Sarah Palin Blasts Obama Book Tying Her to 'Anti-Intellectuals,' Says GOP Dislikes Trump, 'Never Liked Me'


Hey, look at that. You posted pictures of two people who have been more successful than you will ever be. Good luck turning to dust and being completely forgotten, nobody!

her husband TOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD the zamboni driver, told gidget he wanted a divorce via email.

Sarah Palin learned via email husband wanted divorce: ‘I thought I got shot’

& the rest of her family are white trash.

Bristol Palin gives birth to 2nd out-of-wedlock child

NBC New York - Server Down

You just voted for a guy who was screwing his future wife while she was still married to her past husband.

And you have the cajones to criticize Palin?

There is no natural limit to Dim hypocrisy.

YOU just voted for a guy a 2nd time who was screwing his future wife while he was still married to his first wife ... knocking her up & then divorced her for his 3rd wife & after just a few months raw dogged a porn star.
I'm not the one making a big stink over Sarah Palin's divorce, moron.

Face it, you're a fucking hypocrite.

big stink? she deserves every bit of it. she touted her christianity as if it really meant something & them thar good ol' family values.

she was the hypocrite .... so just save it.
Puh leeze. She isn't divorcing him, you fucking moron. He's divorcing her. She doesn't control what he does.

You deserve a swift kick in the teeth for being such a scumbag.

oh now i get it!!! you got a crush on the media whore!!!!!

Hey, look at that. You posted pictures of two people who have been more successful than you will ever be. Good luck turning to dust and being completely forgotten, nobody!

her husband TOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD the zamboni driver, told gidget he wanted a divorce via email.

Sarah Palin learned via email husband wanted divorce: ‘I thought I got shot’

& the rest of her family are white trash.

Bristol Palin gives birth to 2nd out-of-wedlock child

NBC New York - Server Down

You just voted for a guy who was screwing his future wife while she was still married to her past husband.

And you have the cajones to criticize Palin?

There is no natural limit to Dim hypocrisy. do you feel about Trump screwing a porn star while his wife was pregnant with his son?
You can't prove that.

There is a paper trail and a check signed by Trump to Ms. Daniels. I don't need to prove anything, it's already been proven. But, continue on like the Trump humper you are. If the facts don't agree with your narrative, call them fake and hope nobody notices. I don't need to prove it, as it's already been reported in the news, and, because there is a paper trail to Ms. Daniels and not one for the playmate he had another affair with is the reason I didn't initially mention her. But, there have been many women who have stated that they had sex with Trump during the time he was supposed to be married.
All that proves is that Trump paid Daniels to shut her yap. It doesn't prove he had sex with her.

Keep up with the denial if that makes you feel better little Trumptard. And, if he didn't have sex with her, why in the hell would he pay her 130,000? There had to be something going on, otherwise the bill wouldn't have been that high. You can by a decent small house for that amount of money. Or, are you thinking that Trump contributed money to Ms. Daniels as a way to help her get out of porn?
She's a gold digger, dumbfuck. All she has to do is make claims, whether they are true or not, and it will damage his reputation.

Biden, on the other hand, actually raped a woman. His son is a crack-head and apparently a child molester, as is Biden. Biden has sold is office for cash to several different nations. He's a security risk.

And you have the gall to be criticizing Palin and Trump.

You're a fucking douchebag.

Hey, look at that. You posted pictures of two people who have been more successful than you will ever be. Good luck turning to dust and being completely forgotten, nobody!

her husband TOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD the zamboni driver, told gidget he wanted a divorce via email.

Sarah Palin learned via email husband wanted divorce: ‘I thought I got shot’

& the rest of her family are white trash.

Bristol Palin gives birth to 2nd out-of-wedlock child

NBC New York - Server Down

You just voted for a guy who was screwing his future wife while she was still married to her past husband.

And you have the cajones to criticize Palin?

There is no natural limit to Dim hypocrisy.

