What is your opinion on Alex Jones

You are absolutely right that if he was a Democrat or left wing looney, the lawsuit would have been thrown out of court which it should have been anyway. I doubt any of the Sandy Hook people who filed that lawsuit had even heard of Alex Jones much less ever listened to him. It isn't as if he is mainstream. These kinds of 'hurt feelings' lawsuits need to stop just as much as the weaponization of government against its citizens needs to stop.

And I don't know that I have an opinion on him per se as I have never ever listened to his radio program. I'm not sure we even got it here. But to declare Sandy Hook a hoax on air was not cool, even really dumb. I would not trust anybody doing that kind of reporting. That it materially harmed anybody in any way warranting compensation and/or punitive damages is ridiculous unless individual people were singled out for defamation.

did you know that the first responders on the scene thought what they saw when entering the classrooms were piles of bloody rags - when in fact they were children?
Hurt feelings?
You donā€™t think having a six year old brutally slaughtered hurts?
You donā€™t think having Alex Jones followers tell you that you are just a crisis actor and didnā€™t really lose a child hurts?
You donā€™t think harassing phone calls, emails and posts hurts?
You donā€™t think an Alex Jones follower telling you that he urinated on your childā€™s grave hurts?
All of this might be true.

. . but it certainly isn't worth a billion dollar. If you believe it is, you have lost your ever loving mind.
Yes he made horrible comments about Sandy Hook and even offered to pay 55 million in damages!! They want 1.4 billion?

Clearly this is highly politically motivated and un American??

if he was a leftist who accused T of Russian +-ollision he would not pay a penny
i'm still wondering how our kindergarten teachers turned all the frogs gay.

many involved in covering up the russian conspiracy at trump tower have been convicted, and we know who a few of the others are.

when guys like lev parnas keep showing up it is readily observed that the russians (both putin and trump's thief in law friends) have incredible influence on trump and his people.
Alex Jones represents the best of Conservative America
All of this might be true.

. . but it certainly isn't worth a billion dollar. If you believe it is, you have lost your ever loving mind.

It is worth locking up Alex Jonesā€™ fat ass up for the rest of his life

In the absence of that, take every dollar he has or will ever earn
Did you like Austin and how long were you there ?? Itā€™s gotten very expensive.
Lived in Austin for about 5 years back in the 90's when it was a pretty cool place to live.
But now Austin is like San Francisco, a total lefty loon Democrat ran city.
Today there are homeless tents all over the downtown sidewalks and parks, with zombie fentanyl drug addicts wandering the streets, and lots of crime because the far left mayor gutted the police force.
All of this might be true.

. . but it certainly isn't worth a billion dollar. If you believe it is, you have lost your ever loving mind.
what brings the price tag on these defamation cases is the utter rewfusal to STOP defaming the sandy hook parents, or w jean carrol, or dominion inc.

sandy hook parents vs jones is similar to burr vs hamilton, hamilton probably wished he'd been fined the billion.
Lived in Austin for about 5 years back in the 90's when it was a pretty cool place to live.
But now Austin is like San Francisco, a total lefty loon Democrat ran city.
Today there are homeless tents all over the downtown sidewalks and parks, with zombie fentanyl drug addicts wandering the streets, and lots of crime because the far left mayor gutted the police force.

Z can easily afford 1.5 billion
Hurt feelings?
You donā€™t think having a six year old brutally slaughtered hurts?
You donā€™t think having Alex Jones followers tell you that you are just a crisis actor and didnā€™t really lose a child hurts?
You donā€™t think harassing phone calls, emails and posts hurts?
You donā€™t think an Alex Jones follower telling you that he urinated on your childā€™s grave hurts?
Alex Jones should not be prosecuted for what other bad actors do. Did he encourage anybody to harass Sandy Hook families? If he did, that is one thing. That he did not is something else. The stupid things you say whether seriously or in jest at USMB could be interpreted and acted on by any nut reading in. Would that make their bad acts your fault? If we start stooping to that level of woke stupidity, anybody expressing an opinion about anything could be sued if somebody else did a bad act.

