SANTORUM, these illegal kids are ALREADY traumatized on arrival, so how much worse is it here?


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
So what, we TRAUMATIZE them further? SANTORUM, the CHRISTIAN. Kinda like BATTERER logic. Well, I didn't beat you much. I didn't beat you today.

YES, many, far too many on the RIGHT are abusive authoritarians.

CNN’s Rick Santorum defends Trump’s baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized


03 JUL 2018 AT 09:37 ET


Rick Santorum (CNN)

Rick Santorum suggested that refugee children were unlikely to be traumatized by jailing and the forced separation from their parents at the border because they had already experienced hardship on their journey.

The former Republican senator defended the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy that had ripped apart thousands of immigrant families — some of whom may never be reunited — as less cruel than many Americans believe.

“There’s no doubt it’s blown up to a human crisis and the media has reported on that in many ways,” Santorum told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota. “But the media doesn’t report on the human crisis of these children coming to the border themselves.”

The conservative commentator suggested those children had essentially been immunized from trauma by their life experience before reaching the U.S. border.

“The fact is that most of these folks are coming from Central America, not Mexico, and they made a 2,000-mile journey through Mexico,” Santorum said. “They had to cross the Mexican border, which is no picnic, so the idea that putting these children in detention is the worst thing that’s happened to them since they made this long trek, I’m not sure that is necessarily the case. These kids have been traumatized a lot over the past several months in getting here.”...

CNN's Rick Santorum defends Trump's baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized
If they are so traumatized upon arrival then clearly the only solution is to reunite them with their parents and send them back to where they are from, to the welcoming embrace of their families who love them.
Santorum was proven to be a religious nut pig long ago. A quick google of his name will tell you everything you need to know about that runny scum.
So what, we TRAUMATIZE them further? SANTORUM, the CHRISTIAN. Kinda like BATTERER logic. Well, I didn't beat you much. I didn't beat you today.

YES, many, far too many on the RIGHT are abusive authoritarians.

CNN’s Rick Santorum defends Trump’s baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized


03 JUL 2018 AT 09:37 ET


Rick Santorum (CNN)

Rick Santorum suggested that refugee children were unlikely to be traumatized by jailing and the forced separation from their parents at the border because they had already experienced hardship on their journey.

The former Republican senator defended the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy that had ripped apart thousands of immigrant families — some of whom may never be reunited — as less cruel than many Americans believe.

“There’s no doubt it’s blown up to a human crisis and the media has reported on that in many ways,” Santorum told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota. “But the media doesn’t report on the human crisis of these children coming to the border themselves.”

The conservative commentator suggested those children had essentially been immunized from trauma by their life experience before reaching the U.S. border.

“The fact is that most of these folks are coming from Central America, not Mexico, and they made a 2,000-mile journey through Mexico,” Santorum said. “They had to cross the Mexican border, which is no picnic, so the idea that putting these children in detention is the worst thing that’s happened to them since they made this long trek, I’m not sure that is necessarily the case. These kids have been traumatized a lot over the past several months in getting here.”...

CNN's Rick Santorum defends Trump's baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized

Oh Pleeease STUFF IT. Santorum is right again. He appeals to those of us with a modicum of honesty and common sense. These kids have been traumatized to death on a cross country trip by foot, on rail car, starving, wet, hungry, homeless, torn from the home and friends to arrive in another country against their will and without their understanding or consent. And when that country does THE ONLY SENSIBLE THING and arrests the criminal adults (if any) that brought them, and puts the kids in a nice, safe, clean facility, dry, food, bedding, adult professionals, others of their kind to keep them safe and comfortable until they can be processed, YOU WHINE. We're SICK of it and you are only pissing off more and more people with this BS to vote against you and to vote Trump.
So what, we TRAUMATIZE them further? SANTORUM, the CHRISTIAN. Kinda like BATTERER logic. Well, I didn't beat you much. I didn't beat you today.

YES, many, far too many on the RIGHT are abusive authoritarians.

CNN’s Rick Santorum defends Trump’s baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized


03 JUL 2018 AT 09:37 ET


Rick Santorum (CNN)

Rick Santorum suggested that refugee children were unlikely to be traumatized by jailing and the forced separation from their parents at the border because they had already experienced hardship on their journey.

The former Republican senator defended the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy that had ripped apart thousands of immigrant families — some of whom may never be reunited — as less cruel than many Americans believe.

“There’s no doubt it’s blown up to a human crisis and the media has reported on that in many ways,” Santorum told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota. “But the media doesn’t report on the human crisis of these children coming to the border themselves.”

The conservative commentator suggested those children had essentially been immunized from trauma by their life experience before reaching the U.S. border.

“The fact is that most of these folks are coming from Central America, not Mexico, and they made a 2,000-mile journey through Mexico,” Santorum said. “They had to cross the Mexican border, which is no picnic, so the idea that putting these children in detention is the worst thing that’s happened to them since they made this long trek, I’m not sure that is necessarily the case. These kids have been traumatized a lot over the past several months in getting here.”...

CNN's Rick Santorum defends Trump's baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized
So, being removed from the people who abuse them, rape and beat them, leave them to die in 100+ degree heat is traumatizing them?

