Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Yeah, that will teach her to get killed and have her gun safe keys stolen from her.

So, this nutter is saying that killing the mother, stealing the keys, then stealing the guns, makes the mom responsible? Where does this stupid logic come from? Ray, how the hell can anyone deal with such a stupid premise?

Stop making excuses for stupid. Had she lived she likely would have been prosicuted and rightfully so. It's called acountability. You don't manage your guns, you are acountable.

So if you have your car hijacked, and the person runs it into a crowd of people, you are responsible?

You are dumber than dirt.

If you leave your car running and someone takes it you are culpable. If you do not secure a firearm, and it too is taken you are culpable too. If you are carjacked you are not culpable, if your guns are stored with a gun lock, or in a gun safe you are not culpable. It's really so simple even dirt would comprehend.

If the guns were in her own home......they were secured...he murdered her and then took the guns.

She is dead. He is dead. No longer an issue as both of them being, well dead makes it a moot point.
Wanna hear something funny? Joey claims he owns guns, yet he wants no one else to have them. Lol.

when did I claim to own guns?

Now, I fired a shitload of guns. It's kind of a job requirement when you are in the Army. But I've never owned one and have no desire to.

I just see no good reason why a civilian should have a gun. Self Defense never happens with them, at least not enough to balance out the deaths they cause. They make us less free because the government arms itself more than we do. (40% of gun sales are to government agencies.)

33,000 deaths.
70,000 injuries
$270,000,000,000 in economic losses.


And every year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times..........according to bill clinton.......and all the money those save...

And perspective on gun deaths...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

And here is the FBI table 8……it is a great table because it goes back4 years to show the rates of decrease….

FBI Table 2004

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2008

2014 table…..

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

From 2014…..and I added 2011……


Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 and

2006 fbi table 8

Murder by firearm….

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Uniform Crime Reports - 2000

gun murder rate 1997 -2000

1997..... 10,729
1998..... 9,257
1999..... 8,480
2000..... 8,493
2001..... 8,719
2002... 9,369
2003.... 9,638
2004..... 9,385
2005.... 10,158
2006.... 10,225
2007 10,129
2008-- 9,528
2009-- 9,199
2010- 8,874
2011-- 8,653
2012-- 8,897
2013-- 8,454
2014-- 8,124

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)

Gun Suicide: 21,175

Non gun suicide: 19,974

Here are the stats on some common types of would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling would save more lives.....

guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about would push to ban the following...

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)
Gun Suicide: 21,175
Non gun suicide: 19,974


Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self 12.8 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....
Yeah, that will teach her to get killed and have her gun safe keys stolen from her.

So, this nutter is saying that killing the mother, stealing the keys, then stealing the guns, makes the mom responsible? Where does this stupid logic come from? Ray, how the hell can anyone deal with such a stupid premise?

Stop making excuses for stupid. Had she lived she likely would have been prosicuted and rightfully so. It's called acountability. You don't manage your guns, you are acountable.

So if you have your car hijacked, and the person runs it into a crowd of people, you are responsible?

You are dumber than dirt.

If you leave your car running and someone takes it you are culpable. If you do not secure a firearm, and it too is taken you are culpable too. If you are carjacked you are not culpable, if your guns are stored with a gun lock, or in a gun safe you are not culpable. It's really so simple even dirt would comprehend.

You know, since you mention it, the car with the keys in it, didn't that happen? But yeah, agree with this 100%. I make my guns inert.

As do I. My first line of defense is our dog, she will alert us in plenty of time to lock and load.
Wanna hear something funny? Joey claims he owns guns, yet he wants no one else to have them. Lol.

when did I claim to own guns?

Now, I fired a shitload of guns. It's kind of a job requirement when you are in the Army. But I've never owned one and have no desire to.

I just see no good reason why a civilian should have a gun. Self Defense never happens with them, at least not enough to balance out the deaths they cause. They make us less free because the government arms itself more than we do. (40% of gun sales are to government agencies.)

33,000 deaths.
70,000 injuries
$270,000,000,000 in economic losses.



gun suicides.....21,175
Accidental gun deaths... 505
Gun murder ......8,124

Of the gun murder...70-80% of the victims have prior criminal records.........not normal, law abiding citizens going about their day......
Wanna hear something funny? Joey claims he owns guns, yet he wants no one else to have them. Lol.

when did I claim to own guns?

Now, I fired a shitload of guns. It's kind of a job requirement when you are in the Army. But I've never owned one and have no desire to.

