Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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I am pro-gun, but I am not so stupid as to go around denying the fact that strict gun laws have had a dramatic impact on reducing violent crime and homicide rates in the countries which have enacted them.

Here you go....more on fully automatic weapons in the land of confiscation and extreme gun control....Britain...

4/19/16 auto weapons increase

Rise in sub-machine guns on London streets

Scotland Yard today said police are seizing more deadly automatic weapons from criminals in London as detectives revealed that an innocent bystander was gunned down with a suspected Skorpion sub-machine gun last month .

New figures seen by the Standard show that police seized 18 sub-machine guns from criminals in the capital last year, compared to 13 similar weapons in 2014.

Police also revealed that sub-machine guns had been fired in London 11 times in the last 12 months, compared to seven times the year before.

In October last year three plain clothes officers escaped injury despite being shot at by a sub-machine gun - also thought to be a Skorpion - when they were carrying out inquiries in Willesden.

Today police said there had been a “worrying” increase in the use of automatic weapons but they were seizing more of the weapons from criminals.
Ohhhhh, EIGHTEEN sub-machine guns! Up from FOURTEEN. Golly!

Doesn't even come close to comparing to the US. Not even a drop in the proverbial bucket.

Gun homicide rate per 100,000 in the UK: 0.06

Gun homicide rate per 100,000 in France: 0.21

Gun homicide rate per 100,000 in the US: 3.43

And more from Britain...this should not be happening.....but it is are wrong.....


Birmingham’s Gun Quarter could have name change to avoid crime link
Birmingham shootings - police to 're-double' their efforts to tackle worrying increase

Birmingham is in the grip of a spate of gun crime according to the region’s top policeman who admitted today that shootings are happening in some areas with “concerning regularity.”

Deputy Chief Constable Dave Thompson told the West Midlands Police and Crime Board that he had not seen as many shootings in the five years that he had been with the force.

Describing how the problem of gun crime had “come back” he said he was growing increasingly concerned about the availability of weapons and ammunition on the streets.

But he also vowed to take on the gun gangsters saying he was confident that those responsible for the spate of recent shootings would be brought to justice with support from local communities.

Speaking about the rise in gun crime he said: “It’s fair to say that the problem has come back and we need to re-double our efforts.

“We have had some very serious incidents and there has been a concerning regularity of shootings that I have not seen in the five years that I have been here.

I am pro-gun, but I am not so stupid as to go around denying the fact that strict gun laws have had a dramatic impact on reducing violent crime and homicide rates in the countries which have enacted them.

Here you go....more on fully automatic weapons in the land of confiscation and extreme gun control....Britain...

4/19/16 auto weapons increase

Rise in sub-machine guns on London streets

Scotland Yard today said police are seizing more deadly automatic weapons from criminals in London as detectives revealed that an innocent bystander was gunned down with a suspected Skorpion sub-machine gun last month .

New figures seen by the Standard show that police seized 18 sub-machine guns from criminals in the capital last year, compared to 13 similar weapons in 2014.

Police also revealed that sub-machine guns had been fired in London 11 times in the last 12 months, compared to seven times the year before.

In October last year three plain clothes officers escaped injury despite being shot at by a sub-machine gun - also thought to be a Skorpion - when they were carrying out inquiries in Willesden.

Today police said there had been a “worrying” increase in the use of automatic weapons but they were seizing more of the weapons from criminals.
Ohhhhh, EIGHTEEN sub-machine guns! Up from FOURTEEN. Golly!

Doesn't even come close to comparing to the US. Not even a drop in the proverbial bucket.


Our criminals don't use fully automatic weapons...twit....theirs do....and they prefer them over there.........they are an Island.....and their criminals are importing fully automatic weapons at will....
I am pro-gun, but I am not so stupid as to go around denying the fact that strict gun laws have had a dramatic impact on reducing violent crime and homicide rates in the countries which have enacted them.

Here you go....more on fully automatic weapons in the land of confiscation and extreme gun control....Britain...

4/19/16 auto weapons increase

Rise in sub-machine guns on London streets

Scotland Yard today said police are seizing more deadly automatic weapons from criminals in London as detectives revealed that an innocent bystander was gunned down with a suspected Skorpion sub-machine gun last month .

New figures seen by the Standard show that police seized 18 sub-machine guns from criminals in the capital last year, compared to 13 similar weapons in 2014.

Police also revealed that sub-machine guns had been fired in London 11 times in the last 12 months, compared to seven times the year before.

In October last year three plain clothes officers escaped injury despite being shot at by a sub-machine gun - also thought to be a Skorpion - when they were carrying out inquiries in Willesden.

