Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.

I'm a guy who gets sick and tired of watching children get wheeled out in body bags because you have a fetish. I used to be one oyou wingnuts, making these same arguments.. until I realized I couldn't.

Used to be a time the NRA supported common sense gun laws. In the 1960s, when armed terrorists like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers were running amok, Republicans supported gun laws and the NRA helped write them and no one talked any crazy shit about how we needs our guns to overthrow the gummit.

You will never overthrow the government, but you are racking up a lot of preschoolers. People like you made Adam Lanza possible.

Mass shootings like Sandy Hook are the fault of the shooter and nobody else.
This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.

I'm a guy who gets sick and tired of watching children get wheeled out in body bags because you have a fetish. I used to be one oyou wingnuts, making these same arguments.. until I realized I couldn't.

Used to be a time the NRA supported common sense gun laws. In the 1960s, when armed terrorists like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers were running amok, Republicans supported gun laws and the NRA helped write them and no one talked any crazy shit about how we needs our guns to overthrow the gummit.

You will never overthrow the government, but you are racking up a lot of preschoolers. People like you made Adam Lanza possible.

A lot of preschoolers????

Joe has to use hyperbole because it's all he has.
what about skinny people who have it?.....

That's really not the point.
you did not get my point did ya?.....

This thread is not about diabetes. The point is lost on you. It was sarcasm. Now, talk about the topic or get lost.
This thread is not about diabetes.
if it isnt why did you mention it?....i just asked if skinny people with diabetes who lose a foot will get the same consideration...which was also sarcasm...but as usual with you,lost in the ozone.....

Shut up, will you? I said it as a joke. Get a grip and talk about the topic.
why dont you get one too....because i did the same thing i said....lost in the ozone....
That's really not the point.
you did not get my point did ya?.....

This thread is not about diabetes. The point is lost on you. It was sarcasm. Now, talk about the topic or get lost.
This thread is not about diabetes.
if it isnt why did you mention it?....i just asked if skinny people with diabetes who lose a foot will get the same consideration...which was also sarcasm...but as usual with you,lost in the ozone.....

Shut up, will you? I said it as a joke. Get a grip and talk about the topic.
why dont you get one too....because i did the same thing i said....lost in the ozone....

Move on and stop being a weirdo.
This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.

I'm a guy who gets sick and tired of watching children get wheeled out in body bags because you have a fetish. I used to be one oyou wingnuts, making these same arguments.. until I realized I couldn't.

Used to be a time the NRA supported common sense gun laws. In the 1960s, when armed terrorists like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers were running amok, Republicans supported gun laws and the NRA helped write them and no one talked any crazy shit about how we needs our guns to overthrow the gummit.

You will never overthrow the government, but you are racking up a lot of preschoolers. People like you made Adam Lanza possible.

Total bullshit....Sandy Hook was a hoax...a live shooter drill that was sold to us as a real time event. You could drive a company of tanks through the "official story". Same goes for Aurora, Charleston and the Virginia TV reporter.
That's really funny since very FEW crimes are committed with such a weapon. Most of your crime data when it comes to homicides with guns are directly related to gangs in the inner cities, who are killing each other over "turf" or revenge killings. How about we start to get tougher on crime and criminals instead of punishing the law abiding people over what criminals and murderers do? How about we stop stigmatizing those who need mental health care and we make it so that people can have easier access to mental health care instead of having insurance companies deny payment for a person who obviously needs to stay in a facility for some time. Instead we have a "revolving door" mental health system, where they see a patient, stabilize them on meds and then send them on their way. It takes a lot of time, money and judicial reviews just to have a person committed.

That's simply not true. We have 11,101 gun murders a year, but the total number of gang-related homicides are only about 1800 (and not all committed with guns.)

As far as getting "tougher on crime", we are currently locking up 2 million of our fellow citizens, (compared to most industrialized democracies which lock up >100K) and we are one of the few that still executes people.

I might agree with you on our broken mental health system, but the nuts who do the shooting are the ones who haven't been reduced to eating out of garbage cans yet. They usually have people still taking care of them. Cho, Lanza, Holmes, Mercer- these guys were not the nasty stew bum variety of mentally ill. But they were still able to get guns.
from the CDC....i think you have your numbers mixed up Joe....
a staggering 80% of gun homicides are gang-related. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), gang homicides accounted for roughly 8,900 of 11,100 gun murders in both 2010 and 2011. That means that there were just 2,200 non gang-related firearm murders in both years in a country of over 300 million people and 250 million guns.
this is what i heard on a radio talk show with 6 California chiefs of police and 4 DA's...if you take gang gun violence out of the stats California is a pretty safe State...and they said this should be true nation wide...

