Santa Fe monument to controversial frontiersman Kit Carson vandalized

In my school i used to read tons of books about Kit Carson. None of them explained that he was a less than stellar individual. Mod edited to keep from shutting down the thread. White 6.
Its good that the US is re-appraising its genocidal past. But shocking that there are still these monumentss in city centres.
LOL. Are you talking about the Wild West? You guys want to cancel everyone.
The Comanche and the Kiowa were the absolute masters of their domain. All other humans were just "others" to be plundered, sold, or enslaved.
live up to modern women standards of cowardice, loserdom,
"modern women standards"??? 'cowardice'? 'loserdom'?
Well, is there a pinch of misogyny riding the Kit Carson trail?
Brought along in his saddlebags by a sad and angry incel?
So it seems.

Some fear 'modern women' more than frontiersmen feared Blackfeet or smallpox.
Funny how things change.

you were a cu.nt. But here you go ... and are.

TT....please keep posting in this DewDrop Inn pub.
You spark up the xenophobes like no other.
Like flushing a covey of quail. Or cockroaches.
And you are really good at it, with such casualness and ease.
But then too, they panic easily. Are often scared.
So it seems.

"modern women standards"??? 'cowardice'? 'loserdom'?
Well, is there a pinch of misogyny riding the Kit Carson trail?
Brought along in his saddlebags by a sad and angry incel?
So it seems.

Some fear 'modern women' more than frontiersmen feared Blackfeet or smallpox.
Funny how things change.


TT....please keep posting in this DewDrop Inn pub.
You spark up the xenophobes like no other.
Like flushing a covey of quail. Or cockroaches.
And you are really good at it, with such casualness and ease.
But then too, they panic easily. Are often scared.
So it seems.

Thanj you. You are very kind. Its good that men of sense can meet and discuss issues of the day. I am merely trying to provoke debate but some of our brethren are not ready for that yet.
It’s not just whites or Christian’s. Very few conquering societies have left their enemies survive and not force them into total assimilation or eradication. The fact that there are even a small number of natives left in this country is a historical anomaly.
The british [sic] left a lot of indians [sic] in India.
The Britishers have blood on their hands from India .

And for all the blood, they never did really conquer India. They managed to rule over India, for a while, but were eventually driven out.

Yet Tainted Tommy thinks there is some virtue to signal, some credit to claim, in Britain having not completely exterminated the Indian natives. As if they ever had the power to come anywhere close to doing so.
I agree. But the point is that they made Anathemas post look redundant.

Not at all.

Not to say that I necessarily agree with what Anathema said, but his claim was that it was rare for a conquering society to leave any of the conquered alive.

Britain never conquered India, nor was there ever any plausible chance that it could have. The Indians would have had a better chance of completely exterminating the British who invaded their country, than the British ever could have had of exterminating the Indians.
I am merely trying to provoke debate…

That's what you call it?

To most of us, it looks exactly like baiting, trolling, and waving your deep ignorance and lack of standing around as if it was some proud banner. Pretty much the same as every other thread you have ever started about anything to do with America.

Its [sic] good that men of sense can meet and discuss issues of the day.

You do not speak for any men of sense.
Not at all.

Not to say that I necessarily agree with what Anathema said, but his claim was that it was rare for a conquering society to leave any of the conquered alive.

Britain never conquered India, nor was there ever any plausible chance that it could have. The Indians would have had a better chance of completely exterminating the British who invaded their country, than the British ever could have had of exterminating the Indians.
Anathema was wrong. And you are wrong. England ruled India fao a longer perios than the US has existed. Thats a sizeable time sparky.. I doubt that is much comfort to the navajo tribes that yoy robbed.
Anathema was wrong. And you are wrong. England ruled India fao a longer perios than the US has existed. Thats a sizeable time sparky.. I doubt that is much comfort to the navajo tribes that yoy robbed.

What language was that supposed to be?

