Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Here are things that I have found that do not make sense about this alleged event.

#1: 2 or 3 people were arrested around Sandy Hook school, one chased into woods and caught by police on helicopter footage then put in FRONT seat of cop car, one caught in front of firehouse as seen by kid from class, report of fleeing mini-van in area not caught. These men were NOT Chris Manfredonia, who were they? This helicopter footage was all over the news for everyone to see. I suspect that the footage was what was shot at the St Rose of Lima school where they were conducting a live shooter drill that very day.

#2: Police audio scanner ordering "take" or "end" "the life of Adam" while police were on the front lawn - before they had reached the classroom.

#3: Vicki Soto had a FB page posted for her with green ribbons on Dec 10, before the event, did she hire psychics?

#4: United Way posted a condolence page for Sandy Hook days before, did they hire the same psychics? They also would not allow their books to be inspected concerning the donations at their Connecticut and actually called state troopers to keep Wolfgang Halbig from going inside their office.

#5: A teacher saw 2 shadows pass her room before shooting, who were they? No explanation offered. Looks like they had a hard time keeping to the script.

#6: Principal Dawn Hochsprung—In an embarrassing fiction, The Newtown Bee reported on 14 December 2013 that Dawn Hochsprung, the Sandy Hook school principal, told the paper that a masked man had entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shots – more than she could count – that went “on and on.” Of course, Dawn Hochsprung was allegedly killed by Adam Lanza and so could not easily have provided this statement. In fact, Dawn was said to have acted heroically, dying while lunging at the gunman—although one wonders who witnessed and reported this act of heroism. On 17 December 2013, The Bee retracted this "erroneous" report and apologized. Who was this person they talked to??

#7: School nurse of 15 years interviewed on TV, talked about Nancy as a wonderful teacher, who was this person, since the story is Nancy was never a teacher?

#8: Ryan reported involved due to his VALID ID in his brothers pocket - the brother he had not seen in years, how did this happen? He had not seen his brother in YEARS, valid ID's go bad within a few years, how did Adam get Ryans valid ID?

#9: Ryans girlfriend reported kidnapped. Body reported found in NJ. What happened there, who died? Where is Ryans GF? Where is Ryan in fact?

#10: Robby Parker was caught on film LAUGHING before hearing "we are rolling" when he proceeds to ask if he should read the script, then begins to fake cry, is this natural for someone who JUST lost their child? This real footage is available for those interested on the internet (you tube).

#11: Pozner's family was posting a donation page and having rival donation pages pulled off the net the day of the event, but before confirmation of his death, is that natural?

#12: No parents have red eyes, no parents have bags under their eyes, no parents seem distraught, no parents seem exhausted, none are hysterical, no siblings are crying - is it natural for even CHILDREN to not cry? I have seen some of this video, and anyone interested can see this on you tube.

#13: A mother had 7 pages taken down for using illegally taken pictures of her still living daughter and using them as a supposed victim, the sites now use a different girls pictures. Why steal pictures of a live girl to put up, if a real victim existed?

#14: Em's aunt was unable to remember if the victim's sister was older or younger, can you remember which family members are older than others? I can.

#15: Em caught on Obamas lap in a picture wearing the same dress as her family picture, when her younger sister is clearly visible in the picture and makes it easy to discern which is which. If you act you can't tell, get an optometrist appointment. I have seen this picture but when this discrepancy came out this picture is suddenly nowhere to be found.

#16 Rosen: First a gruff man dropped the kids on his lawn, then a female bus driver. Then a man again. First his grandson was 8, then he was 2. Memory lapse? Which is it? Why were only a handful of kids dropped at His house and it is farther away than the "official" evacuation point? Would any school official leave kids with an unknown man? He said a mother came by his house asking about her child, how did she know his address? He later said he saw that same child’s name (the one supposedly sitting in his living room) on the dead list the next day, except the list wasn’t published for 48 hrs. How could this be possible? And did he get a paper from the same psychics Soto and United Way hired?

#17: Why was the Swat team footage shot at St. Rose of Lima school 1 1/2 miles away ? Aerial photographs clearly show the difference between the two, especially the curb and grassy area just outside the front door.

#18: Who directed the New Haven Federal Bureau of Investigation field office to classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (SHES)?