Right Wing rag.

No credibility.

WTF is this "supposed to" stuff?

Supposed to by who's ruling......yours????

Sorry Joe, but that's why we have lawmakers in this country; so we don't have tyranny because of people like you. I don't think companies that manufacture swimming polls should be allowed to sell them to households that have children. Children die from drowning all the time. I don't think any American should own a pit bull either. They kill and harm people all the time. There are plenty of other less violent breeds to own that are not nearly as dangerous.

Is that the path you think our country should be on?

Guy, 3/4 of the planet is covered in water, and we only have 3000 drownings a year.

We only have 45 deaths a year due to Dog Bites.

Your "other things are dangerous, too" act doesn't really fly here. Pools and Dogs aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

They're not? You mean out of the dozens of breeds, people buy pit bulls because of their kind nature?

Actually, yes. Pit bulls that are bred by serious, responsible breeders and not bred and trained to be aggressive are actually known for being gentle and good-natured animals.

But you can breed and train just about any type of dog to be vicious and aggressive.
And the gun makers lose milliions defending themselves against law suits that should have been stopped by a responsible judge...there is no merit in the case...but the left wing, anti gun judge sees this as an opportunity to destroy he let the case go forward....they also hope to have a Supreme Court in place should the case make it all the way there...then they can destroy every gun maker in the country.

And this would be a bad thing, why?

This is an industry that thrives off of death and fear. They've flooded our streets with weapons to the point where most of us are afraid to go out at night. Now some of their victims are going to put them out of business.

Where do you get your statistics, just because you maybe afraid to go out at night does not mean that most people feel the same way.

Just because some people are delusional about the existence of crime doesn't mean they're correct.
How often do kids get mowed down in schools...? do you realize that the worst school shootings have happened in Europe? the land of gun control...

The gun lobby knowst he truth....

320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

505 accidental gun deaths vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths.

1.500,000 million times guns are used for self defense vs. 8,124 gun murders which are majority criminal on criminal crimes...

And as more Americans own and carry guns....our violent crime rate has been going down, and our gun murder rate has been going down, and our gun suicide rate has gone down.....

So the facts, the truth and the reality are on the side of the gun rights activists....
So nothing needs to be done then ? There isnt one little thing that could help ?

Yes.....this is what would actually help......when someone commits a crime with a gun....especially a felon caught in illegal possession of a gun, put them in prison for a long time. The problem we actually have is that prosecutors and judges are not putting violent criminals, charged on illegal gun possession, and other crimes, in jail for long periods of time. The prosectuors are throwing out the gun charges as bargaining chips.....when they could get 10 years for just the possession by a is just nuts.

Normal people are not using guns to commit crimes.....but the legal system is not dealing with actual violent gun criminals.....I posted before that the criminals who shot up the Back of the Yards neighborhood park....had both had previous gun possession and violent crime convictions...they should have been in jail for at least 10 years.....the prosecutors and the judge redirected them to "Boot camps" and they were out in under 3 years...and months after their release they shot up a park in Chicago.....

The gang member, convicted felon, who shot the girl in Obama's chicago neighborhood....he had been arrested as a felon on a felony weapons possession charge...was out in 3 days pending trial, and used a gun to accidentally shoot the girl not a month later.......

We can do a lot to reduce the gun violence we have...we just have to focus on the actual problem...actual criminals.
Your solution would not have had any effect on the Sandy Hook child massacre. What can be done to prevent events like these ?

First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

Insofar as the killer stole the guns, I'm going to say there's not a terribly practical way to do that, other than approaching the OTHER obvious common denominator in mass killings, crazy people. If we denied violent crazy people access to society, that would also deny them access to guns.
you did not get my point did ya?.....

This thread is not about diabetes. The point is lost on you. It was sarcasm. Now, talk about the topic or get lost.
This thread is not about diabetes.
if it isnt why did you mention it?....i just asked if skinny people with diabetes who lose a foot will get the same consideration...which was also sarcasm...but as usual with you,lost in the ozone.....

Shut up, will you? I said it as a joke. Get a grip and talk about the topic.
why dont you get one too....because i did the same thing i said....lost in the ozone....

Move on and stop being a weirdo.
This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.

I'm a guy who gets sick and tired of watching children get wheeled out in body bags because you have a fetish. I used to be one oyou wingnuts, making these same arguments.. until I realized I couldn't.

