Sarah Palin Addresses Wisconsin Protesters: You Must Be 'Willing To Sacrifice'

does Caribou Barbie still having the highest disapproval ratings of any potential Republicorp contender?
Why are you taking me to task instead of the poster I responded to?
You are the one who made the claim that raising taxes on the wealthy doesn't cost jobs. That was the statement which was wrong I was addressing. The one you responded to didn't make that claim, you did.

Now you are lying.

I am?

We asked the wealthiest Americans to kick in an additional 3% of their income above $250k. The Rightwing conservatives blocked any attempt to raise taxes on even those making above $1 million a year

Where was Sarah Palins call for sacrifice then?

If that would have happened there would have been a spike in job loss, dumb ass.

What evidence do you have for that? The top rate was raised in 1993, and we got about 20 million jobs that decade.
Sarah Palin Addresses Wisconsin Protesters: You Must Be 'Willing To Sacrifice'

Palin can have a cold cup of shut the fuck up, that dumb ass woman wants the middle class to basically sacrifice more when they're already a shrinking class and doesn't believe the corporations on the private should have to sacrifice jack shit, fuck that stupid ass woman.

And Oddball and the rest of you Huffy Puff hating fucktards can shut the fuck up also, this atory was hotlinked by Huffington Post from Associated Press, so before you bash my link as Huffy Puffy biased shit read it first. I leave for a few days and look at the shit thats happening here.

Same thing Obama says while taking three vacations in Spain, another in Hawaii, etc., etc..
Why is it that Liberals must lie and fake outrage, in this case Palin says the same thing as the President, yet we are outraged at a person who is not in office.

Hypocrites, why are Liberals Hypocrites.

"Everyone Must Sacrifice For the Greater Good" …Obamas Plan Three Vacations in August | The Gateway Pundit

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"Everyone Must Sacrifice For the Greater Good" …Obamas Plan Three Vacations in August
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 5:07 AM
In January 2009, before he signed his failed $787 billion stimulus bill into law, Barack Obama lectured America saying,
“Everyone must sacrifice for the greater good… Everyone must have some skin in the game.”
I hope the right keeps Bible Spice in the limelight. It will drive away any indies w/ intelligence who might've voted Republican. BTW- Does Herr Karl Rove still want her gone or have they made up?
Sarah Palin Addresses Wisconsin Protesters: You Must Be 'Willing To Sacrifice'

Palin can have a cold cup of shut the fuck up, that dumb ass woman wants the middle class to basically sacrifice more when they're already a shrinking class and doesn't believe the corporations on the private should have to sacrifice jack shit, fuck that stupid ass woman.

And Oddball and the rest of you Huffy Puff hating fucktards can shut the fuck up also, this atory was hotlinked by Huffington Post from Associated Press, so before you bash my link as Huffy Puffy biased shit read it first. I leave for a few days and look at the shit thats happening here.

Same thing Obama says while taking three vacations in Spain, another in Hawaii, etc., etc..
Why is it that Liberals must lie and fake outrage, in this case Palin says the same thing as the President, yet we are outraged at a person who is not in office.

Hypocrites, why are Liberals Hypocrites.

"Everyone Must Sacrifice For the Greater Good" …Obamas Plan Three Vacations in August | The Gateway Pundit

Home Gateway Pundit

"Everyone Must Sacrifice For the Greater Good" …Obamas Plan Three Vacations in August
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 5:07 AM
In January 2009, before he signed his failed $787 billion stimulus bill into law, Barack Obama lectured America saying,
“Everyone must sacrifice for the greater good… Everyone must have some skin in the game.”

that's different, don't ya know.
You are the one who made the claim that raising taxes on the wealthy doesn't cost jobs. That was the statement which was wrong I was addressing. The one you responded to didn't make that claim, you did.

Now you are lying.

I am?

If that would have happened there would have been a spike in job loss, dumb ass.

What evidence do you have for that? The top rate was raised in 1993, and we got about 20 million jobs that decade.