#19: Why and for what reason would the FBI classify the SHES shooting when they did not classify the Columbine shooting which also was an Active Shooter Mass Casualty Incidents (AS/MCI)?

#20: Who was the Incident Commander as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in directing the AS/MCI at SHES? Why was no FEMA statement given?

#21: Who at the Incident Command Center made the ordering of Port-A-Potties a high priority, since they were delivered within three hours of the school shooting?

#22: Who ordered those Port-A-Potties from Southbury, Connecticut? Classified.

#23: When I called the Port-A-Pottie company, after searching for over a week as to who they were and when they were ordered, I was told this information was classified and they are not allowed to share that information with me.

#24: The next morning I received a phone call from the Southbury Police Department at my home telling me not to call that company again, since I was "harassing" them.

#25: Why the high priority for toilets - but not for Life Star Trauma helicopters or paramedics?

#26: Why did they not request Life Star helicopters, knowing that children and school staff were seriously injured and clinging to life?

#27: Why did they not allow the paramedics and the EMTs inside SHES? They were blocked access, and waited 1/2 mile away at the firehouse. They are always allowed access to at least try and give aid.

#28: Who declared all 18 children and six school staff members legally dead within the first eight minutes? A coroner is by law the only legal representative to do this.

#29:. Why was the Certified Environmental Bio-Hazard Decontamination company contracted by Newtown Public Schools (NPS) to remove 45-65 gallons of blood, skull fragments, brain tissue, bodily fluids, blood-soaked carpets and any other contaminated areas inside SHES Classified. They all had to sign confidentiality agreements, or be prosecuted. This is not normal procedure.

#30: Why does an off-duty lieutenant from the Newtown Police Department (NPD) refuse to leave his off-duty work assignment at a construction site when hearing that shots have been fired at SHES?

#31: Why would a police officer by the name of Lt. Vangehle, at 9:45:21 a.m. on 12/14/2012, from the NPD, after finding a female kintergardener in the hallway, make her go into room eight (8) and leave her there? Room eight was supposedly the gruesome crime scene with dead children and school staff.

#32: Why would two Conn. State Troopers enter room ten (10) at 9:55:31 a.m. on 12/14/2012, which was supposedly the gruesome crime scene with dead children and school staff, and tell a male kindergardener who they found in the bathroom, whose name is redacted, and "tell THEM (so it must be more than one), to stay put (in a room containing dead bodies) and they will both be back when it is safe"?

#33: Who provided the urgent medical care to the two children who were not transported to the Danbury Trauma Center until an hour after the school was deemed safe, for that 15-mile drive? Classified.

#34: Who treated those two children who had been shot multiple times, 3 to 11 times, since they did not allow the paramedics and EMTs inside SHES? Classified.

#35: Why were the parents of the two children who died at the Danbury hospital not allowed for their children to donate their organs to other children waiting for the gift of life?

#36: What happened to the 500 children and 60 school staff members from SHES on 12/14/2012?

#37: Why was the police officer calling into the NPD dispatcher stating, in his words, that he had multiple weapons, a rifle and a shotgun, (as seen on video all over the news) that was found in a car outside, instead of in classroom eight (8)? Tampering with and removing evidence an alleged crime scene.

#38: Dean Garrison, editor of the blog, D.C. Clothesline, noticed an interesting anomaly while viewing videos of the alleged Sandy Hook shooting. While examining videos, he noticed that the 26 Christmas trees supposedly donated after the shooting, were at the back of the firehouse on the day of the shooting. This is available for anyone interested to see on you tube.

#39: Why were valuable homes deeded to Newtown’s three Selectmen for the sale price of $0 dollars on 25 December 2009, which may be the only real estate transactions on Christmas in the nation on that day. Not so. Go to the online tax records and put in street names in the search field and find most of the town within 2 miles of the site all had a sales price of $0 dollars, and all these sales were recorded on 12-25-09, Christmas day. Is this one of the benefits owners in the town received to remain silent?

#40: And consider the DASHCAM footage of the Sandy Hook parking lot at the times and locations where, according to the official report by Danbury State’s Attorney, Stephen Sedensky, some 469 students (not to mention the 75 staff, teachers, custodians, administrators and such) should have been evacuated. When we look at the footage, we discover they aren’t there! And they aren’t there because no evacuation was taking place. The DASHCAM footage shows that no evacuation was taking place.