YOU just voted for a guy a 2nd time who was screwing his future wife while he was still married to his first wife ... knocking her up & then divorced her for his 3rd wife & after just a few months raw dogged a porn star.
I'm not the one making a big stink over Sarah Palin's divorce, moron.

Face it, you're a fucking hypocrite.

big stink? she deserves every bit of it. she touted her christianity as if it really meant something & them thar good ol' family values.

she was the hypocrite .... so just save it.
Puh leeze. She isn't divorcing him, you fucking moron. He's divorcing her. She doesn't control what he does.

You deserve a swift kick in the teeth for being such a scumbag.

oh now i get it!!! you got a crush on the media whore!!!!!
No, I just despise lying pieces of shit like you who defend corrupt, senile pedophiles
Hey, Palin was such a toxic bitch that her own husband had his attorney send her an e-mail to notify her that he was divorcing her.
Normally you get summons in the male. How is that any better?

It's "mail", not "male", unless another one of your homosexual fantasies is showing through. I bet you dream of the day some hot, fit, oiled up gay dude comes to your house with a message shoved up his ass for you so you can toss their salad and slurp it out.

When I got divorced, I at least had the decency to tell her in person, even though I considered her to be a toxic bitch, not told her via my attorney by e-mail.
The brother of Summer Servos has already debunked he claims.

Reporter Claims Summer Zervos Was Bribed by Gloria Allred to Accuse Donald Trump -

“I am completely shocked and bewildered by my cousin, Summer Zervos, and her press conference today. Ever since she was on The Apprentice she has had nothing but glowing things to say about Mr. Trump. For almost a decade, my cousin would talk about how much she looked up to Mr. Trump and viewed him as an inspiration – a success story she wanted to copy. Summer would also talk about how kind and caring Mr. Trump was on the show, and how he would even visit children in hospitals without telling the press. She has praised the good things he’s done for her life, and in fact she converted her friends and our family to become Trump supporters even though we’ve never been active in politics before.
“That was until Summer invited Mr. Trump to her restaurant during the primary and he said no. I think Summer wishes she could still be on reality TV, and in an effort to get that back she’s saying all of these negative things about Mr. Trump. That’s not how she talked about him before. I can only imagine that Summer’s actions today are nothing more than an attempt to regain the spotlight at Mr. Trump’s expense, and I don’t think it reflects well.” – John Barry, Mission Viejo, CA (first cousin of Summer Zervos)


Only a douchebag like you would give any credence to these bullshit accusations.

She was never bright in the brain and pushed birtherism, which was highly anti-intellectual.
She became governor of Alaska. What have you accomplished, shit for brains?

Only psuedo intellectuals claim that there's no question about where Obama was born. He himself put the issue in doubt by publishing a book that says he was born in Kenya on the cover.

As usual, everything the TDS moron says is based on his own baseless prejudices and not facts.

I'm not a politician but she could never successfully serve 20 years of military service and deploy frequently like I have
You were in the military because you had no other options.

Anyone can do what their told.
You just voted for a guy who was screwing his future wife while she was still married to her past husband.

Um, you have no real evidence of that. She had filed for divorce a year before she met Biden.

Now compare that to Cheetoh Jesus, who has cheated on ALL THREE OF HIS WIVES, and paid a porn star for sex while his third wife was at home having his fifth child.

The "trajedy" is that she wasn't at the top of the ticket rather than that duechebag McCain.

You might have a point. Illiterates of the World Unite. She is the perfect representation of where your party is now.

(The sad part was you misspelled "Tragedy", even after I provided you the correct spelling. )

Hey, look at that. You posted pictures of two people who have been more successful than you will ever be. Good luck turning to dust and being completely forgotten, nobody!

her husband TOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD the zamboni driver, told gidget he wanted a divorce via email.

Sarah Palin learned via email husband wanted divorce: ‘I thought I got shot’

& the rest of her family are white trash.

Bristol Palin gives birth to 2nd out-of-wedlock child

NBC New York - Server Down

You just voted for a guy who was screwing his future wife while she was still married to her past husband.

And you have the cajones to criticize Palin?

