Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...
Read this......Many Americans don't take enough time off even when it is made available to them...
We are a generally wasteful society.
We throw away too much food. We buy things we don't need and those things end up in places like good will, flea markets or garage sales.
We do the same thing with our paid time off.
Why Employees Don t Use Vacation Days - Business Insider

I don't consider it wasteful to not take paid vacation time, because most companies that offer it will also buy you out of unused time at the end of the year. If I can't afford to go anywhere anyway, it's really handy to have that extra chunk of money right around the holidays.
My wife works for a large bank which swallowed up a large bank...
The 'swallowee' allowed employees to carry over up to one week of PTO and "sell" one week of PTO per year....The even BIGGER bank that did the munching, allows none of this. The policy is "use it or lose it"....
A friend works for a large telco, which was bought out by a larger company also lost the ability to 'sell' vacation time back...
It's pretty common to find most firms while liberal with extending PTO or vacation time to their employees, also expect the employees to use all of the time allotted or they lose it.

For the sorts of places I've worked in recent years, they would rather buy you out, because they'd just as soon you not go on vacation if you're at all inclined to show up and work instead. I don't even remember the last time I worked for some place that had a "use it or lose it" policy.
Still, you angry greedy white Republican dudes aren't offering them a viable alternative. All they see from you guys is, shitty wages, Outsourcing jobs, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

You're not giving American Workers any reason to support you. Sanders is offering something that shows he cares. That'll go a long way with workers.

I'm actually a Libertarian. I realize that the democrats tell you that there are the pure who blindly follow and obey the party, and the infidels who are Republicans. All Infidels are Republican, regardless of what they say - there are the faithful and there are Republicans, nothing else.

The funny thing is, you have "Paul" in your ID as if you had some sort of affiliation with Republican Ron Paul. Of course he is a Libertarian and promotes what I promote, Capitalism and limited government - you are "Anti-Paul" in your positions. Maybe the mods will help you change your name to "Obamatician?"
Still, you angry greedy white Republican dudes aren't offering them a viable alternative. All they see from you guys is, shitty wages, Outsourcing jobs, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

You're not giving American Workers any reason to support you. Sanders is offering something that shows he cares. That'll go a long way with workers.

I'm actually a Libertarian. I realize that the democrats tell you that there are the pure who blindly follow and obey the party, and the infidels who are Republicans. All Infidels are Republican, regardless of what they say - there are the faithful and there are Republicans, nothing else.

The funny thing is, you have "Paul" in your ID as if you had some sort of affiliation with Republican Ron Paul. Of course he is a Libertarian and promotes what I promote, Capitalism and limited government - you are "Anti-Paul" in your positions. Maybe the mods will help you change your name to "Obamatician?"

Still like the Good Doctor. Only honest Politician in America. But i disagree with him on some issues. I'm not a Libertarian. I can't be labeled. I'm not beholden to any specific political ideology or Party. I just go with what i feel is right. And i'm not sure you can change your username without creating a new account. I'll look into it though.
People seem to like him.

He promises to steal from some, and give to others. Those he plans to share the take with, like him. His intended victims, not so much.

I think they like him better than the greedy angry fat white dudes who run your Party. What are they doing for American Workers? I mean, besides paying em shit wages, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing em with Illegal Aliens for Slave Labor. Why would an American Worker vote for you guys at this point?

The biggest crime I have seen against American workers is that of far left Disney in firing workers to hire foreign nationals at a lower rate. This little shitpile is one hatched and grown by the Communists you have jumped in bed with.

I know you want free shit, I know the Communists have promised you free shit, but nothing is actually free. When Communists steal from producers, they stop producing. You may be convinced that government is the answer to every problem, but it really isn't.

Still, you angry greedy white Republican dudes aren't offering them a viable alternative. All they see from you guys is, shitty wages, Outsourcing jobs, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

You're not giving American Workers any reason to support you. Sanders is offering something that shows he cares. That'll go a long way with workers.

No, it goes along way with slackers.
Still like the Good Doctor.

Glad you do, but his views are fairly similar to mine -which means they are severely different than yours.

Only honest Politician in America. But i disagree with him on some issues. I'm not a Libertarian.[

You're a populist - whatever is popular at any given movement - no actual foundational beliefs.

