Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Nope...stabbing a are through the roof, the same with beatings and robbery..especially hot robberies where the victims are at home during the home get it bad too because the criminals know the cops take for ever to get to the isolated farms.......

And gun crime is up 4% last year and the criminals are now shooting at police with fully automatic gun controlled Britain........and they are now arming more of their previously unarmed police...

Guy, I doubt you even know what what you are talking about. Again,put down the Bong and the NRA talking points.

Most Europeans are horrified by the amount of crime we have here.
Then they can stay in Europe and mind their own dammed business.

This is not Europe.
Nope...stabbing a are through the roof, the same with beatings and robbery..especially hot robberies where the victims are at home during the home get it bad too because the criminals know the cops take for ever to get to the isolated farms.......

And gun crime is up 4% last year and the criminals are now shooting at police with fully automatic gun controlled Britain........and they are now arming more of their previously unarmed police...

Guy, I doubt you even know what what you are talking about. Again,put down the Bong and the NRA talking points.

Most Europeans are horrified by the amount of crime we have here.
Most Americans are horrified at the amount of Cultural Suicide they have inflicted upon themselves in Europe, so, we're even.
Americans love Guns, God, Tits and Ass.........and not in that order.............

Go to Europe where your castrated ass needs to be........they will accept you there.

Here......not so much as you demand we fucking comply to your Views............not gonna happen.

Only 22% of Americans own guns. You are in the minority. the only problem is, the rest of us put up with your screaming tantrums like a parent who buys their kid candy to shut them up.
Varies from 31%.

NBC States 1 in 3 own firearms.

Your 22% refers to those who own the majority of firearms.

Who Owns Guns in America?

Just another source that proves Joey Boi is lying.
Meh, I've heard about the "hoax" theory before. I don't really believe that. But, having said that, just because some loon freaks out and kills people, that is no reason to take rights or restrict rights regarding law abiding citizens. You don't blame the tool. It isn't the fault of the tool used.

I fired the same type of gun that Lanza allegedly used......the shells fly up in your face which is why you wear googles at the firing range. It took me five minutes to empty a 12 bullet clip when I was aiming at a target 15 feet away and only hit the target 7 times and I got the webbing between my thumb and forefinger caught inbetween the barrel....bleed like a stuck expect me to believe that this kid that suffered from a form of autism was able to get off over 100 shots with pinpoint accuracy in a ten minute span??? I don't buy this shit at all...I don;'t believe ANYTHING about Sandy Hoax.......

Utter and complete bullshit. You hilighted your ignorance on the issue in the first ten words you wrote. In the picture you will see two fire arms, both are mine and the evil looking black rifle is the exact same model Lanzas used which is an XM15A2 Mforgery. The ONLY way shells will hit the shooter is if they are shooting gangsta style and maybe not tnen. In one minute I can dump two 40 round magazines in thirty seconds bump firing I can do it in about half that time. In a space the size of a class room I'm pretty positive I cold hit targets pretty good. Lanzas and his mother were shooters so he would have a clue even if he was autistic on how to shoot the weapon. What's bull shit is polititions using dead kids for political purposes . The only thing worse are the conspiracy weirdos and Alex Jones types using the dead kids to sell CD's and tshirts.

What source do you have other than the media telling you they went to the firing range all the time because I have found that to be utter bullshit and just another lie of our corporate what type of weapon was used. They said his body was found in one of the schoolrooms where he allegedly committed suicide with a handgun but then , no....he used a semi-automatic...but wait, how do we explain how he committed suicide...oh, ok, we will say he had handguns with lots of ammo....all on a kid that might have weighed 120 pounds soak and wet. I don't believe the official way, no how. You do? Bully for you but I will never stop expressing my contention that this was a false flag event...don't like it? Well, you can go fuck yourself.

On the fire arms? My source is the Bushmaster XM15-A2 sitting in my closet with the firing pin removed. I believe it was cloudy in the reports because we have a media that gets a hard on every time children get shot up by a psycho that's what I believe. They are in such a hurry to be the first outlet to show kids dead and other crying. I further believe that the conspiracy wackos also get hard for the same reason with the added bonus of being able to sell recordings of cops and EMS responding. So, everything that is "proof" of the alleged "falsflag" operation is bull crap starting with the crap you posted about the weapons. Adam Lanza may have been a wee lad, the AR platform is ideal for people like that. Smallish gals just love them. Look deeper. It's not One source reporting your "proof" what it is is several cops talking and there is also the fire department and EMS with the disgusting ghouls in the media humping the leg of an atrocity for TV ratings. In my mind the construction wackos are not much better.
Nope...stabbing a are through the roof, the same with beatings and robbery..especially hot robberies where the victims are at home during the home get it bad too because the criminals know the cops take for ever to get to the isolated farms.......

