What is your opinion on Alex Jones

I saw a couple recent videos of him. He mentioned a preference of just taking calls or other easy work instead of ranting, accusing, predicting, etc. He seems to be past his prime, mellowed out, or too tired to do the work that made him famous. I tend to avoid the ranting shouters in videos, but he has been accurate enough in predictions that I might watch or read more of his older work later.
I do not believe Sandy Hook was a staged hoax in any way and think anybody who does believe that is pretty much an idiot.
It might hurt me for some meanspirited person to tell me my loved one didn't really die from this or that or that his/her death was staged or whatever. But does it harm me materially? No.
This is where you get a HUGE Fuck You.
But does it harm me materially? No.

Have You personally be involved with losing a Child?

This is where you get a HUGE Fuck You.
But does it harm me materially? No.

Have You personally be involved with losing a Child?
You know nothing of my life or what I have experienced and/or been involved with. And people who are hateful, insensitive, or have terribly wrong opinions can indeed be hurtful and cruel. Does that warrant suing them for thousands, millions, billions of $. No.
Does that warrant suing them for thousands, millions, billions of $. No.
Free Speech is totally a Right.

But, it comes with consequences. Rightfully.

FUCK Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is a money $$$$$ hungry FOOL that crossed the line you have a hard time seeing.

Alex Jones deserves to ROT in Hell and Pay those he Violated with his "Free Speech".

Fuck Alex Jones.
You know nothing of my life or what I have experienced and/or been involved with. And people who are hateful, insensitive, or have terribly wrong opinions can indeed be hurtful and cruel. Does that warrant suing them for thousands, millions, billions of $. No.

The left-pigs do actually believe that they know everything.


The left-pigs do actually believe that they know everything.

When the left loses a child it is just as devastating and tragic as anyone else though. And there is no doubt that anyone who deliberately increases that pain deserves his/her own special hell. But who is to say whose pain is greater than anybody else? If I publicly said Sandy Hook is a hoax, I could be subject to justified severe criticism and be labeled the idiot I would be. But that is all that would happen because to sue me would probably cost as much or more than anybody would likely get out of me if they took everything I have.

If the fact that Alex Jones was wealthy is the only reason a lawsuit was brought against him, that is wrong.

I have done some reading up and, if it is true they did what the news accounts say they did, there have been some bad actors who have been arrested and punished. And there is one fact in the scenario where the 'media company' owned by Jones--it doesn't specifically say Jones himself--falsely accused somebody of being a suspect in the massacre:
". . .Marcel Fontaine was in the middle of a legal battle with Jones, seeking damages for the media company’s false reporting that he was a suspect in the Douglas High School massacre. After his image was disseminated across the internet, he was allegedly harassed and threatened, per court documents. . ."

That is malicious, materially damaging and, if true, then yes Jones or his company should absolutely be subject to lawsuit for that kind of damaging slander or libel whichever it was.

I would never argue on the side of Alex Jones for anything he or his company does that is materially damaging. I will argue that just expressing his opinion that the Sandy Hook massacre is a hoax is not justification in itself for a lawsuit. When he encourages lawlessness or violence in no way, he shouldn't be sued for being an idiot. Indeed anyone who takes the information and runs with it in an illegal and materially harmful way should be liable for punishment.

People here at USMB frequently say hateful and what is intended to be hurtful things to me and about me pretty much every day. A few seem to make it a daily activity. If somebody reads one or more of those comments and acts in a way that is materially harmful to me, should I sue the USMB or the members who said stupid and/or dishonest stuff? Or should I sue the person who actually harmed me?

There should never be lawsuits allowed just for hurt feelings. We all should be able to express our opinions about anything without fear of lawsuit short of intentionally encouraging illegality. The media errs when it pushes the idea that just being a Sandy Hook massacre denier is what Jones is being sued for. That is not illegal however stupid. But nobody should be able to do malicious material harm to another with impunity and that should be the narrative emphasized.

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Yes he made horrible comments about Sandy Hook and even offered to pay 55 million in damages!! They want 1.4 billion?

Clearly this is highly politically motivated and un American??

if he was a leftist who accused T of Russian collision he would not pay a penny
Alex Jones is pig vomit!

He deserves to pay $2 million!
Yes he made horrible comments about Sandy Hook and even offered to pay 55 million in damages!! They want 1.4 billion?

Clearly this is highly politically motivated and un American??

if he was a leftist who accused T of Russian collision he would not pay a penny

I've never listened to him or much cared, but given how he triggers a lot of faggot Democrats Trump should put him in charge of something, maybe the DOE.
Free Speech is totally a Right.

But, it comes with consequences. Rightfully.

FUCK Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is a money $$$$$ hungry FOOL that crossed the line you have a hard time seeing.

Alex Jones deserves to ROT in Hell and Pay those he Violated with his "Free Speech".

Fuck Alex Jones.
Hoplophobes Hop Like Kangaroos

The gun-grabbers exploited the tragedy even more than Alex Jones did. So he had to come up with a narrative that was just as frightening as, "Anyone who buys a gun turns into a thrill-killing demon."
The far left globalists plan was to silence Alex Jones by bankrupting him.
And smear him soo bad with lies and slander. That no media outlet would allow him on their platform.
In essence, de facto taking away his freedom of speech.

Ha !! That degenerate rat Z just turned down another Russian invitation to peace !
Z only wants war because he and his cronies are making billions while both sides die for nothing
AJ needs to adopt a Spartan Lifestyle ( Auction off his Bass Boat , his Guns , his Porsche his Range Rover , his Rolex watches his Indian Basket & pottery Collections Auction it all off ) & sell his Ranch and GTFO of the Austin Area
oy vey ..I just need another 20 billion and then I can maybe live a comfortable life

Not a single news story from any media criticizing this
oy vey ..I just need another 20 billion and then I can maybe live a comfortable life

Not a single news story from any media criticizing this
If he could just divest all the Shit they want , then move to Laramie or Jasper and lease some Acres with a Blacktop Road leading to it and power and put a class C Motorcoach on it and start over with a Two Man Show Operation like Woody Harrelson had in the Movie 2012
The far left globalists plan was to silence Alex Jones by bankrupting him.
And smear him soo bad with lies and slander. That no media outlet would allow him on their platform.
In essence, de facto taking away his freedom of speech.

Old Jews love to go to nice restaurants then complain about the food after they stuffed it down their pie hole ? Why ?? They sometimes get a free desert or better
Yes he made horrible comments about Sandy Hook and even offered to pay 55 million in damages!! They want 1.4 billion?

Clearly this is highly politically motivated and un American??

if he was a leftist who accused T of Russian collision he would not pay a penny
Do you have any particularly egregious quotes or videos from him to share? I've seen him on some videos and he just seemed like a highly exuberant fellow

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