Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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I'm sorry, what's an acceptable number of preschoolers to be gunned down by madmen? I'm just curious what you consider an acceptable number...

Which of congress' enumerated powers would allow it to restrict the acquisition and possession of arms by the people of the several states? A quote please?
Damn, it stinks that this false flag crap just won't die. Whatever. Anyway, that Lanza got the guns was his mother's fault. Had she not been killed she would be the one who should face civil action as well as criminal charges. It was HER fault the boy got the weapon. Period. A law suit against Remington won't do anything but make them charge more for guns. In the end, they will lose. It's a shame that in this country acountability in flat out gone. I'm fat and is someone else's fault, I cut my finger, it's the knife makers fault because they made the knife sharp.
from the CDC....i think you have your numbers mixed up Joe....
a staggering 80% of gun homicides are gang-related. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), gang homicides accounted for roughly 8,900 of 11,100 gun murders in both 2010 and 2011. That means that there were just 2,200 non gang-related firearm murders in both years in a country of over 300 million people and 250 million guns.
this is what i heard on a radio talk show with 6 California chiefs of police and 4 DA's...if you take gang gun violence out of the stats California is a pretty safe State...and they said this should be true nation wide...

Um, no, I don't.

Here's what the National Gang Center (Teh government agency tasked with tracking gang activity says.

Request Rejected

  • The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged nearly 2,000 annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011), the FBI estimated, on average, more than 15,500 homicides across the United States ( These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 13 percent of all homicides annually.
I'm sorry, what's an acceptable number of preschoolers to be gunned down by madmen? I'm just curious what you consider an acceptable number...

Which of congress' enumerated powers would allow it to restrict the acquisition and possession of arms by the people of the several states? A quote please?

The Commerce Clause. Done.
I'm sorry, what's an acceptable number of preschoolers to be gunned down by madmen? I'm just curious what you consider an acceptable number...

Which of congress' enumerated powers would allow it to restrict the acquisition and possession of arms by the people of the several states? A quote please?

The Commerce Clause. Done.

"To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and
with the Indian Tribes;"

And how is a law that restricts the acquisition and possession of arms by the people of the several states necessary and proper for carrying into execution the power to regulate commerce among the several states?
Damn, it stinks that this false flag crap just won't die. Whatever. Anyway, that Lanza got the guns was his mother's fault. Had she not been killed she would be the one who should face civil action as well as criminal charges. It was HER fault the boy got the weapon. Period. A law suit against Remington won't do anything but make them charge more for guns. In the end, they will lose. It's a shame that in this country acountability in flat out gone. I'm fat and is someone else's fault, I cut my finger, it's the knife makers fault because they made the knife sharp.

Actually, it's Bushmaster that is being sued here... and there's a case to be made for culpability in that Bushmaster and the other gun makers have been selling guns to people who have no business having them like Nancy Lanza.
He sees a lot of things the rest of us don't.

Well, Ray, you have willful blindness on this issue. Just ignore the dead kiddies... Ignore 33,000 gun deaths and

Suicides are tossed in those stats as well as accidents and shootings involving law enforcement as well as justified shootings. Cases can and are made both ways with the same nunbers. In the end, you can't litigate stupid away. The mother was the stupid one here. Not Remington.
"To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and
with the Indian Tribes;"

And how is a law that restricts the acquisition and possession of arms by the people of the several states necessary and proper for carrying into execution the power to regulate commerce among the several states?

Guy, nobody is buying your shit. No one is claiming there isn't a federal power to regulate guns...

"Well Regulated Militia". It's why Cleetus and Billy-bob can't own a howitzer with Anthrax shells.
He sees a lot of things the rest of us don't.

Well, Ray, you have willful blindness on this issue. Just ignore the dead kiddies... Ignore 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries.

Dead kiddies happen all the time. Summer is here and I guarantee you that there will be another couple of idiots that leave their kids in a hot car and let them die because they forgot about them. A couple dozen or so will drown as well.

