Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

I like Bernie Sanders. I don't agree with most of his views, but I think he's a man of principle. If I had to choose between him and Hillary, I would vote for him.
Sorry, you're a typical American voter who doesn't investigate the issues, gets the best GOP liar/con man/rich numbskull. I like Sanders too, but he's not electable, and he and Hillary differ only in that Hillary understands what measures don't scare the public, at least when the fear mongering Pub propaganda gets started...see sig last line.
The way wages are declining nobody will go anywhere anyway. Pay me more I work harder. Pay me less I do less. The WAY IT SHOULD BE.
You're not alone, just typical actually, - also, poorly paid consumers can't supply demand. Can't afford a new boat lol- and (OP) don't have long enough vacations to really SEE the world. Americans are so worn out they just want to lie on a beach- or is that their level of liberal arts education... Yup, we're a mess. A Reaganist mess.
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...
Read this......Many Americans don't take enough time off even when it is made available to them...
We are a generally wasteful society.
We throw away too much food. We buy things we don't need and those things end up in places like good will, flea markets or garage sales.
We do the same thing with our paid time off.
Why Employees Don t Use Vacation Days - Business Insider
Hey there Cowboy, you want all those benefits that Europe has? Then how about you go live in a crackerbox like they do, give up your autos and take public transportation, and pay a 50% tax rate! Wait, wait!!!!!! You mean you do live in a crackerbox with your family? You can't afford a car? That explains everything, lol. Now just volunteer for the 50% tax rate, and we won't call you a hypocrite.

Ted lives in the UK and thinks cows say "BAHHHHH BAHHHHHH." Ted probably has never seen a horse, sure the fuck can't shoot a revolver and tends toward Birkenstocks, not Justin boots. Ted sports a bowler over his green Mohawk and has never even seen a Stetson.

Ted is the furthest thing from a Cowboy there is.
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...
Read this......Many Americans don't take enough time off even when it is made available to them...
We are a generally wasteful society.
We throw away too much food. We buy things we don't need and those things end up in places like good will, flea markets or garage sales.
We do the same thing with our paid time off.
Why Employees Don t Use Vacation Days - Business Insider
Yup, American workers are in a real rat race. Guess what, the rats won...Reaganist greedy idiot billionaire Pubs. That ship is turning around S L O W L for YOUR issues, dupes, not bs...
Venezuela: Workers are entitled to enjoy 15 days of paid annual leave in the first year plus one day for each year of service with the same employer up to a maximum of 15 extra days.[5]
United states: There is no statutory minimum.
And 75% of the population of Venezuela live in abject poverty.
Vacation? From WHAT?
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.
They do?.....Says who?....
Genius, 60% of us are employed by small business( less than 50 employees)....More often than not, the business owner is the LAST one paid. The LAST one to take time off...
For those who are employed for larger firms, often they do not take all of their allotted time....
Hey there Cowboy, you want all those benefits that Europe has? Then how about you go live in a crackerbox like they do, give up your autos and take public transportation, and pay a 50% tax rate! Wait, wait!!!!!! You mean you do live in a crackerbox with your family? You can't afford a car? That explains everything, lol. Now just volunteer for the 50% tax rate, and we won't call you a hypocrite.

Ted lives in the UK and thinks cows say "BAHHHHH BAHHHHHH." Ted probably has never seen a horse, sure the fuck can't shoot a revolver and tends toward Birkenstocks, not Justin boots. Ted sports a bowler over his green Mohawk and has never even seen a Stetson.

Ted is the furthest thing from a Cowboy there is.
All hat, no cattle. Cowboy wannabees...Add up all the taxes and fees, and Americans pay almost as much and get half a tank tread for it...subtract health tax, and it's about the same. Their crackerbox has and will last lifetimes, ours maybe one...
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...
Read this......Many Americans don't take enough time off even when it is made available to them...
We are a generally wasteful society.
We throw away too much food. We buy things we don't need and those things end up in places like good will, flea markets or garage sales.
We do the same thing with our paid time off.
Why Employees Don t Use Vacation Days - Business Insider
Yup, American workers are in a real rat race. Guess what, the rats won...Reaganist greedy idiot billionaire Pubs. That ship is turning around S L O W L for YOUR issues, dupes, not bs...
How in the world does politics and government enter into this?
People CHOOSE to not take vacation.....No government interference is going to change that. So why fix what is not broken?
All hat, no cattle. Cowboy wannabees...Add up all the taxes and fees, and Americans pay almost as much and get half a tank tread for it...subtract health tax, and it's about the same. Their crackerbox has and will last lifetimes, ours maybe one...

