Sanders tells supporters to take over democratic party

The democratic party has clearly failed America when they run with someone so horrible that a guaranteed disaster like Trump can win.
The democratic party has clearly failed America when they run with someone so horrible that a guaranteed disaster like Trump can win.
It was her turn damnit! LOL. If Sanders has his way and his people DO take over the party they will get a short boost but once they screw up the economy even worse like they did in France people will turn towards a more populist GOP.
The democratic party has clearly failed America when they run with someone so horrible that a guaranteed disaster like Trump can win.
It was her turn damnit! LOL. If Sanders has his way and his people DO take over the party they will get a short boost but once they screw up the economy even worse like they did in France people will turn towards a more populist GOP.
In all likelihood the economy will experience a dramatic "correction" before the progressives get anywhere near the levers of power. Republicans will still find some way to blame them anyway.
Sanders Says Democratic Party Is an 'Absolute Failure,' Calls for Takeover

LOL! WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is fun to watch because the dems like Pelosi and Clinton and Schumer are NOT going to give up power without a fight.

I hope the do take it over. That will ensure the GOP is in power for quite a while.
The GOP is about to spend all of it's political capital trying to keep Trump in power, maybe the gerrymandering will let them hang on through the mid-terms.
Sanders could have done that by threatening to run Third Party.
Yep. Makes you wonder where his loyalties really lay.With the democrat establishment or his followers. By running third party or independent he would have easily split the democratic party and made it easier to take it over.
Sanders Says Democratic Party Is an 'Absolute Failure,' Calls for Takeover

LOL! WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is fun to watch because the dems like Pelosi and Clinton and Schumer are NOT going to give up power without a fight.

I hope the do take it over. That will ensure the GOP is in power for quite a while.
Who knows,people do like their free shit,its like a feel good moment but they forget SOMEONE has to pay for that shit.
The democratic party has clearly failed America when they run with someone so horrible that a guaranteed disaster like Trump can win.
Trump is much better for America than any what does it say about your party?
Trump is not being a very good president. If you feel better telling yourself that Hillary would have been worse than this shitstorm, more power to you. Seriously, do you see Trump serving another term?
Sanders Says Democratic Party Is an 'Absolute Failure,' Calls for Takeover

LOL! WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is fun to watch because the dems like Pelosi and Clinton and Schumer are NOT going to give up power without a fight.

I hope the do take it over. That will ensure the GOP is in power for quite a while.
The GOP is about to spend all of it's political capital trying to keep Trump in power, maybe the gerrymandering will let them hang on through the mid-terms.

The left has embarrassed itself with its antics, rioting, and obstructionism since November. The only people not sickened by the left are disgruntled Hillary voters.
I was going to start a new thread on this, but I see you are skirting the edge of the matter at hand. THIS IS THE REAL STORY OF THE WEEK! Maybe the month! While 15 threads run here by liberals laughing and bashing Trump, they have just been handed the death-blow.


Do you realize what this means? He makes the correct assessment that the democratic party is in shambles, they have no leader, they don't even hardly have any presence at all in half the states! Meantime, the democratic party fights in a paper bag slinging all of its energy at trying to mock, ridicule and trip up the Trump administration. Tomorrow's Session hearing will be another great success for the Administration.


The GOP has over a DOZEN strong candidates that any of which could run and be president, the democrats have Elizabeth Warren. When Bernie splinters off to form his 'People's Party,' he is going to take a LOT of democrats with him!

The Democrats will lose all those people.
Lose a lot of backing.
They are losing the illegal vote.
They are losing Sanctuary City Funding.

Now the Democratic party will be split into TWO parties---- itself and the People's Party, and now to win, they will have to beat the stronger-than-ever GOP getting stronger every day, plus the new People's Party.

The Democratic Party has gone from a .50 share down to a .25 share. The People's another .25 share, and the GOP still a .50 share. The sky has just fallen in on the heads of all the democratic liberal progressive supporters here and still they don't even get it yet and still busy themselves worrying about how they can mock Donald Trump's hair, his ice cream, or how he ties his shoes.

Democrats are fucked. They are in a total world of hurt! And who do they have to mainly thank for all of this? Their alter boy, Barry Soetoro! You call him Barack Obama. Barack Obama killed two elections and drove the party to pick the zombie candidate Hillary Clinton. Now half of your party is going to break off in protest of your lousy showing and compete against you!! And you still have the GOP to fight against. WOE unto the Democrats!
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Bernie and his followers are like that college friend who stays at your place for weeks, pays $0, eats your food & trashes your aesthetic.
... and I'd be cheering if only he added "just like me"

Sanders: ‘Current Strategy Of The Democratic Party Is An Absolute Failure’

“Trump didn’t win the election, the Democratic Party lost the election” - Bernie

Maybe he ins't completely crazy. He is a lickspittle though. Stuck with the Democrats even after they were exposed rigging the election against him.


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