Sarah Palin has a problem in Alaska - Alaskans

I'll bet the McCain family isn't too fond of Palin now that's she's kissing the ass of the Orange Swamp Blob Of Mar A Lago.
Weird how every single post of yours, no matter what the topic is, includes Trump and your fantasies about his ass.

Some might call you a worthless troll.

No one likes a Quitter, so says the pollsters in Alaska. That does not bode well for the former VP candidate.
Your source didn't mention any poll results.

Surely there are so much smarter candidates than her to run or have we hit complete rock bottom? She is rock bottom.

No one likes a Quitter, so says the pollsters in Alaska. That does not bode well for the former VP candidate.

Here from Huffpost

Sarah Palin Resignation Speech: FULL VIDEO, TEXT

Aug. 3, 2009, 05:12 AM EDT | Updated May. 25, 2011


Alaska Governor Sarah Palin stunned the political world today with her announcement that she will resign as governor on July 26th. In a speech held at her home in Wasilla, Alaska -- described by CBS News as "rambling and sometimes confusing" -- she offered some details about her decision. Watch it below.
Here's the full text of her statement, via the Governor's office.


The Palins had to fight off 15 lawsuits and all 15 were dismissed but more was coming with an already accumulated $500,000 legal bills accumulated on their hands.

No one likes a Quitter, so says the pollsters in Alaska. That does not bode well for the former VP candidate.
I worked in Alaska for 5-1/2 yrs(99- 2004. The constituency @ that time was roughly 50% left of center, 40% right of center & 3% or so independent/3rd party. I do not know the political balance of the current Alaskan constituency but considering the Alaskan constituency is heavily dependent upon both state & fed social programs I would imagine the political balance has not changed much since I was last employed in Alaska.
I sent her some money.

She was treated so poorly by the misogynist left...I'd love to see their heads explode as she is sworn into Congress...


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