And gun crime is up 4% last year and the criminals are now shooting at police with fully automatic gun controlled Britain........and they are now arming more of their previously unarmed police...

Guy, I doubt you even know what what you are talking about. Again,put down the Bong and the NRA talking points.

Most Europeans are horrified by the amount of crime we have here.
Most Americans are horrified at the amount of Cultural Suicide they have inflicted upon themselves in Europe, so, we're even.

I'm horrified that people in Europe let terrorists walk their streets.
They will lose.
Not the point. It will be expensive to defend and the ACLU and other anti-gun nutz will constantly bring frivolous suit after another to try to bankrupt the gun industry.

However the bigger danger to the 2nd amendment is the SCJ Hillary selects.
Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Sandy Hook families can sue gun industry

BRIDGEPORT — Gun-safety advocates hailed a judge’s ruling that victims’ families can sue the manufacturer of the military-style rifle used in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

hey called the Thursday decision by Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellisa landmark in the fight against the epidemic of mass shootings.

Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said it was an “important win” for the Newtown families and other victims.

“They deserve their day in court and we are pleased that at least for now they'll get it, despite the defendants' best efforts to derail this case,” Gross said. “Victims of gun violence are not second-class citizens.”

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, who became the state’s leading advocate for gun-control reforms after the Newtown school massacre, said firearms companies should not be allowed blanket immunity from wrongful-death lawsuits.

“I look at this as a moral victory,” Malloy said.

Gun makers, dealers and sellers had claimed the Newtown families did not have legal standing.

But Bellis ruled that the 2005 federal law shielding gun makers from liability does not override the claims by the Sandy Hook families that the Bushmaster XM-15 rifle is a military-style rifle that should never have been marketed to civilians.

The judge’s decisions comes in the middle of a contentious race for the nation’s presidency, in which the Sandy Hook families’ lawsuit has become pivotal.

Bellis ordered participating lawyers to her courtroom Tuesday for a conference to prepare for trial. An appeal of the decision, however, could delay the issue.

Josh Koskoff, the attorney from the Bridgeport-based Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, representing the Newtown families, said he was pleased with Bellis’s ruling.

“We are thrilled that the gun companies’ motion to dismiss was denied,” Koskoff said in a statement. “The families look forward to continuing their fight in court.”

Attorneys for the defendant gun makers, distributors and dealer did not respond for requests for comment on Thursday.Michael Bazinet, public affairs director for the Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation, said the organization is reviewing the decision and has no comment at this time.

U.S. Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, both Democrats, met with gun safety advocates Thursday and called for the repeal of the laws protecting the gun industry from lawsuits.

“It is a historic and seismic step to open the courthouse doors for gun violence survivors and others who have legitimate legal complaints against the gun industry,” said Blumenthal. “It is a powerful impetus and momentum for ongoing reform efforts to stop gun violence that is an epidemic and public health crisis in our nation.”

This next election is there will probably be 3 Supremes nominated.............Here in a lower court..............they say they can now sue the gun manufacturers..................incredible.......

This is pure harrassment of Remington Arms

The Connecticut Supreme Court has ruled that the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 7901 through 7903" is Constitutional . So I fail to see the reason the scumbag "judge" is going to force Remington Arms to waste money defending itself.

Rodriguez v. Testa, 993 A.2d 955, 296 Conn. 1 (Conn. 05/04/2010)

Any ruling concluding that the governments can designate what firearms can be marketed to civilians will be IGNORED.


This is pure harrassment of Remington Arms

The Connecticut Supreme Court has ruled that the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 7901 through 7903" is Constitutional . So I fail to see the reason the scumbag "judge" is going to force Remington Arms to waste money defending itself.

Rodriguez v. Testa, 993 A.2d 955, 296 Conn. 1 (Conn. 05/04/2010)

Any ruling concluding that the governments can designate what firearms can be marketed to civilians will be IGNORED.
... guns in the home are less dangerous than cars, poison and swimming pools....
Unless a boy takes an AR-15 out of the home to slaughter a couple dozen children & adults.

3,750,000 millions ARE-15s in private is misused.......can you see how dumb your post is?
The 2 dozen families who lost their 6-yr-old may disagree with your attitude "Shit happens".
Life is random.

You could decide not to kill a bee today. Tomorrow that same bee could sting a baby and that baby could die of anaphylaxis

So do you kill every bee you see? Or do you let it live? If you do let it live are you responsible for any deaths that bee may cause?
Shit happens in nature, i agree.
Weapons are needed for self-defense, i agree.
I'm wondering how lethal a weapon has to be for civilian use.
Maybe a plastic explosive should be protected under the 2nd ...

Way more children die in car accidents every year than they do guns. Doesn't mean we should make it illegal for children to be in cars.

