Sandy Hook to Trump

Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Alright. I don't think anyone took the Ted Cruz's dad thing seriously, though. Well, except Ted Cruz, which is to be expected. I don't agree with the OP's premise that Trump has any obligation to school people like Dale Smith, though. As well as having a right to bear arms, every US citizen has a right to his/her outlandish opinions, and Trump telling everyone that Newtown was real would not affect their opinions in the least. They would just say he was misinformed. Obama didn't address the fruitcakes; why should any other leader?

Bite me, you dumbed down pile of shit. Put in the time that I have about Sandy Hoax and even look at the evidence that you don't like and then get back to me. Until that time? Shut your fucking piehole as it pertains to me. You are the epitome of the term "sheeple". You wouldn't know "truth" even if it jumped up and bit you on that fat ass of yours.
^ lunatic

And you are in the same category has the old bitch.....stupid, uninformed while suffering from a case of arrested development and downright proud of it.
I'd rather be with her, than with a fool who makes a mockery of the murders of children and who attacks their grieving families.
They harass the Sandy Hook parents because they believe them to be in cahoots with a government - a front for the new world order - that wants to confiscate their guns.

They are fucking stupid and fucking crazy, and they are Trump's core base voters - so no, he won't say a fucking thing to shame or stop them. Just like he's barely commented on all the hate crimes - including vicious murders - these nutjobs have been committing in his name.

They are stupid and crazy,

Then you become one of them when you imply they represent everyone outside of cities the democrooks ruined who voted for Trump.

Those nutjob assholes who parrot the idiocy of Alex Jones whether they were bed wetters who hated Bush and promoted the 911truthtard movement, or self righteous religious idiots who believe they're doing "God's work" by taking hostages in a pizza parlor. They don't represent the stupidity of anyone else but themselves and they transcend politics. There are more FAKE
hate crimes reported than there are actual hate crimes committed.

Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.

Entire political career? What's that supposed to mean his 60 plus days in office?

Yeah, Sandy Hook was a staged DHS/FEMA drill that was passed off as a live shooter drill/ mass casualty event and it was a piss poor attempt at that. Anyone that wants to debate me on this? Bring it on......

I will, I think your full of shit for thinking that.

Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.

Entire political career? What's that supposed to mean his 60 plus days in office?

Hey bear513, since you were born damn fucking stupid, there's no need for you to try to play so dumb
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.

Entire political career? What's that supposed to mean his 60 plus days in office?

Hey bear513, since you were born damn fucking stupid, there's no need for you to try to play so dumb

Says the Jew boy who played a black poster before I outed him...

Remind us again prick what political career?
Says the Jew boy who played a black poster before I outed him...

Remind us again prick what political career?

Holy shit man... ...what?! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You fucking lunatic :cuckoo: :lmao:

Again what political career? What office did he hold before president?

I will wait.

^ dumb fucking pussy thinks Trump didn't involve himself in politics until 2 months ago :cuckoo:

It took the little pretend black sambo 3 minutes to come up with that?

Again needle dick tell me what office did trump hold before becoming president?

It took the little pretend black sambo 3 minutes to come up with that?

Wtf? :cuckoo:

Listen potsie do you have a position in government that Trump held before president you would like to share or are you going to continue to cry all night?

Getting bored coming back to this thread from alerts.

A person's political career may not equate with when they won an election, but rather when they began publicly talking about running for a political office combined with talking about political issues and positions they would support if they were to be elected. Trump has been doing that for a long time. Actually, as far back as 1987,
Yeah, Sandy Hook was a staged DHS/FEMA drill that was passed off as a live shooter drill/ mass casualty event and it was a piss poor attempt at that. Anyone that wants to debate me on this? Bring it on......

I will, I think your full of shit for thinking that.


"Think" in one hand and "shit" in the other and let me know which one fills up first. So far, you are off to a really shitty start. Where do you wish to start? The fake crisis actors, the milling around of the crowd at the fire station? The fact that the alleged victims were not removed until 18 hours later under the dead of night? Creepy David Wheeler and his wife that are heavily connected to the CFR and the DNC? Robby Parker's fake interview??? The lanyards these alleged parents were wearing and dressed in Fall clothing like they were attending a kid soccer event with no sense of urgency because the footage was shot during October? I only have about 100 other "anomalies" that do not add up.....step up to the plate big "Bear.......step up and let's compare notes.......
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Alright. I don't think anyone took the Ted Cruz's dad thing seriously, though. Well, except Ted Cruz, which is to be expected. I don't agree with the OP's premise that Trump has any obligation to school people like Dale Smith, though. As well as having a right to bear arms, every US citizen has a right to his/her outlandish opinions, and Trump telling everyone that Newtown was real would not affect their opinions in the least. They would just say he was misinformed. Obama didn't address the fruitcakes; why should any other leader?

