Sandy Hook disinformation

Active Shooter Drill

The official government website for the state of Connecticut ( lists the drill on their calendar;


9 AM – 4 PM

FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters
The government drill that took place on the same day of the shooting between the same hours was located down the road about 14 miles at the following location:

Location: 2800 Main Street, Bridgeport, CT9 AM – 4 PM

Contact: Christopher Ackley
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (203)-696-2640
5 of 40 seats still available
Last day to register: 12/13/2012
Sorry, you may not register for this event.
The states official website reads;

Dec 14, 2012

FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters

Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security | Independent News For Independent Minds

And your problem with the Government planning and teaching people how to react during and after a disaster? There is nothing listed in this that says shooter, maybe you should actually read the government web page again, real slow.....

Since when is it wrong for the government to have an exercise or in this case a class? Flash: they happen all over the country every day.......
Quote: Originally Posted by katsung47
Active Shooter Drill

The official government website for the state of Connecticut ( lists the drill on their calendar;

12/14 9 AM – 4 PM

FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters
The government drill that took place on the same day of the shooting between the same hours was located down the road about 14 miles at the following location:

Location: 2800 Main Street, Bridgeport, CT9 AM – 4 PM

Quote: OllieSFC
And your problem with the Government planning and teaching people how to react during and after a disaster? There is nothing listed in this that says shooter, maybe you should actually read the government web page again, real slow.....

Since when is it wrong for the government to have an exercise or in this case a class? Flash: they happen all over the country every day.......

I think Ollie is paid by the government to post in here. He has 22 billion posts and only in this forum.

Of course, you skipped over the fact that he is right and you loony CTs are ... well ... loony.
I believe you are paid by the gov't to post here just to make the CT Movement look stupid and you are doing a wonderful job. Keep up the good work.
LMAO......thats was pure coincidence that this happened on the day of a drill.

Ollie is in his 60's and still believes in the Easter Bunny so I dont take anything he says seriously. Like many of the hopelessly duped, he cant be counted on to be sitting right there in front of the boob at 7PM watching the NBC Nightly News. The official release of information on Lanza from Friday stated "A loaded 12-gauge shotgun was found in the glove compartment of the Honda Civic" . I keep 5 loaded shotguns in the glove compartment of my Mustang!!! 100 shells as well.:coffee:

Most people in the world can be sold anything hook, line and stinker. Guys like Ollie never question anything the government says.......its all gospel. If he did, his whole world blows up........its not an uncommon dynamic.
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LMAO......thats was pure coincidence that this happened on the day of a drill.

Ollie is in his 60's and still believes in the Easter Bunny so I dont take anything he says seriously. Like many of the hopelessly duped, he cant be counted on to be sitting right there in front of the boob at 7PM watching the NBC Nightly News. The official release of information on Lanza from Friday stated "A loaded 12-gauge shotgun was found in the glove compartment of the Honda Civic" . I keep 5 loaded shotguns in the glove compartment of my Mustang!!! 100 shells as well.:coffee:

Most people in the world can be sold anything hook, line and stinker. Guys like Ollie never question anything the government says.......its all gospel. If he did, his whole world blows up........its not an uncommon dynamic.

Actually I turned 60 yesterday, not that my age has anything to do with this thread or your stupidity. I don't watch NBC news any time. I do watch HLN for about 45 minutes in the morning, and read the newspaper for local news. Then if i want more news I get it off various sources on the net.

I saw the video clip of them removing the shotgun from the trunk of the car. It was loaded but had not been used in the shooting.

So besides being an ass and stupid (Stupid ass) what is your point?
LMAO......thats was pure coincidence that this happened on the day of a drill.

The probability of that coincidence is far greater than even the possibility that Sandy Hook was a hoax or a black op or whatever loony CT you are pushing, Princess.

Ollie is in his 60's and still believes in the Easter Bunny so I dont take anything he says seriously. Like many of the hopelessly duped, he cant be counted on to be sitting right there in front of the boob at 7PM watching the NBC Nightly News.

The fact that Ollie is in his 60s means he has far more experience and perspective than a 12 year old CT loon like you and you assume that Easter Bunny stuff because the facts just don't support your claims.

The official release of information on Lanza from Friday stated "A loaded 12-gauge shotgun was found in the glove compartment of the Honda Civic" . I keep 5 loaded shotguns in the glove compartment of my Mustang!!! 100 shells as well.
Most people in the world can be sold anything hook, line and stinker. Guys like Ollie never question anything the government says.......its all gospel.

Again you are forced to make silly assumptions about Ollie. All you really know about him is that he's not buying the silly CTBS you are selling and that clearly pisses you off.

If he did, his whole world blows up........its not an uncommon dynamic.

A common thread among CTs is that inexplicable belief that they have some magical connection to the truth and all who don't share their "vision" are just blind sheeple.
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(1) In January, I read a post about Emilie’s fund raising page. I went there and copied the page content then wrote the following: “Tell me who was so efficient to open a donation account in Credit Union for poor Emily and then set up a page in facebook the same day of her death?