The real problem here is that people on your side refuses to acknowledge that it doesn't matter how many or what kind of laws we have against firearms, the criminals will always have them. They are not going to obey the law, that's why they are criminals in the first place.

Now if you can come up with an idea of how to stop criminals getting guns, then lets first apply that method to the terrible drug problem we have in this country and see if it works with narcotics.

Until that time, we are all going to have to accept the FACT that criminals will be armed, and there is nothing we can do about that.
Meh, I've heard about the "hoax" theory before. I don't really believe that. But, having said that, just because some loon freaks out and kills people, that is no reason to take rights or restrict rights regarding law abiding citizens. You don't blame the tool. It isn't the fault of the tool used.

I fired the same type of gun that Lanza allegedly used......the shells fly up in your face which is why you wear googles at the firing range. It took me five minutes to empty a 12 bullet clip when I was aiming at a target 15 feet away and only hit the target 7 times and I got the webbing between my thumb and forefinger caught inbetween the barrel....bleed like a stuck expect me to believe that this kid that suffered from a form of autism was able to get off over 100 shots with pinpoint accuracy in a ten minute span??? I don't buy this shit at all...I don;'t believe ANYTHING about Sandy Hoax.......

Utter and complete bullshit. You hilighted your ignorance on the issue in the first ten words you wrote. In the picture you will see two fire arms, both are mine and the evil looking black rifle is the exact same model Lanzas used which is an XM15A2 Mforgery. The ONLY way shells will hit the shooter is if they are shooting gangsta style and maybe not tnen. In one minute I can dump two 40 round magazines in thirty seconds bump firing I can do it in about half that time. In a space the size of a class room I'm pretty positive I cold hit targets pretty good. Lanzas and his mother were shooters so he would have a clue even if he was autistic on how to shoot the weapon. What's bull shit is polititions using dead kids for political purposes . The only thing worse are the conspiracy weirdos and Alex Jones types using the dead kids to sell CD's and tshirts.

What source do you have other than the media telling you they went to the firing range all the time because I have found that to be utter bullshit and just another lie of our corporate what type of weapon was used. They said his body was found in one of the schoolrooms where he allegedly committed suicide with a handgun but then , no....he used a semi-automatic...but wait, how do we explain how he committed suicide...oh, ok, we will say he had handguns with lots of ammo....all on a kid that might have weighed 120 pounds soak and wet. I don't believe the official way, no how. You do? Bully for you but I will never stop expressing my contention that this was a false flag event...don't like it? Well, you can go fuck yourself.

On the fire arms? My source is the Bushmaster XM15-A2 sitting in my closet with the firing pin removed. I believe it was cloudy in the reports because we have a media that gets a hard on every time children get shot up by a psycho that's what I believe. They are in such a hurry to be the first outlet to show kids dead and other crying. I further believe that the conspiracy wackos also get hard for the same reason with the added bonus of being able to sell recordings of cops and EMS responding. So, everything that is "proof" of the alleged "falsflag" operation is bull crap starting with the crap you posted about the weapons. Adam Lanza may have been a wee lad, the AR platform is ideal for people like that. Smallish gals just love them. Look deeper. It's not One source reporting your "proof" what it is is several cops talking and there is also the fire department and EMS with the disgusting ghouls in the media humping the leg of an atrocity for TV ratings. In my mind the construction wackos are not much better.

No, which source did you use to find out that they had switched the story from using a handgun to using a semi and then using that semi to kill himself? Hmmm? #1 I don't believe a fucking thing the lamestream media tells me #2 I don't believe a damn thing the corporate "gubermint" tells me either. Sandy Hoax reeks for a litany of reasons and it does not stand up to even basic scrutiny. People need to wake the fuck up and realize that they have been duped.
... guns in the home are less dangerous than cars, poison and swimming pools....
Unless a boy takes an AR-15 out of the home to slaughter a couple dozen children & adults.

3,750,000 millions ARE-15s in private is misused.......can you see how dumb your post is?
The 2 dozen families who lost their 6-yr-old may disagree with your attitude "Shit happens".
Life is random.

You could decide not to kill a bee today. Tomorrow that same bee could sting a baby and that baby could die of anaphylaxis

So do you kill every bee you see? Or do you let it live? If you do let it live are you responsible for any deaths that bee may cause?
Shit happens in nature, i agree.
Weapons are needed for self-defense, i agree.
I'm wondering how lethal a weapon has to be for civilian use.
Maybe a plastic explosive should be protected under the 2nd ...

All kinds of things are lethal. Even "nonlethal" weapons can kill.

Whether or not a weapon is lethal is entirely up to the person wielding it

Explosives are not generally recognized as firearms and are not the best choice for defense
Unless a boy takes an AR-15 out of the home to slaughter a couple dozen children & adults.