Yes you are. I made no claim there. I merely cited the one good example of what the other poster was talking about, and cited what followed.

HE is the one who claimed - without ANY evidence - that raising the top rate would have caused a job loss.

I was asking him for evidence to support his claim, and emphasizing the likelihood that he would not be able to find any evidence by giving a very significant example that contradicted his claim.

Now go bother him for making an unsubstantiated claim.
According to the Tax Foundation, that conservatives seem to admire,

the total state/local tax burden on Americans is lower now than it was 30 years ago.

The Tax Foundation - State and Local Tax Burdens: All Years, One State, 1977-2008
All I see in that table were State and Local tax rates. The largest tax burden today are hidden taxes. George Bush was no friend of business, and Government under Obama has only intensified his attack. I own two businesses and the extent of what government makes me do and spend to comply with endless regulation and taxes is staggering. And none of that makes my businesses more competitive or is paid by me, it's in the price of what we sell. Consumers in the end pay all taxes. The only exception is the death tax.

Your contempt for facts is comical.
Oh dear me, what are "teachers" SLAVES to their Union boss.
gawd you people don't mind having a Master.

What part of elected don't you understand?

Are the people of Wisconsin slaves to their governor?

That is a VERY ironic post.

Seeing as the people of Wisconsin elected that governor.

So we do very well understand what "elected" means. Union members elected their union boss. Meanwhile, the rest of the state elected their governor. Elections matter. Governor is doing what the other Wisconsin residents elected him to do. Apparantly there are more of them than there are union folk, because he won the election.

Elections matter. You guys lost. Suck it up. Union "Happy Days" are coming to an end.

Ah yes I remember how much you respected elections during the healthcare debate.

NO ONE on the right called the actions of the ELECTED majority 'tyranny' or 'ramming it down our throats'

did they?

...did they? Hmmm....maybe I should do some searches here of 'rammed' or 'ramming' and see if any of the wingnuts here applied that terminology to the democratically elected Democratic majority over the last couple years.

Turnabout sucks doesn't it? lol, you fat phoney fucks.
If we did not offer ANY BENEFITS for most government jobs that come available after someone retires or moves to another job in the public sector, there would STILL be a very long line of qualified candidates WILLING to take that job IMMEDIATELY.
Union benefits must drop, unions need to be banned from the government sector and union shop states need to change.
If we did not offer ANY BENEFITS for most government jobs that come available after someone retires or moves to another job in the public sector, there would STILL be a very long line of qualified candidates WILLING to take that job IMMEDIATELY.
Union benefits must drop, unions need to be banned from the government sector and union shop states need to change.

If you deny a sector of the workforce the right to strike, the right to collectively bargain then you need to define a pay and benefit structure that you can not change on a whim
Can the military go on strike?

This is a stupid statement/question. People enter a workforce with expectations based on the history and agreements previous workers have negotiated. There is no precedent for collective bargaining in the military.

Unions are not just in place to lobby for better wages and benefits.

Working conditions and unfair management decisions are defended by unions every day.
And they can exit the work force just as quickly if they feel their expectations arent met.
Great, another Palin hater. The middle class has lost plenty in the last 2 years. Were we better off in 2006 or today? Dem Congress took charge in 2007 and look what's happened since then. Just the reality of US history. 1 trillion dollars has went to Wall Street from Main Street and the Dems allowed it.
Personally, I would not vote for her in a primary but if she runs against our present leader,
I may act like a Demcrat and vote several times, but for Sarah Palin.
By the way, take a few more days off. You seem really angry.

Yeah thats fucking right, I hate everything that Palin says because everything she says is shit, its fucking dumb to ask the working class to sacrifice more money they don't have while asking for more money for the rich so they can have their fake trickle down shit which doesn't fucking work. Fuck you bud, kiss my half white ass. And fuck Sarah Palin too, she can keep her dumb flunky ass in Alaska.

This is beyond angry... HI is dementia.

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