Some of the words appear to be English, but others are unrecognizable as such.
The British became dominant in India in 1757 and had completed its domination by 1857. India did not get independence until 1947.
Another American Legend defamed because people seem to expect our historical figures to live up to modern women standards of cowardice, loserdom, and woke politics.

The Indians had plenty of chances to fight back, but we’re more interested in their own squabbles than in stopping the white infestation of their territory. They’re fortunate we didn’t wipe them out entirely.
I love when when Americans say that without realizing the same is happening to them. You folks don’t think a browning America is going to replace your culture as you replaced others? 😄
I love when when Americans say that without realizing the same is happening to them. You folks don’t think a browning America is going to replace your culture as you replaced others?
You’re absolutely correct. That’s why my ideology views Nationalism and Isolationism as the first two priorities. Given the power I’d close all our borders tomorrow and expell every non-citizen the day after.
You’re absolutely correct. That’s why my ideology views Nationalism and Isolationism as the first two priorities. Given the power I’d close all our borders tomorrow and expell every non-citizen the day after.
That still wouldn't be enough. White birth rates aren't keeping up with the white death rate. You're the only demographic in America who's losing more people than you're making. In order to stave off demographic and cultural replacement you'd have to get rid of some minority citizens as well. You can't even do the first thing let alone the second. It's best you just start hording pieces, like Nazi paraphernalia, in your bunkers or whatever. 😄
That still wouldn't be enough. White birth rates aren't keeping up with the white death rate. You're the only demographic in America who's losing more people than you're making. In order to stave off demographic and cultural replacement you'd have to get rid of some minority citizens as well. You can't even do the first thing let alone the second. It's best you just start hording pieces, like Nazi paraphernalia, in your bunkers or whatever. 😄
Only a racist bigot would couch a narrative in mortality and birth rates by ethnicity. Hmmm. Methinks your Jamaican Patois can't save you from this one. In a diverse society, those demographics have no bearing. Racism? Bigotry? I think you should try not to practice these traits -- they are not PC.
Only a racist bigot would couch a narrative in mortality and birth rates by ethnicity. Hmmm. Methinks your Jamaican Patois can't save you from this one. In a diverse society, those demographics have no bearing. Racism? Bigotry? I think you should try not to practice these traits -- they are not PC.

What are you on about? I'm just relaying information that was learned from the last Census. Over the last decade more people who self identify as white died than were born. To be fair birth rates are down for all demographics, it's just the birth rate for whites has fallen below their mortality rate.

Also, why the fuck would you think I care about being PC? 😄 Maybe that's more a white liberal thing? I don't care if I offend you.

What's racist about recognizing demographic change will naturally lead to cultural change?

What are you on about? I'm just relaying information that was learned from the last Census. Over the last decade more people who self identify as white died than were born. To be fair birth rates are down for all demographics, it's just the birth rate for whites has fallen below their mortality rate.

Also, why the fuck would you think I care about being PC? 😄 Maybe that's more a white liberal thing? I don't care if I offend you.

What's racist about recognizing demographic change will naturally lead to cultural change?
Recognizing a statistic is one thing. Couching your point in that statistic is RACIST. I am not offended. I KNOW what you are. You are what society has had to deal with since AA. "Oh poor you. The white field boss is holding you back. All your problems are because of white people. BUT, now statistics prove that the white man is declining so you can exact your revenge on the progeny of the society that wronged your ancestors who have done more to right those wrongs than any time or in any place in history. RACISM and BIGOTRY and HYPOCRISY. Do you understand those words? Look inside yourself--therein lie your answers.
That still wouldn't be enough. White birth rates aren't keeping up with the white death rate. You're the only demographic in America who's losing more people than you're making. In order to stave off demographic and cultural replacement you'd have to get rid of some minority citizens as well. You can't even do the first thing let alone the second
No. I didn’t give you Step 3 of the plan. We secure the borders, remove those who aren’t legally Americans. That’s the first two steps. Step three is rounding up up and either expelling or executing all non-Conservatives.

For me it’s not about skin tone, it’s about ideology.

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