Bite me, you dumbed down pile of shit. Put in the time that I have about Sandy Hoax and even look at the evidence that you don't like and then get back to me. Until that time? Shut your fucking piehole as it pertains to me. You are the epitome of the term "sheeple". You wouldn't know "truth" even if it jumped up and bit you on that fat ass of yours.
^ lunatic

And you are in the same category has the old bitch.....stupid, uninformed while suffering from a case of arrested development and downright proud of it.
I'd rather be with her, than with a fool who makes a mockery of the murders of children and who attacks their grieving families.

That's because you both choke down heapin' helpings of stupidity with a side order of "gullible". If I wasn't 100 percent sure that this was a hoax? I wouldn't say diddly about it......not 99.99 percent sure...I mean 100% positive, no shadow of the slightest doubt in my mind that this was a completely staged event by DHS and FEMA. So, take the shit out of your ears and ask some pertinent questions. Pretend that I am on trial and make your case as to why I should believe such a load of bullshit given all the evidence to the contrary........bring it on, punkinpuss.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Alright. I don't think anyone took the Ted Cruz's dad thing seriously, though. Well, except Ted Cruz, which is to be expected. I don't agree with the OP's premise that Trump has any obligation to school people like Dale Smith, though. As well as having a right to bear arms, every US citizen has a right to his/her outlandish opinions, and Trump telling everyone that Newtown was real would not affect their opinions in the least. They would just say he was misinformed. Obama didn't address the fruitcakes; why should any other leader?

Bite me, you dumbed down pile of shit. Put in the time that I have about Sandy Hoax and even look at the evidence that you don't like and then get back to me. Until that time? Shut your fucking piehole as it pertains to me. You are the epitome of the term "sheeple". You wouldn't know "truth" even if it jumped up and bit you on that fat ass of yours.
No need to be rude, Dale. I know a minister in Newtown; he was not lying to me. It was not a hoax. This horrible, horrible thing happened. It did not lead to massive gun control measures and people are still free to take their AR-15's anywhere they please and shoot as many people as possible as quickly as they can.
Okay, it wasn't nice to call you a fruitcake, but mister, you're way off base on this one.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Alright. I don't think anyone took the Ted Cruz's dad thing seriously, though. Well, except Ted Cruz, which is to be expected. I don't agree with the OP's premise that Trump has any obligation to school people like Dale Smith, though. As well as having a right to bear arms, every US citizen has a right to his/her outlandish opinions, and Trump telling everyone that Newtown was real would not affect their opinions in the least. They would just say he was misinformed. Obama didn't address the fruitcakes; why should any other leader?

Bite me, you dumbed down pile of shit. Put in the time that I have about Sandy Hoax and even look at the evidence that you don't like and then get back to me. Until that time? Shut your fucking piehole as it pertains to me. You are the epitome of the term "sheeple". You wouldn't know "truth" even if it jumped up and bit you on that fat ass of yours.
No need to be rude, Dale. I know a minister in Newtown; he was not lying to me. It was not a hoax. This horrible, horrible thing happened. It did not lead to massive gun control measures and people are still free to take their AR-15's anywhere they please and shoot as many people as possible as quickly as they can.
Okay, it wasn't nice to call you a fruitcake, but mister, you're way off base on this one.
Once conspiracy theorist invests into a conspiracy theory it is rare that they will change their mind. Not only do they invest the judgment and questionable quality of their common sense and intellectual ability to analyze and make conclusive opinions based on objective facts, far more important, they invest the very nature of their moral character. To believe in the Sandy Hook conspiracy requires one to disavow the very existence of specific humans beings, small children especially. It requires the character of people to deny that specific human beings who can not defend themselves ever lived let alone had any worth as human beings while they were here and alive. It requires a willingness to inflict horrible pain on the parents of murdered children. That is the moral character of a Sandy Hook conspiracy theory conspiracist. They do this on the selfish and warped, even sick belief that they are smarter than everyone else and their subjective speculations and guessing entitles them to be mean spirited and ugly persons that lack and have no need for morality.
Yeah, Sandy Hook was a staged DHS/FEMA drill that was passed off as a live shooter drill/ mass casualty event and it was a piss poor attempt at that. Anyone that wants to debate me on this? Bring it on......

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