Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Second amendment needs a second thought. We NEED guns to protect us from people WITH guns? Eliminate the problem, that is the solution.

Or my ma, at 100 pounds and 76 years old needs her glock to protect her self from the dirt bag that would mug her.
Damn, it stinks that this false flag crap just won't die. Whatever. Anyway, that Lanza got the guns was his mother's fault. Had she not been killed she would be the one who should face civil action as well as criminal charges. It was HER fault the boy got the weapon. Period. A law suit against Remington won't do anything but make them charge more for guns. In the end, they will lose. It's a shame that in this country acountability in flat out gone. I'm fat and is someone else's fault, I cut my finger, it's the knife makers fault because they made the knife sharp.

Fuck you. Fuck you big mother fucking time.

Damn, it stinks that this false flag crap just won't die. Whatever. Anyway, that Lanza got the guns was his mother's fault. Had she not been killed she would be the one who should face civil action as well as criminal charges. It was HER fault the boy got the weapon. Period. A law suit against Remington won't do anything but make them charge more for guns. In the end, they will lose. It's a shame that in this country acountability in flat out gone. I'm fat and is someone else's fault, I cut my finger, it's the knife makers fault because they made the knife sharp.

Fuck you. Fuck you big mother fucking time.


First, she facilitated the murder of all those children by making the gun avaliable to her sick offspring. In most states had she not been shot she would have had charges brought and rightfully so. So fuck yo, fuck you big time. She is just as guilty for those dead kids as her with it.
Damn, it stinks that this false flag crap just won't die. Whatever. Anyway, that Lanza got the guns was his mother's fault. Had she not been killed she would be the one who should face civil action as well as criminal charges. It was HER fault the boy got the weapon. Period. A law suit against Remington won't do anything but make them charge more for guns. In the end, they will lose. It's a shame that in this country acountability in flat out gone. I'm fat and is someone else's fault, I cut my finger, it's the knife makers fault because they made the knife sharp.

Fuck you. Fuck you big mother fucking time.


First, she facilitated the murder of all those children by making the gun avaliable to her sick offspring. In most states had she not been shot she would have had charges brought and rightfully so. So fuck yo, fuck you big time. She is just as guilty for those dead kids as her with it.

Yeah, that will teach her to get killed and have her gun safe keys stolen from her.
Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Sandy Hook families can sue gun industry

BRIDGEPORT — Gun-safety advocates hailed a judge’s ruling that victims’ families can sue the manufacturer of the military-style rifle used in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

hey called the Thursday decision by Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellisa landmark in the fight against the epidemic of mass shootings.

Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said it was an “important win” for the Newtown families and other victims.

“They deserve their day in court and we are pleased that at least for now they'll get it, despite the defendants' best efforts to derail this case,” Gross said. “Victims of gun violence are not second-class citizens.”

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, who became the state’s leading advocate for gun-control reforms after the Newtown school massacre, said firearms companies should not be allowed blanket immunity from wrongful-death lawsuits.

“I look at this as a moral victory,” Malloy said.

Gun makers, dealers and sellers had claimed the Newtown families did not have legal standing.

But Bellis ruled that the 2005 federal law shielding gun makers from liability does not override the claims by the Sandy Hook families that the Bushmaster XM-15 rifle is a military-style rifle that should never have been marketed to civilians.

The judge’s decisions comes in the middle of a contentious race for the nation’s presidency, in which the Sandy Hook families’ lawsuit has become pivotal.

Bellis ordered participating lawyers to her courtroom Tuesday for a conference to prepare for trial. An appeal of the decision, however, could delay the issue.

Josh Koskoff, the attorney from the Bridgeport-based Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, representing the Newtown families, said he was pleased with Bellis’s ruling.

“We are thrilled that the gun companies’ motion to dismiss was denied,” Koskoff said in a statement. “The families look forward to continuing their fight in court.”

Attorneys for the defendant gun makers, distributors and dealer did not respond for requests for comment on Thursday.Michael Bazinet, public affairs director for the Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation, said the organization is reviewing the decision and has no comment at this time.

U.S. Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, both Democrats, met with gun safety advocates Thursday and called for the repeal of the laws protecting the gun industry from lawsuits.

“It is a historic and seismic step to open the courthouse doors for gun violence survivors and others who have legitimate legal complaints against the gun industry,” said Blumenthal. “It is a powerful impetus and momentum for ongoing reform efforts to stop gun violence that is an epidemic and public health crisis in our nation.”