There is no natural limit to Dim hypocrisy.

YOU just voted for a guy a 2nd time who was screwing his future wife while he was still married to his first wife ... knocking her up & then divorced her for his 3rd wife & after just a few months raw dogged a porn star.
I'm not the one making a big stink over Sarah Palin's divorce, moron.

Face it, you're a fucking hypocrite.

big stink? she deserves every bit of it. she touted her christianity as if it really meant something & them thar good ol' family values.

she was the hypocrite .... so just save it.
Puh leeze. She isn't divorcing him, you fucking moron. He's divorcing her. She doesn't control what he does.

You deserve a swift kick in the teeth for being such a scumbag.

oh now i get it!!! you got a crush on the media whore!!!!!
No, I just despise lying pieces of shit like you who defend corrupt, senile pedophiles

Hey, Palin was such a toxic bitch that her own husband had his attorney send her an e-mail to notify her that he was divorcing her.
Normally you get summons in the male. How is that any better?

It's "mail", not "male", unless another one of your homosexual fantasies is showing through. I bet you dream of the day some hot, fit, oiled up gay dude comes to your house with a message shoved up his ass for you so you can toss their salad and slurp it out.

When I got divorced, I at least had the decency to tell her in person, even though I considered her to be a toxic bitch, not told her via my attorney by e-mail.
The brother of Summer Servos has already debunked he claims.

Reporter Claims Summer Zervos Was Bribed by Gloria Allred to Accuse Donald Trump -

“I am completely shocked and bewildered by my cousin, Summer Zervos, and her press conference today. Ever since she was on The Apprentice she has had nothing but glowing things to say about Mr. Trump. For almost a decade, my cousin would talk about how much she looked up to Mr. Trump and viewed him as an inspiration – a success story she wanted to copy. Summer would also talk about how kind and caring Mr. Trump was on the show, and how he would even visit children in hospitals without telling the press. She has praised the good things he’s done for her life, and in fact she converted her friends and our family to become Trump supporters even though we’ve never been active in politics before.
“That was until Summer invited Mr. Trump to her restaurant during the primary and he said no. I think Summer wishes she could still be on reality TV, and in an effort to get that back she’s saying all of these negative things about Mr. Trump. That’s not how she talked about him before. I can only imagine that Summer’s actions today are nothing more than an attempt to regain the spotlight at Mr. Trump’s expense, and I don’t think it reflects well.” – John Barry, Mission Viejo, CA (first cousin of Summer Zervos)


Only a douchebag like you would give any credence to these bullshit accusations.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bless yer snowflake heart ... you are such a loyal flying monkey.

any comments on why donny has refused & appealed the court order to cough up a little cheeto dust DNA to prove he DIDN'T rape ms carroll?

after all - it certainly would clear his name, right? in fact - if it was bullshit & he knew it - he would have them thar results televised with a bigley red carpet & searchlight event.

you know it & i know it.

& donny knows it. slick willy already set a precedent - having to give a little DNA whilst he was a sitting prez; & THAT was for a consensual 'affair'.

donny is accused of rape.
When he was first running for Senate, Bitter Queen Born in Kenya Barack got a CA judge to unseal Ryan's DIVORCE SETTLEMENT as if that was relevant to an IL Senator
Last edited:
When he was first running for Senate, Bitter Queen Born in Kenya Barack got a CA judge to unseal Ryan's DIVORSE SETTLEMENT as if that was relevant to an IL Senator

uh - no.

Published April 2, 2004
Last Update January 14, 2015
Obama: Leave Divorce Out of Illinois Senate Race

CHICAGO – Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama (search) said Friday his party should not make his opponent's sealed divorce records a campaign issue.

Questions about Jack Ryan's (search) divorce from actress Jeri Ryan (search) surfaced just days before the Illinois Republican primary, when some of Ryan's opponents suggested the papers could be damaging.

Obama had said previously he would not bring up the divorce. But the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has been distributing e-mails with copies of news stories about the records.

