Sanders Vow to Fight and Contest Convention a BIG Mistake, But What do You Think?

Should Sanders gracefully throw in the towel and make the best deal he can for his movement?

  • Yes, rational practicality for his movement should reign over emotional resentment

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • No, the impact of fighting for what you believe in says more than deals ever could

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • I dunno, hope they all rot

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters
What if the colonies had just said, "eh, our chances aren't great. Nevermind"?
Sanders is building a movement that recaptures the good name of 'Democratic Socialism' and that movement will eventually do us well in the coming 'jobless economy'.

But if Sanders makes too many bitter enemies by taking the fight to long and bitter depths, he might undo all the good he has done.

What do you think? Should Sanders continue to fight instead of uniting the Dems against Trump, or should he fight to the bitter end and risk being blamed for a Trump win?

Sanders vows to fight on, promises a contested convention

To contest a convention a candidate has to be somewhat close to the imminent nominee, otherwise the candidate contesting it, looks like a total idiot. Hillary Clinton currently has a 3+million popular vote lead, a 700 delegate lead, that's going to get a lot bigger in the month ahead.

SO it's a BIG MISTAKE for Bernie Sanders to even threaten to do this.

The longer he stays in a race he's lost, the more he alienates the Democrat party to himself and to his policies. The more credibility, respect and support he loses.

Sanders really should have dropped out of this race after getting clobbered in New York, and he should have donated what was left of his campaign treasure to other Democrats running for seats. Instead he chose to send out a mass email to his supporters asking for more donations.

If he keeps it up, he and his proposals will be about as significant as a mosquito on an elephant's butt. Other Democrat Senators may even decide to censor him, permanently.

Of course he never was a Democrat, and he is just proving what has been said about him all along. That he changed his party status to Democrat in order to scorch donations from other Democrats, and those Democrats are probably not real happy with him about right now. Sanders going for a 3rd party run at this time? He would definitely end up being the most hated, despised Senator in Washington D.C. All his credibility and respect would be lost. He would be ridiculed from here on out.

Of course Hillary isn't a "progressive" and portrays herself as one:

Much better to allow all of Sander's followers to be heard on the floor of the Democratic National Convention and include them in the party goings on. Likely Sanders will say his peace and then back Hillary and unite the party.

The way of things.

Sanders nor his supporters have earned the right to speak at the convention, or disrupt it in any manner. The Democrat party has spoken and they have soundly said NO (rejected) Bernie Sanders and his proposals.

This isn't the Bernie Sanders show, this is the Democrat National Convention. Honestly, I don't know what it is about Bernie Sanders and supporters that don't seem to understand that they LOST.
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

It's like a Super Bowl game, one team wins, the other loses. The losing team doesn't continue to play, it doesn't try to extend the game to several more innings, it doesn't say the other team cheated, it walks away, head held high, and says maybe next year. Sanders nor his supporters get that concept.


It isn't anything like a 'super bowl' team. Clinton will want to get every Sanders voter possible, the best way to do that is have him speak at the convention so they are heard, and have her acknowledge them and their desires.

Sports and Politics seem to be very similar, but it only SEEMS that way.
I think that if Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, and Chris Mathews went on on a hunting trip in the mississippi hills at least one of them would come back swearing that they will never squeel like a pig ever again.
I think that if Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, and Chris Mathews went on on a hunting trip in the mississippi hills at least one of them would come back swearing that they will never squeel like a pig ever again.
Doubt it. Hardly anyone is stupid enough to go on a hunting trip in a shit hole like Mississippi.
Sanders is building a movement that recaptures the good name of 'Democratic Socialism' and that movement will eventually do us well in the coming 'jobless economy'.

But if Sanders makes too many bitter enemies by taking the fight to long and bitter depths, he might undo all the good he has done.

What do you think? Should Sanders continue to fight instead of uniting the Dems against Trump, or should he fight to the bitter end and risk being blamed for a Trump win?