Today police said there had been a “worrying” increase in the use of automatic weapons but they were seizing more of the weapons from criminals.
Ohhhhh, EIGHTEEN sub-machine guns! Up from FOURTEEN. Golly!

Doesn't even come close to comparing to the US. Not even a drop in the proverbial bucket.


Our criminals don't use fully automatic weapons...twit....theirs do....and they prefer them over there.........they are an Island.....and their criminals are importing fully automatic weapons at will....
Again, does not even compare to the US. Not even close.
The very reason full automatic weapons were banned by Ronald Reagan in 1986 is because of Miama being a "machine gun Mecca" during that period.
EIGHTEEN sub-machine guns confiscated in the UK! Ohhh!

We take you now to Los Angeles:

Hundreds Of Military-Grade Machine Guns, Ammunition Seized In Fontana
With Durant’s consent, the officers searched the storage units and found several illegal AK47’s.

With a search warrant and a more thorough search of the storage units, more than 300 firearms, military-grade machine guns, scrap parts to make illegal weapons and over 20,000 rounds of ammunition of various caliber were found.
The bottom line is that most gun control laws are aimed at the "law abiding" population of America, and would be highly unlikely to control any of the true violence and mayhem caused by gangs and criminals, as this segment of the population largely IGNORES laws. Hence the reason why we call them "criminals." Lol. :D

The vast majority of gun deaths are

Suicides (19,500)
Domestic Arguments (about 50% of the 11,000 homicides every year)
Accidents ( about 800 a year)

So if we drop the death rate from 32,000 a year to maybe 5000 a year, I'm kind of good with that. The police will have a lot more free time on their hands to deal with the "criminals" (usually just poor people making bad choices, but never mind) because they won't be writing up a shitloads of reports on suicides and domestic murders.

Again, I don't worry about the "Criminal". As long as we have the racism and economic inequality you are ooooh, sooo good with, we are going to have crime.

Since we can't deal with the underlying cause, we can at least deal with the symptom - too many guns in the wrong hands.

We can drop it by more than half by not counting suicides.
Suicide is not a crime it is a choice. Many countries with far stricter gun laws than us have suicide rates virtually identical to ours and some have even more.

Suicide has nothing to do with guns and thinking people who don't have access to a firearm won't still commit suicide is naive at best.
EIGHTEEN sub-machine guns confiscated in the UK! Ohhh!

We take you now to Los Angeles:

Hundreds Of Military-Grade Machine Guns, Ammunition Seized In Fontana

With Durant’s consent, the officers searched the storage units and found several illegal AK47’s.

With a search warrant and a more thorough search of the storage units, more than 300 firearms, military-grade machine guns, scrap parts to make illegal weapons and over 20,000 rounds of ammunition of various caliber were found.


President Clinton will nominate a fascist scumbag to SCOTUS who will quickly discover that Americans are slaves who do not the have the right to carry slingshots let alone firearms.

We will them depend on the Mexican Mafia to keep us supplied with firearms and ammunitions.

I don't have to, as they already do so and have for decades.

Yet you still can't point to the constitutional authorization for them to do so.

Profiting off of death and misery...

So the police and ATF should not purchase any guns from gun manufacturers?

the only reason why the Police and ATF have to be armed like soldiers is that the gun industry has flooded the market with guns.
I'm sorry you are too stupid to realize this.

When the gun industry has to start paying the loved ones of the people they kill, they will change their behavior.

You can't hold a third party
Gang members and other violent criminals will continue to get weapons illegally. Your "gun control laws" target the wrong people.

Again, most gun deaths are people who live in the home where the gun is kept.... so no, we are targeting the right people.

There'd be 26 kids and teachers alive today if Nancy Lanza couldn't buy guns.

Most murder victims in general were killed by someone they knew so again that has nothing to do with guns and more to do with human nature
Fuck you. Fuck you big mother fucking time.

Stop making excuses for stupid. Had she lived she likely would have been prosicuted and rightfully so. It's called acountability. You don't manage your guns, you are acountable.

really? under what theory? how did he get the guns? HE KILLED the owner. we don't know if they were locked up and he forced her to open the safe but I will tell you something. If I have the power to KILL someone, I have the power to make them open a locked container

Well then it's hopeless? This didn't just happen all of a sudden. The kid had a history. If anyone should have known better it would have been her. It's sad, she did not deserve to die, but in the end she was the adult.

He had no "history" of violence. He was a withdrawn kid with autism. If she thought for a moment that he would KILL her, I'm sure she would have done something immediately. Hindsight is 20/20, of course.

Also, HE was an adult. He was 20 years old. You cannot just commit an adult. You have to go through court proceedings or they have to be an IMMEDIATE threat. IOW, they have to have made serious homicidal/suicidal threats.

