Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

If the Democrat Central Committee keeps spending all its campaign money on the blogosphere there's going to be nothing left to promote Fauxahontas - not even a single little sea shell, much less a string of wampum!

The candidates are just horrible. Is that the best they can come up with? :rolleyes-41: Elizabeth Warren and Sara Palin? Imagine that? Pathetic. The ONLY thing they have going for them is that they are women.
I'd swear the only people paying attention to Palin are the left-nuts on this site. There isnt a day that goes by that one of you morons isnt posting something about her.
Do you beat off to pics of her killing moose?

Why are RWs so afraid of news about $arah? Hmmmm??

Let's hope she runs. There's still space in the Clown Car and $he's entertaining as hell.

Even with Joe "gaffe a minute" Biden, Elizabeth " I think I'm an Indian, no really" Warren and Hilary "the were firing at us, okay it's a lie" Clinton?

Could be a fun election.

Sounds like the beginning of a good joke!
I'd swear the only people paying attention to Palin are the left-nuts on this site. There isnt a day that goes by that one of you morons isnt posting something about her.
Do you beat off to pics of her killing moose?

Why are RWs so afraid of news about $arah? Hmmmm??

Let's hope she runs. There's still space in the Clown Car and $he's entertaining as hell.
Does it bother you much that Palin was more right about foreign policy than Obama?

Did she oppose the Iraq War?
There is nothing funnier than Sarah Palin pretending to be a legitimate candidate. Watching her squirm when she is asked questions that have not been softballed by FoxNews. Watching Sarah when she has to give up her one liners and engage in serious debate is a pleasure that all Americans should enjoy

I really hope she runs
Yet another thread about Palin,wow theses people are crazy,sh'e is apparently more popular with the left than the right??
Yet another thread about Palin,wow theses people are crazy,sh'e is apparently more popular with the left than the right??

Why do so many on the right shell out good money to hear her speak?

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