Sanders vows to fight on, promises a contested convention

To contest a convention a candidate has to be somewhat close to the imminent nominee, otherwise the candidate contesting it, looks like a total idiot. Hillary Clinton currently has a 3+million popular vote lead, a 700 delegate lead, that's going to get a lot bigger in the month ahead.

SO it's a BIG MISTAKE for Bernie Sanders to even threaten to do this.

The longer he stays in a race he's lost, the more he alienates the Democrat party to himself and to his policies. The more credibility, respect and support he loses.

Sanders really should have dropped out of this race after getting clobbered in New York, and he should have donated what was left of his campaign treasure to other Democrats running for seats. Instead he chose to send out a mass email to his supporters asking for more donations.

If he keeps it up, he and his proposals will be about as significant as a mosquito on an elephant's butt. Other Democrat Senators may even decide to censor him, permanently.

Of course he never was a Democrat, and he is just proving what has been said about him all along. That he changed his party status to Democrat in order to scorch donations from other Democrats, and those Democrats are probably not real happy with him about right now. Sanders going for a 3rd party run at this time? He would definitely end up being the most hated, despised Senator in Washington D.C. All his credibility and respect would be lost. He would be ridiculed from here on out.

Of course Hillary isn't a "progressive" and portrays herself as one:

It doesn't matter--PROGRESSIVE--LOST--why can't you understand that? You have had millions of Democrats vote and say NO to Bernie Sanders and his proposals. They have watched 12 or 13 debates, they know exactly who Bernie Sanders is, they know exactly what he is proposing, and they kicked his ass to the curb.

GET IT! This is not EUROPE--this is the UNITED STATES. These type of candidates do NOT win in this country.

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend." Margaret Thatcher

Sanders is building a movement that recaptures the good name of 'Democratic Socialism' and that movement will eventually do us well in the coming 'jobless economy'.

But if Sanders makes too many bitter enemies by taking the fight to long and bitter depths, he might undo all the good he has done.

What do you think? Should Sanders continue to fight instead of uniting the Dems against Trump, or should he fight to the bitter end and risk being blamed for a Trump win?

Sanders vows to fight on, promises a contested convention

He should fight to the end.
It doesn't matter--PROGRESSIVE--LOST--why can't you understand that? You have had millions of Democrats vote and say NO to Bernie Sanders and his proposals. They have watched 12 or 13 debates, they know exactly who Bernie Sanders is, they know exactly what he is proposing, and they kicked his ass to the curb.

GET IT! This is not EUROPE--this is the UNITED STATES. These type of candidates do NOT win in this country.

True, not in today's political environment. But the more Americans lose their jobs, the further we delve into a jobless economy and the more that the Corporate Crony Network is undermined in elections the sooner eventually we will see democratic socialism return to the main stream of American political and economic thought.

By 2035 EVERYONE will be a socialist to one degree or another and todays political environment viewed as a moral wasteland.

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend." Margaret Thatcher

Interesting, seeing a Democrat like yourself quoting Thatcher.
Sanders is building a movement that recaptures the good name of 'Democratic Socialism' and that movement will eventually do us well in the coming 'jobless economy'.

But if Sanders makes too many bitter enemies by taking the fight to long and bitter depths, he might undo all the good he has done.

What do you think? Should Sanders continue to fight instead of uniting the Dems against Trump, or should he fight to the bitter end and risk being blamed for a Trump win?

