Sarah Palin: Americans Will Get 'Mugged By Reality' When Employer Mandates Hit

Sarah Palin is an idiot. If she really wants to see Obamacare repealed she should keep quiet. Because even when she's right, she's wrong. She's hurt us all by giving liberals more fuel for their crazy fire.

You have no idea what you are talking about.
She's right and people can't deny she is wrong. She warned about the Death Panels but this is even more troubling because when the 'employer mandate' is enforced at the first of the year. This is when the shit will hit the fan and working Americans are going to be hit with reality.


Palin: Americans Will Get 'Mugged By Reality' When Employer Mandate Hits

On Tuesday, Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Americans, including liberals who relied on Obama's false promises on healthcare, will be "mugged by reality" when the employer mandate hits next year and nearly 80 million more Americans will lose their insurance plans. She said the country has seen "nuthin' yet" when it comes to the damage Obamacare will do.

Palin slammed the media for ignoring Obama's intention to move America to a socialized health care system and urged Americans to elect and support candidates who will fight for patient-centered, free-market reforms.

Palin said the Obama administration's claim that “30 million MORE people will be covered by Obamacare" is as credible a promise as Obama's “if you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan" line.

"Obamacare is presently hitting people who buy insurance on the individual market because they may not receive health coverage through their employers. It’s hurting millions! But you ain’t seen nuthin' yet," she wrote. "Just wait until the Obamacare employer mandate kicks in next year. As I told Fox News Sunday, despite what the White House and media report, tens of millions more Americans are set to lose their employer provided insurance plans. The ramifications of this WILL fundamentally transform America."

"Companies that provide health insurance plans that aren’t compliant with new burdensome Obamacare mandates will obviously decide it’s cheaper to dump employees into the government-run Obamacare exchanges and pay the penalty than try to provide an expensive Obamacare-approved plan," Palin wrote. "No one in America will be left unscathed by Obamacare. Please trust me on this."

Read more of what this national treasure had to say in the link above~

Halfway intelligent republicans, including McCain, were mugged with reality the first time they heard Palin speak.

Yea when McCain first introduced her and she made her big speech at the convention she boosted his poll numbers past Obama's and the liberals and media went into a panic. Since they couldn't find any dirt on her after 100 reporters/operatives were sent to Alaska, they decided to make up shit about her and her family while twisting the facts of her actual record as governor that garnished her a 90% approval rating by the citizens of Alaska. The truth is that she has actual executive experience in dealings with budgets, fiscal reforms, energy, conservation and healthcare. Obama had exactly zero experience at being a executive and now we are paying the price because you liberals elected him over style rather than substance.

"an" executive. You illiterate loser.
Sarah Palin is an idiot. If she really wants to see Obamacare repealed she should keep quiet. Because even when she's right, she's wrong. She's hurt us all by giving liberals more fuel for their crazy fire.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Every time Palin opens her mouth she plays right into the hands of the liberal scumbags. She's damaged goods, she should just shut her mouth before she does more harm.
Well she's absolutely right.................

And she still looks good, with a fine body which is why ugly Liberal Women hate her.

Why the need to bring up her looks? How degrading to someone who is trying to be a serious politician.

If our POTUS is gonna FUKKUS I'd rather turn around and see that (Palin's OP pix) face than the mug of that jug eared bastard who's screwin us right now!

But I guess you call Obama, "Papi," right?

Why would I call him Papi?
I am not Spanish and he isn't my father.
Well she's absolutely right.................

And she still looks good, with a fine body which is why ugly Liberal Women hate her.

Why the need to bring up her looks? How degrading to someone who is trying to be a serious politician.

Eagle doesn't think it's degrading to simply focus on outer appearance....right, Eagle?
Well she's absolutely right.................

And she still looks good, with a fine body which is why ugly Liberal Women hate her.

Why the need to bring up her looks? How degrading to someone who is trying to be a serious politician.

Eagle doesn't think it's degrading to simply focus on outer appearance....right, Eagle?

Nope, not at all. I think she looks good and she's a favorite attack subject of the libs....................I think she makes the leftist ugly women look inferior...........

Sexist angle about to be in play..............Right honey..............Now bring me a dang beer please.........

Palin had way more experience than the part time Senator/law professor/community organizer. She also did a damned fine job as Gov.