I just see no good reason why a civilian should have a gun. Self Defense never happens with them, at least not enough to balance out the deaths they cause. They make us less free because the government arms itself more than we do. (40% of gun sales are to government agencies.)

33,000 deaths.
70,000 injuries
$270,000,000,000 in economic losses.


Oh....and I just posted the story this weekend.....gun suicides are down......suicide by poison is up....

U.S. suicide rates up, especially for women -

In both 1999 and 2014, firearms were the most common method by which men took their own lives, although the proportion of all suicides in men that were firearm-related decreased from 61.7% to 55.4%.

Among women, poisoning was the most common method in 2014 and accounted for 34.1% of suicides, down from 36% in 1999.

Not to forget that suicides in Japan, china and South Korea, which prohibit gun ownership for normal people and only allow criminals and cops to have guns......their suicide rates are higher than is France and Poland and several other European countries that have stricter gun control....extreme gun control laws....
Wanna hear something funny? Joey claims he owns guns, yet he wants no one else to have them. Lol.

when did I claim to own guns?

Now, I fired a shitload of guns. It's kind of a job requirement when you are in the Army. But I've never owned one and have no desire to.

I just see no good reason why a civilian should have a gun. Self Defense never happens with them, at least not enough to balance out the deaths they cause. They make us less free because the government arms itself more than we do. (40% of gun sales are to government agencies.)

33,000 deaths.
70,000 injuries
$270,000,000,000 in economic losses.


Oh....and I just posted the story this weekend.....gun suicides are down......suicide by poison is up....

Wow. That is another thing, chemicals. You can get some crazy poisonous/caustic/corrosive stuff by nearly going to home depot. Not being a smart ass, but how do those companies avoid litigation when they are misused?
The bottom line is that most gun control laws are aimed at the "law abiding" population of America, and would be highly unlikely to control any of the true violence and mayhem caused by gangs and criminals, as this segment of the population largely IGNORES laws. Hence the reason why we call them "criminals." Lol. :D

The vast majority of gun deaths are

Suicides (19,500)
Domestic Arguments (about 50% of the 11,000 homicides every year)
Accidents ( about 800 a year)

So if we drop the death rate from 32,000 a year to maybe 5000 a year, I'm kind of good with that. The police will have a lot more free time on their hands to deal with the "criminals" (usually just poor people making bad choices, but never mind) because they won't be writing up a shitloads of reports on suicides and domestic murders.

Again, I don't worry about the "Criminal". As long as we have the racism and economic inequality you are ooooh, sooo good with, we are going to have crime.

Since we can't deal with the underlying cause, we can at least deal with the symptom - too many guns in the wrong hands.

Yes....forget about the fact that in domestic murder you also have the dymamic of a long history of violence in the home, multiple police contacts before the killing and drug and alcohol abuse....and those are the factors that lead to the killing, not the gun...twit.

Homes that are normal and without histories of violence and crime, with no previous contacts with police and no drug or alcohol abuse do not end up with dead family members....twit.
August 9, 2004-States United to Prevent Gun Violence gathers a list of over 1,900 police chiefs, sheriffs, and county prosecutors who support “renewing and strengthening” the federal Assault Weapons Ban. Some of the names on the list include Chief John Wilson of Montgomery, Alabama; Chief Randy Henderlite of the Glendale, Arizona Police Department; the Greenwood, Arkansas Police Department; Cam Sanchez, president of the California Police Chiefs Association; the Daytona Beach, Florida Police Department; the Cicero, Illinois Police Department; Baltimore City, Maryland Police Commissioner Kevin Clark; Colonel Tadarial Sturdivant of the Michigan State Police; the East Rutherford, New Jersey Police Department; the Nassau County, New York Police Department; the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police Department; and San Antonio, Texas Police Department Chief Albert Ortiz.

June 2004-A study commissioned by the Department of Justice finds, “Attacks with semiautomatics-including assault weapons and other semiautomatics equipped with large capacity magazines-result in more shots fired, more persons hit, and more woundeds infliced per victim than do attacks with other firearms.” The study also reports, “Assault weapons account for a larger share of guns used in mass murders and murders of police, crimes for which weapons with greater firepower would seem particularly useful.”

April 27, 2004-Standing with other law enforcement leaders from across the country to demand renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban, Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton states, “There is a reason that these [assault] weapons are so appealing to criminals. They are designed to be easily concealed and kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Congress must act and act now to protect the American public and our police officers from these deadly weapons. This is about public safety and law enforcement.”