I don't tell Sheepboy Ted how to run his country - he can fuck off about mine.
Venezuela: Workers are entitled to enjoy 15 days of paid annual leave in the first year plus one day for each year of service with the same employer up to a maximum of 15 extra days.[5]
United states: There is no statutory minimum.

Woo ... you sure can pick 'em:
As recently as 2013, the socialist gov't of Venezuela was unable to deliver milk, flour and other staples to its people despite the country's vast oil wealth and as of December 2014, Venezuela's inflation rate was 68.5%. The solution? Plenty of "free" money for everyone! WooHoo!
Venezuela despite it's oil reserves, has no economy. Oil from that country has a high sulfur content. US regulations mandate the sulfur has to be removed during the refining process. The process adds a cost to the price.
Venezuela: Workers are entitled to enjoy 15 days of paid annual leave in the first year plus one day for each year of service with the same employer up to a maximum of 15 extra days.[5]
United states: There is no statutory minimum.

Woo ... you sure can pick 'em:
As recently as 2013, the socialist gov't of Venezuela was unable to deliver milk, flour and other staples to its people despite the country's vast oil wealth and as of December 2014, Venezuela's inflation rate was 68.5%. The solution? Plenty of "free" money for everyone! WooHoo!
Yeah, tell me more about capitalist haiti and unregulated, tax free somalia. Can't blame capitalism for that though, but it's perfectly ok for you to blame socialism on a state that's not even socialist. People like you irritate me.
Socialism SUCKS......It's not happening here. Please move to a socialist country.
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
Employers, as in other countries where people live a better quality of life than Americans do.

Would it shock you to consider that whether or not I get a paid vacation is between me and my employer, and none of the government's business?
Oh jesus christ, here we go, look at the list of countries with guaranteed paid vacations: List of statutory minimum employment leave by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I hate how people push this narrative of "none of the government's businesses" All this does is give workers paid vacation, like almost every other industrialized country. I don't want the government telling employers they can't hire 5 year olds at 2.00 a week, DAMN GOVERNMENT. - You in the past.
Newsflash...Vacation time like other employer concessions are "fringe benefits".....You view them as entitlements.
They are not. You are wrong.
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

Interesting. Human Rights Watch claims that the government represses nearly all forms of political dissent and that Cubans are systematically denied basic rights to free expression, association, assembly, privacy, movement, and due process of law. As with most socialist/commie states, the populace must be fenced in (less they escape to the "bourgeoisie" West) and controlled by the "benevolent" Worker's Paradise. Feel free to pack up and join your comrades.
Cuba is a communist state that left the revolutionary path years ago.. and I don't disagree, but the castro's did increase healthcare, food intake, housing, literacy, women's rights, lowered infant mortality to an amazing level, reduced extreme poverty.. I don't agree with all that they've done, but fuck, even Cuba gives better paid leave. That was the point. Not a cuba thread though.

The point remains there is no such thing as a free lunch. Cubans pay for their "benefits" with oppressive gov't enforced at gunpoint ... the only way socialist gov'ts can sustain themselves.
How do you think any government sustains itself? A violent force to ensure their power, as shown throughout all of history. Yeah, yeah, cuba's "evil" and all that, You'll blame it on the non-existent socialism, but let's see your hypocrisy when comparing cuba to capitalist haiti or unregulated, tax free somalia. Will you blame that on capitalism?
Everything government does has a cost associated with the spending. That cost comes from the pockets of the producers.
If you are claiming mandated vacation time is cost free, you again are WRONG..
Government mandated benefits are funded with confiscatory taxes.

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