Sanders vows to fight on, promises a contested convention
I think many Sanders supporters are starting to realize that Clinton is going to be the democrat party nominee. And rather than have them vote for a third party, like the Green party candidate...Bernie is trying to keep them from giving the election to Trump. But I don't think it will work. I wouldn't vote for Shrillary any more than I would Trump. And I think many of Sanders supporters feel the same. "Voting for the lesser of two evils, is still voting for evil." This country deserves what it gets, for allowing the two corrupt parties to run this country for so long.
The cons were totally convinced that Nixon was going to save the GOP....then Ford got away with letting him get away with treason. Then the liberals were convinced that Carter was going to bring back the legacy of JFK.
Then Raygun successfully smeared an honest POTUS, and promised to balance the budget and rebuild the war machine....he tripled the national debt building a fantasy "STAR WARS", and committed treason with IRAN/CONTRA....claimed ignorance.
In spite of Raygun's crimes and tripling the national debt, Shrub 41 was allowed to double the national debt again in only four years, and started the Iraq war, which we still are involved in 25 years later.
Finally America had had enough of con bullshit, and elected another liberal that stopped the deficit nightmare, and balanced the budget for the first time in almost 200 years. Clinton also gave America the best economy since the 50's.
But dumb Americans thanked him by electing another bullshit con, that destroyed the balanced budget in his first six months, by giving $3 trillion in tax cut welfare to millionaires. And wasted another $5 trillion on the Iraq/Afghan invasions. Shrub 43 doubled the national debt again, and destroyed the U.S. and global economies. And Shrillary went right along with it.
This year we have another billionaire bullshitter promising to invade Iran and Iraq yet again, and start a trade war with Mexico and Saudi Arabia.
And Shrillary wants to spend trillion$ more on war with ISIS.
The more things change...the more they stay the same. But many Bernie supporters don't want any part of it. Shrillary will go down in flames....again....and then so will America...again.
It doesn't matter--PROGRESSIVE--LOST--why can't you understand that? You have had millions of Democrats vote and say NO to Bernie Sanders and his proposals. They have watched 12 or 13 debates, they know exactly who Bernie Sanders is, they know exactly what he is proposing, and they kicked his ass to the curb.

GET IT! This is not EUROPE--this is the UNITED STATES. These type of candidates do NOT win in this country.

True, not in today's political environment. But the more Americans lose their jobs, the further we delve into a jobless economy and the more that the Corporate Crony Network is undermined in elections the sooner eventually we will see democratic socialism return to the main stream of American political and economic thought.

By 2035 EVERYONE will be a socialist to one degree or another and todays political environment viewed as a moral wasteland.

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend." Margaret Thatcher

Interesting, seeing a Democrat like yourself quoting Thatcher.

I don't care what you think--Democrats have cast their votes and they have said NO to Bernie Sanders.

Sanders can rant and rave all he wants to, but until this nursing home candidate has realistic solutions to fix, he is as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass. READ THE BELOE ARTICLE.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

Then you tell me what Senator DOES NOT KNOW that the Federal Government and the Federal Reserve Banks operate separately and independent of one another. IOW Sanders did not know that he nor the Federal Government has NO authority to break up the big banks, aka Wall Street Bankers. Yet his campaign platform is CENTERED around breaking up the big banks aka Wall Street Bankers.

Sanders saw you people coming, and he has exploited your political and economic ignorance for $$$, and he's done a dam good job of doing that.


You might want to read this one too.
Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money

1. Bernie Sanders nor the Federal Government can FORCE corporations to keep jobs in this country.
2. Bernie Sanders proposal for a $15.00 minimum wage only encourages more jobs to head overseas.

The ONLY way to reduce the flow is to encourage corporations to stay in this country by reducing this tax rates. Bernie Sanders wants to do the exact opposite (raise their taxes) which will send more jobs overseas. He's no economic guru--he's a JOKE.

3. Existing Trade agreements are contracts, there's no getting out of them without severe consequences.

Trade has always been a double edged sword. While we're not paying 10K for an I-phone, and enjoy cheaper products, we also lose manufacturing jobs in this country.

