Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump

lolol. Seriously, that sums it up to a "T"

She went from upper middleclass to rich b/c of them
We didn't buy her shit, you did.
Your hate made her famous and your relentless hatred made her rich.
are you actually retarded?
no, you explain how a bunch of people that dislike someone and don't buy her products could make that person rich?

That's easy:

Her political career is bust.
Her reality tv career is bust.
Fired from fux.
$he had to buy her own books.
Her internet site went broke.
$he has quit or failed at every single thing she has done, her kids crank out bastard babies, get drunk, beat up people and vandalize property. $he's trailer trash and has always been trailer trash and she's outta money.

Sucking up to Duh Donuld is her last chance and that's the fault of duh damn old lib-rules and Prez Barry.
That's the fault of those mean ole lib-rules and/or President Obama.
are you actually retarded?
no, you explain how a bunch of people that dislike someone and don't buy her products could make that person rich?
Ok, I will, and I'll type slowly so you don't miss anything.

after she lost, she went home, like every other VP candidate, but unlike every other VPC, the left didn't leaver her alone.
they followed her, dogged her, hell, one of you assbags moved in next to her, to watch her every move.
A comedian made herself famous, again, by lying about her.

we saw that you have a constant never ending hate for women that don't kneel down to you, so we showed her some support, just like any real human would when another is facing down a group of bullies. But unlike bullies, your hate and evil runs deep, so you kept up the hate parade.

and then, finally, SP figured out how to turn your hate into money and she did, she's the only person on earth that has turned leftist hate into millions.

But SP is dumb.

Do you understand? You kept her in the headlines long after we were done with her.
Uh, no. She went to work for FOX. She's a media whore.
YEARS after

years and years after

40 pages of leftists proving me right, but they still can't grasp the fact. :D
Are you saying she didn't work for FOX before she lost her bImbo appeal.


If you see footage of her drunken rant, notice Drumpf's face. Its a hoot cuz he's trying to look reeeel damn happy but realizes $arah is dead drunk.

Cracked me up.

Big news coming though - Little Glenny Beck aka The Pullsbury Doughboy will be "endorsing" Cruz next week. I can hardly wait.

We didn't buy her shit, you did.
Your hate made her famous and your relentless hatred made her rich.
are you actually retarded?
no, you explain how a bunch of people that dislike someone and don't buy her products could make that person rich?
Ok, I will, and I'll type slowly so you don't miss anything.

after she lost, she went home, like every other VP candidate, but unlike every other VPC, the left didn't leaver her alone.
they followed her, dogged her, hell, one of you assbags moved in next to her, to watch her every move.
A comedian made herself famous, again, by lying about her.

we saw that you have a constant never ending hate for women that don't kneel down to you, so we showed her some support, just like any real human would when another is facing down a group of bullies. But unlike bullies, your hate and evil runs deep, so you kept up the hate parade.

and then, finally, SP figured out how to turn your hate into money and she did, she's the only person on earth that has turned leftist hate into millions.

But SP is dumb.

Do you understand? You kept her in the headlines long after we were done with her.
phase 1: be despised by the thinking population
phase 3: profit

like the underpants gnomes your explanation seems missing a step.
The only possible explanation for that performance is that she was totally drunk.

You heard it from me first. You will NEVER see Trump and Sarah on the same stage again.
Sarah said her son has PTSD. How about that.

What's better? She suggested that Obama is responsible for Track beating his girlfriend.


I saw that on CNN and automatically it remind me of Stephanie and Sassy blaming Obama.....
Navarro a CNN political commentator that worked with Palin in 2008 campaign said..... Palin is out of wack.
are you actually retarded?
no, you explain how a bunch of people that dislike someone and don't buy her products could make that person rich?
Ok, I will, and I'll type slowly so you don't miss anything.

after she lost, she went home, like every other VP candidate, but unlike every other VPC, the left didn't leaver her alone.
they followed her, dogged her, hell, one of you assbags moved in next to her, to watch her every move.
A comedian made herself famous, again, by lying about her.

we saw that you have a constant never ending hate for women that don't kneel down to you, so we showed her some support, just like any real human would when another is facing down a group of bullies. But unlike bullies, your hate and evil runs deep, so you kept up the hate parade.

and then, finally, SP figured out how to turn your hate into money and she did, she's the only person on earth that has turned leftist hate into millions.

But SP is dumb.

Do you understand? You kept her in the headlines long after we were done with her.
Uh, no. She went to work for FOX. She's a media whore.
YEARS after

years and years after

40 pages of leftists proving me right, but they still can't grasp the fact. :D
Fox News will not renew its contract with Sarah Palin, whose bombastic appearances have been a cable staple since the former Alaska governor’s failed run on John McCain’s ticket in the 2008 presidential election cycle.

Fox drops Sarah Palin
are you actually retarded?
no, you explain how a bunch of people that dislike someone and don't buy her products could make that person rich?
Ok, I will, and I'll type slowly so you don't miss anything.

after she lost, she went home, like every other VP candidate, but unlike every other VPC, the left didn't leaver her alone.
they followed her, dogged her, hell, one of you assbags moved in next to her, to watch her every move.
A comedian made herself famous, again, by lying about her.

we saw that you have a constant never ending hate for women that don't kneel down to you, so we showed her some support, just like any real human would when another is facing down a group of bullies. But unlike bullies, your hate and evil runs deep, so you kept up the hate parade.

and then, finally, SP figured out how to turn your hate into money and she did, she's the only person on earth that has turned leftist hate into millions.

But SP is dumb.

Do you understand? You kept her in the headlines long after we were done with her.
Uh, no. She went to work for FOX. She's a media whore.
YEARS after

years and years after

40 pages of leftists proving me right, but they still can't grasp the fact. :D
Are you saying she didn't work for FOX before she lost her bImbo appeal.

english not your first language?
Your hate made her famous and your relentless hatred made her rich.
are you actually retarded?
no, you explain how a bunch of people that dislike someone and don't buy her products could make that person rich?
Ok, I will, and I'll type slowly so you don't miss anything.

after she lost, she went home, like every other VP candidate, but unlike every other VPC, the left didn't leaver her alone.
they followed her, dogged her, hell, one of you assbags moved in next to her, to watch her every move.
A comedian made herself famous, again, by lying about her.

we saw that you have a constant never ending hate for women that don't kneel down to you, so we showed her some support, just like any real human would when another is facing down a group of bullies. But unlike bullies, your hate and evil runs deep, so you kept up the hate parade.

and then, finally, SP figured out how to turn your hate into money and she did, she's the only person on earth that has turned leftist hate into millions.

But SP is dumb.

Do you understand? You kept her in the headlines long after we were done with her.
phase 1: be despised by the thinking population
phase 3: profit

like the underpants gnomes your explanation seems missing a step.
I didn't miss a step, you don't qualify for phase 1.
Sarah Palin has a shity track record when it comes to who she endorses for president.

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who the hell said people follow who endorse someone? she is there to speak to people. She speaks on their level. Not down at them with all this gibberish garbage like: they are going to stop the seas rising and heal the planet.

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