Santa Barbara Massacre Defies Gun Control, Mental Health Proposals: 4 Blunt Points


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2010
A very interesting persepective. This guy passed a background check. on 3 separate occaisions. he had no assault style weapon. he had no large capacity magazine. Laws that gun grabbers are assuring us are needed on a national level are already in place at the state level and they failed. This guy was pointed out as being a potential risk, but the police could take no action because he had done nothing wrong yet.

look back, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years. we didn't have these mass killings by kids. so what's happened? guns were easier to get then. there were fewer restrictions on what you could own or who could own. there was less security. less inteliigence, fewer places to look for telltale signs. maybe we need to take a harder look at how we are raising out kids. because that sure has changed in the last few decades.

Santa Barbara Massacre Bypassed Gun Control, Mental Health Fixes - Businessweek

Santa Barbara Massacre Defies Gun Control, Mental Health Proposals: 4 Blunt Points

This massacre is as troubling as they come. The May 23 shooting rampage in Santa Barbara County, Calif.—in which a mentally disturbed 22-year-old man killed six people and wounded 13 before apparently committing suicide—defies sensible-sounding calls for limiting access to weapons and heightening attention to the dangerously deranged. There are no easy responses to this one, as four blunt points make clear:

1. Forget conventional gun-control proposals. These provisions may make sense to deter many kinds of wrongdoing, but they don’t apply to the suicidal young man determined to express his pain and rage by taking innocent people with him. Elliot Rodger, the self-pitying Santa Barbara killer, passed background checks—three times—as he bought his Glock and Sig Sauer pistols. He didn’t need an “assault weapon,” or military-style semiautomatic rifle. Ordinary handguns did just fine. He didn’t need large-capacity ammunition magazines; those are already illegal in California. He planned ahead: three pistols in case one jammed, and more than 40 10-round mags, which provided ample ammo for his deadly mission. California has some of the toughest gun-control laws in the country, far more stringent than what the federal government imposes. Those laws didn’t stop, or even significantly slow, Rodger.
The two people who should have had the insight were divorced and off on to their own lives when the kid was seven. Maybe people who create kids should be held more accountable for their upbringing, as used to be the case.
The two people who should have had the insight were divorced and off on to their own lives when the kid was seven. Maybe people who create kids should be held more accountable for their upbringing, as used to be the case.

Creating a human life is a huge responsibility. kids don't raise themselves. raising kids is not the responsibility of the government, or schools, or anyone else. it falls on the parents. schools will educate them, with the parents cooperation.
The two people who should have had the insight were divorced and off on to their own lives when the kid was seven. Maybe people who create kids should be held more accountable for their upbringing, as used to be the case.

Creating a human life is a huge responsibility. kids don't raise themselves. raising kids is not the responsibility of the government, or schools, or anyone else. it falls on the parents. schools will educate them, with the parents cooperation.

As he killed with knives first, this is less a gun issue than a mental health issue. AND, Bundy checked out "normal" in psych profiles also.
The two people who should have had the insight were divorced and off on to their own lives when the kid was seven. Maybe people who create kids should be held more accountable for their upbringing, as used to be the case.

Creating a human life is a huge responsibility. kids don't raise themselves. raising kids is not the responsibility of the government, or schools, or anyone else. it falls on the parents. schools will educate them, with the parents cooperation.

As he killed with knives first, this is less a gun issue than a mental health issue. AND, Bundy checked out "normal" in psych profiles also.

it is clearly not a gun issue. he demonstrated he would kill and had the ability to kill with or with out a gun. but as usual this is being made a gun issue and we will lose sight of the real problem. and therefore we will never solve the real problem.
Creating a human life is a huge responsibility. kids don't raise themselves. raising kids is not the responsibility of the government, or schools, or anyone else. it falls on the parents. schools will educate them, with the parents cooperation.