They get air conditioning, three square, and a cot, and cared for by people legally obligated to treat them fairly is trauma to you?
So what, we TRAUMATIZE them further? SANTORUM, the CHRISTIAN. Kinda like BATTERER logic. Well, I didn't beat you much. I didn't beat you today.

YES, many, far too many on the RIGHT are abusive authoritarians.

CNN’s Rick Santorum defends Trump’s baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized


03 JUL 2018 AT 09:37 ET


Rick Santorum (CNN)

Rick Santorum suggested that refugee children were unlikely to be traumatized by jailing and the forced separation from their parents at the border because they had already experienced hardship on their journey.

The former Republican senator defended the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy that had ripped apart thousands of immigrant families — some of whom may never be reunited — as less cruel than many Americans believe.

“There’s no doubt it’s blown up to a human crisis and the media has reported on that in many ways,” Santorum told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota. “But the media doesn’t report on the human crisis of these children coming to the border themselves.”

The conservative commentator suggested those children had essentially been immunized from trauma by their life experience before reaching the U.S. border.

“The fact is that most of these folks are coming from Central America, not Mexico, and they made a 2,000-mile journey through Mexico,” Santorum said. “They had to cross the Mexican border, which is no picnic, so the idea that putting these children in detention is the worst thing that’s happened to them since they made this long trek, I’m not sure that is necessarily the case. These kids have been traumatized a lot over the past several months in getting here.”...

CNN's Rick Santorum defends Trump's baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized
So, being removed from the people who abuse them, rape and beat them, leave them to die in 100+ degree heat is traumatizing them?

They get air conditioning, three square, and a cot, and cared for by people legally obligated to treat them fairly is trauma to you?

I haven't heard of a single kid that said "Thank you for rescuing me from those bad people". You have any explanation why?
If they are so traumatized upon arrival then clearly the only solution is to reunite them with their parents and send them back to where they are from, to the welcoming embrace of their families who love them.

Lousy parenting...subjecting their own children to this
So what, we TRAUMATIZE them further? SANTORUM, the CHRISTIAN. Kinda like BATTERER logic. Well, I didn't beat you much. I didn't beat you today.

YES, many, far too many on the RIGHT are abusive authoritarians.

CNN’s Rick Santorum defends Trump’s baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized


03 JUL 2018 AT 09:37 ET


Rick Santorum (CNN)

Rick Santorum suggested that refugee children were unlikely to be traumatized by jailing and the forced separation from their parents at the border because they had already experienced hardship on their journey.

The former Republican senator defended the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy that had ripped apart thousands of immigrant families — some of whom may never be reunited — as less cruel than many Americans believe.

“There’s no doubt it’s blown up to a human crisis and the media has reported on that in many ways,” Santorum told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota. “But the media doesn’t report on the human crisis of these children coming to the border themselves.”

The conservative commentator suggested those children had essentially been immunized from trauma by their life experience before reaching the U.S. border.

“The fact is that most of these folks are coming from Central America, not Mexico, and they made a 2,000-mile journey through Mexico,” Santorum said. “They had to cross the Mexican border, which is no picnic, so the idea that putting these children in detention is the worst thing that’s happened to them since they made this long trek, I’m not sure that is necessarily the case. These kids have been traumatized a lot over the past several months in getting here.”...

CNN's Rick Santorum defends Trump's baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized
So, being removed from the people who abuse them, rape and beat them, leave them to die in 100+ degree heat is traumatizing them?

They get air conditioning, three square, and a cot, and cared for by people legally obligated to treat them fairly is trauma to you?

I haven't heard of a single kid that said "Thank you for rescuing me from those bad people". You have any explanation why?

I agree with you. Why the hell are they coming here. Send them ALL back. Their families miss them.
As Toobfreak has pointed out (in Msg. #4), while the illegal migrant children are not couched in luxury, compared to what they have experienced and contrary to what the Liberal whiners have proclaimed, they are safe, relatively comfortable, well fed, far healthier and generally better off than they've been for many months. For some, better than their entire lives.

What these scared, bewildered kids don't have but want more than anything is the familiar warmth, sound, and touch of their loving parents.

But that is soon to come.
Lousy parenting...subjecting their own children to this
You really can't blame the parents who fall into this trap. They have no idea what the real situation is. They have been misled by devious coyotes who tell them how easy it is to illegally enter the U.S. and how accepting the U.S. government is, that all they need to do is request asylum and they will receive welfare and housing.

The coyotes then charge a substantial fee to supposedly smuggle these illegals into the U.S. But they actually bring them within a few miles of the border, point them to it, and leave them there to either sneak across or to be arrested by INS.

Hopefully, the publicity generated by the separation of illegal migrant families will reach interiors of the originating nations of those who might otherwise be deceived and easily exploited by the coyotes.

Trump knows what he's doing.
If they are so traumatized upon arrival then clearly the only solution is to reunite them with their parents and send them back to where they are from, to the welcoming embrace of their families who love them.
Or do whatever can be done if it can be done to help them become legal in this country. Years ago I once heard a radio DJ.tell about two people he became friends with who were not only able to come here the right way, but they did come here the right way. They went through the proper channels to become U.S. citizens and were labeled just that when the dust finally settled. If they can score themselves a piece of U.S. soil the right way, why can't others who are not originally from here?

God bless you and the DJ and his friends and the kids who are coming up empty always!!!


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