3,750,000 millions ARE-15s in private is misused.......can you see how dumb your post is?
The 2 dozen families who lost their 6-yr-old may disagree with your attitude "Shit happens".
Life is random.

You could decide not to kill a bee today. Tomorrow that same bee could sting a baby and that baby could die of anaphylaxis

So do you kill every bee you see? Or do you let it live? If you do let it live are you responsible for any deaths that bee may cause?
Shit happens in nature, i agree.
Weapons are needed for self-defense, i agree.
I'm wondering how lethal a weapon has to be for civilian use.
Maybe a plastic explosive should be protected under the 2nd ...

All kinds of things are lethal. Even "nonlethal" weapons can kill.

Whether or not a weapon is lethal is entirely up to the person wielding it

Explosives are not generally recognized as firearms and are not the best choice for defense
But they offer a dramatic explosive display.
So if I understand the OP correctly, the parents' argument is that their children wouldn't have been killed if that particular gun had not been marketed to civilians? He would have just said, "Oh, I can't have a 'military-style' weapon, so I guess I won't bother to shoot up the school at all", or a different gun wouldn't have been lethal, or exactly what is the thinking we're supposed to be buying into here?
So they do have ads . We've cleared that up and I was right .

And no I don't think gun companies are liable for making guns .

No I do t think that just producing alcohol makes you liable for drunk drivers .

And I don't respect a dead lady who bought her psycho son all kinds a guns and took him shooting n shit.

You didn't answer my question on if she was in any way responsible .

She had the guns locked up in a safe. I'm sure she never thought her own son was going to murder her. It's a tragedy that this happened, and the only one to blame is the one who pulled the trigger.
All we have to do is advertise your views on guns to the public and it would sell a million more guns.........

Yes, because my opinion carries so much weight.

Guy, only 22% of the population owns guns. You are in the minority. And even a lot of gun owners think people like you who want to shoot government officials are kind of nuts.

The number is more than 30% and it is growing thanks to idiots like you.
Hmmm. Really though, I guess fat people who have diabetes and perhaps have lost a limb should be able to sue junk food manufacturers if they have eaten too many Twinkies. Lol.
what about skinny people who have it?.....
Skinny people rarely get type II diabetes.
and type 2 never lose a limb to it,but type 1's she was talking type 1 and they are not all fat....

Good Lord! The point totally flew over your head, huh? :rolleyes-41:
The PLCAA prohibits suing the manufacturer in this case. It will be thrown out on appeal

No. The judge who hears the case will throw it out if they can read. The decision was to allow the case to go to trial, that is the stupid part. It will be a defense attorneys first motion to request summary judgement based on the federal law.

Again, the courts can rule the federal law unconstitutional. Granting a blanket immunity for an industry is insane.

So let's consider what will happen if the plaintiffs DO prevail here. Bushmaster will pay out a shitload of money. Then a lot of other people will sue other gun companies for their lost loved ones, and the gun industry will settle a lot of those out of court because they'd be too expensive to litigate.

THEN you will see the gun industry clean up its act. They'll be the ones driving comprehensive background checks for buyers and sellers.

Can't see this as a bad thing.

There is no "blanket immunity." If the product was defective and someone was harmed because of THAT, then a lawsuit can and should be brought. There was nothing wrong with the product. It was the person using it that was defective.

This lawsuit won't go anywhere. The manufacturers did nothing wrong.
Non-disclosure that they would not say what they had seen or had not seen. I am always amused by people like you that just assume that everything they see on TV is reality. I am also amused by people that haven't done 10 minutes of research and reading that lamely attempt to marginalize someone that has spent hundreds and hundreds of hours looking for documentation and information both pro and con. I believed that it actually happened at first and I was going to try and prove the trolls wrong. But the more I looked into this, the more questions than answers was all I found. You believe that your beloved "gubermint" would never lie to you and that is fine....but I know that they lie with impunity and often with great gusto.

You can't fix crazy, dude. I've dealt with all sorts of nuts on the internet. JFK conspiracy theorists, 9/11 Truthers, Waco Nuts, Birthers, not to mention whacks who think things about Aliens and Chem Trails. And usually you documentation and information is repeating what other nuts have posted or reposted on the internet.


"You can't fix crazy . . . "

No shit. Lol. Exhibit A.
Yes, because I'm sure the first thing a criminal will do when he gets a hot gun or straw buyer to get a gun for him is look at those warning labels the way smokers and drinkers carefully do.

Again, guy, criminals aren't the problem here. Adam Lanza wasn't a criminal. he was a nut whose crazy mother had military grade weapons she never should have been allowed to buy.

Of course he was a criminal. He killed people. Killing innocent people = murderer = criminal.

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