This next election is there will probably be 3 Supremes nominated.............Here in a lower court..............they say they can now sue the gun manufacturers..................incredible.......

It's really a pointless poll. You can sue virtual anybody for anything. The question should be framed more to the point- do the Sandy Hook Victims deserve money from gun manufacturers?
I know more than you...infinitely more and I will kick your ass in any type of discussion as to what we are facing. I will make you look really bad. Your lame attempts at insulting me or marginalizing me don't mean shit. Bring your "A" game because you are gonna need it.

Guy, your fellow Right Wingers are treating you like a nut. You seriously need to be medicated.

Leftwing, rightwing...body in the middle controls them both and it was planned that way. I do not belong to a political party but people on the right haven't dinged me at all for saying that the rash of mass shootings are staged events (which they are)....just leftards like you that have no game and a lack of critical thinking. I do not own even so much as a BB gun because due to my religious beliefs I don't know if I could end the life of someone that wasn't saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.

I know of what I speak and you seem to be afraid to debate me...why is that? I have gone down the rabbit veers off in many directions. I know of what I speak and the picture of what we are facing is crystal clear to me. Pull up your big boy britches and bring more than insults to the table. You suffer from an over-inflated sense of self...that much is obvious for everyone to see.

Put aside the insults and let's see if you can refute what I contend.......I live for this stuff....what say ye???

Bull shit. All the tinfoil hat bullshit has been debunked again and again. It's also a fact that even if the cops took you right there and gave you all the transparency you demand it would never be enough. There would always be something.

Nope....100 percent bullshit and a total lie........the cover-up, redacted evidence and data dumps tells the true story.......Sandy Hoax was a fraud......hope this helps!!!
Their murder rates were lower than ours before they confiscated their guns....their criminals simply don't commit murder as often...but that is changing...their drug gangs are getting more violent....

In Australia - pre 1996 when the buy back occurred - there was a random mass shooting almost every year. Since 1996 there haven't been any. Not one.

Worked out real well too:

View attachment 72713

You know armed robberies include knifes, baseball bats etc. Very few involved guns. note how it is declining. Also, you have no idea why it increased. More people could be reporting them, the police in different states might change the criteria that constitutes an armed robbery. I could go on.
Damn, it stinks that this false flag crap just won't die. Whatever. Anyway, that Lanza got the guns was his mother's fault. Had she not been killed she would be the one who should face civil action as well as criminal charges. It was HER fault the boy got the weapon. Period. A law suit against Remington won't do anything but make them charge more for guns. In the end, they will lose. It's a shame that in this country acountability in flat out gone. I'm fat and is someone else's fault, I cut my finger, it's the knife makers fault because they made the knife sharp.

Fuck you. Fuck you big mother fucking time.


First, she facilitated the murder of all those children by making the gun avaliable to her sick offspring. In most states had she not been shot she would have had charges brought and rightfully so. So fuck yo, fuck you big time. She is just as guilty for those dead kids as her with it.

Yeah, that will teach her to get killed and have her gun safe keys stolen from her.

No the way, she was shot yes? So how did the crazy brat get the gun out of the safe to shoot his mom and steal the key to the safe?
Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Sandy Hook families can sue gun industry

BRIDGEPORT — Gun-safety advocates hailed a judge’s ruling that victims’ families can sue the manufacturer of the military-style rifle used in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

hey called the Thursday decision by Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellisa landmark in the fight against the epidemic of mass shootings.

Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said it was an “important win” for the Newtown families and other victims.

“They deserve their day in court and we are pleased that at least for now they'll get it, despite the defendants' best efforts to derail this case,” Gross said. “Victims of gun violence are not second-class citizens.”

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, who became the state’s leading advocate for gun-control reforms after the Newtown school massacre, said firearms companies should not be allowed blanket immunity from wrongful-death lawsuits.

“I look at this as a moral victory,” Malloy said.

Gun makers, dealers and sellers had claimed the Newtown families did not have legal standing.

But Bellis ruled that the 2005 federal law shielding gun makers from liability does not override the claims by the Sandy Hook families that the Bushmaster XM-15 rifle is a military-style rifle that should never have been marketed to civilians.

The judge’s decisions comes in the middle of a contentious race for the nation’s presidency, in which the Sandy Hook families’ lawsuit has become pivotal.