As he killed with knives first, this is less a gun issue than a mental health issue. AND, Bundy checked out "normal" in psych profiles also.

it is clearly not a gun issue. he demonstrated he would kill and had the ability to kill with or with out a gun. but as usual this is being made a gun issue and we will lose sight of the real problem. and therefore we will never solve the real problem.
no, go on, what is the real problem spoon. How do you solve this problem.
As he killed with knives first, this is less a gun issue than a mental health issue. AND, Bundy checked out "normal" in psych profiles also.

it is clearly not a gun issue. he demonstrated he would kill and had the ability to kill with or with out a gun. but as usual this is being made a gun issue and we will lose sight of the real problem. and therefore we will never solve the real problem.
no, go on, what is the real problem spoon. How do you solve this problem.

Here's your simple answer right here... something you probably could have used a little of too... smartass...

Creating a human life is a huge responsibility. kids don't raise themselves. raising kids is not the responsibility of the government, or schools, or anyone else. it falls on the parents. schools will educate them, with the parents cooperation.

As he killed with knives first, this is less a gun issue than a mental health issue. AND, Bundy checked out "normal" in psych profiles also.

it is clearly not a gun issue. he demonstrated he would kill and had the ability to kill with or with out a gun. but as usual this is being made a gun issue and we will lose sight of the real problem. and therefore we will never solve the real problem.

That will be the shame of it all.
Someone as sick as this guy wouldn't have let the lack of obtaining a gun from stopping him.
Had he not had a gun, more than likely he would have used his car. He would have searched out a group or crowd of young people and he would have driven in to them.
Someone as sick as this guy wouldn't have let the lack of obtaining a gun from stopping him.
Had he not had a gun, more than likely he would have used his car. He would have searched out a group or crowd of young people and he would have driven in to them.

Or a homemade bomb, or as he wrote, just lured more to his apartment to stab.
I'll summarize the steaming pile of libertardian crap you're calling a source article here.

1. Forget about gun control because one womyn-hating manpig scumbag didn't follow the rules that the feds refuse to enforce.

2. Ban all medication and let everyone be completely fucking crazy because hurr durr muh freedumbz, fluoridated water iz bad 4 u, durrrrr.

3. The people who want mass shootings to be possible aren't to blame's them dern Mexicans, I tells ya!

4. You should completely accept all of the above points even though in this one I'll admit that I'm completely wrong and liberals are 100% right--if we ever want to live in peace, we need a War on Weapons that will end in the confiscation and destruction of all weapons and weapon-like objects. President Obama's still the bad guy here though, durrr.

Also, OP, to your claim that the shooter here "had no assault style weapon"--any weapon is an assault style weapon, period. Ban them all.
It didn't get a lot of media scrutiny but the worst school shooting in US history only happened a few years ago on Va. Tech campus at Blacksburg. The shooter was undergoing court ordered psychiatric counseling but it didn't show up on the instant name check required to purchase a weapon.
It didn't get a lot of media scrutiny but the worst school shooting in US history only happened a few years ago on Va. Tech campus at Blacksburg.

It didn't get a lot of media scrutiny

school shooting

on Va. Tech campus at Blacksburg.

Where were you the entire month after this happened.

This, THIS is why we freedom-loving liberals need to repeat our talking points nonstop, and make sure that everyone knows at all times that they live in a terror state where gun crimes can happen at any moment. We have to tell them--at school, on TV, through the Internet--that their only hope for survival is through a universal weapons ban in America.

We really have to ramp up the War on Weapons if we're going to make the world truly safe for democracy. It's amazing that some people, like caucasianhall here, don't know the significance of the Virginia Tech shooting.
As he killed with knives first, this is less a gun issue than a mental health issue. AND, Bundy checked out "normal" in psych profiles also.

it is clearly not a gun issue. he demonstrated he would kill and had the ability to kill with or with out a gun. but as usual this is being made a gun issue and we will lose sight of the real problem. and therefore we will never solve the real problem.
no, go on, what is the real problem spoon. How do you solve this problem.

Outlaw psychotherapy snake-oil mumbo jumbo.

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