#41: You might think that I have blundered by overlooking the “iconic” photograph by Shannon Hicks, which appears to show fifteen children being led away from the school by a police woman. This image made its way around the world and was published on virtually every front page of every newspaper in print. But we know now that there was a second photograph, also taken by Shannon Hicks, that gave the game away. The public was taken in by Shannon’s first photograph, even though it was a cold day on 14 December 2012: the temperature was 28*F and there was frost on the ground. But no one paid attention to signs that it had to have been taken earlier in the year (taken as early as October). And had it not been for the discovery of her second photo, she might have gotten away with it. Once the second photo emerged, however, the game was up. Parents would not have been present in time for the emergency evacuation, where the road to the school was blocked at the firehouse; and they certainly would not have been standing with their arms folded had this been a bona fide shooting. And in the second photograph they were appropriately dressed for the weather. In this case, we have the presence of evidence that should not be present at all.

#42: And what about the presence of evidence that should be absent (such as the neon sign, “Everyone must check in”), which is an intriguing element caught on camera of Sandy Hook virtually from the beginning. Does anyone seriously believe that there would be a registration procedure at a school shooting massacre? This is available for anyone interested on you tube. What we have here is the presence of evidence that should be absent. During a FOIA hearing, it was learned that DHS put up the sign but yet the presence of DHS was never mentioned in any official report of having been there during this event.

#43: This evidence also includes that certain web sites for donations to the families of the victims were up before the shooting occurred, which Dr. Eowyn has documented with screen grabs.

There is more, but this is certainly enough to cast doubt on the official story. Former intelligence expert Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who worked in four prior administrations that is still highly connected is very adamant that this was a live shooter DRILL that was presented as a real time event.
WTF is this "supposed to" stuff?

Supposed to by who's ruling......yours????

Sorry Joe, but that's why we have lawmakers in this country; so we don't have tyranny because of people like you. I don't think companies that manufacture swimming polls should be allowed to sell them to households that have children. Children die from drowning all the time. I don't think any American should own a pit bull either. They kill and harm people all the time. There are plenty of other less violent breeds to own that are not nearly as dangerous.

Is that the path you think our country should be on?

Guy, 3/4 of the planet is covered in water, and we only have 3000 drownings a year.

We only have 45 deaths a year due to Dog Bites.

Your "other things are dangerous, too" act doesn't really fly here. Pools and Dogs aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

Wrong. Some dogs are designed (or trained) to kill.
WTF is this "supposed to" stuff?

Supposed to by who's ruling......yours????

Sorry Joe, but that's why we have lawmakers in this country; so we don't have tyranny because of people like you. I don't think companies that manufacture swimming polls should be allowed to sell them to households that have children. Children die from drowning all the time. I don't think any American should own a pit bull either. They kill and harm people all the time. There are plenty of other less violent breeds to own that are not nearly as dangerous.

Is that the path you think our country should be on?

Guy, 3/4 of the planet is covered in water, and we only have 3000 drownings a year.

We only have 45 deaths a year due to Dog Bites.

Your "other things are dangerous, too" act doesn't really fly here. Pools and Dogs aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

They're not? You mean out of the dozens of breeds, people buy pit bulls because of their kind nature?

Plenty of people train their dogs to fight or to be attack dogs or guard dogs.
Look Mr. NUT.............I'm just using a Cattle Prod on you so you will get back on your normal posting to show the people on this thread what you are.................You WANT ALL GUNS GONE............

And what the hell is this about upset over losing an election.................What the Fuck are you smoking....................

I said if you BAN ALL is that what your crystal ball tells you if we LOSE THIS ELECTION........Your side will BAN ALL GUNS when it creates a KANGAROO COURT...................

I'm not giving up my guns Joe...........Your little YOUR A PUSSY statements are for trolling purposes only............We aren't giving them up Joe....................I'm not alone on this..........

We even had a poll back then when you posted your BS back then.........and just about everybody on that thread was against you and thought you were a dumb ass.....

Doesn't look like that has changed now has it..................

Guy, you can go on all day, but at the end of the day, when the ATF SWAT team shows up at your door, you will meeklyhand over your guns and so will the rest of you nuts.

The thing is, you nuts are in the minority. Most people do not want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes wandering their streets with AR-15's.

