Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview


that is exactly right. and their hatred, anger and pure envy that Palin is making big bucks by constantly showing the left a middle finger :lol:

No, you're wrong. It's actually pure unadulterated fear since you fucking idiots tried to put her second in command, when the ditz didn't even know what the purpose was of the Federal Reserve Bank, that "Korea" was two different countries and that Africa was a continent, not a country.

God, I'm starting to shake all over again just thinking about it....

And the current 2nd Moron in Command is any better. ROTFLMAO

He's the reason I pray every morning for protection and health for Obama.

And Who get's it they both go......:eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

I am sorry, but the current first is such a a moron that old Joe is an academic professor compared ( I do not consider Biden to be stupid, BTW, he is playing absolutely the same game as W did, because it fits his purpose).
If our country can survive 8 years of the idiot we now have in the WH, it can survive a monkey in the WH.
Can't believe I'm about to defend Sarah Palin (someone who I'd like to see used as pinata) but why should she be expected to be up on this issue? It's such an unimportant non-issue being drummed up by professional trolls that it really seems silly to attack her for not having any knowledge about it.

...Especially when there's so many valid things you can attack her for nothing having any knowledge about.
Why can't the radical left accept Palin defending Robertson without reading the interview? It's a rhetorical question. The radical left hates Palin and that's the way it is. How can left wing hypocrites support Hillary who headed up a political hit group which threatened innocent women with ruin unless they kept their relationship with her predator husband a secret and yet hate a woman who defied the odds and became the Governor of Alaska? Hatred will do funny things to you.

It's because by not reading what was said, it's clear that Sarah is not motivated by what Robertson said or by Robertson at all; she's motivated by raising her profile and personally benefiting from the controversy.

Sure, it is supposed to be that way. She is defending his right to free speech, not what the speech is about. Strange that you don't understand it ( but neither of the leftards do, so that is a collective ignorance).

For the people who actually value the BASIC freedoms, what he said and who he is does not matter at all.
Most of the people who are defending his God given and Constitutionally approved right to free speech and religious freedom did not hear about the guy until couple of days ago.
Yes. We have to remind you about your nutty heros, don't we? We're the opposition, we don't just talk about your good leaders, few in numbers that they are.

So you care about the issues as much or more so, so you are intentionally lying, otherwise you wouldn't care or post.

As far as my heroes? my leaders? Interesting that you think of others as opposition. I think everyone in this country as Americans. I think of people having different opinions, it seems the left refers to differing views as opposition, or as some have said, enemies. I take a different stance, we are all Americans, we are all people, and we all have different views. I'm not sure why people fear others views.

Who are you trying to kid? Anyone can see that you are a Teapartier just by the way you post. You're a hypocrite, you could at least commit to the party you continuously defend here day in and day out.

That is my observation of you. That and you're not very bright.

Didn't vote for McCain, so, that means I didn't vote for Palin. I wrote in Kucinich, I have not attended a TeaParty event, nor will I. I believe in cutting spending and if taxes have to be raised in the short term for a balanced budget. Great! But spending has to be cut 25%, even in the defense budget. I don't care about a gay marriage, I don't like the idea that they need us to accept their lifestyle. Abortion is the killing of a child, however, that is not my call, that is God's call. I don't watch FOXNews, it's bias as MSNBC.

I have defended Michelle Obama, because the attacks are not warranted.

I'm against the ACA, it penalizes the middle class and gives big business a break. I am against all corporate welfare, I am for charging the banking criminals for the 2008 bust.

Bush did not cause the 2008 crash, it was going to happen and the causes, which were many started in the 30's and then other things were added as the dedicates went on.

I was for OWS, until it went nutty. I likes the idea of the TeaParty, until it went nutty.

Bush had nothing to do with 911, Obama was born in the U.S. The elections in 2000 and 2004 were not rigged or fixed. I agree with Palin in some things, not in most. I dislike Obama's arrogance, I dislike the intolerance of people that want to shut down people that disagree with them.

The Duck guy, should never have been fired, nor should Maher, Deen, Imus or Bashir.

I am not sure if all that aligns with the TeaParty or not and I really don't care.

I didn't vote for Romney or Obama.

I have my own views, I have no political heroes, if you are in politics, you will sellout to the highest bidder, democrat or republican.

And I don't consider you very bright either. Which is probably my best characteristic.
Why can't the radical left accept Palin defending Robertson without reading the interview? It's a rhetorical question. The radical left hates Palin and that's the way it is. How can left wing hypocrites support Hillary who headed up a political hit group which threatened innocent women with ruin unless they kept their relationship with her predator husband a secret and yet hate a woman who defied the odds and became the Governor of Alaska? Hatred will do funny things to you.

It's because by not reading what was said, it's clear that Sarah is not motivated by what Robertson said or by Robertson at all; she's motivated by raising her profile and personally benefiting from the controversy.

Sure, it is supposed to be that way. She is defending his right to free speech, not what the speech is about. Strange that you don't understand it ( but neither of the leftards do, so that is a collective ignorance).

For the people who actually value the BASIC freedoms, what he said and who he is does not matter at all.
Most of the people who are defending his God given and Constitutionally approved right to free speech and religious freedom did not hear about the guy until couple of days ago.

Sure, it's called the Palin factor. You just engage your mouth without even caring about the message. The goal is to get your fat mug on camera as often as possible.

Yep, the Palin factor...
Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:

Greta needs a new executive producer. A good one woulda been screaming in her ear during that interview, "Don't press her! She's a moron!" :)
ZOMG...palin didn't read an article


what a great thread, thanks for sharing this very important knowledge

I know. It must be embarrassing for you having her admit she doesn't read.

Conservatives have pleanty of actual talent, why they continue to shoot themselves in the foot putting her on the air boggles the mind.
Conservatives have pleanty of actual talent, why they continue to shoot themselves in the foot putting her on the air boggles the mind.

She jumps out in front of the parade everytime. They can't do anything to stop her or other teapartiers trying to get their name out there. They've found out it pays to be extreme.

The more moderate Republicans do not stand a chance.
Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:

One does not need to read your or rdeans or other libtard posts to know there is no there what's your point?
Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:

Hey, at least she didn't pass Obamacare before she read it.
GQ has 900k circulation.

Those who have seen the article are like those who even know GQ exists.....barley a blip.
Not in the name of Christianity.

In the name of freedom of religion. Something you oppose mightily, along with all other fascists.

PS..I think the "death threats" are fiction. I haven't found any statements from law enforcement about them. They're just general "A&E has received death threats and suspicious packages" with no names, no further description.

You guys just make shit up.

Have you seen police reports when any other station received death threats? LAW ENFORCEMENT reports.....really...or are you just making that shit up.
Palin didn't have to read the article. She and her daughter Bristol visited the Robertson's in their hometown of West Monroe, La weekend before last and spent the day with them. Here are pictures from the visit. It was big time news in that community.

Sarah Palin + ‘Duck Dynasty’ = Photos You Know You Want to See



Last edited:
Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:
I didn't read it either to busy reading the Obama care train wreck.....

Hey if that social faggot non sense thing floats your liberal boat go for it.

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