I can't be labeled. I'm not beholden to any specific political ideology or Party. I just go with what i feel is right. And i'm not sure you can change your username without creating a new account. I'll look into it though.

That is the definition of a populist.

  1. Populism is a political doctrine that appeals to the interests and conceptions (such as hopes and fears) of the general people, especially contrasting those interests with the interests of the elite.
People seem to like him.

He promises to steal from some, and give to others. Those he plans to share the take with, like him. His intended victims, not so much.

I think they like him better than the greedy angry fat white dudes who run your Party. What are they doing for American Workers? I mean, besides paying em shit wages, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing em with Illegal Aliens for Slave Labor. Why would an American Worker vote for you guys at this point?

The biggest crime I have seen against American workers is that of far left Disney in firing workers to hire foreign nationals at a lower rate. This little shitpile is one hatched and grown by the Communists you have jumped in bed with.

I know you want free shit, I know the Communists have promised you free shit, but nothing is actually free. When Communists steal from producers, they stop producing. You may be convinced that government is the answer to every problem, but it really isn't.

Still, you angry greedy white Republican dudes aren't offering them a viable alternative. All they see from you guys is, shitty wages, Outsourcing jobs, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

You're not giving American Workers any reason to support you. Sanders is offering something that shows he cares. That'll go a long way with workers.
Hey, newsflash...Sanders has NO CHANCE...
One day I'd like you to accompany me to the track. I'd have you point out the long shot horses you like and then I'd know which ones to toss from any betting consideration.
Sanders is resonating with may one half of one percent of the workers in the country.
Greedy white republicans? Are you another one of these spineless self loathing Caucasians?
Oh, why should it be up to any one to "give" low skill workers any more in wages than they deserve?
Its unanimous, if you think your being fucked in America then migrate? Time to purchase your one way ticket and hit he road Jack, nirvana is awaiting!
I had friends that moved to Canada during the day, they had the courage and conviction to make a decision and live by it. Only a small few returned. Those that were true to their belief have made great lives for themselves, regardless of Fords amnesty program stayed the course, however, in today's world talk is cheap, courage to live by their convictions is non existent.
Worker vacations isn't "free stuff". Workers who take vacations are more productive, get sick less, and are more loyal. Employers who provide vacation time to their employees aren't doing because they're good guys and gals (although they may be good guys and gals), they're doing it because they get a benefit from having happier, healthier, more productive employees, who aren't out looking for another job.

It's a concept called "enlightened self-interest". Something idiots don't comprehend.
People seem to like him.

He promises to steal from some, and give to others. Those he plans to share the take with, like him. His intended victims, not so much.

I think they like him better than the greedy angry fat white dudes who run your Party. What are they doing for American Workers? I mean, besides paying em shit wages, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing em with Illegal Aliens for Slave Labor. Why would an American Worker vote for you guys at this point?

The biggest crime I have seen against American workers is that of far left Disney in firing workers to hire foreign nationals at a lower rate. This little shitpile is one hatched and grown by the Communists you have jumped in bed with.

I know you want free shit, I know the Communists have promised you free shit, but nothing is actually free. When Communists steal from producers, they stop producing. You may be convinced that government is the answer to every problem, but it really isn't.

Still, you angry greedy white Republican dudes aren't offering them a viable alternative. All they see from you guys is, shitty wages, Outsourcing jobs, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

You're not giving American Workers any reason to support you. Sanders is offering something that shows he cares. That'll go a long way with workers.

No, it goes along way with slackers.

Yes, people who are working hard trying to get by, are 'slackers.' Boy, you angry greedy white dudes really are too dumb to realize you're risking losing the American Worker-Vote forever. You criticize and insult those working hard, and you criticize and insult those not working and milking Entitlements. So with you guys, it's a 'Damned if you do, Damned if you don't' mentality.

You're just too hateful and greedy at this point. American Workers can't support you. You offer them nothing but misery. Obviously they'll go with Sanders and others who aren't so hostile and hateful towards them.
Still like the Good Doctor.

Glad you do, but his views are fairly similar to mine -which means they are severely different than yours.

