Sandy Hook DA: "Others" Might be Involved? Records Sealed for 90 More Days


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
"Information 'not known to the general public?'" "Crimes that others might have committed?" Can you say "what is going on here?"
ctpost DOT com/policereports/article/Sandy-Hook-affidavits-remain-sealed-4150259.php

"DANBURY -- A state Superior Court judge said Thursday that search warrant affidavits for the cars and home of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza and his mother would stay sealed for another 90 days.

Judge John Blawie granted motions filed Wednesday by Danbury State's Attorney Stephen Sedensky to extend the statutory sealing period for the five warrants, including three for the Yogonanda Street home...The judge's order also covers the two other search warrants, for the 2010 Honda Civic Adam Lanza drove to the school and for Nancy Lanza's 2009 silver BMW, which was parked in the garage attached to the home.


Sedensky said in his applications that the affidavits contained information "not known to the general public" and that premature disclosure would "seriously jeopardize the outcome and success of the investigation" by "divulging sensitive and confidential information" known only to investigators.

Although no arrests have been made and "none are contemplated," Sedensky also said the possibility has not been ruled out, and that releasing the information would make it difficult to solve crimes that others might have committed."

Release the Sandy Hook surveillance video. Binding White House petition (if gets 25,000 signatures White House must issue written response.)

petitions.whitehouse DOT gov/petition/release-video-surveillance-footage-sandy-hook-elementary-school-during-shooting-massacre/Nq9zmSTc
Wonder if this has anything to do with the two "shadows" running from the building reported by a teacher.
"Information 'not known to the general public?'" "Crimes that others might have committed?" Can you say "what is going on here?"
ctpost DOT com/policereports/article/Sandy-Hook-affidavits-remain-sealed-4150259.php

"DANBURY -- A state Superior Court judge said Thursday that search warrant affidavits for the cars and home of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza and his mother would stay sealed for another 90 days.

Judge John Blawie granted motions filed Wednesday by Danbury State's Attorney Stephen Sedensky to extend the statutory sealing period for the five warrants, including three for the Yogonanda Street home...The judge's order also covers the two other search warrants, for the 2010 Honda Civic Adam Lanza drove to the school and for Nancy Lanza's 2009 silver BMW, which was parked in the garage attached to the home.


Sedensky said in his applications that the affidavits contained information "not known to the general public" and that premature disclosure would "seriously jeopardize the outcome and success of the investigation" by "divulging sensitive and confidential information" known only to investigators.

Although no arrests have been made and "none are contemplated," Sedensky also said the possibility has not been ruled out, and that releasing the information would make it difficult to solve crimes that others might have committed."

Release the Sandy Hook surveillance video. Binding White House petition (if gets 25,000 signatures White House must issue written response.)

petitions.whitehouse DOT gov/petition/release-video-surveillance-footage-sandy-hook-elementary-school-during-shooting-massacre/Nq9zmSTc

Dont'll be released. Theyve had weeks to work on it. They'll have a vid of Lanza in the gun shop too......probably be released the same day. A huge majority of the sheep will buy it too.......hook, line and stinker.

None of the sheep have ever asked themselves, "Why did we see but one or two pictures of Lanza?". Where are the interviews from the media on people who knew him? Not a single swinging dick can attest to ever having seen him at any gun range anywhere.........but he goes into a school and pulls of precision shooting!!! Carrying at least half his bodyweight in ammo and weapons but only weighing 110 pounds. LMAO......I powerlift in the gym, squat 345 pounds for multiple reps and weigh t 200 lbs, couldnt dream of thinking of hauling all that weight around a great distance, not get tired and pull off precision shooting while doing it!!! Should be no sweat for a 110 pound guy!!!:up:


Aurora wasnt big enough..........Sandy Hook might not be big enough too. But it is for me........a seminal event. Im planning accordingly and let the sheep wait and get fubar'd.
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munkle quoted: ...crimes that others might have committed."

Ya mean Adam Lanza didn't do it?...

... he was just there moppin' the school floor...

... an' the cops thought the mop handle was an assault rifle?

... an' somebody else shot him inna head an' scampered off?

Wow! I didn't know that!

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