We take car keys from good folks who drank to much. Bartenders who serve folks who drink to much and have an accident can be sued for serving them. I could see trying to sue the gun shop, but not the manufacturer. I agree hindsight is 20/20.

Not a good comparison.

Most gun dealers by law are required to observe a waiting period after a sale. People can't walk in to a store and say "Hey, sell me a gun so I can go home and shoot my wife"
Well then it's hopeless? This didn't just happen all of a sudden. The kid had a history. If anyone should have known better it would have been her. It's sad, she did not deserve to die, but in the end she was the adult.

He had no "history" of violence. He was a withdrawn kid with autism. If she thought for a moment that he would KILL her, I'm sure she would have done something immediately. Hindsight is 20/20, of course.

Also, HE was an adult. He was 20 years old. You cannot just commit an adult. You have to go through court proceedings or they have to be an IMMEDIATE threat. IOW, they have to have made serious homicidal/suicidal threats.

We take car keys from good folks who drank to much. Bartenders who serve folks who drink to much and have an accident can be sued for serving them. I could see trying to sue the gun shop, but not the manufacturer. I agree hindsight is 20/20.

So you support the NRA position that any gun control is a violation of the 2nd A. and big governments effort to suppress the liberty of gun owners. It that correct?

Watch this before you answer:

Should the manufacturer of such weapons and armor be controlled, or does laissez faire rule the day?

Awesome vedio. When the shooting happened I could see 8 cope. Vato Loco was dropped with one shot kind of center mass. Good on them. So what's the point?

The point is obvious. Those who manufacture and sell to the public weapons used in the video and the personal body armor ought to be held responsible. These are the elements necessary to file a law suit and should apply:

  • Duty - does the maker of military style weapons and armor have a duty to the general public?
  • Breach, did the manufacturer provide their product to a retail or wholesale purveyor of weapons to the public?
  • Was someone harmed?

So if someone stabs someone to death with a Ka Bar blade do we sue the manufacturer?

If someone uses a Louisville Slugger to make mush out of someone's skull do we sue the manufacturer?

And the term "military style" is meaningless.

No one can buy military grade weapons

This "military assault" rifle I can buy


Is absolutely no different in any aspect than this not considered "military style" ranch rifle

Fuck you. Fuck you big mother fucking time.

Stop making excuses for stupid. Had she lived she likely would have been prosicuted and rightfully so. It's called acountability. You don't manage your guns, you are acountable.

really? under what theory? how did he get the guns? HE KILLED the owner. we don't know if they were locked up and he forced her to open the safe but I will tell you something. If I have the power to KILL someone, I have the power to make them open a locked container

Well then it's hopeless? This didn't just happen all of a sudden. The kid had a history. If anyone should have known better it would have been her. It's sad, she did not deserve to die, but in the end she was the adult.

He had no "history" of violence. He was a withdrawn kid with autism. If she thought for a moment that he would KILL her, I'm sure she would have done something immediately. Hindsight is 20/20, of course.

Also, HE was an adult. He was 20 years old. You cannot just commit an adult. You have to go through court proceedings or they have to be an IMMEDIATE threat. IOW, they have to have made serious homicidal/suicidal threats.

We take car keys from good folks who drank to much. Bartenders who serve folks who drink to much and have an accident can be sued for serving them. I could see trying to sue the gun shop, but not the manufacturer. I agree hindsight is 20/20.

Not a good comparison.

Most gun dealers by law are required to observe a waiting period after a sale. People can't walk in to a store and say "Hey, sell me a gun so I can go home and shoot my wife"

If you live in a facist/socialist state like California then drive to

ARIZONA one of the friendliest to gun aficionados
So, this nutter is saying that killing the mother, stealing the keys, then stealing the guns, makes the mom responsible? Where does this stupid logic come from? Ray, how the hell can anyone deal with such a stupid premise?

Stop making excuses for stupid. Had she lived she likely would have been prosicuted and rightfully so. It's called acountability. You don't manage your guns, you are acountable.

So if you have your car hijacked, and the person runs it into a crowd of people, you are responsible?

You are dumber than dirt.

If you leave your car running and someone takes it you are culpable. If you do not secure a firearm, and it too is taken you are culpable too. If you are carjacked you are not culpable, if your guns are stored with a gun lock, or in a gun safe you are not culpable. It's really so simple even dirt would comprehend.

You know, since you mention it, the car with the keys in it, didn't that happen? But yeah, agree with this 100%. I make my guns inert.

As do I. My first line of defense is our dog, she will alert us in plenty of time to lock and load.