Bellis ordered participating lawyers to her courtroom Tuesday for a conference to prepare for trial. An appeal of the decision, however, could delay the issue.

Josh Koskoff, the attorney from the Bridgeport-based Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, representing the Newtown families, said he was pleased with Bellis’s ruling.

“We are thrilled that the gun companies’ motion to dismiss was denied,” Koskoff said in a statement. “The families look forward to continuing their fight in court.”

Attorneys for the defendant gun makers, distributors and dealer did not respond for requests for comment on Thursday.Michael Bazinet, public affairs director for the Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation, said the organization is reviewing the decision and has no comment at this time.

U.S. Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, both Democrats, met with gun safety advocates Thursday and called for the repeal of the laws protecting the gun industry from lawsuits.

“It is a historic and seismic step to open the courthouse doors for gun violence survivors and others who have legitimate legal complaints against the gun industry,” said Blumenthal. “It is a powerful impetus and momentum for ongoing reform efforts to stop gun violence that is an epidemic and public health crisis in our nation.”

This next election is there will probably be 3 Supremes nominated.............Here in a lower court..............they say they can now sue the gun manufacturers..................incredible.......

It's really a pointless poll. You can sue virtual anybody for anything. The question should be framed more to the point- do the Sandy Hook Victims deserve money from gun manufacturers?

Hmmm. Really though, I guess fat people who have diabetes and perhaps have lost a limb should be able to sue junk food manufacturers if they have eaten too many Twinkies. Lol.
what about skinny people who have it?.....
Skinny people rarely get type II diabetes.
and type 2 never lose a limb to it,but type 1's she was talking type 1 and they are not all fat....

Good Lord! The point totally flew over your head, huh? :rolleyes-41:

He's also wrong about Type IIs never losing a limb because of it.
how long have you been a diabetic bri?...
No, I don't think "most" people would agree. What she purchased were legal weapons no different than you going to the store and buying a gallon of milk. She did nothing wrong. Her weapons were locked up in a gun cabinet (the way you libs always preach people should do) and the only time her son had legal access to those firearms was under her supervision.

Everyone seems to forget that her son killed her so he could take the weapons

no one has forgotten that. SHE gave him access to them even knowing he was dangerous.

She didn't know he was dangerous.....he was a nonviolent, detached kid.......

everyone knew he was unstable. that's why his father had nothing to do with him. but please, continue to mischaracterize him.

He had autism. Autistic kids are oftentimes "weird." That doesn't make them dangerous or violent. Why don't you post your credentials here that makes you able to make such a diagnosis.

he was dangerous. that is why his father left.
A AR 15 is no different that the
Guy, most people would agree Nancy Lanza never should have been allowed to buy a military grade weapon, and no one would want a crazy nut like Nancy living on their block.

No, I don't think "most" people would agree. What she purchased were legal weapons no different than you going to the store and buying a gallon of milk. She did nothing wrong. Her weapons were locked up in a gun cabinet (the way you libs always preach people should do) and the only time her son had legal access to those firearms was under her supervision.

Everyone seems to forget that her son killed her so he could take the weapons

no one has forgotten that. SHE gave him access to them even knowing he was dangerous.

Did she know he was dangerous? Did she think he would go on a murderous rampage?

I don't know that so please tell me how you know.

And then tell me how the gun manufacturer was liable for any deaths

I thought it was clear that old Jilly doesn't know much about anything. Lol.

and yet i know more than you about everything, poor desperate one.

now quiet, moron before you make yourself look even more ridiculous than usual.
A AR 15 is no different that the
Why shouldn't she have been allowed to buy guns? She wasn't a criminal either.

This is the type of thinking that makes people come out against people in your movement.

Guy, most people would agree Nancy Lanza never should have been allowed to buy a military grade weapon, and no one would want a crazy nut like Nancy living on their block.

No, I don't think "most" people would agree. What she purchased were legal weapons no different than you going to the store and buying a gallon of milk. She did nothing wrong. Her weapons were locked up in a gun cabinet (the way you libs always preach people should do) and the only time her son had legal access to those firearms was under her supervision.

Everyone seems to forget that her son killed her so he could take the weapons

no one has forgotten that. SHE gave him access to them even knowing he was dangerous.

Did she know he was dangerous? Did she think he would go on a murderous rampage?

I don't know that so please tell me how you know.

