Santa Fe monument to controversial frontiersman Kit Carson vandalized

Recognizing a statistic is one thing. Couching your point in that statistic is RACIST. I am not offended. I KNOW what you are. You are what society has had to deal with since AA. "Oh poor you. The white field boss is holding you back. All your problems are because of white people. BUT, now statistics prove that the white man is declining so you can exact your revenge on the progeny of the society that wronged your ancestors who have done more to right those wrongs than any time or in any place in history. RACISM and BIGOTRY and HYPOCRISY. Do you understand those words? Look inside yourself--therein lie your answers.
You are indeed a racist. Yes, the fact is white replacement is not keeping up with loss. People of color replacement is higher than loss. That will have political, cultural and social effects on our country and how we do things. You being told that is not racist. It's a fact.
Recognizing a statistic is one thing. Couching your point in that statistic is RACIST. I am not offended. I KNOW what you are. You are what society has had to deal with since AA. "Oh poor you. The white field boss is holding you back. All your problems are because of white people. BUT, now statistics prove that the white man is declining so you can exact your revenge on the progeny of the society that wronged your ancestors who have done more to right those wrongs than any time or in any place in history. RACISM and BIGOTRY and HYPOCRISY. Do you understand those words? Look inside yourself--therein lie your answers.
Where did I say any of this you crying little bitch? 😄 I was making the simple point that demographic change brings about cultural change and in the context of this conversation I mostly refering to aesthetic changes. The removing of statues of heroes from one culture and the raising of statues of heores from another for example. I didn't say anything about white people keeping me down.
No. I didn’t give you Step 3 of the plan. We secure the borders, remove those who aren’t legally Americans. That’s the first two steps. Step three is rounding up up and either expelling or executing all non-Conservatives.

For me it’s not about skin tone, it’s about ideology.
You can't even do step one effectively and again you aren't listening. Minority citizens are out breeding you and you aren't even out breeding your own mortality rate. Expelling illegal immigrants won't keep up a majority white society. And it might not be about skin tone for you but you should at least understand people of different skin tones and histories aren't going to care to venerate Confederates for instance who's ideology was centered around white supremacy and black slavery.
And it might not be about skin tone for you but you should at least understand people of different skin tones and histories aren't going to care to venerate Confederates for instance who's ideology was centered around white supremacy and black slavery
Then we kill them. With a ZERO IMMIGRATION policy, ass I alluded to earlier, and the ZERO TOLERANCE policy for Liberals/Progressives (backed up by bullets) we end up in a far better place.

Assuming you’re correct that this is not attainable, then it’s time to burn the fields and salt the earth.
Then we kill them. With a ZERO IMMIGRATION policy, ass I alluded to earlier, and the ZERO TOLERANCE policy for Liberals/Progressives (backed up by bullets) we end up in a far better place.

Assuming you’re correct that this is not attainable, then it’s time to burn the fields and salt the earth.

And you think this is a real option and not just wishful cosplay from a useless incel?
Despite how wrong people may have been in the past regarding their attitudes and prejudices, they got us to where we are today. If we realize their errors, it is thanks to them nonetheless. Attacking them is pointless. Attacking what remains of genuine error may be constructive. Trying to replace everything is hopeless, reckless and insane. Examining what works and what doesn't would be intelligent.
And you think this is a real option and not just wishful cosplay from a useless incel?
I believe it’s the only way this country is going to get fixed. Anything else leads to the permanent death of this nation as a meaningful society. We are absurdly close to that at this point.

It’s probably wishful thinking and hope, but it’s the only way to save what is left of America.

As for the Incel comment… ask my wonderful, traditional homemaking, Puerto Rican wife about that
I believe it’s the only way this country is going to get fixed. Anything else leads to the permanent death of this nation as a meaningful society. We are absurdly close to that at this point.

It’s probably wishful thinking and hope, but it’s the only way to save what is left of America.

As for the Incel comment… ask my wonderful, traditional homemaking, Puerto Rican wife about that
I'm not talking about your sexuality you Simp, I'm talking about your impotence in saving America as you see it. There was a lot of beating of your chest at the beginning of this thread about how people who weren't you conquered others but as we get down in to it we find in this place in time you're the one being conquered. 😄
I'm talking about your impotence in saving America as you see it. There was a lot of beating of your chest at the beginning of this thread about how people who weren't you conquered others but as we get down in to it we find in this place in time you're the one being conquered
Not just me. Every one of the few real true Americans we have left. After “saving the world”, the Greatest Generation went SOFT on their children which led to the revolutionary actions of the 1960’s. That generation couldn’t raise proper children because they failed to learn what propriety was from their parents and it’s just gotten worse every generation since. This current generation can’t even define what a woman is.

Like the Indians, we’ve lost the battle against a conqueror from outside. The difference is that this time it’s an ideology rather than a physical invader, which makes it much harder to fight.

In my school i used to read tons of books about Kit Carson. None of them explained that he was a less than stellar individual. Mod edited to keep from shutting down the thread. White 6.
Its good that the US is re-appraising its genocidal past. But shocking that there are still these monumentss in city centres.
Americas genocidal past??
Hypocrite much Tommy??
Shall we discuss Britain's long long long long long genocidal past that makes America's past crimes look like the story of Jesus Christ.
Not just me. Every one of the few real true Americans we have left. After “saving the world”, the Greatest Generation went SOFT on their children which led to the revolutionary actions of the 1960’s. That generation couldn’t raise proper children because they failed to learn what propriety was from their parents and it’s just gotten worse every generation since. This current generation can’t even define what a woman is.

Like the Indians, we’ve lost the battle against a conqueror from outside. The difference is that this time it’s an ideology rather than a physical invader, which makes it much harder to fight.
Excuses excuses. All wars are twofold, ideological and physical. If you can't rally support then you have no army. All you're telling me is that your two time loser.
Not just me. Every one of the few real true Americans we have left. After “saving the world”, the Greatest Generation went SOFT on their children which led to the revolutionary actions of the 1960’s. That generation couldn’t raise proper children because they failed to learn what propriety was from their parents and it’s just gotten worse every generation since. This current generation can’t even define what a woman is.

Like the Indians, we’ve lost the battle against a conqueror from outside. The difference is that this time it’s an ideology rather than a physical invader, which makes it much harder to fight.
Culture changes over time for various reasons.

We are not going back to the greatest generation and the 1950s.
All wars are twofold, ideological and physical. If you can't rally support then you have no army. All you're telling me is that your two time loser
Maybe you’re right. One thing I know for certain… I’ve lived my life as properly as possible and I am prepared to have my Soul judged at any second. When my time comes, I will die with my head held high, whether I go by my own hand or someone else’s.
It will be a great country, but one that is going off into new directions
I cannot see how and do not believe this new direction is even acceptable, never mind leading to greatness. Greatness cannot exist when there is no morality, no propriety, decency or even basic common sense.

A society which cannot even define what a woman is, never mind her proper role in society cannot ever be good, and definitely never great.
Yep. Lying all the way. Kit Carson wasn't involved in the deaths of any Native Americans. He lived with the Arapahoe and Cheyenne having married into first Arapahoe and then Cheyenne. He was a fur trapper, guide and Indian agent.

He was respectful of, and respected by, the native American people.
Anathema was wrong. And you are wrong. England ruled India fao a longer perios than the US has existed. Thats a sizeable time sparky.. I doubt that is much comfort to the navajo tribes that yoy robbed.

And what about the tribes the navajo robbed?

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