Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Again, we've hunted the wolf into near extinction, and farmers rarely lose livestock to wolves anymore.

So what would be the result if we hunted the privately owned gun into extinction.
You do know who that sounds like Joe........................

Think about that one for a bit Joe............
I must have Joe in iggyland....what is his username??
You do know who that sounds like Joe........................

Think about that one for a bit Joe............

Like a resident of a European Democracy where most citizens don't have guns and they have almost no crime?

that's what it sounds like to me.
You see, if we had no other countries where this had been done, you might have a point. but the fact is, the US is kind of unique in having widespread gun ownership and a lot of fucking crazy people shooting up schools and theaters and offices.

Widespread gun ownership and a decreasing violent crime and gun crime rate........
Joe's True Colors shining through yet again...........Like Always.........

Has his ATF army and IRS army............are you gonna add the USPS army again Joe..................

Joe has so many armies in his back pocket...................:Boom2:
Watch out for the "Kiss Army!"

I hear these geriatrics are the most dangerous.
Britain has 2 x times the violent crime rate that we do...according to politifact...left wing nutters....

No, they don't.
They have 600 murders a year
We have 16,000

We lock up 2 milion people.
They lock up about 70,000.

They've got this figured out. If the crooks can't get guns, they aren't going to feel really all that brave.

Twit...murder isn't the only violent crime....and they are 2x as violent as we are....their predators just don't commit murder as often.....
Joe..your worst fear is coming true....women and minorities are the biggest growth areas for gun ownership and concealed carry permits...the two groups that make you feel tiny and insignificant.........and fuel your sexual gun fetish.....

Gun, gun ownership is on the decline. You are increasingly becoming a minority,which is why a sandy hook horrifies you. People start asking questions as wo why the rest of us put up with you.

Again, we've hunted the wolf into near extinction, and farmers rarely lose livestock to wolves anymore.

So what would be the result if we hunted the privately owned gun into extinction.
You do know who that sounds like Joe........................

Think about that one for a bit Joe............
I must have Joe in iggyland....what is his username??
Their murder rates were lower than ours before they confiscated their guns....their criminals simply don't commit murder as often...but that is changing...their drug gangs are getting more violent....

In Australia - pre 1996 when the buy back occurred - there was a random mass shooting almost every year. Since 1996 there haven't been any. Not one.

Worked out real well too:

Screen Shot 2013-08-29 at  Thursday, August 29, 7.32 PM.png
So the IRS are your buddies now and your standing army...................


Hitler didn't hate Christians. Hitler loved him some Jesus and his army had "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles. lost the arguments it is time to lie about the nazis?....they were atheists and pagans...........hitter hated Christians and so did his followers....
Twit...murder isn't the only violent crime....and they are 2x as violent as we are....their predators just don't commit murder as often.....

It's the only one you can really quantify. Because what counts as rape in the UK and what counts in the US are totally different.
Also, the Brits don't slut-shame rape victims like we do in the good old U S of A.
Their murder rates were lower than ours before they confiscated their guns....their criminals simply don't commit murder as often...but that is changing...their drug gangs are getting more violent....

In Australia - pre 1996 when the buy back occurred - there was a random mass shooting almost every year. Since 1996 there haven't been any. Not one.

Worked out real well too:

View attachment 72713

Again...the gun crime rate unaffected by confiscation and extreme gun control spiked, then return d to the same Level...thanks....need this source too.... lost the arguments it is time to lie about the nazis?....they were atheists and pagans...........hitter hated Christians and so did his followers....

Guy, read a fucking history book.

In a speech from April 12, 1922 and published in his book My New Order, Adolf Hitler explains his perspective on Jesus Christ:

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.

In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross.

Hitler: As a Christian, I Feel that My Lord and Savior was a Fighter

Again, we've hunted the wolf into near extinction, and farmers rarely lose livestock to wolves anymore.

So what would be the result if we hunted the privately owned gun into extinction.
You do know who that sounds like Joe........................

