Sander's Supporters Won't vote for the Queen

Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, Wisconsin.

Those are the polls that matter.

and currently they are ties or within the margin of error. As more people learn more about the hildabitch, Trump's numbers will go up.

The right has been attacking her for three decades. What do you think you can come up with at this point to stop her. Rehashing all the old accusations that didn't work years ago aren't working any better this time.

Because they are not merely accusations, the facts are out there, the Clintons are corrupt cheating liars. The media cannot cover for them any more. Its over.
Bernie has a huge opportunity to shape the election - support Jill Stein, possibly even as VP candidate...
Almost half of Sander's supporters say they will never vote for the 'Queen'.
Many will vote for Trump. Some for the 'Doper' Gary and many will stay home.
These Sander's supporters are vital to Hillary's chances of waddling back into the White house.
Face it . Hillary is a money grubbing whore and a life long grifter.
Sweet justice:
The damming IG report, the looming FBI MOAB, the 'tell-all' book coming out next week, Guccifer 1.0 and now Guccifer 2.0's hacked DNC documents.
The Queen has so many fires on her pantsuit she'll never put out she'll soon decide to go back to her mansion with Huma and continue to drink herself to death in Huma's arms.
Nearly Half of Sanders Supporters Won't Support Clinton
When we get into the polling booths this will change.

Right because Dems just manufacture the votes
Bernie has a huge opportunity to shape the election - support Jill Stein, possibly even as VP candidate...

come on, stop the BS about people who have zero chance. Get behind Trump and keep the Clintons out of the whitehouse. Keeping those criminals out of power is the most important thing any of us can do this year.

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