Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Not in the name of Christianity.

In the name of freedom of religion. Something you oppose mightily, along with all other fascists.

PS..I think the "death threats" are fiction. I haven't found any statements from law enforcement about them. They're just general "A&E has received death threats and suspicious packages" with no names, no further description.

You guys just make shit up.

We make shit up, huh. It's you Religious Righters who care about this, not us. Hope you have a Merry-Merry up there on your redneck perch, KG. Right up there with Palin, Cruz and Jindal frauds.

Is that why you started the thread?

Yes. We have to remind you about your nutty heros, don't we? We're the opposition, we don't just talk about your good leaders, few in numbers that they are.
So, Sarah defends something and someone without knowing the particulars of what exactly was said?

Who here, aside from me, thinks that means that Sarah also attacks things without knowing the particulars about what it is she's attacking?

In other words, Sarah Palin is not motivated by the content or the public policy of issues; she's motivated by political opportunism. She sticks her political finger up in the air, gages which way the wind is blowing, and goes in that direction as well.

In case anyone misses the point, that's not an example of a leader.

I suspect you haven't read the GQ article either, but in any case, I never saw that she defended the guy's comments. Just his right to express his point of view.
Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:

Projections such as this need to be carried out by people like you when you have complete buffoons like Pelosi, Waters and Jackson-Lee. All of whom, oddly enough, continue to get elected by people like you. ..... :thup:
"That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land boundary that we have with – Canada. We have trade missions back and forth. We – we do – it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America where – where do they go? It's Alaska."

From an interview with Katie Couric. Why go all the way to Alaska to find an incoherent nitwit that the republican idiocracy can relate to? Plenty of them in texas, arkansas, okielahoma, georgia etc.
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Sarah is cool.

A valuable lesson for her, this is.
If she's gonna be commenting on something, she must have read it first, understood it thoroughly, and decided in her mind whether or not she supports it, and just exactly what her position on it is, exactly, because people like Greta ask the simple and direct questions.

Sarah must know her stuff thoroughly, upside down and inside out, all the facts...before she opens her mouth...or she could look silly.
Not a good idea to look silly on the world stage.

Holder was calling Arizona's Immigration bill 'racial profiling' etc...then when pressed at the House Judiciary Committee, and asked the simple question "Have you read the Bill?"... finally admitted that he had not read it. :)

One looks silly;

[ame=]5/14/10 Eric Holder condemning AZ ten page law yet hasn't even read it - YouTube[/ame]
No more surprising than what the racist bigot said in the first place.

Wouldn't it be nice to set aside a nice big trailer park, put in a WalMart with underpaid staff, send all the R yahoos there along with the DD redneck racists and - QUICK, put up a tall fence.

I say, let them have Texasss.

You got it. Texas, land of the roadside body cavity search.

Thanks to the rw's, they don't even need to commit a crime or be served with a search warrant. Now, people (black, Hispanic, of course) can be stopped in case they might commit a crime in the future.

Its not just the First Amendment the rw's have no knowledge of.

Wow, ignorant post, responding to another ignorant post.
Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:

Of course not.

All a real conservative needs is his bible – no need for history books or books about politics and government, just the bible along with hearsay, gossip, and lies about everything else.
Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:
Thanks for the facts, Sarah G, quelle surprise is right.
Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:

Of course not.

All a real conservative needs is his bible – no need for history books or books about politics and government, just the bible along with hearsay, gossip, and lies about everything else.

Well, a bible and the Constitution.

Otherwise, we'd be just like you guys....
Why can't the radical left accept Palin defending Robertson without reading the interview? It's a rhetorical question. The radical left hates Palin and that's the way it is. How can left wing hypocrites support Hillary who headed up a political hit group which threatened innocent women with ruin unless they kept their relationship with her predator husband a secret and yet hate a woman who defied the odds and became the Governor of Alaska? Hatred will do funny things to you.
We make shit up, huh. It's you Religious Righters who care about this, not us. Hope you have a Merry-Merry up there on your redneck perch, KG. Right up there with Palin, Cruz and Jindal frauds.