And then tell me how the gun manufacturer was liable for any deaths

i don't know if they are...

see my response here...


i do know they shouldn't have a blanket exemption from suit....they should be treated like any other manufacturer. THAT is what we're talking about.
Everyone seems to forget that her son killed her so he could take the weapons

no one has forgotten that. SHE gave him access to them even knowing he was dangerous.

She didn't know he was dangerous.....he was a nonviolent, detached kid.......

everyone knew he was unstable. that's why his father had nothing to do with him. but please, continue to mischaracterize him.

He had autism. Autistic kids are oftentimes "weird." That doesn't make them dangerous or violent. Why don't you post your credentials here that makes you able to make such a diagnosis.

he was dangerous. that is why his father left.

that is not what i have read

got a link

no one has forgotten that. SHE gave him access to them even knowing he was dangerous.

She didn't know he was dangerous.....he was a nonviolent, detached kid.......

everyone knew he was unstable. that's why his father had nothing to do with him. but please, continue to mischaracterize him.

He had autism. Autistic kids are oftentimes "weird." That doesn't make them dangerous or violent. Why don't you post your credentials here that makes you able to make such a diagnosis.

he was dangerous. that is why his father left.

that is not what i have read

got a link


i'll try to find it. it's what i have heard.

i'm pretty sure you've heard "there was nothing anyone could do".

well, except screen people who want guns appropriately.
Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Sandy Hook families can sue gun industry

BRIDGEPORT — Gun-safety advocates hailed a judge’s ruling that victims’ families can sue the manufacturer of the military-style rifle used in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

hey called the Thursday decision by Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellisa landmark in the fight against the epidemic of mass shootings.

Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said it was an “important win” for the Newtown families and other victims.

“They deserve their day in court and we are pleased that at least for now they'll get it, despite the defendants' best efforts to derail this case,” Gross said. “Victims of gun violence are not second-class citizens.”

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, who became the state’s leading advocate for gun-control reforms after the Newtown school massacre, said firearms companies should not be allowed blanket immunity from wrongful-death lawsuits.

“I look at this as a moral victory,” Malloy said.

Gun makers, dealers and sellers had claimed the Newtown families did not have legal standing.

But Bellis ruled that the 2005 federal law shielding gun makers from liability does not override the claims by the Sandy Hook families that the Bushmaster XM-15 rifle is a military-style rifle that should never have been marketed to civilians.

The judge’s decisions comes in the middle of a contentious race for the nation’s presidency, in which the Sandy Hook families’ lawsuit has become pivotal.

Bellis ordered participating lawyers to her courtroom Tuesday for a conference to prepare for trial. An appeal of the decision, however, could delay the issue.

Josh Koskoff, the attorney from the Bridgeport-based Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, representing the Newtown families, said he was pleased with Bellis’s ruling.

“We are thrilled that the gun companies’ motion to dismiss was denied,” Koskoff said in a statement. “The families look forward to continuing their fight in court.”

Attorneys for the defendant gun makers, distributors and dealer did not respond for requests for comment on Thursday.Michael Bazinet, public affairs director for the Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation, said the organization is reviewing the decision and has no comment at this time.

U.S. Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, both Democrats, met with gun safety advocates Thursday and called for the repeal of the laws protecting the gun industry from lawsuits.

“It is a historic and seismic step to open the courthouse doors for gun violence survivors and others who have legitimate legal complaints against the gun industry,” said Blumenthal. “It is a powerful impetus and momentum for ongoing reform efforts to stop gun violence that is an epidemic and public health crisis in our nation.”

This next election is there will probably be 3 Supremes nominated.............Here in a lower court..............they say they can now sue the gun manufacturers..................incredible.......

It's really a pointless poll. You can sue virtual anybody for anything. The question should be framed more to the point- do the Sandy Hook Victims deserve money from gun manufacturers?
I disagree. The ruling opens up pandora's box on more cases regarding guns..............This ruling is not just about Sandy Hook...........It is about fruitless lawsuits over and over again to assault the right to bear suing the manufacturers of guns..........
Listen, the biggest fear I have is that the guns I own would get stolen by dirt bags and used to commit crimes. Where I can I pill firing pins. Matter of fact, all four of my AR'S are not stored in a safe at all because they cannot fire. But
Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Sandy Hook families can sue gun industry

BRIDGEPORT — Gun-safety advocates hailed a judge’s ruling that victims’ families can sue the manufacturer of the military-style rifle used in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

hey called the Thursday decision by Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellisa landmark in the fight against the epidemic of mass shootings.

Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said it was an “important win” for the Newtown families and other victims.

“They deserve their day in court and we are pleased that at least for now they'll get it, despite the defendants' best efforts to derail this case,” Gross said. “Victims of gun violence are not second-class citizens.”

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, who became the state’s leading advocate for gun-control reforms after the Newtown school massacre, said firearms companies should not be allowed blanket immunity from wrongful-death lawsuits.

“I look at this as a moral victory,” Malloy said.

Gun makers, dealers and sellers had claimed the Newtown families did not have legal standing.

But Bellis ruled that the 2005 federal law shielding gun makers from liability does not override the claims by the Sandy Hook families that the Bushmaster XM-15 rifle is a military-style rifle that should never have been marketed to civilians.

The judge’s decisions comes in the middle of a contentious race for the nation’s presidency, in which the Sandy Hook families’ lawsuit has become pivotal.

Bellis ordered participating lawyers to her courtroom Tuesday for a conference to prepare for trial. An appeal of the decision, however, could delay the issue.

Josh Koskoff, the attorney from the Bridgeport-based Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, representing the Newtown families, said he was pleased with Bellis’s ruling.

“We are thrilled that the gun companies’ motion to dismiss was denied,” Koskoff said in a statement. “The families look forward to continuing their fight in court.”

Attorneys for the defendant gun makers, distributors and dealer did not respond for requests for comment on Thursday.Michael Bazinet, public affairs director for the Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation, said the organization is reviewing the decision and has no comment at this time.

U.S. Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, both Democrats, met with gun safety advocates Thursday and called for the repeal of the laws protecting the gun industry from lawsuits.

“It is a historic and seismic step to open the courthouse doors for gun violence survivors and others who have legitimate legal complaints against the gun industry,” said Blumenthal. “It is a powerful impetus and momentum for ongoing reform efforts to stop gun violence that is an epidemic and public health crisis in our nation.”

This next election is there will probably be 3 Supremes nominated.............Here in a lower court..............they say they can now sue the gun manufacturers..................incredible.......

It's really a pointless poll. You can sue virtual anybody for anything. The question should be framed more to the point- do the Sandy Hook Victims deserve money from gun manufacturers?
I disagree. The ruling opens up pandora's box on more cases regarding guns..............This ruling is not just about Sandy Hook...........It is about fruitless lawsuits over and over again to assault the right to bear suing the manufacturers of guns..........

All it will do is sell more guns. Especially evil black rifles.
This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.

I'm a guy who gets sick and tired of watching children get wheeled out in body bags because you have a fetish. I used to be one oyou wingnuts, making these same arguments.. until I realized I couldn't.

Used to be a time the NRA supported common sense gun laws. In the 1960s, when armed terrorists like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers were running amok, Republicans supported gun laws and the NRA helped write them and no one talked any crazy shit about how we needs our guns to overthrow the gummit.

You will never overthrow the government, but you are racking up a lot of preschoolers. People like you made Adam Lanza possible.

What common sense gun law would have stopped any shooting in the past 5 years

And a ban isn't common sense

And how many preschoolers have been gunned down since Newtown? How many have died in a fall, drowned in a pool, been poisoned, or beaten to death by their parents?

Drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages 1-4....not guns....
This post here says it all. Joe is a government lackey and wants the government to take our constitutionally guaranteed rights with violence and force. He is the one who needs to be locked up, as a traitor to America and the people. There was a time in history when he would have been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry.

I'm a guy who gets sick and tired of watching children get wheeled out in body bags because you have a fetish. I used to be one oyou wingnuts, making these same arguments.. until I realized I couldn't.

Used to be a time the NRA supported common sense gun laws. In the 1960s, when armed terrorists like the Weathermen and the Black Panthers were running amok, Republicans supported gun laws and the NRA helped write them and no one talked any crazy shit about how we needs our guns to overthrow the gummit.

You will never overthrow the government, but you are racking up a lot of preschoolers. People like you made Adam Lanza possible.

What common sense gun law would have stopped any shooting in the past 5 years

And a ban isn't common sense

And how many preschoolers have been gunned down since Newtown? How many have died in a fall, drowned in a pool, been poisoned, or beaten to death by their parents?

Drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages 1-4....not guns....

Thats not right. I wanna sue whoever it is that makes water. That stuff is dangerous.

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