May 2003-The Violence Policy Center releases the “Officer Down” report, which finds that at least 41 of the 211 law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 2001, were killed with assault weapons.

1994-In an analysis of assault weapons, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) writes, “Assault weapons were designed for rapid fire, close quarter shooting at human beings. That is why they were put together the way they were. You will not find these guys in a duck blind or at the Olympics. They are mass produced mayhem.” The ATF describes assault weapons as “large capacity, semiautomatic firearms designed and configured for rapid fire, combat use … Most are patterned after machine guns used by military forces.”


Wow....all of the crap from the anti gun crap organizations.........

again.....3,750,000 AR-15s in private most 2 are used in any given year for crime of any you understand those numbers?

In the year of Sandy Hook and the colorado theater shooting......those were the two cases of AR-15s used in a crime......and 3,750,000 of them in private hands that were not used in crime....

Those studies are lying to you....
August 9, 2004-States United to Prevent Gun Violence gathers a list of over 1,900 police chiefs, sheriffs, and county prosecutors who support “renewing and strengthening” the federal Assault Weapons Ban. Some of the names on the list include Chief John Wilson of Montgomery, Alabama; Chief Randy Henderlite of the Glendale, Arizona Police Department; the Greenwood, Arkansas Police Department; Cam Sanchez, president of the California Police Chiefs Association; the Daytona Beach, Florida Police Department; the Cicero, Illinois Police Department; Baltimore City, Maryland Police Commissioner Kevin Clark; Colonel Tadarial Sturdivant of the Michigan State Police; the East Rutherford, New Jersey Police Department; the Nassau County, New York Police Department; the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police Department; and San Antonio, Texas Police Department Chief Albert Ortiz.

June 2004-A study commissioned by the Department of Justice finds, “Attacks with semiautomatics-including assault weapons and other semiautomatics equipped with large capacity magazines-result in more shots fired, more persons hit, and more woundeds infliced per victim than do attacks with other firearms.” The study also reports, “Assault weapons account for a larger share of guns used in mass murders and murders of police, crimes for which weapons with greater firepower would seem particularly useful.”

April 27, 2004-Standing with other law enforcement leaders from across the country to demand renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban, Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton states, “There is a reason that these [assault] weapons are so appealing to criminals. They are designed to be easily concealed and kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Congress must act and act now to protect the American public and our police officers from these deadly weapons. This is about public safety and law enforcement.”

May 2003-The Violence Policy Center releases the “Officer Down” report, which finds that at least 41 of the 211 law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 2001, were killed with assault weapons.

1994-In an analysis of assault weapons, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) writes, “Assault weapons were designed for rapid fire, close quarter shooting at human beings. That is why they were put together the way they were. You will not find these guys in a duck blind or at the Olympics. They are mass produced mayhem.” The ATF describes assault weapons as “large capacity, semiautomatic firearms designed and configured for rapid fire, combat use … Most are patterned after machine guns used by military forces.”


this is an actual bit of research by the FBI on all rifles used to commit murder....vs. other weapons....

AR-15s are used in fewer crimes than knives or hands and feet....far fewer..

FBI table 8 2013...

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Murder by weapon 2013:

All rifles: 285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that)

Knives: 1,490

Hands and feet: 687

And gun murders by all categories of rifle... have been going down....






Do you understand that Assault rifles are not an issue with any sort of crime......can you actually see that....?
Gang members and other violent criminals will continue to get weapons illegally. Your "gun control laws" target the wrong people.

Again, most gun deaths are people who live in the home where the gun is kept.... so no, we are targeting the right people.

There'd be 26 kids and teachers alive today if Nancy Lanza couldn't buy guns. was shown that the twits doing the research actually counted criminals bringing guns to the home as guns in the home......moron.

1,500,000 million times a year guns are used to save lives and stop violent crime according to bill clinton....

1,500,000 vs. 26 tragic deaths...which is bigger twit.
feel free to follow the link i provided, to see the rest of the piece... you're welcome.
Do your own homework.

you should tell that to all those law enforcement and weapons professionals cited in those links you ignore.

i'm certainly not going to do your homework for you. ;)
I explained to you that they are political appointments and I countered the bullshit with the study that proves them wrong. Clinging to stupidity is a poor solution.
Well then it's hopeless? This didn't just happen all of a sudden. The kid had a history. If anyone should have known better it would have been her. It's sad, she did not deserve to die, but in the end she was the adult.

He had no "history" of violence. He was a withdrawn kid with autism. If she thought for a moment that he would KILL her, I'm sure she would have done something immediately. Hindsight is 20/20, of course.