Is that why you started the thread?

Yes. We have to remind you about your nutty heros, don't we? We're the opposition, we don't just talk about your good leaders, few in numbers that they are.

So you care about the issues as much or more so, so you are intentionally lying, otherwise you wouldn't care or post.

As far as my heroes? my leaders? Interesting that you think of others as opposition. I think everyone in this country as Americans. I think of people having different opinions, it seems the left refers to differing views as opposition, or as some have said, enemies. I take a different stance, we are all Americans, we are all people, and we all have different views. I'm not sure why people fear others views.
Is that why you started the thread?

Yes. We have to remind you about your nutty heros, don't we? We're the opposition, we don't just talk about your good leaders, few in numbers that they are.

So you care about the issues as much or more so, so you are intentionally lying, otherwise you wouldn't care or post.

As far as my heroes? my leaders? Interesting that you think of others as opposition. I think everyone in this country as Americans. I think of people having different opinions, it seems the left refers to differing views as opposition, or as some have said, enemies. I take a different stance, we are all Americans, we are all people, and we all have different views. I'm not sure why people fear others views.
We are all also individuals...the OP thinks anyone outside her HERD is suspect and un American. But that is the way of ALL Statists and their followers like the OP.
Notice the only people who ever post anything about Sarah Palin are always lefties? Wonder why? Is she really in your heads that much? Why are you so obsessed? I truly do not understand it.

I love her because she makes the right look ridiculous. I won't lie.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It’s not so much that Sarah makes the right look ridiculous, it’s the fact the right is ridiculous, and Sarah draws attention to that fact.
Why can't the radical left accept Palin defending Robertson without reading the interview? It's a rhetorical question. The radical left hates Palin and that's the way it is. How can left wing hypocrites support Hillary who headed up a political hit group which threatened innocent women with ruin unless they kept their relationship with her predator husband a secret and yet hate a woman who defied the odds and became the Governor of Alaska? Hatred will do funny things to you.

It's because by not reading what was said, it's clear that Sarah is not motivated by what Robertson said or by Robertson at all; she's motivated by raising her profile and personally benefiting from the controversy.
Why can't the radical left accept Palin defending Robertson without reading the interview? It's a rhetorical question. The radical left hates Palin and that's the way it is. How can left wing hypocrites support Hillary who headed up a political hit group which threatened innocent women with ruin unless they kept their relationship with her predator husband a secret and yet hate a woman who defied the odds and became the Governor of Alaska? Hatred will do funny things to you.

It's because by not reading what was said, it's clear that Sarah is not motivated by what Robertson said or by Robertson at all; she's motivated by raising her profile and personally benefiting from the controversy.

Like Obama in the Zimmerman, Martin issue.
Why can't the radical left accept Palin defending Robertson without reading the interview? It's a rhetorical question. The radical left hates Palin and that's the way it is. How can left wing hypocrites support Hillary who headed up a political hit group which threatened innocent women with ruin unless they kept their relationship with her predator husband a secret and yet hate a woman who defied the odds and became the Governor of Alaska? Hatred will do funny things to you.

It's because by not reading what was said, it's clear that Sarah is not motivated by what Robertson said or by Robertson at all; she's motivated by raising her profile and personally benefiting from the controversy.

Like Obama in the Zimmerman, Martin issue.

Good point
Is that why you started the thread?

Yes. We have to remind you about your nutty heros, don't we? We're the opposition, we don't just talk about your good leaders, few in numbers that they are.

So you care about the issues as much or more so, so you are intentionally lying, otherwise you wouldn't care or post.

As far as my heroes? my leaders? Interesting that you think of others as opposition. I think everyone in this country as Americans. I think of people having different opinions, it seems the left refers to differing views as opposition, or as some have said, enemies. I take a different stance, we are all Americans, we are all people, and we all have different views. I'm not sure why people fear others views.

Who are you trying to kid? Anyone can see that you are a Teapartier just by the way you post. You're a hypocrite, you could at least commit to the party you continuously defend here day in and day out.

That is my observation of you. That and you're not very bright.

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