Sanders Socialist is winning democrat primary in Florida governor race


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
LMAO! A socialist is winning the race against an establishment democrat candidate. This is hilarious.
LMAO! A socialist is winning the race against an establishment democrat candidate. This is hilarious.

I’m voting for Desantis in the GE as many times as I can.
We have a similar race here for Governor. A Trump supported candidate for the GOP and a FAR left clown for the democrats..she couldn't even pay her own taxes SUPPOSEDLY to help pay for her dad's cancer treatments but she COULD afford to give her campaign 50k AND she wants to demolish Stone Mountain....
LMAO! A socialist is winning the race against an establishment democrat candidate. This is hilarious.

I’m voting for Desantis in the GE as many times as I can.
We have a similar race here for Governor. A Trump supported candidate for the GOP and a FAR left clown for the democrats..she couldn't even pay her own taxes SUPPOSEDLY to help pay for her dad's cancer treatments but she COULD afford to give her campaign 50k AND she wants to demolish Stone Mountain....

Love it!

You guys should give her a big fucking ladder and a hand held sander and tell her to knock herself out.


Thank you so much.
And the Socialist has beaten the establishment democrat....ROFLMAO....these idiots are making it WAY to easy to win in November.
I can’t believe this.

Gilliam over Graham.

Bob Graham was an institution in Florida for decades and his daughter loses to a socialist.

I can’t believe this.

Gilliam over Graham.

Bob Graham was an institution in Florida for decades and his daughter loses to a socialist.

Dems are LITERALLY eating their own..its hilarious. If they hadn't cheated Sanders I wonder if this would be happening.
Andrew Gillum: Abolish ICE 'in its current form'
Wants to abolish ICE

Wants to redistribute the wealth which will lead to companies LEAVING Florida
Andrew has proposed the “Fair Share for Florida’s Future” Plan to finally make real investments in our public schools and working families — and ask the richest corporations to pay a little more of their fair share.

Ohhh! Free college!
As Governor, Andrew would focus on making college debt free

BYE BYE school choice! Totalitarian government knows what's best for you!
Andrew’s strongly opposed to unaccountable, for-profit charter schools who want to use public dollars to enrich their executives.
Andrew supports a comprehensive immigration overhaul that includes abolishment of ICE.

Read his platform here.....from his own website.

He supports raising taxes. He is anti 2nd ammendment. He wants all teachers to earn at least $50,000. He wants to abolish ICE. As part of his commitment to higher education, Andrew will provide free 2-year and 4-year college tuition for displaced Puerto Ricans.


Basically Andrew wants Florida to become California.

Issues - Andrew Gillum for Governor
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Andrew supports a comprehensive immigration overhaul that includes abolishment of ICE.

Read his platform here.....from his own website.

Issues - Andrew Gillum for Governor
Yep. Along with NO school choice,redistributing wealth which will lead companies to LEAVE Florida,socialized healthcare,a starting wage of 50k for teachers! My mother taught for 15 years with a masters degree and never made that...started at 36k in South Carolina and topped out around 48k in North Carolina before she retired....this is crazy as hell.
DeSantis just needs to hammer home that Gillum is anti 2nd ammendment, wants to raise taxes and wants to abolish ICE.

Good luck, Dems.
LMAO! A socialist is winning the race against an establishment democrat candidate. This is hilarious.

I’m voting for Desantis in the GE as many times as I can.
We have a similar race here for Governor. A Trump supported candidate for the GOP and a FAR left clown for the democrats..she couldn't even pay her own taxes SUPPOSEDLY to help pay for her dad's cancer treatments but she COULD afford to give her campaign 50k AND she wants to demolish Stone Mountain....
I wonder where these Wack Jobs are coming from. Scary bunch of Commies.
Andrew Gillum: Abolish ICE 'in its current form'
Wants to abolish ICE

Wants to redistribute the wealth which will lead to companies LEAVING Florida
Andrew has proposed the “Fair Share for Florida’s Future” Plan to finally make real investments in our public schools and working families — and ask the richest corporations to pay a little more of their fair share.

Ohhh! Free college!
As Governor, Andrew would focus on making college debt free

BYE BYE school choice! Totalitarian government knows what's best for you!
Andrew’s strongly opposed to unaccountable, for-profit charter schools who want to use public dollars to enrich their executives.
You're brain-dead.

Wants to abolish ICE

He didn't say that, he said he wants to restore it to what it was when it was first established.
Wants to redistribute the wealth which will lead to companies LEAVING Florida

Want to raise corporate taxes to 7.75%. Fair Share is to rebuild and support public schooling.
Ohhh! Free college!

Debt free is not free college. It means adjustable costs based on affordability. And Florida already cuts college costs based on grades.
for-profit charter schools who want to use public dollars to enrich their executives

Charter schools are like semi-private schools. Why should they receive public dollars if they're not accountable?
Andrew Gillum: Abolish ICE 'in its current form'
Wants to abolish ICE

Wants to redistribute the wealth which will lead to companies LEAVING Florida
Andrew has proposed the “Fair Share for Florida’s Future” Plan to finally make real investments in our public schools and working families — and ask the richest corporations to pay a little more of their fair share.

Ohhh! Free college!
As Governor, Andrew would focus on making college debt free

BYE BYE school choice! Totalitarian government knows what's best for you!
Andrew’s strongly opposed to unaccountable, for-profit charter schools who want to use public dollars to enrich their executives.
You're brain-dead.

Wants to abolish ICE

He didn't say that, he said he wants to restore it to what it was when it was first established.

Wants to redistribute the wealth which will lead to companies LEAVING Florida

Want to raise corporate taxes to 7.75%. Fair Share is to rebuild and support public schooling.

Ohhh! Free college!

Debt free is not free college. It means adjustable costs based on affordability. And Florida already cuts college costs based on grades.

for-profit charter schools who want to use public dollars to enrich their executives

Charter schools are like semi-private schools. Why should they receive public dollars if they're not accountable?
Nope he said ABOLISH ICE its even on his campaign page...go read it.
That's redistributing the wealth...companies will leave over it right up to Georgia! Come on we would love to have them!
It will be free college guaranteed
Its NONE of his business what charter schools do. We have public charter schools here and WE the parents control them...its a great thing.

Twist it however you want he is a radical socialist who will NEVER get near the governors seat.
Mr. Gillum has the backing of Billionaire Marxists Tom Steyer and Soros, as well as the Titular Leader of the Democrat Party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
DeSantis just needs to hammer home that Gillum is anti 2nd ammendment, wants to raise taxes and wants to abolish ICE.

Good luck, Dems.
Florida...after the school shooting and Jacksonville....and watching the NRA attach school children. Right...go with that.
DeSantis just needs to hammer home that Gillum is anti 2nd ammendment, wants to raise taxes and wants to abolish ICE.

Good luck, Dems.
Florida...after the school shooting and Jacksonville....and watching the NRA attach school children. Right...go with that.

The Broward County school shooting was the fault of school. They hired school guards that bolted from the building instead of going in their and stopping him. When I was in high school, I can't imagine the Brothers who taught us not defending the students.

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