Used to be a time the NRA supported common sense gun laws. In the 1960s, when armed terrorists like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers were running amok, Republicans supported gun laws and the NRA helped write them and no one talked any crazy shit about how we needs our guns to overthrow the gummit.

You will never overthrow the government, but you are racking up a lot of preschoolers. People like you made Adam Lanza possible.

What common sense gun law would have stopped any shooting in the past 5 years

And a ban isn't common sense

And how many preschoolers have been gunned down since Newtown? How many have died in a fall, drowned in a pool, been poisoned, or beaten to death by their parents?
This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.

I'm a guy who gets sick and tired of watching children get wheeled out in body bags because you have a fetish. I used to be one oyou wingnuts, making these same arguments.. until I realized I couldn't.

Used to be a time the NRA supported common sense gun laws. In the 1960s, when armed terrorists like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers were running amok, Republicans supported gun laws and the NRA helped write them and no one talked any crazy shit about how we needs our guns to overthrow the gummit.

You will never overthrow the government, but you are racking up a lot of preschoolers. People like you made Adam Lanza possible.

A lot of preschoolers????
Hey he's seen the body bags
First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You're pushing for "The only solution is for there to be no guns, anywhere in existence, so that we have a 100% rate of denying guns to potential killers!" Problem is, that doesn't work, because it blames the tool instead of the intent of the user, who can always get a different tool.

So the solution is less about making guns unavailable - which you seem to be trying to make the defining, only-possible-choice parameter to the debate - and more about identifying and neutralizing potentially violent offenders before they can kill, and/or enabling people to defend themselves instead of being helpless targets if and when violence erupts.
We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You can't. if a criminal wants a gun, or a mass shooter wants a gun, they will get it....

What stopped the 19 year old in Britain from getting his gun, ammunition and explosives? Nothing. How was he stopped? Your gun control laws? No. He was stopped because he posted on the internet.........sadly, the next one won't do that...and you will have a mass shooting......
But the British gun laws do actually work in that we have a lot lower murder rate than the US. There are guns but they are harder to get. Britain is a lot safer than the US. We can go the cinema,take our kids to school and have a row with a neighbour without getting shot.

Spoken like someone who's never spent any real time in the US and has gotten all his "knowledge" about us from sensationalist media, and yet for some unknown reason, thinks that Americans are breathlessly awaiting his wisdom on how we should run our country. "Oh, America is so violent, they just huddle behind locked doors, terrified to leave or do anything!"

Oh, just for the record, Tommy, we don't have John Wayne and Chief Sitting Bull roaming the wide open plains of the West, either. Try not to believe everything you see in media.
I feel like I need to say this....I do not like posting about the things that I have learned. I don't like posting things like how Sandy Hook was a psy-op or how we don't live in a Republic anymore or that international bankers actually own this and every other country that has a central bank. I was much happier when I was ignorant.

YOu were probably happier when you took your medications. I am saying this seriously, dude, get help.
This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.

I'm a guy who gets sick and tired of watching children get wheeled out in body bags because you have a fetish. I used to be one oyou wingnuts, making these same arguments.. until I realized I couldn't.

Used to be a time the NRA supported common sense gun laws. In the 1960s, when armed terrorists like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers were running amok, Republicans supported gun laws and the NRA helped write them and no one talked any crazy shit about how we needs our guns to overthrow the gummit.

You will never overthrow the government, but you are racking up a lot of preschoolers. People like you made Adam Lanza possible.

A lot of preschoolers????
Hey he's seen the body bags

He sees a lot of things the rest of us don't. :banana::banana::banana:
I feel like I need to say this....I do not like posting about the things that I have learned. I don't like posting things like how Sandy Hook was a psy-op or how we don't live in a Republic anymore or that international bankers actually own this and every other country that has a central bank. I was much happier when I was ignorant.

YOu were probably happier when you took your medications. I am saying this seriously, dude, get help.

I know more than you...infinitely more and I will kick your ass in any type of discussion as to what we are facing. I will make you look really bad. Your lame attempts at insulting me or marginalizing me don't mean shit. Bring your "A" game because you are gonna need it.
I know more than you...infinitely more and I will kick your ass in any type of discussion as to what we are facing. I will make you look really bad. Your lame attempts at insulting me or marginalizing me don't mean shit. Bring your "A" game because you are gonna need it.

Guy, your fellow Right Wingers are treating you like a nut. You seriously need to be medicated.

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