This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.
Exactly. Last week in a nearby community, some violent thug kidnapped his girlfriend and set her mothers house on fire. They got out of the Cleveland area for obvious reasons, and went to PA. He tried to break into somebody's home I'm assuming for a place to hide from the police. His plan would have worked fine if not for the armed homeowner who put a bullet in the SOB. The police came by and took him into custody.

Who knows what would have happened to that young girl if the homeowner was not armed. He not only saved his life, but hers as well.

we have 33,000 gun deaths a year in this country. Of those, only 200 a year involve citizens killing bad guys in justifiable homicides. (I don't count police shootings, because they can practically gun down a child in the street and have it called "Justified" if the child is black)

Sorry, DGU's dont happen often enough to justify the carnage.

Post a link.
A AR 15 is no different that the
Why shouldn't she have been allowed to buy guns? She wasn't a criminal either.

This is the type of thinking that makes people come out against people in your movement.

Guy, most people would agree Nancy Lanza never should have been allowed to buy a military grade weapon, and no one would want a crazy nut like Nancy living on their block.

No, I don't think "most" people would agree. What she purchased were legal weapons no different than you going to the store and buying a gallon of milk. She did nothing wrong. Her weapons were locked up in a gun cabinet (the way you libs always preach people should do) and the only time her son had legal access to those firearms was under her supervision.

Everyone seems to forget that her son killed her so he could take the weapons

no one has forgotten that. SHE gave him access to them even knowing he was dangerous.

Did she know he was dangerous? Did she think he would go on a murderous rampage?

I don't know that so please tell me how you know.

And then tell me how the gun manufacturer was liable for any deaths

I thought it was clear that old Jilly doesn't know much about anything. Lol.
No one gave lanza a gun....he committed murder to get his......twit. Perhaps we should make murder illegal....?

Or we don't sell it to a woman who thinks the best way to treat a child with a serious mental disorder is to take him to the shooting range, show him how to use a gun, and then let him play violent videogames for hours on end.

And if someone had bothered to do any kind of background check on her, they'd have found it out, just like the news media found it out within DAYS of looking into it.

Adam Lanza was 20 years old when he went on his killing spree. He was a LEGAL adult.

No he is a kid, otherwise it wouldn't fit Joey Boi's agenda.
Look Mr. NUT.............I'm just using a Cattle Prod on you so you will get back on your normal posting to show the people on this thread what you are.................You WANT ALL GUNS GONE............

And what the hell is this about upset over losing an election.................What the Fuck are you smoking....................

I said if you BAN ALL is that what your crystal ball tells you if we LOSE THIS ELECTION........Your side will BAN ALL GUNS when it creates a KANGAROO COURT...................

I'm not giving up my guns Joe...........Your little YOUR A PUSSY statements are for trolling purposes only............We aren't giving them up Joe....................I'm not alone on this..........

We even had a poll back then when you posted your BS back then.........and just about everybody on that thread was against you and thought you were a dumb ass.....

Doesn't look like that has changed now has it..................

Guy, you can go on all day, but at the end of the day, when the ATF SWAT team shows up at your door, you will meeklyhand over your guns and so will the rest of you nuts.

The thing is, you nuts are in the minority. Most people do not want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes wandering their streets with AR-15's.

This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.

He certainly has no common sense nor is he even aware as to what happens when a citizenry is disarmed during a time of living under a police state and that is exactly what we live in.
Look Mr. NUT.............I'm just using a Cattle Prod on you so you will get back on your normal posting to show the people on this thread what you are.................You WANT ALL GUNS GONE............

And what the hell is this about upset over losing an election.................What the Fuck are you smoking....................

I said if you BAN ALL is that what your crystal ball tells you if we LOSE THIS ELECTION........Your side will BAN ALL GUNS when it creates a KANGAROO COURT...................

I'm not giving up my guns Joe...........Your little YOUR A PUSSY statements are for trolling purposes only............We aren't giving them up Joe....................I'm not alone on this..........

We even had a poll back then when you posted your BS back then.........and just about everybody on that thread was against you and thought you were a dumb ass.....

Doesn't look like that has changed now has it..................

Guy, you can go on all day, but at the end of the day, when the ATF SWAT team shows up at your door, you will meeklyhand over your guns and so will the rest of you nuts.

