Santa Fe monument to controversial frontiersman Kit Carson vandalized

Another American Legend defamed because people seem to expect our historical figures to live up to modern women standards of cowardice, loserdom, and woke politics.

The Indians had plenty of chances to fight back, but we’re more interested in their own squabbles than in stopping the white infestation of their territory. They’re fortunate we didn’t wipe them out entirely.
Kit Carson was not an Indian fighter. Not at all.
Well, you know how white Christians are.
It’s not just whites or Christian’s. Very few conquering societies have left their enemies survive and not force them into total assimilation or eradication. The fact that there are even a small number of natives left in this country is a historical anomaly.
Kit Carson, a frontiersman who ventured throughout the American West, became famous in his lifetime as a gallant army officer, mountain man, guide and explorer. He was well known as an intrepid Indian fighter, but when he appeared on the Texas Caprock to battle Native Americans, he met his match.Jun 2, 2019

Kit Carson, the Comanche and the Kiowa on the Caprock

This is questionable since Kit Carson served as a courier in the Mexican American War and known to have retired to New Mexico after that. Carson was a well known Indian agent and liaison between the Cheyenne and the army. These must be the same historians that claim Pocahontas was kidnapped and raped.
It’s not just whites or Christian’s. Very few conquering societies have left their enemies survive and not force them into total assimilation or eradication. The fact that there are even a small number of natives left in this country is a historical anomaly.
The british left a lot of indians in India.

In my school i used to read tons of books about Kit Carson. None of them explained that he was a cu.nt.
Its good that the US is re-appraising its genocidal past. But shocking that there are still these monumentss in city centres.
I read a lot of books in my childhood and none of them mentioned that you were a cu.nt. But here you go ... and are.

In my school i used to read tons of books about Kit Carson. None of them explained that he was a cu.nt.
Its good that the US is re-appraising its genocidal past. But shocking that there are still these monumentss in city centres.
More bullshit like this lie that was trumpeted by liberals...

Please go fuck yourself without delay.
How did thst end up working out for the Crown? India is its own country currently, so that conquest really didn’t stick too well, did it?
That isnt what you were arguing. The romans left a lot of locals wherever they went as well.

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