Only honest Politician in America. But i disagree with him on some issues. I'm not a Libertarian.[

You're a populist - whatever is popular at any given movement - no actual foundational beliefs.

I can't be labeled. I'm not beholden to any specific political ideology or Party. I just go with what i feel is right. And i'm not sure you can change your username without creating a new account. I'll look into it though.

That is the definition of a populist.

  1. Populism is a political doctrine that appeals to the interests and conceptions (such as hopes and fears) of the general people, especially contrasting those interests with the interests of the elite.

Nah, that's just you desperately trying to label me. But you can give it up. It won't happen. I'm free.
People seem to like him.

He promises to steal from some, and give to others. Those he plans to share the take with, like him. His intended victims, not so much.

I think they like him better than the greedy angry fat white dudes who run your Party. What are they doing for American Workers? I mean, besides paying em shit wages, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing em with Illegal Aliens for Slave Labor. Why would an American Worker vote for you guys at this point?

The biggest crime I have seen against American workers is that of far left Disney in firing workers to hire foreign nationals at a lower rate. This little shitpile is one hatched and grown by the Communists you have jumped in bed with.

I know you want free shit, I know the Communists have promised you free shit, but nothing is actually free. When Communists steal from producers, they stop producing. You may be convinced that government is the answer to every problem, but it really isn't.

Still, you angry greedy white Republican dudes aren't offering them a viable alternative. All they see from you guys is, shitty wages, Outsourcing jobs, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

You're not giving American Workers any reason to support you. Sanders is offering something that shows he cares. That'll go a long way with workers.
Hey, newsflash...Sanders has NO CHANCE...
One day I'd like you to accompany me to the track. I'd have you point out the long shot horses you like and then I'd know which ones to toss from any betting consideration.
Sanders is resonating with may one half of one percent of the workers in the country.
Greedy white republicans? Are you another one of these spineless self loathing Caucasians?
Oh, why should it be up to any one to "give" low skill workers any more in wages than they deserve?

You might be surprised. He may actually have more of a chance than most of the milquetoast dummies you guys are offering up for 2016. Hey yeah, let's throw another greedy angry white dude out there. Real original. Way to inspire.

Seriously, you guys better reassess your hostility and hatred for American Workers. You may lose their support forever. And you angry old white Republican dudes need all the support you can get. Your numbers are rapidly dwindling. You're going extinct.
Worker vacations isn't "free stuff". Workers who take vacations are more productive, get sick less, and are more loyal. Employers who provide vacation time to their employees aren't doing because they're good guys and gals (although they may be good guys and gals), they're doing it because they get a benefit from having happier, healthier, more productive employees, who aren't out looking for another job.

It's a concept called "enlightened self-interest". Something idiots don't comprehend.
All true......Your point?
People seem to like him.

He promises to steal from some, and give to others. Those he plans to share the take with, like him. His intended victims, not so much.

I think they like him better than the greedy angry fat white dudes who run your Party. What are they doing for American Workers? I mean, besides paying em shit wages, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing em with Illegal Aliens for Slave Labor. Why would an American Worker vote for you guys at this point?

The biggest crime I have seen against American workers is that of far left Disney in firing workers to hire foreign nationals at a lower rate. This little shitpile is one hatched and grown by the Communists you have jumped in bed with.

I know you want free shit, I know the Communists have promised you free shit, but nothing is actually free. When Communists steal from producers, they stop producing. You may be convinced that government is the answer to every problem, but it really isn't.

Still, you angry greedy white Republican dudes aren't offering them a viable alternative. All they see from you guys is, shitty wages, Outsourcing jobs, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

You're not giving American Workers any reason to support you. Sanders is offering something that shows he cares. That'll go a long way with workers.
Hey, newsflash...Sanders has NO CHANCE...
One day I'd like you to accompany me to the track. I'd have you point out the long shot horses you like and then I'd know which ones to toss from any betting consideration.
Sanders is resonating with may one half of one percent of the workers in the country.
Greedy white republicans? Are you another one of these spineless self loathing Caucasians?
Oh, why should it be up to any one to "give" low skill workers any more in wages than they deserve?

You might be surprised. He may actually have more of a chance than most of the milquetoast dummies you guys are offering up for 2016. Hey yeah, let's throw another greedy angry white dude out there. Real original. Way to inspire.