CORPORATE WELFARE AKA GOVERNMENT SUBSIDES. The Federal government will always subsidize food and energy. Obama gave General Electric the biggest tax break ever in 2009 when G.E. made over 10 billion dollars and didn't tax them a penny. Why? Because they are installing wind mills all over this country.
General Electric Routinely Pays Little or No State Income Taxes | CTJReports
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It doesn't matter--PROGRESSIVE--LOST--why can't you understand that? You have had millions of Democrats vote and say NO to Bernie Sanders and his proposals. They have watched 12 or 13 debates, they know exactly who Bernie Sanders is, they know exactly what he is proposing, and they kicked his ass to the curb.

GET IT! This is not EUROPE--this is the UNITED STATES. These type of candidates do NOT win in this country.

True, not in today's political environment. But the more Americans lose their jobs, the further we delve into a jobless economy and the more that the Corporate Crony Network is undermined in elections the sooner eventually we will see democratic socialism return to the main stream of American political and economic thought.

By 2035 EVERYONE will be a socialist to one degree or another and todays political environment viewed as a moral wasteland.

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend." Margaret Thatcher

Interesting, seeing a Democrat like yourself quoting Thatcher.

I don't care what you think--Democrats have cast their votes and they have said NO to Bernie Sanders.

Sanders can rant and rave all he wants to, but until this nursing home candidate has realistic solutions to fix, he is as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass. READ THE BELOE ARTICLE.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

Then you tell me what Senator DOES NOT KNOW that the Federal Government and the Federal Reserve Banks operate separately and independent of one another. IOW Sanders did not know that he nor the Federal Government has NO authority to break up the big banks, aka Wall Street Bankers. Yet his campaign platform is CENTERED around breaking up the big banks aka Wall Street Bankers.

Sanders saw you people coming, and he has exploited your political and economic ignorance for $$$, and he's done a dam good job of doing that.


You might want to read this one too.
Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money

1. Bernie Sanders nor the Federal Government can FORCE corporations to keep jobs in this country.
2. Bernie Sanders proposal for a $15.00 minimum wage only encourages more jobs to head overseas.

The ONLY way to reduce the flow is to encourage corporations to stay in this country by reducing this tax rates. Bernie Sanders wants to do the exact opposite (raise their taxes) which will send more jobs overseas. He's no economic guru--he's a JOKE.

3. Existing Trade agreements are contracts, there's no getting out of them without severe consequences.

Trade has always been a double edged sword. While we're not paying 10K for an I-phone, and enjoy cheaper products, we also lose manufacturing jobs in this country.
Yeah, all those making $50-100K per year don't mind China making everything we buy. It's great having central and south America selling us all the food we eat. Sure does fuck the American farmer that has to pay $7.00 an hour to have their crops picked, when those other countries can pay their pickers fifty cents an hour.
So China and India have all the manufacturing jobs, and McJobs is what America has.
But what are you going to do when Trump starts his trade war, and we can't get any food or clothing any more? Factories are not built in a day.
So many Americans whine about the cruise ship going to Cuba, while we owe the greatest communist country in the world over a trillion dollars, and buy almost everything we have from them. China, what a country!
Sanders is building a movement that recaptures the good name of 'Democratic Socialism' and that movement will eventually do us well in the coming 'jobless economy'.

But if Sanders makes too many bitter enemies by taking the fight to long and bitter depths, he might undo all the good he has done.

What do you think? Should Sanders continue to fight instead of uniting the Dems against Trump, or should he fight to the bitter end and risk being blamed for a Trump win?

Sanders vows to fight on, promises a contested convention

Lying OP is cherry-picking what he wants Sanders to say instead of quoting the entire statement.

And it is a statement of fact: Without the superdelegates, Clinton can't win. Are RWNJs stupid, or just lying?

Why do RWNJs always have to lie?
It doesn't matter--PROGRESSIVE--LOST--why can't you understand that? You have had millions of Democrats vote and say NO to Bernie Sanders and his proposals. They have watched 12 or 13 debates, they know exactly who Bernie Sanders is, they know exactly what he is proposing, and they kicked his ass to the curb.