The thing is, you nuts are in the minority. Most people do not want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes wandering their streets with AR-15's.

That's really funny since very FEW crimes are committed with such a weapon. Most of your crime data when it comes to homicides with guns are directly related to gangs in the inner cities, who are killing each other over "turf" or revenge killings. How about we start to get tougher on crime and criminals instead of punishing the law abiding people over what criminals and murderers do? How about we stop stigmatizing those who need mental health care and we make it so that people can have easier access to mental health care instead of having insurance companies deny payment for a person who obviously needs to stay in a facility for some time. Instead we have a "revolving door" mental health system, where they see a patient, stabilize them on meds and then send them on their way. It takes a lot of time, money and judicial reviews just to have a person committed.
Look Mr. NUT.............I'm just using a Cattle Prod on you so you will get back on your normal posting to show the people on this thread what you are.................You WANT ALL GUNS GONE............

And what the hell is this about upset over losing an election.................What the Fuck are you smoking....................

I said if you BAN ALL is that what your crystal ball tells you if we LOSE THIS ELECTION........Your side will BAN ALL GUNS when it creates a KANGAROO COURT...................

I'm not giving up my guns Joe...........Your little YOUR A PUSSY statements are for trolling purposes only............We aren't giving them up Joe....................I'm not alone on this..........

We even had a poll back then when you posted your BS back then.........and just about everybody on that thread was against you and thought you were a dumb ass.....

Doesn't look like that has changed now has it..................

Guy, you can go on all day, but at the end of the day, when the ATF SWAT team shows up at your door, you will meeklyhand over your guns and so will the rest of you nuts.

The thing is, you nuts are in the minority. Most people do not want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes wandering their streets with AR-15's.

That's really funny since very FEW crimes are committed with such a weapon. Most of your crime data when it comes to homicides with guns are directly related to gangs in the inner cities, who are killing each other over "turf" or revenge killings. How about we start to get tougher on crime and criminals instead of punishing the law abiding people over what criminals and murderers do? How about we stop stigmatizing those who need mental health care and we make it so that people can have easier access to mental health care instead of having insurance companies deny payment for a person who obviously needs to stay in a facility for some time. Instead we have a "revolving door" mental health system, where they see a patient, stabilize them on meds and then send them on their way. It takes a lot of time, money and judicial reviews just to have a person committed.

I am with you. This reminds me of the teacher that can't control the class so they punish the whole class for two kids that get into a fight.

Get to the cause, not the symptom.
Look Mr. NUT.............I'm just using a Cattle Prod on you so you will get back on your normal posting to show the people on this thread what you are.................You WANT ALL GUNS GONE............

And what the hell is this about upset over losing an election.................What the Fuck are you smoking....................

I said if you BAN ALL is that what your crystal ball tells you if we LOSE THIS ELECTION........Your side will BAN ALL GUNS when it creates a KANGAROO COURT...................

I'm not giving up my guns Joe...........Your little YOUR A PUSSY statements are for trolling purposes only............We aren't giving them up Joe....................I'm not alone on this..........

We even had a poll back then when you posted your BS back then.........and just about everybody on that thread was against you and thought you were a dumb ass.....

Doesn't look like that has changed now has it..................

Guy, you can go on all day, but at the end of the day, when the ATF SWAT team shows up at your door, you will meeklyhand over your guns and so will the rest of you nuts.

The thing is, you nuts are in the minority. Most people do not want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes wandering their streets with AR-15's.

That's really funny since very FEW crimes are committed with such a weapon. Most of your crime data when it comes to homicides with guns are directly related to gangs in the inner cities, who are killing each other over "turf" or revenge killings. How about we start to get tougher on crime and criminals instead of punishing the law abiding people over what criminals and murderers do? How about we stop stigmatizing those who need mental health care and we make it so that people can have easier access to mental health care instead of having insurance companies deny payment for a person who obviously needs to stay in a facility for some time. Instead we have a "revolving door" mental health system, where they see a patient, stabilize them on meds and then send them on their way. It takes a lot of time, money and judicial reviews just to have a person committed.

Funny how this corporate "gubermint" has no problem arming Mexican drug cartels with semi-automatic weapons but soil themselves at the thought that Americans own them...
This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.