Seriously, you guys better reassess your hostility and hatred for American Workers. You may lose their support forever. And you angry old white Republican dudes need all the support you can get. Your numbers are rapidly dwindling. You're going extinct.
Once again...Bernie Sanders has about as much of a chance at winning the White House as Barry Sanders.
"Hostility and hatred toward American workers"?.....Where?
Where did you get the idea that all GOP voters are 'old angry white dudes'?...
Your self loathing guilt complex is in full bloom....
I suppose you're going to start spouting off another lib narrative...."white privilege"?
I find it amazing how the blame gets tossed about for the ever increasing racial divide in this country. The main cause of it is......Self hating Caucasian liberals and moderates.
Don't place your irrational guilt on me....Take it to the nearest dark room and hide in there with it. Nobody cares.
People seem to like him.

He promises to steal from some, and give to others. Those he plans to share the take with, like him. His intended victims, not so much.

I think they like him better than the greedy angry fat white dudes who run your Party. What are they doing for American Workers? I mean, besides paying em shit wages, Outsourcing their jobs whenever possible, and replacing em with Illegal Aliens for Slave Labor. Why would an American Worker vote for you guys at this point?

The biggest crime I have seen against American workers is that of far left Disney in firing workers to hire foreign nationals at a lower rate. This little shitpile is one hatched and grown by the Communists you have jumped in bed with.

I know you want free shit, I know the Communists have promised you free shit, but nothing is actually free. When Communists steal from producers, they stop producing. You may be convinced that government is the answer to every problem, but it really isn't.

Still, you angry greedy white Republican dudes aren't offering them a viable alternative. All they see from you guys is, shitty wages, Outsourcing jobs, and replacing them with Illegals for Slave Labor.

You're not giving American Workers any reason to support you. Sanders is offering something that shows he cares. That'll go a long way with workers.
Hey, newsflash...Sanders has NO CHANCE...
One day I'd like you to accompany me to the track. I'd have you point out the long shot horses you like and then I'd know which ones to toss from any betting consideration.
Sanders is resonating with may one half of one percent of the workers in the country.
Greedy white republicans? Are you another one of these spineless self loathing Caucasians?
Oh, why should it be up to any one to "give" low skill workers any more in wages than they deserve?

You might be surprised. He may actually have more of a chance than most of the milquetoast dummies you guys are offering up for 2016. Hey yeah, let's throw another greedy angry white dude out there. Real original. Way to inspire.

Seriously, you guys better reassess your hostility and hatred for American Workers. You may lose their support forever. And you angry old white Republican dudes need all the support you can get. Your numbers are rapidly dwindling. You're going extinct.
Once again...Bernie Sanders has about as much of a chance at winning the White House as Barry Sanders.
"Hostility and hatred toward American workers"?.....Where?
Where did you get the idea that all GOP voters are 'old angry white dudes'?...
Your self loathing guilt complex is in full bloom....
I suppose you're going to start spouting off another lib narrative...."white privilege"?
I find it amazing how the blame gets tossed about for the ever increasing racial divide in this country. The main cause of it is......Self hating Caucasian liberals and moderates.
Don't place your irrational guilt on me....Take it to the nearest dark room and hide in there with it. Nobody cares.

If Sanders ran against any in your gang of angry hateful white dunces, he would have a good chance of winning. Let's see, he's offering to help out struggling workers with some Vacation time. Meanwhile, you angry greedy white Republican dudes are offering em more shitty wages, Outsourcing of their jobs, and replacing em with Illegals for Slave Labor. Not a hard decision for American Workers. You guys are out.
If we want workers to work better don't give them a paid vacation. Give a whip on their backs. How the great pyramids got built. :)

"You're laborers. You're supposed to be laboring. That's what you get for not having an education." - "Real Genius"
If we want workers to work better don't give them a paid vacation. Give a whip on their backs. How the great pyramids got built. :)

"You're laborers. You're supposed to be laboring. That's what you get for not having an education." - "Real Genius"

Labourers are not slaves. If you think this is how you get production, you're sadly mistaken. You deserve the kind of shitty work you're going to get from your employees.

People like you are the reason why vacations need to be mandated.

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