
The 'swallowee' allowed employees to carry over up to one week of PTO and "sell" one week of PTO per year....The even BIGGER bank that did the munching, allows none of this. The policy is "use it or lose it"....
A friend works for a large telco, which was bought out by a larger company also lost the ability to 'sell' vacation time back...
It's pretty common to find most firms while liberal with extending PTO or vacation time to their employees, also expect the employees to use all of the time allotted or they lose it.

"Use it or lose it" is not legal.

The institution must either accrue or buy out unused vacation. The employer can mandate the employee take vacation at a specified time - IE they can say you are off the 2nd week of August, but they cannot simple wipe out earned hours.

Vacation Leave Law Summaries - Employment Law Handbook
People seem to like him.
He promises to steal from some, and give to others. Those he plans to share the take with, like him. His intended victims, not so much.
And people who object in principle to a thief being in charge of the police (that's government) also don't like him.

Some of us think that the role of government is to STOP people from taking our stuff for illegitimate purposes.

When government starts doing the taking themselves, we have a problem. We should avoid that problem by not electing Sanders (or Hillary or Jeb or anyone who thinks it's OK for government to do that) in the first place.

Jefferson had it right when he wrote

"... to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men....
.... whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it....
.... when a long train of abuses and usurpations... evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Is it any surprise that this is NOT taught in our public schools any more?
My wife works for a large bank which swallowed up a large bank...
The 'swallowee' allowed employees to carry over up to one week of PTO and "sell" one week of PTO per year....The even BIGGER bank that did the munching, allows none of this. The policy is "use it or lose it"....
A friend works for a large telco, which was bought out by a larger company also lost the ability to 'sell' vacation time back...
It's pretty common to find most firms while liberal with extending PTO or vacation time to their employees, also expect the employees to use all of the time allotted or they lose it.

"Use it or lose it" is not legal.

The institution must either accrue or buy out unused vacation. The employer can mandate the employee take vacation at a specified time - IE they can say you are off the 2nd week of August, but they cannot simple wipe out earned hours.

Vacation Leave Law Summaries - Employment Law Handbook
That varies from state to state....In any event, this is why the concept of separate 'vacation' 'sick' and 'bereavement' days have been largely eliminated from the private sector. These are now called Paid time off or PTO days...This is time an employee may use for any reason except calling in sick. Many companies now require an employee seek medical attention for 'excessive' use of sick time.
BTW, vacation time is not "earned". Vacation time is 'assigned'. Usually by the length of tenure with the company. As with other employer concessions, vacation time is a fringe benefit. Not an entitlement. Employers are under no obligation to offer paid vacation time.
However, the right thing to do is offer it.
My wife works for a large bank which swallowed up a large bank...
The 'swallowee' allowed employees to carry over up to one week of PTO and "sell" one week of PTO per year....The even BIGGER bank that did the munching, allows none of this. The policy is "use it or lose it"....
A friend works for a large telco, which was bought out by a larger company also lost the ability to 'sell' vacation time back...
It's pretty common to find most firms while liberal with extending PTO or vacation time to their employees, also expect the employees to use all of the time allotted or they lose it.

"Use it or lose it" is not legal.

The institution must either accrue or buy out unused vacation. The employer can mandate the employee take vacation at a specified time - IE they can say you are off the 2nd week of August, but they cannot simple wipe out earned hours.

Vacation Leave Law Summaries - Employment Law Handbook
I looked over the info in your link.....I think you may have misunderstood. The laws provide for accrued vacation pay to employees separating from the employer. Some states allow employers to deny pay for accrued vacation time if the separation was 'for cause'..
I have been employed in 4 states. Two in the northeast, two in the south east. In each case, use it or lose it was company policy.
Nah, that's just you trying to label me. But like i said, i can't be labeled. I'm not beholden to any specific political ideology or Party. I'm free.

You think you can't be labeled because you blow with whatever prevailing wind comes along, but the reality is that such a position has a label - populism.

You're incorrect. But hey, if that label makes you feel better, that's cool.
People seem to like him.

He promises to steal from some, and give to others. Those he plans to share the take with, like him. His intended victims, not so much.

I think they like him better than the greedy angry fat white dudes who run your Party. What are they doing for American Workers? I mean, besides paying em shit wages, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing em with Illegal Aliens for Slave Labor. Why would an American Worker vote for you guys at this point?

The biggest crime I have seen against American workers is that of far left Disney in firing workers to hire foreign nationals at a lower rate. This little shitpile is one hatched and grown by the Communists you have jumped in bed with.

I know you want free shit, I know the Communists have promised you free shit, but nothing is actually free. When Communists steal from producers, they stop producing. You may be convinced that government is the answer to every problem, but it really isn't.

Still, you angry greedy white Republican dudes aren't offering them a viable alternative. All they see from you guys is, shitty wages, Outsourcing jobs, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

You're not giving American Workers any reason to support you. Sanders is offering something that shows he cares. That'll go a long way with workers.
People seem to like him.
He promises to steal from some, and give to others. Those he plans to share the take with, like him. His intended victims, not so much.
And people who object in principle to a thief being in charge of the police (that's government) also don't like him.

Some of us think that the role of government is to STOP people from taking our stuff for illegitimate purposes.

When government starts doing the taking themselves, we have a problem. We should avoid that problem by not electing Sanders (or Hillary or Jeb or anyone who thinks it's OK for government to do that) in the first place.

Jefferson had it right when he wrote

"... to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men....
.... whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it....
.... when a long train of abuses and usurpations... evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Is it any surprise that this is NOT taught in our public schools any more?

Jefferson actually owned slaves. He also often raped them. Are you so sure you wanna count on him for advice on how to treat workers? Let's see, go with you and a guy who owned and raped slaves? Or go with Sanders? Pretty easy decision for workers.
Oh lordy, I'll be damned. White privilege? Is that some new kind of moonshine? Wait till the fellers hear this!
Yup, that's where you have the privilege of not driving or walking or running while black.

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