Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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There are other violent crimes besides homicides you know

And in the UK they don't classify a any death as a murder unless someone is convicted of murder

House of Commons - Home Affairs - Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence

Look at section 2 paragraph 35

. Since 1967, homicide figures for England and Wales have been adjusted to exclude any cases which do not result in conviction,

We call any death not deemed suicide or an accident a murder

I think you are misinterpreting the British rules, but thats okay, man. You need to live in your own fantasy world.

Then by all means clarify them
Let's sue Ford for hit and run deaths. While we are at it why not sue the razor blade companies for suicides committed with their product?

gun suicides.....21,175
Accidental gun deaths... 505
Gun murder ......8,124

you got your figures, I have mine. But mine are right.

Anyway, too many gun deaths no matter what the figures are. Too high a price to pay for your fetish.

Here's an idea. We need a gun tax. To compensate us for the 270 BILLION lost every year, I think a tax of $1000 per gun owned would be about right.

Then let's have a tax to vote too
How about a free speech tax

How about a search and seizure tax
or a tax to invoke the fifth amendment

If you can't pay any of these taxes on your Constitutional right s then tough shit you can't exercise them
Of course, you right wingers and gun rights proponents are missing the point.....either purposefully or by stupidity. At Sandy Hook, first graders were not "just killed" but torn into pieces by a maniac with a gun intended to be used in military combat..Such guns should NOT be sold to common citizens. The only purpose to sell such guns are either to kill as many people in the shortest number of minutes....OR to satisfy the "machismo" of morons.i

Was it legal for the gun manufacturers to sell those guns to "common citizens"?
Fuck you. Fuck you big mother fucking time.

Stop making excuses for stupid. Had she lived she likely would have been prosicuted and rightfully so. It's called acountability. You don't manage your guns, you are acountable.

really? under what theory? how did he get the guns? HE KILLED the owner. we don't know if they were locked up and he forced her to open the safe but I will tell you something. If I have the power to KILL someone, I have the power to make them open a locked container

Well then it's hopeless? This didn't just happen all of a sudden. The kid had a history. If anyone should have known better it would have been her. It's sad, she did not deserve to die, but in the end she was the adult.

He had no "history" of violence. He was a withdrawn kid with autism. If she thought for a moment that he would KILL her, I'm sure she would have done something immediately. Hindsight is 20/20, of course.

Also, HE was an adult. He was 20 years old. You cannot just commit an adult. You have to go through court proceedings or they have to be an IMMEDIATE threat. IOW, they have to have made serious homicidal/suicidal threats.

We take car keys from good folks who drank to much. Bartenders who serve folks who drink to much and have an accident can be sued for serving them. I could see trying to sue the gun shop, but not the manufacturer. I agree hindsight is 20/20.

Not a good comparison.

Most gun dealers by law are required to observe a waiting period after a sale. People can't walk in to a store and say "Hey, sell me a gun so I can go home and shoot my wife"

Yup. Here, you pass your backround check you go home with your gun. I don't agree with suing a dealer, but I can see how a person may go after them. I mean if you wanted to take it to an extrem you could say the bat or whoever does the backround check was also negligent in letting a gun go to a home where it would be used in a crime.
This story is irrelevent..a political stunt, nothing more.

Gun grabbers always get giddy about stoopid stuff. But in 2016, they have never been more unpopular.........a complete non-issue in this election season.:coffee:

really? under what theory? how did he get the guns? HE KILLED the owner. we don't know if they were locked up and he forced her to open the safe but I will tell you something. If I have the power to KILL someone, I have the power to make them open a locked container

Well then it's hopeless? This didn't just happen all of a sudden. The kid had a history. If anyone should have known better it would have been her. It's sad, she did not deserve to die, but in the end she was the adult.

He had no "history" of violence. He was a withdrawn kid with autism. If she thought for a moment that he would KILL her, I'm sure she would have done something immediately. Hindsight is 20/20, of course.

Also, HE was an adult. He was 20 years old. You cannot just commit an adult. You have to go through court proceedings or they have to be an IMMEDIATE threat. IOW, they have to have made serious homicidal/suicidal threats.

We take car keys from good folks who drank to much. Bartenders who serve folks who drink to much and have an accident can be sued for serving them. I could see trying to sue the gun shop, but not the manufacturer. I agree hindsight is 20/20.

Not a good comparison.

Most gun dealers by law are required to observe a waiting period after a sale. People can't walk in to a store and say "Hey, sell me a gun so I can go home and shoot my wife"

Yup. Here, you pass your backround check you go home with your gun. I don't agree with suing a dealer, but I can see how a person may go after them. I mean if you wanted to take it to an extrem you could say the bat or whoever does the backround check was also negligent in letting a gun go to a home where it would be used in a crime.

There is no way to know that a gun will be used for once it leaves the dealer's shop.
really? under what theory? how did he get the guns? HE KILLED the owner. we don't know if they were locked up and he forced her to open the safe but I will tell you something. If I have the power to KILL someone, I have the power to make them open a locked container

Well then it's hopeless? This didn't just happen all of a sudden. The kid had a history. If anyone should have known better it would have been her. It's sad, she did not deserve to die, but in the end she was the adult.

He had no "history" of violence. He was a withdrawn kid with autism. If she thought for a moment that he would KILL her, I'm sure she would have done something immediately. Hindsight is 20/20, of course.