You don't care about kiddies, you care about guns. Kiddies is your vehicle you use to try and make your case and gain sympathy. Because Sandy Hook happened 3/12 years ago, and many kiddies have died of other things since then.
Damn, it stinks that this false flag crap just won't die. Whatever. Anyway, that Lanza got the guns was his mother's fault. Had she not been killed she would be the one who should face civil action as well as criminal charges. It was HER fault the boy got the weapon. Period. A law suit against Remington won't do anything but make them charge more for guns. In the end, they will lose. It's a shame that in this country acountability in flat out gone. I'm fat and is someone else's fault, I cut my finger, it's the knife makers fault because they made the knife sharp.

Actually, it's Bushmaster that is being sued here... and there's a case to be made for culpability in that Bushmaster and the other gun makers have been selling guns to people who have no business having them like Nancy Lanza.

Nope. Remington owns the brand. Several actually. On Nancy Lanza I agree 100%, but it was HER responsibility to not be a moron. Remington makes guns that's all.
Guy, nobody is buying your shit. No one is claiming there isn't a federal power to regulate guns...

Actually, I am claiming that very thing.

"Well Regulated Militia". It's why Cleetus and Billy-bob can't own a howitzer with Anthrax shells.
So you're unable to cite any actual constitutional language that empowers congress to enact a law that restricts the acquisition and possession of arms by the people of the several states.

I knew you wouldn't be able to.
Suicides are tossed in those stats as well as accidents and shootings involving law enforcement as well as justified shootings. Cases can and are made both ways with the same nunbers. In the end, you can't litigate stupid away. The mother was the stupid one here. Not Remington.

Okay, first the "justified" shootings by civilians are less than 200 a year.

Justified Shootings by Law Enforcement I take with a grain of salt, given you can pretty much shoot a black child playing with a toy and get it ruled "Justifiable".

And, yes, Remington IS stupid.

We wouldn't hesitate to hold Sudafed responsible if we knew that they considered THIS guy their prime market


"What, I'm just a harmless chemistry teacher!"

So how is it not irresponsible to hold Bushmaster responsible when they sell to a crazy person like Nancy Lanza, and someone in her world does something crazy?
Hmmm. Really though, I guess fat people who have diabetes and perhaps have lost a limb should be able to sue junk food manufacturers if they have eaten too many Twinkies. Lol.
what about skinny people who have it?.....
Skinny people rarely get type II diabetes.
and type 2 never lose a limb to it,but type 1's she was talking type 1 and they are not all fat....

Good Lord! The point totally flew over your head, huh? :rolleyes-41:

He's also wrong about Type IIs never losing a limb because of it.
I knew you wouldn't be able to.

I don't fight arguments I've already won... The ATF Exists. Federal Gun laws exist. This argument was had and lost.

And now that your boy Scalia is taking a dirt nap, that ain't gonna change.
Won? Nope. You haven't cited the language in the constitution that gives congress authority to restrict the acquisition and possession of arms by the people of the states.

You lose this one.
WTF is this "supposed to" stuff?

Supposed to by who's ruling......yours????

Sorry Joe, but that's why we have lawmakers in this country; so we don't have tyranny because of people like you. I don't think companies that manufacture swimming polls should be allowed to sell them to households that have children. Children die from drowning all the time. I don't think any American should own a pit bull either. They kill and harm people all the time. There are plenty of other less violent breeds to own that are not nearly as dangerous.

Is that the path you think our country should be on?

Guy, 3/4 of the planet is covered in water, and we only have 3000 drownings a year.

We only have 45 deaths a year due to Dog Bites.

Your "other things are dangerous, too" act doesn't really fly here. Pools and Dogs aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

They're not? You mean out of the dozens of breeds, people buy pit bulls because of their kind nature?

Actually, yes. Pit bulls that are bred by serious, responsible breeders and not bred and trained to be aggressive are actually known for being gentle and good-natured animals.

But you can breed and train just about any type of dog to be vicious and aggressive.

