SANTORUM, these illegal kids are ALREADY traumatized on arrival, so how much worse is it here?

So what, we TRAUMATIZE them further? SANTORUM, the CHRISTIAN. Kinda like BATTERER logic. Well, I didn't beat you much. I didn't beat you today.

YES, many, far too many on the RIGHT are abusive authoritarians.

CNN’s Rick Santorum defends Trump’s baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized


03 JUL 2018 AT 09:37 ET


Rick Santorum (CNN)

Rick Santorum suggested that refugee children were unlikely to be traumatized by jailing and the forced separation from their parents at the border because they had already experienced hardship on their journey.

The former Republican senator defended the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy that had ripped apart thousands of immigrant families — some of whom may never be reunited — as less cruel than many Americans believe.

“There’s no doubt it’s blown up to a human crisis and the media has reported on that in many ways,” Santorum told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota. “But the media doesn’t report on the human crisis of these children coming to the border themselves.”

The conservative commentator suggested those children had essentially been immunized from trauma by their life experience before reaching the U.S. border.

“The fact is that most of these folks are coming from Central America, not Mexico, and they made a 2,000-mile journey through Mexico,” Santorum said. “They had to cross the Mexican border, which is no picnic, so the idea that putting these children in detention is the worst thing that’s happened to them since they made this long trek, I’m not sure that is necessarily the case. These kids have been traumatized a lot over the past several months in getting here.”...

CNN's Rick Santorum defends Trump's baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized

You could easily see Santorum at the unloading dock for the trains, "Ah yes welcome, here is the line to the showers. Yes I'm sure you've been traumatized by those evil train cars, not to worry you can now take a long hot shower and be refreshed. And don't worry, if the showers seem like they are taking a long time to come on or don't come on at all well that's something you should have been used by now."
If they are so traumatized upon arrival then clearly the only solution is to reunite them with their parents and send them back to where they are from, to the welcoming embrace of their families who love them.
I think the welcoming embrace in places like Honduras comes with bullets.
Santorum was proven to be a religious nut pig long ago. A quick google of his name will tell you everything you need to know about that runny scum.

Do they still have 'that' on the google?

Why don't you google it and see? In fact, we should all google it and see.

I was afraid to. If I remember correctly, it was gross.

Wouldn't want Santorum to think he's been forgotten. He worked hard for that, and deserves to be reminded of it often.
So what, we TRAUMATIZE them further? SANTORUM, the CHRISTIAN. Kinda like BATTERER logic. Well, I didn't beat you much. I didn't beat you today.

YES, many, far too many on the RIGHT are abusive authoritarians.

CNN’s Rick Santorum defends Trump’s baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized


03 JUL 2018 AT 09:37 ET


Rick Santorum (CNN)

Rick Santorum suggested that refugee children were unlikely to be traumatized by jailing and the forced separation from their parents at the border because they had already experienced hardship on their journey.

The former Republican senator defended the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy that had ripped apart thousands of immigrant families — some of whom may never be reunited — as less cruel than many Americans believe.

“There’s no doubt it’s blown up to a human crisis and the media has reported on that in many ways,” Santorum told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota. “But the media doesn’t report on the human crisis of these children coming to the border themselves.”

The conservative commentator suggested those children had essentially been immunized from trauma by their life experience before reaching the U.S. border.

“The fact is that most of these folks are coming from Central America, not Mexico, and they made a 2,000-mile journey through Mexico,” Santorum said. “They had to cross the Mexican border, which is no picnic, so the idea that putting these children in detention is the worst thing that’s happened to them since they made this long trek, I’m not sure that is necessarily the case. These kids have been traumatized a lot over the past several months in getting here.”...

CNN's Rick Santorum defends Trump's baby jails: These kids came pre-traumatized
Like most on the right Santorum is consistent at being a scumbag, defending Trump’s bigotry and hate.

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