Also, HE was an adult. He was 20 years old. You cannot just commit an adult. You have to go through court proceedings or they have to be an IMMEDIATE threat. IOW, they have to have made serious homicidal/suicidal threats.

We take car keys from good folks who drank to much. Bartenders who serve folks who drink to much and have an accident can be sued for serving them. I could see trying to sue the gun shop, but not the manufacturer. I agree hindsight is 20/20.

Not a good comparison.

Most gun dealers by law are required to observe a waiting period after a sale. People can't walk in to a store and say "Hey, sell me a gun so I can go home and shoot my wife"

If you live in a facist/socialist state like California then drive to

ARIZONA one of the friendliest to gun aficionados

They are. I live in Texas. I'm a CCW holder so like Arizona I don't have to do the backround check. Love it. Just ordered a Anderson lower. Pick it up next momday.
Of course, you right wingers and gun rights proponents are missing the point.....either purposefully or by stupidity. At Sandy Hook, first graders were not "just killed" but torn into pieces by a maniac with a gun intended to be used in military combat..Such guns should NOT be sold to common citizens. The only purpose to sell such guns are either to kill as many people in the shortest number of minutes....OR to satisfy the "machismo" of morons.i

Sandy Hook was a live shooter drill that was passed off as a real time event and they did a horrific job of selling it. I am insulted that they have so little respect or regard for our abilities to see right through this fraud. You could drive tanks through the holes in the "official story".
Well then it's hopeless? This didn't just happen all of a sudden. The kid had a history. If anyone should have known better it would have been her. It's sad, she did not deserve to die, but in the end she was the adult.

He had no "history" of violence. He was a withdrawn kid with autism. If she thought for a moment that he would KILL her, I'm sure she would have done something immediately. Hindsight is 20/20, of course.

Also, HE was an adult. He was 20 years old. You cannot just commit an adult. You have to go through court proceedings or they have to be an IMMEDIATE threat. IOW, they have to have made serious homicidal/suicidal threats.

We take car keys from good folks who drank to much. Bartenders who serve folks who drink to much and have an accident can be sued for serving them. I could see trying to sue the gun shop, but not the manufacturer. I agree hindsight is 20/20.

Not a good comparison.

Most gun dealers by law are required to observe a waiting period after a sale. People can't walk in to a store and say "Hey, sell me a gun so I can go home and shoot my wife"

Yup. Here, you pass your backround check you go home with your gun. I don't agree with suing a dealer, but I can see how a person may go after them. I mean if you wanted to take it to an extrem you could say the bat or whoever does the backround check was also negligent in letting a gun go to a home where it would be used in a crime.

There is no way to know that a gun will be used for once it leaves the dealer's shop.

Exactly. This is why sane folks know and expect adults to be responsible. This lawsuit crap is just that. Crap.
Well then it's hopeless? This didn't just happen all of a sudden. The kid had a history. If anyone should have known better it would have been her. It's sad, she did not deserve to die, but in the end she was the adult.

He had no "history" of violence. He was a withdrawn kid with autism. If she thought for a moment that he would KILL her, I'm sure she would have done something immediately. Hindsight is 20/20, of course.

Also, HE was an adult. He was 20 years old. You cannot just commit an adult. You have to go through court proceedings or they have to be an IMMEDIATE threat. IOW, they have to have made serious homicidal/suicidal threats.

We take car keys from good folks who drank to much. Bartenders who serve folks who drink to much and have an accident can be sued for serving them. I could see trying to sue the gun shop, but not the manufacturer. I agree hindsight is 20/20.

Not a good comparison.

Most gun dealers by law are required to observe a waiting period after a sale. People can't walk in to a store and say "Hey, sell me a gun so I can go home and shoot my wife"

If you live in a facist/socialist state like California then drive to

ARIZONA one of the friendliest to gun aficionados

. Just ordered a Anderson lower. Pick it up next momday.


enjoy my friend!!!:rock::rock:
Of course, you right wingers and gun rights proponents are missing the point.....either purposefully or by stupidity. At Sandy Hook, first graders were not "just killed" but torn into pieces by a maniac with a gun intended to be used in military combat..Such guns should NOT be sold to common citizens. The only purpose to sell such guns are either to kill as many people in the shortest number of minutes....OR to satisfy the "machismo" of morons.i

He could have walked into that classroom and killed those children with a chef's knife. You're the one missing the point. The people that make weapons are not responsible for the crimes committed by maniacs.

The thing was, it was all staged and phony as hell. They put little effort into selling it...they think we are just that stupid.
He could have walked into that classroom and killed those children with a chef's knife. You're the one missing the point. The people that make weapons are not responsible for the crimes committed by maniacs.

Really ????? REALLY????

Are you suggesting that an automatic weapon is JUST AS lethal as a chef's knife???
Oh shut up you sanctimonious gun freaks . You are the same people who have no problem with the right wing going to great lengths to eliminate abortions by regulating it out of existence.
If I get hit by a drunk driver, you goddamn right I am about to sue Jim Beam and chevy. Their SOLE purposes are to be driven and get drunk.

Ah but it isn't the purpose that they (drinking and driving) be done TOGETHER.

But let's say I own a gun shop. Right outside of Chicago. And my gun shop sells a LOT of guns. Straw buyers, gang bangers everybody knows where to get guns. And the gun manufacturers know of my reputation and they keep selling me guns.

Should that be stopped by suing the gun manufacturers?

I would add that "right outside of Chicago" means across the street.

For some reason, people actually believe there is "gun control" in Chicago.

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