She's also proved she can take the heat. Unlike the current jackass in chief who never has a problem blaming anyone and everyone for his fuck ups.

Palin ain't perfect but she'd make a better POTUS then the current jackass.

Hmm. Four pages into this thread and I don't see any response to the original point, outside of the traditional diversionary insults and name-calling, of course.

Does any ACA fan want to actually address the point of her comments for us? Tell us if the issue about the employer mandate should be a concern. Maybe we'll learn something.

Looking forward to it, thanks.

She's right and people can't deny she is wrong. She warned about the Death Panels but this is even more troubling because when the 'employer mandate' is enforced at the first of the year. This is when the shit will hit the fan and working Americans are going to be hit with reality.


Palin: Americans Will Get 'Mugged By Reality' When Employer Mandate Hits

On Tuesday, Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Americans, including liberals who relied on Obama's false promises on healthcare, will be "mugged by reality" when the employer mandate hits next year and nearly 80 million more Americans will lose their insurance plans. She said the country has seen "nuthin' yet" when it comes to the damage Obamacare will do.

Palin slammed the media for ignoring Obama's intention to move America to a socialized health care system and urged Americans to elect and support candidates who will fight for patient-centered, free-market reforms.

Palin said the Obama administration's claim that “30 million MORE people will be covered by Obamacare" is as credible a promise as Obama's “if you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan" line.

"Obamacare is presently hitting people who buy insurance on the individual market because they may not receive health coverage through their employers. It’s hurting millions! But you ain’t seen nuthin' yet," she wrote. "Just wait until the Obamacare employer mandate kicks in next year. As I told Fox News Sunday, despite what the White House and media report, tens of millions more Americans are set to lose their employer provided insurance plans. The ramifications of this WILL fundamentally transform America."

"Companies that provide health insurance plans that aren’t compliant with new burdensome Obamacare mandates will obviously decide it’s cheaper to dump employees into the government-run Obamacare exchanges and pay the penalty than try to provide an expensive Obamacare-approved plan," Palin wrote. "No one in America will be left unscathed by Obamacare. Please trust me on this."

Read more of what this national treasure had to say in the link above~

"Mutter by reality", "slavery to debt"

Who talks like that? She is such an idiot. Obama's birth certificate? I want to see Sarah Palin's high school diploma. Why do you people listen to this nimrod? She is painfully stupid. It really says a lot when teabaggers see her as their hero.
Sarah Palin is an idiot. If she really wants to see Obamacare repealed she should keep quiet. Because even when she's right, she's wrong. She's hurt us all by giving liberals more fuel for their crazy fire.

The media has demonized her, just as they have built up Obama who by their standards is right even when he is wrong.
Halfway intelligent republicans, including McCain, were mugged with reality the first time they heard Palin speak.

Yea when McCain first introduced her and she made her big speech at the convention she boosted his poll numbers past Obama's and the liberals and media went into a panic. Since they couldn't find any dirt on her after 100 reporters/operatives were sent to Alaska, they decided to make up shit about her and her family while twisting the facts of her actual record as governor that garnished her a 90% approval rating by the citizens of Alaska. The truth is that she has actual executive experience in dealings with budgets, fiscal reforms, energy, conservation and healthcare. Obama had exactly zero experience at being a executive and now we are paying the price because you liberals elected him over style rather than substance.

"an" executive. You illiterate loser.

When you are being the grammar police, please use complete sentences!
She's right and people can't deny she is wrong. She warned about the Death Panels but this is even more troubling because when the 'employer mandate' is enforced at the first of the year. This is when the shit will hit the fan and working Americans are going to be hit with reality.


Palin: Americans Will Get 'Mugged By Reality' When Employer Mandate Hits

On Tuesday, Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Americans, including liberals who relied on Obama's false promises on healthcare, will be "mugged by reality" when the employer mandate hits next year and nearly 80 million more Americans will lose their insurance plans. She said the country has seen "nuthin' yet" when it comes to the damage Obamacare will do.

Palin slammed the media for ignoring Obama's intention to move America to a socialized health care system and urged Americans to elect and support candidates who will fight for patient-centered, free-market reforms.

Palin said the Obama administration's claim that “30 million MORE people will be covered by Obamacare" is as credible a promise as Obama's “if you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan" line.