Also, HE was an adult. He was 20 years old. You cannot just commit an adult. You have to go through court proceedings or they have to be an IMMEDIATE threat. IOW, they have to have made serious homicidal/suicidal threats.

We take car keys from good folks who drank to much. Bartenders who serve folks who drink to much and have an accident can be sued for serving them. I could see trying to sue the gun shop, but not the manufacturer. I agree hindsight is 20/20.

So you support the NRA position that any gun control is a violation of the 2nd A. and big governments effort to suppress the liberty of gun owners. It that correct?

Watch this before you answer:

Should the manufacturer of such weapons and armor be controlled, or does laissez faire rule the day?

Awesome vedio. When the shooting happened I could see 8 cope. Vato Loco was dropped with one shot kind of center mass. Good on them. So what's the point?

The point is obvious. Those who manufacture and sell to the public weapons used in the video and the personal body armor ought to be held responsible. These are the elements necessary to file a law suit and should apply:

  • Duty - does the maker of military style weapons and armor have a duty to the general public?
  • Breach, did the manufacturer provide their product to a retail or wholesale purveyor of weapons to the public?
  • Was someone harmed?

This kind of reasoning is exactly why Hilary is a sure loser.
August 9, 2004-States United to Prevent Gun Violence gathers a list of over 1,900 police chiefs, sheriffs, and county prosecutors who support “renewing and strengthening” the federal Assault Weapons Ban. Some of the names on the list include Chief John Wilson of Montgomery, Alabama; Chief Randy Henderlite of the Glendale, Arizona Police Department; the Greenwood, Arkansas Police Department; Cam Sanchez, president of the California Police Chiefs Association; the Daytona Beach, Florida Police Department; the Cicero, Illinois Police Department; Baltimore City, Maryland Police Commissioner Kevin Clark; Colonel Tadarial Sturdivant of the Michigan State Police; the East Rutherford, New Jersey Police Department; the Nassau County, New York Police Department; the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police Department; and San Antonio, Texas Police Department Chief Albert Ortiz.

June 2004-A study commissioned by the Department of Justice finds, “Attacks with semiautomatics-including assault weapons and other semiautomatics equipped with large capacity magazines-result in more shots fired, more persons hit, and more woundeds infliced per victim than do attacks with other firearms.” The study also reports, “Assault weapons account for a larger share of guns used in mass murders and murders of police, crimes for which weapons with greater firepower would seem particularly useful.”

April 27, 2004-Standing with other law enforcement leaders from across the country to demand renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban, Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton states, “There is a reason that these [assault] weapons are so appealing to criminals. They are designed to be easily concealed and kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Congress must act and act now to protect the American public and our police officers from these deadly weapons. This is about public safety and law enforcement.”

May 2003-The Violence Policy Center releases the “Officer Down” report, which finds that at least 41 of the 211 law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 2001, were killed with assault weapons.

1994-In an analysis of assault weapons, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) writes, “Assault weapons were designed for rapid fire, close quarter shooting at human beings. That is why they were put together the way they were. You will not find these guys in a duck blind or at the Olympics. They are mass produced mayhem.” The ATF describes assault weapons as “large capacity, semiautomatic firearms designed and configured for rapid fire, combat use … Most are patterned after machine guns used by military forces.”


What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons
What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons - Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence - The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence seeks to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement and effective policy advocacy.
I explained to you that they are political appointments and I countered the bullshit with the study that proves them wrong. Clinging to stupidity is a poor solution.

no, you proved nothing... you should take your own advice.^

it's hard to think with your head up your ass, but give it a try.
August 9, 2004-States United to Prevent Gun Violence gathers a list of over 1,900 police chiefs, sheriffs, and county prosecutors who support “renewing and strengthening” the federal Assault Weapons Ban. Some of the names on the list include Chief John Wilson of Montgomery, Alabama; Chief Randy Henderlite of the Glendale, Arizona Police Department; the Greenwood, Arkansas Police Department; Cam Sanchez, president of the California Police Chiefs Association; the Daytona Beach, Florida Police Department; the Cicero, Illinois Police Department; Baltimore City, Maryland Police Commissioner Kevin Clark; Colonel Tadarial Sturdivant of the Michigan State Police; the East Rutherford, New Jersey Police Department; the Nassau County, New York Police Department; the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police Department; and San Antonio, Texas Police Department Chief Albert Ortiz.