Think about that one for a bit Joe............
I must have Joe in iggyland....what is his username??

Thanks, I may need to check this clown out....he sounds hysterically funny.
Talk about honesty, you have to quit listening to those voices in your head Joe. Who said anything about race? Are blacks the only Democrats in our country???

Guy, your racist characterizations speak for themselves. It's not a liberal soccer mom robbing you at the ATM, is it?

I see now. So in your opinion, only blacks rob and I have that correct? And if so, you're pointing the finger at me and yelling race???
Twit...murder isn't the only violent crime....and they are 2x as violent as we are....their predators just don't commit murder as often.....

It's the only one you can really quantify. Because what counts as rape in the UK and what counts in the US are totally different.
Also, the Brits don't slut-shame rape victims like we do in the good old U S of A.

Nope...stabbing a are through the roof, the same with beatings and robbery..especially hot robberies where the victims are at home during the home get it bad too because the criminals know the cops take for ever to get to the isolated farms.......

And gun crime is up 4% last year and the criminals are now shooting at police with fully automatic gun controlled Britain........and they are now arming more of their previously unarmed police...
...Actually, I used to be a right winger, until I realized how they use bullshit issues like this to keep you voting against your own economic interests. When you don't have your gun and bible to cling to, maybe you'll start addressing the real problems.
Any further questions about Leftists, classmates?

NO, you'll probably remain clueless. You were clueless when Obama first made his comments, and you are clueless now.

Here's the thing. For 40 years, the Republicans have been waging a war on the Middle class, erasing all the progressive gains made between 1900 to 1970 that gave us the nice middle class your parents and grandparents enjoyed.

And for 40 years, they've been playing on your religious, sexual and racial fears to get you to vote for the stuff that is screwing you out of that lifestyle.

Ever notice taht the rich always get their tax cuts and trade treaties, but you fools never get abortion or gay marriage banned?

Now, on the subject of guns, the wealthy have done a briliant job there. They are selling you a product that you not only don't need, but is actually dangerous to you. (As a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy) and they've convinced you that this makes you free, even though it will not solve any of the problems in your life...

There you have it folks. Liberals believe THEY tell you what you need and don't need--not you.
I would imagine that the manufacturers are nervous about having their marketing operations laid bare in a court room. We know that tobacco and alcohol have been massive conspiracies against the public and the marketing of both has been reined in.

From a distance America looks like a very violent society and I understand why people would want to have guns for self protection.

But to wave away concerns when toddlers get mown down in school is shocking.When does gun ownership become a problem ?
The gun lobby appears to be saying that nothing needs to be done. That is a breathtakingly complacent standpoint that is racking up its own body count every year.

It is obvious that something has to change. What can be done to head off another atrocity ?

Armed security guards would be a good place to start. lost the arguments it is time to lie about the nazis?....they were atheists and pagans...........hitter hated Christians and so did his followers....

Guy, read a fucking history book.

In a speech from April 12, 1922 and published in his book My New Order, Adolf Hitler explains his perspective on Jesus Christ:

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.

In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross.

Hitler: As a Christian, I Feel that My Lord and Savior was a Fighter

Moron....Germans were barely Christian at the time of hitlers rise....and he catered to then in public....he hated Christianity and he was an atheist...his SS were pagans following a system of blood and soil worship........get a clue....
And I had to use that to defend my daughter and grand child from a drug addict who broke into her home. Luckily she lives close enough for me to be there before the police.

I could have put him down but chose to hold him until the police arrived. I didn't want to clean up the mess, not have my daughter living in her home where her father killed someone.

Whatever, I dont believe you.

Sorry, I just don't. I simply can't believe you gun fetishists when given the opportunity to orgamically kill a bad guy would pass up on the opportunity.
No one is expecting you to believe it.

I don't have a gun fetish.

I just happen to like to hunt and target shoot.

I was shooting long before I joined the military. The military just taught me to be more proficient in the ability to use the firearm and to use common sense and restraint in the event the time came to utilize it.

And. What makes you think I believe or care about what you say?

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