GET IT! This is not EUROPE--this is the UNITED STATES. These type of candidates do NOT win in this country.

True, not in today's political environment. But the more Americans lose their jobs, the further we delve into a jobless economy and the more that the Corporate Crony Network is undermined in elections the sooner eventually we will see democratic socialism return to the main stream of American political and economic thought.

By 2035 EVERYONE will be a socialist to one degree or another and todays political environment viewed as a moral wasteland.

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend." Margaret Thatcher

Interesting, seeing a Democrat like yourself quoting Thatcher.

I don't care what you think--Democrats have cast their votes and they have said NO to Bernie Sanders.

Sanders can rant and rave all he wants to, but until this nursing home candidate has realistic solutions to fix, he is as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass. READ THE BELOE ARTICLE.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

Then you tell me what Senator DOES NOT KNOW that the Federal Government and the Federal Reserve Banks operate separately and independent of one another. IOW Sanders did not know that he nor the Federal Government has NO authority to break up the big banks, aka Wall Street Bankers. Yet his campaign platform is CENTERED around breaking up the big banks aka Wall Street Bankers.

Sanders saw you people coming, and he has exploited your political and economic ignorance for $$$, and he's done a dam good job of doing that.


You might want to read this one too.
Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money

1. Bernie Sanders nor the Federal Government can FORCE corporations to keep jobs in this country.
2. Bernie Sanders proposal for a $15.00 minimum wage only encourages more jobs to head overseas.

The ONLY way to reduce the flow is to encourage corporations to stay in this country by reducing this tax rates. Bernie Sanders wants to do the exact opposite (raise their taxes) which will send more jobs overseas. He's no economic guru--he's a JOKE.

3. Existing Trade agreements are contracts, there's no getting out of them without severe consequences.

Trade has always been a double edged sword. While we're not paying 10K for an I-phone, and enjoy cheaper products, we also lose manufacturing jobs in this country.
Yeah, all those making $50-100K per year don't mind China making everything we buy. It's great having central and south America selling us all the food we eat. Sure does fuck the American farmer that has to pay $7.00 an hour to have their crops picked, when those other countries can pay their pickers fifty cents an hour.
So China and India have all the manufacturing jobs, and McJobs is what America has.
But what are you going to do when Trump starts his trade war, and we can't get any food or clothing any more? Factories are not built in a day.
So many Americans whine about the cruise ship going to Cuba, while we owe the greatest communist country in the world over a trillion dollars, and buy almost everything we have from them. China, what a country!

Again if you want to pay 10K for an I phone--15K for your next computer in order to bring back manufacturing to this country--then do it. But the downside is, it won't be long before APPLE, and other high tech companies are out of business--because the rest of the world won't be able to afford their products--and then you won't have any service on your electronic devices, and they'll be thrown in the garbage. This is REALITY. We are a global economy, and one of the reasons for trade is that trading partners typically don't declare war on one another. IOW it's also for peace among nations.

All these college class's you younger people take, you might want to add economics 101, instead of the underwater basket weaving classes you normally take.
Sanders is selfish. He complains about Hillary getting money from Wall Street saying she is getting paid to do "something".
But Sanders is offering all these kids free college and free health care for their money. Bernie is the new Wall Street. And not a cent to the Democrats.
Again if you want to pay 10K for an I phone--15K for your next computer in order to bring back manufacturing to this country--then do it.

Bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. will not result in a $10k iPhone or a $15k Mac
Again if you want to pay 10K for an I phone--15K for your next computer in order to bring back manufacturing to this country--then do it.

Bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. will not result in a $10k iPhone or a $15k Mac

Yeah right--LOL With pay and required benefits (payroll taxes, medical insurance, etc.) it would skyrocket the cost of everyday electronics that we use. Apple and many others would sign their own business bankruptcy by eliminating themselves out of the Global market at the same time. Their products would be to expensive for anyone to buy.

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