Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump

Sarah Palin has a shity track record when it comes to who she endorses for president.

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who the hell said people follow who endorse someone? she is there to speak to people. She speaks on their level. Not down at them with all this gibberish garbage like: they are going to stop the seas rising and heal the planet.
who the hell said people follow who endorse someone? she is there to speak to people. She speaks on their level. Not down at them with all this gibberish garbage like: they are going to stop the seas rising and heal the planet.
word salad

Sarah Palin’s weird and wonderful endorsement of Donald Trump – video
I was once a big Palin supporter.....mostly for her looks and body. Her voice always sounded like North Dakota to me. Now I can't listen to her...worse than fingernails on a chalk board. I don't remember her yelling like she did the other day......she was quiet and relaxed when she took Biden apart in their debate. She needs a better microphone or a voice coach. My theory is Trump told her she'd be his Secretary of Energy...a dept. I'd like to see abolished along with several others.
Sarah Palin has a shity track record when it comes to who she endorses for president.

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who the hell said people follow who endorse someone? she is there to speak to people. She speaks on their level. Not down at them with all this gibberish garbage like: they are going to stop the seas rising and heal the planet.
Attack me all you want that doesn't make my statement less true. She sucks at president endorses

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Actually, her "critique" of Alinsky's model was that it wasn't (in her estimation) effective enough.

She didn't disapprove of his bullshit.

She just thought it wouldn't work in the real world quite well enough.

That pig held him in high regard and vice versa.
Your big concern is what a college co-ed thought in 1969? Were you even alive in 1969?

Your complete lack of comprehension, wit and wisdom is on display, shit head. :lmao:

I did not say, suggest or imply that my big concern is what the sow wrote in 1969.

I DID take note of it, however. Newsflash for your immature and ineffective mind: it is generally a good thing to take note of what people have said and how they think and how their thoughts have evolved (although hers may never have actually "evolved" at all).
In the 47 years since '69 I've evolved to see the drugs as safer than the sex, the music and movies as sophomoric, and Americans as 47 years less intelligent. At one point, long ago, there was a still a glimmer of hope for humanity, and now there is none. Take note of that.

Unprotected sex is not safe. Congrats on discerning at least THAT much, you moron.

Generally speaking, the illicit use of controlled substances is NOT particularly safe at all. You are a delusional fuckwit on top of your many other unfortunate maladies.

Musical tastes and taste in theater of any kind is a personal choice, not something that your petty judgment controls.

And an odious self-congratulatory bombastic piece of shit like you is entitled to make baseless judgments about the intelligence of the American people, but just because you managed to cobble an opinion together doesn't make it correct or intelligent or valid.

Take note of the fact that what YOU think and say is actually of no value in the real world. You are just another useless clump of shit. True story.
Tell us, we are very curious, do you think your opinion matters a damn?

You seem to imagine yours does, you self-contradictory dildo.

All opinions (even your useless drek) "matters" on some level. For example, when you post your usual fare of spewed bullshit, I almost never "learn" anything of much value -- except when I use your drivel as a springboard to do some more digging and then get a small bit of additional valid information in the process.

But as for having actual significance in the real world, no. We are jawboning each other here and I kinda doubt that President Obumbler, or anybody in Congress, is paying the slightest bit of attention to these individual musings.

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