Going after those doing the bad acts could be appropriate. Going after the one who is politically hated but did not commit those bad acts is wrong and should not ever be done.

The whole concept of free speech is to be able to express unpopular opinions, even hurtful opinions, with impunity so long as those opinions do not materially and wrongly affect another person. Saying a person makes terrible beer is perfectly legal under the Constitution. Saying a person puts an offensive substance (urine or whatever) in his beer materially harms that person and is libelous or slanderous and should be subject to lawsuit or prosecution. Accusing somebody of a crime he/she did not commit and there is no evidence for and harms that persons reputation, income, opportunities, relationships should be subject to lawsuit or prosecution.

You can call me a stupid, bad, whatever person all day long--actually you frequently do or infer it--and that is one thing. Unclassy, uncouth, but not illegal. Falsifying my posts or accusing me of literally doing something unacceptable in a way that impinges on my credibility or reputation is quite something else. That should be actionable.
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I started listening to Alex Jones in the late 1990's when I lived in Austin, Texas and he had a local radio show there.
He told people about the globalists and the Deep state running our government.
Jones was the first guy I'd ever heard talking about this subject.
And the things he said turned out to be true.
I have heard that about him and have read some Infowars commentary on line that I found no fault with whatsoever. I do think calling Sandy Hook a hoax though is really dumb and he was not cool in reporting it that way and strong criticism re that was entirely justified. But did it materially harm anybody? No.

I think I watched hm once or twice and was not impressed enough to watch him again.

But Foxfyre's post a couple posts above says something really important.

I learned a lot more from another of his network's hosts, who is no longer on the air.

Hurt feelings are so subjective that if we continue to file lawsuits for that it won't be long that pretty much every American will be subject to having to defend their opinions in court. Another person's opinion must result in material objective harm before it should be actionable in any way. For instance, if Jones encouraged others to get in the face of Sandy hook family members, harass them, make their lives miserable, I would struggle as to whether that was actionable as he had no power to make anybody do anything, but maybe the court would have had a better case. I still think those who do those kinds of things should be sued and not those who just think or suggest it though.
He needs to lose his Firearms in a Tragic Boating accident , Be robbed of his jewelery and his Art , and get a nice used Motorcoach and move to Wyoming or Idaho and Start over from scratch & do a show like Woody Harrelsonā€™s character in 2012
Hurt feelings are so subjective

having yer child slaughtered & the 'hurt feelings ' those parents endured & then having them ripped apart again & again & AGAIN by the creature who was responsible should have been able to get their hands on him.

but since that is legally impossible, then every fucking penny he has should be given over to THEM.
did you know that the first responders on the scene thought what they saw when entering the classrooms were piles of bloody rags - when in fact they were children?
The argument though is not what the first responders saw. I do not believe Sandy Hook was a staged hoax in any way and think anybody who does believe that is pretty much an idiot. The argument is whether somebody has a constitutional right to think and say that it was a hoax when they had and have no part in that whatsoever. It might hurt me for some meanspirited person to tell me my loved one didn't really die from this or that or that his/her death was staged or whatever. But does it harm me materially? No.

Free speech includes the right to believe, think, speak what isn't true as much as what is true.
having yer child slaughtered & the 'hurt feelings ' those parents endured & then having them ripped apart again & again & AGAIN by the creature who was responsible should have been able to get their hands on him.

but since that is legally impossible, then every fucking penny he has should be given over to THEM.
Any Sandy Hook family member who heard that from Alex Jones or anybody else and then went back to hear it again and again. . .

Again I doubt many if any Sandy Hook families had even heard of Alex Jones or ever heard his program. I doubt seriously he was carried on many if any east coast radio stations, especially New England.

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