Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

Let's face it.....

Republicans are a dull breed. We need Sarah to liven things up and nobody fills the Democratic coffers like Sarah does

You betcha
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, says she hopes to run for office again and is urging GOP leaders to have "more guts" as they pursue their agenda.

Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."

"The more they're pouring on the more I'm going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with a voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future, too," Palin said.

Palin decided not to seek the presidency in 2012 but remains a popular figure among conservatives. She hasn't held office since resigning as governor in 2009 during her first and only term.

More: Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

I'm also hoping she runs for office again. So are late-night comedians. Run, Sarah, run! Please...

This will make you piss yourself laughing...

I'd swear the only people paying attention to Palin are the left-nuts on this site. There isnt a day that goes by that one of you morons isnt posting something about her.
Do you beat off to pics of her killing moose?

Why are RWs so afraid of news about $arah? Hmmmm??

Let's hope she runs. There's still space in the Clown Car and $he's entertaining as hell.

Even with Joe "gaffe a minute" Biden, Elizabeth " I think I'm an Indian, no really" Warren and Hilary "the were firing at us, okay it's a lie" Clinton?

Could be a fun election.
I doubt if Sara would be nominated to run as a GOP candidate. However, it really doesn't make much of a difference. Our elections are like circuses anyway, so send in the clowns!
I'd swear the only people paying attention to Palin are the left-nuts on this site. There isnt a day that goes by that one of you morons isnt posting something about her.
Do you beat off to pics of her killing moose?

You can always tell which RWnuts are most embarrassed by their RWnut leader Sarah Palin,

by how much they bitch about liberals having a laugh over her.

Tell us, Rabbi, do you believe you're smarter than Sarah Palin?
If the Democrat Central Committee keeps spending all its campaign money on the blogosphere there's going to be nothing left to promote Fauxahontas - not even a single little sea shell, much less a string of wampum!

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