"Obamacare is presently hitting people who buy insurance on the individual market because they may not receive health coverage through their employers. It’s hurting millions! But you ain’t seen nuthin' yet," she wrote. "Just wait until the Obamacare employer mandate kicks in next year. As I told Fox News Sunday, despite what the White House and media report, tens of millions more Americans are set to lose their employer provided insurance plans. The ramifications of this WILL fundamentally transform America."

"Companies that provide health insurance plans that aren’t compliant with new burdensome Obamacare mandates will obviously decide it’s cheaper to dump employees into the government-run Obamacare exchanges and pay the penalty than try to provide an expensive Obamacare-approved plan," Palin wrote. "No one in America will be left unscathed by Obamacare. Please trust me on this."

Read more of what this national treasure had to say in the link above~

She's right, and good looking

Can Slick Willie send me a cigar?


Hmm. Four pages into this thread and I don't see any response to the original point, outside of the traditional diversionary insults and name-calling, of course.

Does any ACA fan want to actually address the point of her comments for us? Tell us if the issue about the employer mandate should be a concern. Maybe we'll learn something.

Looking forward to it, thanks.


LOL Don't hold your breath.

Palins comments were smack dab on point.

She's right and if you think any lefty on this board is going to agree with her, even if they know she's right, well, don't hold your breath.

After all they have to defend Barry and anything he does. No matter what that anything is or what that anything is going to cost.
Love it.. Any post where the OP uses 'Sarah Palin' in it there will be the usual cast of leftist suspects that flee to the thread like white on rice. LMAO

She's right and people can't deny she is wrong. She warned about the Death Panels but this is even more troubling because when the 'employer mandate' is enforced at the first of the year. This is when the shit will hit the fan and working Americans are going to be hit with reality.


Palin: Americans Will Get 'Mugged By Reality' When Employer Mandate Hits

On Tuesday, Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Americans, including liberals who relied on Obama's false promises on healthcare, will be "mugged by reality" when the employer mandate hits next year and nearly 80 million more Americans will lose their insurance plans. She said the country has seen "nuthin' yet" when it comes to the damage Obamacare will do.

Palin slammed the media for ignoring Obama's intention to move America to a socialized health care system and urged Americans to elect and support candidates who will fight for patient-centered, free-market reforms.

Palin said the Obama administration's claim that “30 million MORE people will be covered by Obamacare" is as credible a promise as Obama's “if you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan" line.

"Obamacare is presently hitting people who buy insurance on the individual market because they may not receive health coverage through their employers. It’s hurting millions! But you ain’t seen nuthin' yet," she wrote. "Just wait until the Obamacare employer mandate kicks in next year. As I told Fox News Sunday, despite what the White House and media report, tens of millions more Americans are set to lose their employer provided insurance plans. The ramifications of this WILL fundamentally transform America."

"Companies that provide health insurance plans that aren’t compliant with new burdensome Obamacare mandates will obviously decide it’s cheaper to dump employees into the government-run Obamacare exchanges and pay the penalty than try to provide an expensive Obamacare-approved plan," Palin wrote. "No one in America will be left unscathed by Obamacare. Please trust me on this."

Read more of what this national treasure had to say in the link above~

"Mutter by reality", "slavery to debt"

Who talks like that? She is such an idiot. Obama's birth certificate? I want to see Sarah Palin's high school diploma. Why do you people listen to this nimrod? She is painfully stupid. It really says a lot when teabaggers see her as their hero.

They think that because someone is good looking, that's instant credibility. They felt that way with Dan Quayle.

Then they try to compare these people to President Obama or even Michelle. Omg ...


Hmm. Four pages into this thread and I don't see any response to the original point, outside of the traditional diversionary insults and name-calling, of course.

Does any ACA fan want to actually address the point of her comments for us? Tell us if the issue about the employer mandate should be a concern. Maybe we'll learn something.

Looking forward to it, thanks.


I would like some evidence other than a FOX News report citing Avik Roy and the Americn Enterprise Institute.......proving that 80 million people will lose their employer sponsored health plans in 2014.

You see, when I read something so incredible ( and hear it repeated over and over and over by conservative pundits )....My bullshit detector goes off.

These articles say "could, might and may" so often...I ought to buy some stock in those words.

It is my understanding that the employer mandate (or its delay) has nothing to do with whether or not plans are compliant. If a plan that is currently offered by an employer is not compliant, the cancellation notices would already have gone out.

I am afraid this is nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of nutters.

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