So every time your dog barks you go to your gun safe, unlock it, get you gun, load it then go to see what Fido is barking at?

Not buying it

You most likely get up and say "Shut up, Fido" and then look out the door.
EIGHTEEN sub-machine guns confiscated in the UK! Ohhh!

We take you now to Los Angeles:

Hundreds Of Military-Grade Machine Guns, Ammunition Seized In Fontana

With Durant’s consent, the officers searched the storage units and found several illegal AK47’s.

With a search warrant and a more thorough search of the storage units, more than 300 firearms, military-grade machine guns, scrap parts to make illegal weapons and over 20,000 rounds of ammunition of various caliber were found.


President Clinton will nominate a fascist scumbag to SCOTUS who will quickly discover that Americans are slaves who do not the have the right to carry slingshots let alone firearms.

We will them depend on the Mexican Mafia to keep us supplied with firearms and ammunitions.

Rubes like you are why I say the gun manufacturers and retailers of America are probably burning candles in the hopes of a Clinton presidency.

After all, the OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ fearmongering was one of the most successful marketing campaigns in the gun makers' history. They are probably hoping to continue that success with a HITLEREEZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ follow-up stratagem. They know you rubes have memories like that of goldfish and will get back in the line for the same piss over and over and over and over again. :lol:

I would not be surprised if the gun makers were making dark money donations to her campaign.
EIGHTEEN sub-machine guns confiscated in the UK! Ohhh!

We take you now to Los Angeles:

Hundreds Of Military-Grade Machine Guns, Ammunition Seized In Fontana

With Durant’s consent, the officers searched the storage units and found several illegal AK47’s.

With a search warrant and a more thorough search of the storage units, more than 300 firearms, military-grade machine guns, scrap parts to make illegal weapons and over 20,000 rounds of ammunition of various caliber were found.


President Clinton will nominate a fascist scumbag to SCOTUS who will quickly discover that Americans are slaves who do not the have the right to carry slingshots let alone firearms.

We will them depend on the Mexican Mafia to keep us supplied with firearms and ammunitions.

Rubes like you are why I say the gun manufacturers and retailers of America are probably burning candles in the hopes of a Clinton presidency.

After all, the OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ fearmongering was one of the most successful marketing campaigns in the gun makers' history. They are probably hoping to continue that success with a HITLEREEZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ follow-up stratagem. They know you rubes have memories like that of goldfish and will get back in the line for the same piss over and over and over and over again. :lol:

I would not be surprised if the gun makers were making dark money donations to her campaign.


President Clinton will nominate a fascist scumbag to SCOTUS who will quickly discover that Americans are slaves who do not the have the right to carry slingshots let alone firearms.

We will them depend on the Mexican Mafia to keep us supplied with firearms and ammunition.

Gun homicide rate per 100,000 in the UK: 0.06

Gun homicide rate per 100,000 in France: 0.21

Gun homicide rate per 100,000 in the US: 3.43
There are other violent crimes besides homicides you know

And in the UK they don't classify a any death as a murder unless someone is convicted of murder

House of Commons - Home Affairs - Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence

Look at section 2 paragraph 35

. Since 1967, homicide figures for England and Wales have been adjusted to exclude any cases which do not result in conviction,

We call any death not deemed suicide or an accident a murder
Inevitably, gun proponents and the NRA will claim that the latest ruling allowing families of the Sandy Hook massacre of children, is a ridiculous ruling.....They will follow up with various scenarios that were someone to be killed by a knife or a rope, that knives and rope manufacturers could ALSO be sued....but when making such comparisons they show both their prejudices and downright stupidity.

Guns are manufactured virtually SOLELY for the purpose of killing....whereas knives or ropes have much different purposes and the flooding of some high-crime areas with weapons whose main purpose is killing of maiming is totally unacceptable.

This ruling is a small but necessary first step toward restoring sanity. The Sandy Hook massacre could not have been as lethal with knives or ropes. Let us join the rest of the sane, and progressive world community where those weapons (mostly made for military purposes) do NOT make their way into deranged and evil hands.
Being able to sue people who didn't do anything is setting a HUGE precedent.
If I get hit by a drunk driver, you goddamn right I am about to sue Jim Beam and chevy. Their SOLE purposes are to be driven and get drunk.
You limp wristed statists are a DRAIN to our country.
Lots of people can file frivolous lawsuits. Why should gun-rights-haters be any different?

More waste of time, more waste of court resources. But that's been the American way, for the last few decades.
The gun control arguments the left puts through from time to time, are as ridiculous as the right fighting gay marriage.

People will kill each other with baseball bats, knives, ropes, cars, and whatever else they can find. Bans on gay marriage won't stop people from being gay.

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