I'm a guy who gets sick and tired of watching children get wheeled out in body bags because you have a fetish. I used to be one oyou wingnuts, making these same arguments.. until I realized I couldn't.

Used to be a time the NRA supported common sense gun laws. In the 1960s, when armed terrorists like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers were running amok, Republicans supported gun laws and the NRA helped write them and no one talked any crazy shit about how we needs our guns to overthrow the gummit.

You will never overthrow the government, but you are racking up a lot of preschoolers. People like you made Adam Lanza possible.
Hmmm. Really though, I guess fat people who have diabetes and perhaps have lost a limb should be able to sue junk food manufacturers if they have eaten too many Twinkies. Lol.
what about skinny people who have it?.....

That's really not the point.
you did not get my point did ya?.....

This thread is not about diabetes. The point is lost on you. It was sarcasm. Now, talk about the topic or get lost.
This thread is not about diabetes.
if it isnt why did you mention it?....i just asked if skinny people with diabetes who lose a foot will get the same consideration...which was also sarcasm...but as usual with you,lost in the ozone.....
That's really funny since very FEW crimes are committed with such a weapon. Most of your crime data when it comes to homicides with guns are directly related to gangs in the inner cities, who are killing each other over "turf" or revenge killings. How about we start to get tougher on crime and criminals instead of punishing the law abiding people over what criminals and murderers do? How about we stop stigmatizing those who need mental health care and we make it so that people can have easier access to mental health care instead of having insurance companies deny payment for a person who obviously needs to stay in a facility for some time. Instead we have a "revolving door" mental health system, where they see a patient, stabilize them on meds and then send them on their way. It takes a lot of time, money and judicial reviews just to have a person committed.

That's simply not true. We have 11,101 gun murders a year, but the total number of gang-related homicides are only about 1800 (and not all committed with guns.)

As far as getting "tougher on crime", we are currently locking up 2 million of our fellow citizens, (compared to most industrialized democracies which lock up >100K) and we are one of the few that still executes people.

I might agree with you on our broken mental health system, but the nuts who do the shooting are the ones who haven't been reduced to eating out of garbage cans yet. They usually have people still taking care of them. Cho, Lanza, Holmes, Mercer- these guys were not the nasty stew bum variety of mentally ill. But they were still able to get guns.
This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.

I'm a guy who gets sick and tired of watching children get wheeled out in body bags because you have a fetish. I used to be one oyou wingnuts, making these same arguments.. until I realized I couldn't.

Used to be a time the NRA supported common sense gun laws. In the 1960s, when armed terrorists like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers were running amok, Republicans supported gun laws and the NRA helped write them and no one talked any crazy shit about how we needs our guns to overthrow the gummit.

You will never overthrow the government, but you are racking up a lot of preschoolers. People like you made Adam Lanza possible.

A lot of preschoolers????
So if I understand the OP correctly, the parents' argument is that their children wouldn't have been killed if that particular gun had not been marketed to civilians? He would have just said, "Oh, I can't have a 'military-style' weapon, so I guess I won't bother to shoot up the school at all", or a different gun wouldn't have been lethal, or exactly what is the thinking we're supposed to be buying into here?

No the parents strategy is to take advantage of the fact that

(1) Scalia is dead and buried and
(2) president Clinton will appoint a gun fascist to the SCOTUS. According to skylar and other dumbfucks once the new SCOTUS majority REVERSES District of Columbia v. Heller and concludes that it was WRONGLY decided because Americans don't even have a right to carry slingshots , Americans will then obediently and submissively turn their weapons into the "authorities".
(3) they also hope that the Connecticut Supreme Court will revisit the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 7901 through 7903 - in light of the events at Sandy Hook and come up with a different result supporting the gun fascists
I feel like I need to say this....I do not like posting about the things that I have learned. I don't like posting things like how Sandy Hook was a psy-op or how we don't live in a Republic anymore or that international bankers actually own this and every other country that has a central bank. I was much happier when I was ignorant. But once the scales fall from your eyes and you truly seek the real truth even if it destroys your preconceived notions of what you thought truth was? You have a duty and an obligation to share. There are people that I have learned from that did a lot of the heavy lifting for me and gave me direction and I used that foundation as a starting point. I have learned a lot of stuff because I became obsessed with finding out how things got so screwed up. I am open to anyone's opinions...I want to learn from others and I hope that I offer something that they can learn from. We are all in this together and I believe an ill wind is blowing towards us and knowledge is the only thing that will get us through it. We have the power to steer us out of the want change? Be the change.
That's really funny since very FEW crimes are committed with such a weapon. Most of your crime data when it comes to homicides with guns are directly related to gangs in the inner cities, who are killing each other over "turf" or revenge killings. How about we start to get tougher on crime and criminals instead of punishing the law abiding people over what criminals and murderers do? How about we stop stigmatizing those who need mental health care and we make it so that people can have easier access to mental health care instead of having insurance companies deny payment for a person who obviously needs to stay in a facility for some time. Instead we have a "revolving door" mental health system, where they see a patient, stabilize them on meds and then send them on their way. It takes a lot of time, money and judicial reviews just to have a person committed.