June 2004-A study commissioned by the Department of Justice finds, “Attacks with semiautomatics-including assault weapons and other semiautomatics equipped with large capacity magazines-result in more shots fired, more persons hit, and more woundeds infliced per victim than do attacks with other firearms.” The study also reports, “Assault weapons account for a larger share of guns used in mass murders and murders of police, crimes for which weapons with greater firepower would seem particularly useful.”

April 27, 2004-Standing with other law enforcement leaders from across the country to demand renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban, Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton states, “There is a reason that these [assault] weapons are so appealing to criminals. They are designed to be easily concealed and kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Congress must act and act now to protect the American public and our police officers from these deadly weapons. This is about public safety and law enforcement.”

May 2003-The Violence Policy Center releases the “Officer Down” report, which finds that at least 41 of the 211 law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 2001, were killed with assault weapons.

1994-In an analysis of assault weapons, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) writes, “Assault weapons were designed for rapid fire, close quarter shooting at human beings. That is why they were put together the way they were. You will not find these guys in a duck blind or at the Olympics. They are mass produced mayhem.” The ATF describes assault weapons as “large capacity, semiautomatic firearms designed and configured for rapid fire, combat use … Most are patterned after machine guns used by military forces.”


What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons
What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons - Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence - The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence seeks to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement and effective policy advocacy.

The only thing Bill Clinton's law did was remove the people from society who were using the weapons to kill other people which were typically black folks shooting other black folls. That's why bill clinton got after those black lives matter folks. California has banned features, the magazine for instance, ten rounds and I think it needs to be non removable. By pushing the back take down pin the upper reciever flips Hu and you charge the weapon with a stripper clip. Useless jesture. No "flash hided". Dumb. No bayonet lug. Huh? Honestly people should feel insulted by that shit.
August 9, 2004-States United to Prevent Gun Violence gathers a list of over 1,900 police chiefs, sheriffs, and county prosecutors who support “renewing and strengthening” the federal Assault Weapons Ban. Some of the names on the list include Chief John Wilson of Montgomery, Alabama; Chief Randy Henderlite of the Glendale, Arizona Police Department; the Greenwood, Arkansas Police Department; Cam Sanchez, president of the California Police Chiefs Association; the Daytona Beach, Florida Police Department; the Cicero, Illinois Police Department; Baltimore City, Maryland Police Commissioner Kevin Clark; Colonel Tadarial Sturdivant of the Michigan State Police; the East Rutherford, New Jersey Police Department; the Nassau County, New York Police Department; the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police Department; and San Antonio, Texas Police Department Chief Albert Ortiz.

June 2004-A study commissioned by the Department of Justice finds, “Attacks with semiautomatics-including assault weapons and other semiautomatics equipped with large capacity magazines-result in more shots fired, more persons hit, and more woundeds infliced per victim than do attacks with other firearms.” The study also reports, “Assault weapons account for a larger share of guns used in mass murders and murders of police, crimes for which weapons with greater firepower would seem particularly useful.”

April 27, 2004-Standing with other law enforcement leaders from across the country to demand renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban, Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton states, “There is a reason that these [assault] weapons are so appealing to criminals. They are designed to be easily concealed and kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Congress must act and act now to protect the American public and our police officers from these deadly weapons. This is about public safety and law enforcement.”

May 2003-The Violence Policy Center releases the “Officer Down” report, which finds that at least 41 of the 211 law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 2001, were killed with assault weapons.

1994-In an analysis of assault weapons, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) writes, “Assault weapons were designed for rapid fire, close quarter shooting at human beings. That is why they were put together the way they were. You will not find these guys in a duck blind or at the Olympics. They are mass produced mayhem.” The ATF describes assault weapons as “large capacity, semiautomatic firearms designed and configured for rapid fire, combat use … Most are patterned after machine guns used by military forces.”


What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons
What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons - Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence - The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence seeks to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement and effective policy advocacy.

Talk about interesting statistics, see if you can guess which group comprising 13% of the population commits 52% of the homicides.
So if someone kills someone with a knife, can they sue the knife manufacturers? Ridiculous.

Gravity knives, push buttons and stiletto knives are illegal and or controlled. Do you feel this is ridiculous too? Some guns and knives are produced for one reason and one reason alone - to kill human beings. A sane society controls things which put at risk the health and welfare of its citizens.

Yes....that is stupid too........criminals carry knives illegally all the time.....they are the ones who go on to use them to injure or kill....not the normal, law abiding person who has one for self defense, daily use and emergencies.......

A sane society concentrates on keeping criminals locked up......not disarming people who don't use knives and guns to commit crimes.

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