Obama, speaking on WBBM-AM in Chicago, urged supporters, including the committee, to focus on other issues.

"People are concerned about jobs, they're concerned about health care, they're concerned about education, they're concerned about safety," he said.

Ryan, a former investment banker who now teaches, says the records are sealed to preserve his son's privacy.

"We do agree Illinois voters are ready for an issues-based campaign and we're ready to run one," Ryan spokeswoman Kelli Phiel said.

A California family court judge Monday delayed a decision on whether the records should be opened. The Chicago Tribune and WLS-TV have sued to have them unsealed.

Ryan, 44, has said Obama, a 42-year-old law professor and state senator, is too liberal for Illinois, an assertion Obama scoffed at Friday.

Obama said Ryan has subscribed to a radically conservative agenda championed by President Bush.
"I would argue that my views and the manner in which I've operated are probably closer to some of the moderate Republicans in this state like Jim Thompson and Jim Edgar," both former Illinois governors, he said.

so when donny, who held a presser that was supposta be about the 'born in kenya barak's' real birthplace/certificate - but was actually a 30 minute infomercial for his new DC hotel ....

claimed obama was indeed born right here in the good ol' USofA...

did that mean donny lied for 5 straight years claimig obama was born in kenya....

or did he lie at the presser spending a total of 10seconds outa that 1/2 hr, stating what had been fact all along?

hmmmmm... either way, donny is a liar liar cheap chinese sweatshop made trump pants on fire.
When he was first running for Senate, Bitter Queen Born in Kenya Barack got a CA judge to unseal Ryan's DIVORCE SETTLEMENT as if that was relevant to an IL Senator

Playtime already handled this. The media opened his divorce records.

Now, fun fact, in IL, divorce records are open. It's why the media was able to find out that Blair Hull, the Chicago Machine's hand picked candidate, was beating his wife and calling her nasty words. Obama beat him easily, because he has a good marriage.

If you are are going to present yourself as the "Party of Family Values" and tell other people that their relationships aren't as valid as yours, then, um, yeah, the conduct of your marriage is completely relevant to a US Senator. And frankly, you had a guy who was taking his wife to sex clubs while she was in Hollywood banging her producer and making Star Trek kind of awful. (I really hated Star Trek Voyager!) It was fair game.

But the real person who sandbagged poor Jack Ryan was Judy Barr Topinka, the chair of the IL Republican Party. You see, she had ambitions to run against Blago in 2006, and she wanted to eliminate any potential rivals. That meant screwing over Ryan and then making sure the GOP didn't nominate anyone halfway credible to run against Obama when he dropped off the ticket.

Well, she ran against Blago, and the race was called five minutes after the polls closed, that's how bad she got beat.
You just voted for a guy who was screwing his future wife while she was still married to her past husband.

Um, you have no real evidence of that. She had filed for divorce a year before she met Biden.

Her former husband says so, you lying commie.

Jill Biden’s First Husband: Here’s The Real Story Of How Jill and Joe Met

Now compare that to Cheetoh Jesus, who has cheated on ALL THREE OF HIS WIVES, and paid a porn star for sex while his third wife was at home having his fifth child.

What a jackass.

The "trajedy" is that she wasn't at the top of the ticket rather than that duechebag McCain.

You might have a point. Illiterates of the World Unite. She is the perfect representation of where your party is now.

(The sad part was you misspelled "Tragedy", even after I provided you the correct spelling. )

Harping on technical gaffs is the sure sign of a loser.
When he was first running for Senate, Bitter Queen Born in Kenya Barack got a CA judge to unseal Ryan's DIVORCE SETTLEMENT as if that was relevant to an IL Senator

Playtime already handled this. The media opened his divorce records.

Now, fun fact, in IL, divorce records are open. It's why the media was able to find out that Blair Hull, the Chicago Machine's hand picked candidate, was beating his wife and calling her nasty words. Obama beat him easily, because he has a good marriage.