That's simply not true. We have 11,101 gun murders a year, but the total number of gang-related homicides are only about 1800 (and not all committed with guns.)

As far as getting "tougher on crime", we are currently locking up 2 million of our fellow citizens, (compared to most industrialized democracies which lock up >100K) and we are one of the few that still executes people.

I might agree with you on our broken mental health system, but the nuts who do the shooting are the ones who haven't been reduced to eating out of garbage cans yet. They usually have people still taking care of them. Cho, Lanza, Holmes, Mercer- these guys were not the nasty stew bum variety of mentally ill. But they were still able to get guns.


Sandy Hook was a result of the SCOTUS case styled as United States v. Alfonso D. Lopez, Jr., 514 U.S.549 (1995) wherein the scumbags found THE FEDERAL ]Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 (the "Act"), 18 U.S.C.§ 922(q).to be Constitutional under the COMMERCE CLAUSE.

That gargantuan USURPATION allowed a criminal scumbag to murder a lot of innocent children.

SCOTUS is populated by crazy stupid criminal motherfuckers.

.Skylar wants me to say that they are "honorable" nevertheless.

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That's really funny since very FEW crimes are committed with such a weapon. Most of your crime data when it comes to homicides with guns are directly related to gangs in the inner cities, who are killing each other over "turf" or revenge killings. How about we start to get tougher on crime and criminals instead of punishing the law abiding people over what criminals and murderers do? How about we stop stigmatizing those who need mental health care and we make it so that people can have easier access to mental health care instead of having insurance companies deny payment for a person who obviously needs to stay in a facility for some time. Instead we have a "revolving door" mental health system, where they see a patient, stabilize them on meds and then send them on their way. It takes a lot of time, money and judicial reviews just to have a person committed.

That's simply not true. We have 11,101 gun murders a year, but the total number of gang-related homicides are only about 1800 (and not all committed with guns.)

As far as getting "tougher on crime", we are currently locking up 2 million of our fellow citizens, (compared to most industrialized democracies which lock up >100K) and we are one of the few that still executes people.

I might agree with you on our broken mental health system, but the nuts who do the shooting are the ones who haven't been reduced to eating out of garbage cans yet. They usually have people still taking care of them. Cho, Lanza, Holmes, Mercer- these guys were not the nasty stew bum variety of mentally ill. But they were still able to get guns.
from the CDC....i think you have your numbers mixed up Joe....
a staggering 80% of gun homicides are gang-related. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), gang homicides accounted for roughly 8,900 of 11,100 gun murders in both 2010 and 2011. That means that there were just 2,200 non gang-related firearm murders in both years in a country of over 300 million people and 250 million guns.

this is what i heard on a radio talk show with 6 California chiefs of police and 4 DA's...if you take gang gun violence out of the stats California is a pretty safe State...and they said this should be true nation wide...
Hmmm. Really though, I guess fat people who have diabetes and perhaps have lost a limb should be able to sue junk food manufacturers if they have eaten too many Twinkies. Lol.
what about skinny people who have it?.....

That's really not the point.
you did not get my point did ya?.....

This thread is not about diabetes. The point is lost on you. It was sarcasm. Now, talk about the topic or get lost.
This thread is not about diabetes.
if it isnt why did you mention it?....i just asked if skinny people with diabetes who lose a foot will get the same consideration...which was also sarcasm...but as usual with you,lost in the ozone.....

Shut up, will you? I said it as a joke. Get a grip and talk about the topic.

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