Helen Keller Pit. They are a terrier for crying out loud. It's not that they are a pit. It's because they are a bloody terrier.

I hate stupid people on dogs.
Second amendment needs a second thought. We NEED guns to protect us from people WITH guns? Eliminate the problem, that is the solution.
I know more than you...infinitely more and I will kick your ass in any type of discussion as to what we are facing. I will make you look really bad. Your lame attempts at insulting me or marginalizing me don't mean shit. Bring your "A" game because you are gonna need it.

Guy, your fellow Right Wingers are treating you like a nut. You seriously need to be medicated.

Leftwing, rightwing...body in the middle controls them both and it was planned that way. I do not belong to a political party but people on the right haven't dinged me at all for saying that the rash of mass shootings are staged events (which they are)....just leftards like you that have no game and a lack of critical thinking. I do not own even so much as a BB gun because due to my religious beliefs I don't know if I could end the life of someone that wasn't saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.

I know of what I speak and you seem to be afraid to debate me...why is that? I have gone down the rabbit veers off in many directions. I know of what I speak and the picture of what we are facing is crystal clear to me. Pull up your big boy britches and bring more than insults to the table. You suffer from an over-inflated sense of self...that much is obvious for everyone to see.

Put aside the insults and let's see if you can refute what I contend.......I live for this stuff....what say ye???
Suicides are tossed in those stats as well as accidents and shootings involving law enforcement as well as justified shootings. Cases can and are made both ways with the same nunbers. In the end, you can't litigate stupid away. The mother was the stupid one here. Not Remington.

Okay, first the "justified" shootings by civilians are less than 200 a year.

Justified Shootings by Law Enforcement I take with a grain of salt, given you can pretty much shoot a black child playing with a toy and get it ruled "Justifiable".

And, yes, Remington IS stupid.

We wouldn't hesitate to hold Sudafed responsible if we knew that they considered THIS guy their prime market


"What, I'm just a harmless chemistry teacher!"

So how is it not irresponsible to hold Bushmaster responsible when they sell to a crazy person like Nancy Lanza, and someone in her world does something crazy?

With the 200 a year, I'll let you redo google that, but it's a bit more lat i heard. We just had one here matter of fact. But thats 200 bad folks shot. Yay! As for law enforcement that's rich. More black folks are shot by black children where you live in a week then are shot by cops in 5 years. That was lame man. And the Sudafed thing, last I saw you can only buy a couple box's per person. They regulate the sale because it's used to make meth great point. You fill out a yellow paper to buy a gun. It's regulated and stuff. Dont see folks bringing legal action against wall greens for selling cold Ned's that made the meth some stupid tweaker over dosed on do you ? Tha one big company who owns Bushmaster will swat the lawsuit down. And rightfully so.
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I know more than you...infinitely more and I will kick your ass in any type of discussion as to what we are facing. I will make you look really bad. Your lame attempts at insulting me or marginalizing me don't mean shit. Bring your "A" game because you are gonna need it.

Guy, your fellow Right Wingers are treating you like a nut. You seriously need to be medicated.

Leftwing, rightwing...body in the middle controls them both and it was planned that way. I do not belong to a political party but people on the right haven't dinged me at all for saying that the rash of mass shootings are staged events (which they are)....just leftards like you that have no game and a lack of critical thinking. I do not own even so much as a BB gun because due to my religious beliefs I don't know if I could end the life of someone that wasn't saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.

I know of what I speak and you seem to be afraid to debate me...why is that? I have gone down the rabbit veers off in many directions. I know of what I speak and the picture of what we are facing is crystal clear to me. Pull up your big boy britches and bring more than insults to the table. You suffer from an over-inflated sense of self...that much is obvious for everyone to see.

Put aside the insults and let's see if you can refute what I contend.......I live for this stuff....what say ye???

Bull shit. All the tinfoil hat bullshit has been debunked again and again. It's also a fact that even if the cops took you right there and gave you all the transparency you demand it would never be enough. There would always be something.

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