If you are are going to present yourself as the "Party of Family Values" and tell other people that their relationships aren't as valid as yours, then, um, yeah, the conduct of your marriage is completely relevant to a US Senator. And frankly, you had a guy who was taking his wife to sex clubs while she was in Hollywood banging her producer and making Star Trek kind of awful. (I really hated Star Trek Voyager!) It was fair game.

But the real person who sandbagged poor Jack Ryan was Judy Barr Topinka, the chair of the IL Republican Party. You see, she had ambitions to run against Blago in 2006, and she wanted to eliminate any potential rivals. That meant screwing over Ryan and then making sure the GOP didn't nominate anyone halfway credible to run against Obama when he dropped off the ticket.

Well, she ran against Blago, and the race was called five minutes after the polls closed, that's how bad she got beat.
Will you ever stop throwing around the sleaziest lies and gossip? Of course not,

In case you forgot, you assholes brought up Palin's marraige, not us. You're a fucking douchebag.
Her former husband says so, you lying commie.

Some guy who is still upset his college sweetheart divorced him?

How does that make her ethics any better or Biden's? Here's a clue for you, moron: it doesn't.

Harping on technical gaffs is the sure sign of a loser.

Actually, it demonstrates that most of Trump's supporters are barely literate, and really don't understand that he's not a smart person.
It only demonstrates that you're a douchebag and an asshole.
We really dodged a bullet when that crazy bitch was first laughed off the political stage, didn't we?

John McCain was going to be the first vote for president I'd ever made. Then he picked this dumb brick of shit, and I didn't vote at all. I'd venture a guess McCain would have beaten Obama had he picked a better running mate.

i liked mccain, too, but turned away when his GOP advisors told him to pick a christian loon as his VP
Hey, Palin was such a toxic bitch that her own husband had his attorney send her an e-mail to notify her that he was divorcing her.
Normally you get summons in the male. How is that any better?

It's "mail", not "male", unless another one of your homosexual fantasies is showing through. I bet you dream of the day some hot, fit, oiled up gay dude comes to your house with a message shoved up his ass for you so you can toss their salad and slurp it out.

When I got divorced, I at least had the decency to tell her in person, even though I considered her to be a toxic bitch, not told her via my attorney by e-mail.
The brother of Summer Servos has already debunked he claims.

Reporter Claims Summer Zervos Was Bribed by Gloria Allred to Accuse Donald Trump -

“I am completely shocked and bewildered by my cousin, Summer Zervos, and her press conference today. Ever since she was on The Apprentice she has had nothing but glowing things to say about Mr. Trump. For almost a decade, my cousin would talk about how much she looked up to Mr. Trump and viewed him as an inspiration – a success story she wanted to copy. Summer would also talk about how kind and caring Mr. Trump was on the show, and how he would even visit children in hospitals without telling the press. She has praised the good things he’s done for her life, and in fact she converted her friends and our family to become Trump supporters even though we’ve never been active in politics before.
“That was until Summer invited Mr. Trump to her restaurant during the primary and he said no. I think Summer wishes she could still be on reality TV, and in an effort to get that back she’s saying all of these negative things about Mr. Trump. That’s not how she talked about him before. I can only imagine that Summer’s actions today are nothing more than an attempt to regain the spotlight at Mr. Trump’s expense, and I don’t think it reflects well.” – John Barry, Mission Viejo, CA (first cousin of Summer Zervos)


Only a douchebag like you would give any credence to these bullshit accusations.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bless yer snowflake heart ... you are such a loyal flying monkey.

any comments on why donny has refused & appealed the court order to cough up a little cheeto dust DNA to prove he DIDN'T rape ms carroll?

after all - it certainly would clear his name, right? in fact - if it was bullshit & he knew it - he would have them thar results televised with a bigley red carpet & searchlight event.

you know it & i know it.

& donny knows it. slick willy already set a precedent - having to give a little DNA whilst he was a sitting prez; & THAT was for a consensual 'affair'.

donny is accused of rape.
In other words, the evidence is indisputable. Ms Caroll is a kook.
I don't respond to argumentative trolls who just name call and want to fight.

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