Original funding page in facebook:

Joined Facebook 12/14/2012

Native of Utah, Emilie Parker was killed in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elem. We are seeking to assist the Parkers by setting up the Emilie Parker Memorial Fund at America First Credit Union in Utah.
Instructions on the Emilie Parker Memorial Account at America First Credit Union (account #5001359). For AFCU members making a transfer, select the Savings as the type of account, and the last name on the account is Parker. For non AFCU members, the AFCU routing number is 324377516. This account has been shared by several Utah media outlets and can be trusted. Thank you.

A PAYPAL account is also available if you use the email [email protected] “
If Sandy Hook shooting is a hoax, no others could do it except the Feds because so many resources were activated: police, media, government officials and informants (some were called as "actors" by people.) And they of course would let out disinformation to meddle the water.
Here is a doctored picture. Madeline and Samantha have no legs in the photo.


And they deliberately let Madeline wearing Emilie's dress in photo with Obama. At the purpose to confusing people then to prove the suspicious people are "conspiracy theorist". Remember, no others have the motive and resource to do that. Those who could take pictures of Obama and Samantha have the privilege or that photo was a product of the "strategy office"(disinformation office) too.


That picture was created particularly to mislead people to conclude Emily hadn't died. (they let Madeline wear Emily's dress) That's a trap set up for suspicious people. It proves even the president could be obedient actor to be manipulated by the perpetrator. See how happy those actors are. Are they family members who just lost a lovely girl and after memory service, or it was a celebrating party?

Another sandy hook/hoax thread? How many do you parasites need? Not enough pain in the world, you guys gotta peddle more of it?

Pathetic, all of you..
2. I think my allegation on Emily's 12/14 face book fund raising page hit the target. After I posted it, I got a reply

01-24-13, 12:24 AM#52

Originally Posted by katsung47

Tell me who was so efficient to open a donation account in Credit Union for poor Emily and then set up a page in facebook the same day of her death? Even two hours before poice confimed the death?
That facebook account does not exist, so why are you linking us to something that does not exist?

This one does though and proves you are wrong.
I went to that url, the Emilie's fund raising page was disappeared. They found the flaw and disabled the site.

3. Weeks later, I clicked at that url, it revived. Only the join date becomes: 12/15. They corrected it to make it a reasonable story.
Obviously, it was impossible for Mr. Parker to learn his daughter’s death so quickly and let his friends in Utah to open a donation account in bank and then set up a fund raising page in Face book. All these were prepared in advance.
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How many of these asinine threads are you going to manage? How many does it take to get your social parasite quota in?
I am always relevant....
KFC Ollie, always so full of himself! :lol:

thats Gomer Ollie troll for ya.all full of himself.:lmao: this idiot dumbfuck troll who needs to be demoted to PRIVATE in a hurry,constantly shows off to the non trolls here in this forum such as yourself who seek the truth on government corruption,what a true dipshit he really is.He has the logic that all these high ranking credible people in the military who are far more credible than he is and whom he has disgraced,that THESE experts are wrong,and HE is right about 9/11.comedy gold.He should start a comedy club.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

what a troll.somehow these SENIOR "MILITARY" people Gomer has betrayed,his logic is THEY are wrong,and this arrogant dumbfuck Gomer Ollie is right.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

any LOGICAL,REASONABLE person would trust all these people listed over this arrogant fuck troll Gomer Ollie here.:D
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How many of these asinine threads are you going to manage? How many does it take to get your social parasite quota in?

how many asinine cowardly comments are you going to make and keep running off with your tail between your legs when cornered?:cuckoo:
there is this DVD out there I ordered that everybody should order as well for for the truth on the false flag operation of sandy hook.

Here are a lot of the facts this DVD exposes and i will talk more about when i get it.Here is just some of the information in the written order form on it that appears.It goes on to say-

.charity webpage for alleged victems created 3 days BEFORE event.

.26 dead,yet no ambulances at school?

.no wounded.

.no children or parents outside school?

.No evacuation?

.Raw helicopter footage exposes movie like set?

.FEMA runs nearby drill at exact same time of shooting?

.Parent of murdered child changes character from laughter to grief
in a split second at start of interview/

.actors pretending to be parents of alleged victems/

.reported victem does not actually exist."stolen identity"?

.family portraits of alleged victems digitally faked?

the sheople have been duped and brainwashed.

All this BS from 911shitforbrains who claims to have me on ignore because he knows he can't go against me....

Children, what can you do with them these days?
There is no disinformation concerning Sandy Hook, or the Boston marathon bombing or 9/11. It happened as reported. Don't know how you could get so far off base here. You re overthinking everything maybe?
How many of these asinine threads are you going to manage? How many does it take to get your social parasite quota in?

how many asinine cowardly comments are you going to make and keep running off with your tail between your legs when cornered?:cuckoo:

When will it dawn on you that only the most pathetic troll ever to slither across any public message board could have garnered a "grand" total of 324 THANKS in nearly 7000 posts.
That may well be a "record" no one will ever match. :clap2:
No one respects you or your lame opinions and no one, not even your loony 9/11 CT buds, want the shame of having their name connected to anything you author.
You are, in a word, an embarassment.

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