Sandman vs Rittenhouse: Which one wins the most lawsuit money?

I just heard that Sandman won $215 million.
Two " nn's " Dear Chap.Sandmann.
If you can't get that right ... what use is there to read yer posts.
Unless message boards are as worthwhile as Prison food { Eats }.
Are we supposed to know those names or what you were thinking when you put them in? As far as I see, they are gun control activists. I assume there is more to the story...

I'm assuming this is another classic Coyote "I have no idea what I'm talking about, but leftists are always correct!" false parallel. We're supposed to believe that disagreeing with people who jump into the public eye with their political opinions is the same as slandering and vilifying private citizens who never asked to be in the public eye at all, in the case of Nick Sandmann, or trying to send them to prison for the rest of their lives for no reason except to serve the leftist agenda, in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse.
Their felon family members were shot trying to kill Kyle------the families can't do shit. The wounded won can probably sue for medical bills though.

I wish him lots of luck with that, since his own testimony reveals how justified Kyle was in shooting him.
We don't really know how much Sandman won from the fake news, other than that he won millions, but I bet Rittenhouse winds up winning more. Who do you think winds up with the biggest jackpot
No doubt Kyle. Why? Because I even thought the way he went there and what he did was reckless. And I only got that understanding from hearing all the defamation on this mans name, all these news outlets couldn't all be wrong right?
Do you have evidence that he didn't receive a substantial sum?
Do you have evidence he did?
Keep in mind, "substantial" could still be considerably less than the $250 million for which he was suing.
If he settled for only 1% of what he was seeking, which is highly unlikely, that is $2.5 million.
Likely much less.
Even that is considered substantial where I come from.
I could see Kyle winding up with more than Sandman. WAY more.
We don't really know how much Sandman won from the fake news, other than that he won millions, but I bet Rittenhouse winds up winning more. Who do you think winds up with the biggest jackpot?
The winner will be the one who goes before a KKK judge or will both get lucky
The winner will be the one who goes before a KKK judge or will both get lucky

You wouldn't keep getting so many nasty shocks in life if you'd recognize that your ignorant racism is a character defect not shared by most of the country.

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