Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

Well that's nice but it doesn't really answer my question. What is it about her that bothers you so much? She's really not any different from any other politician, if you want to be honest about things. She does her share of nonsense talking, but they all do this. :dunno: What is it about her that makes you feel so threatened and on guard?
Make no mistake. Liberals and thoughtful people in general do not fear Sarah Palin. We are incredulous that she should garner any support at all, but by no means is she feared.

Unless, of course, one has a propensity to fear circus clowns.

You see, Sarah Palin is a person who should be ridiculed, not feared. She poses no danger as she can never be taken seriously. Her prideful lack of knowledge and tendency to take the most ridiculous positions on topics which are clearly over her head keeps her in a unique place in American politics: The Fool with press coverage.

FACT: IF you didn't fear her, you would feel no need to ridicule her. :D Like the guy with the slogan "The rent is too damn high," she would have faded into obscurity eventually. However, the left clearly has an obsession with this particular woman.

I never understood that logic

Aren't most people ridiculed because of their own actions?

The level of obsession with this woman from the left is like nothing I've ever seen before. It's quite an interesting phenomenon. What is it about her that has you all hot and bothered? :D

I would agree with you if Liberals were attacking her five years after she retired to raise yer children in Wasilla

But she has chosen a career as a rightwing political entertainer who specializes in attacking the opposition. Nothing wrong with that but it does not mean she is not accountable for what comes out of her mouth. If she can dish it out, she should expect to take it

Sure, she is a political pundit. She still seems to really get under the skin of the left wingers though, more so than anyone else. It's curious. :D
The Right doesn't get it. Liberals are definitely afraid that another Bush could end up in the White House. Palin is kind of like the comedy relief that they sometimes put in horror shows, to soften you up for the next horror scene.
Make no mistake. Liberals and thoughtful people in general do not fear Sarah Palin. We are incredulous that she should garner any support at all, but by no means is she feared.

Unless, of course, one has a propensity to fear circus clowns.

You see, Sarah Palin is a person who should be ridiculed, not feared. She poses no danger as she can never be taken seriously. Her prideful lack of knowledge and tendency to take the most ridiculous positions on topics which are clearly over her head keeps her in a unique place in American politics: The Fool with press coverage.

FACT: IF you didn't fear her, you would feel no need to ridicule her. :D Like the guy with the slogan "The rent is too damn high," she would have faded into obscurity eventually. However, the left clearly has an obsession with this particular woman.
I was not aware that the 'Rent is Too Damn High' guy was still making public statements, or that he was on a National ticket as nominee of a major political party.

I don't believe that she is a nominee. She says she is "thinking about it." Big difference. She has not been nominated for any public office as far as I'm aware and just a private citizen now, who happens to be very outspoken about her political and moral beliefs.
Please carefully review what I posted. Here's where that 'reading and writing' stuff finally pays off.

I read it. Point being, Sarah is also not on the national ticket as a nominee. As I said, she is nothing more than an outspoken private citizen who, for some strange reason, really bothers the liberals. So . . . why the need to ridicule her? Or is that just how you roll whenever you disagree with someone? Perhaps that's the "bully" in you.
Actually, if you keep it under your hat, I'll tell you why Liberals ridicule Sarah Palin. As it turns out, a memo from our Dear Leader, the Muslim, Kenyan-born, Socialist AntiChrist instructed us to aim our blind hatred at Sarah Palin. That's why we're such mean bullies!
Well, for me, she at least earns points for being a tough lady. It is still very difficult for women to get ahead in politics. I find some of the comments about Sarah to be really terrible, considering, especially for those who espouse feminism as a part of their belief system. It is just rotten, IMO.

Don't agree with her views fine, but you should at least respect the fact that she has gone far as a woman politician. Like it or not that means something.
FACT: IF you didn't fear her, you would feel no need to ridicule her. :D Like the guy with the slogan "The rent is too damn high," she would have faded into obscurity eventually. However, the left clearly has an obsession with this particular woman.
I was not aware that the 'Rent is Too Damn High' guy was still making public statements, or that he was on a National ticket as nominee of a major political party.

I don't believe that she is a nominee. She says she is "thinking about it." Big difference. She has not been nominated for any public office as far as I'm aware and just a private citizen now, who happens to be very outspoken about her political and moral beliefs.
Please carefully review what I posted. Here's where that 'reading and writing' stuff finally pays off.

I read it. Point being, Sarah is also not on the national ticket as a nominee. As I said, she is nothing more than an outspoken private citizen who, for some strange reason, really bothers the liberals. So . . . why the need to ridicule her? Or is that just how you roll whenever you disagree with someone? Perhaps that's the "bully" in you.
Actually, if you keep it under your hat, I'll tell you why Liberals ridicule Sarah Palin. As it turns out, a memo from our Dear Leader, the Muslim, Kenyan-born, Socialist AntiChrist instructed us to aim our blind hatred at Sarah Palin. That's why we're such mean bullies!

Meh, this is not clever at all. It is actually quite predictable. You've got no valid response, so you resort to being ridiculous. :D
I respect the fact that Sarah has hired some very smart advisors, who have demonstrated a remarkable ability to milk the Right, for all that they are worth!
Make no mistake. Liberals and thoughtful people in general do not fear Sarah Palin. We are incredulous that she should garner any support at all, but by no means is she feared.

Unless, of course, one has a propensity to fear circus clowns.

You see, Sarah Palin is a person who should be ridiculed, not feared. She poses no danger as she can never be taken seriously. Her prideful lack of knowledge and tendency to take the most ridiculous positions on topics which are clearly over her head keeps her in a unique place in American politics: The Fool with press coverage.

FACT: IF you didn't fear her, you would feel no need to ridicule her. :D Like the guy with the slogan "The rent is too damn high," she would have faded into obscurity eventually. However, the left clearly has an obsession with this particular woman.

I never understood that logic

Aren't most people ridiculed because of their own actions?

The level of obsession with this woman from the left is like nothing I've ever seen before. It's quite an interesting phenomenon. What is it about her that has you all hot and bothered? :D

I would agree with you if Liberals were attacking her five years after she retired to raise yer children in Wasilla

But she has chosen a career as a rightwing political entertainer who specializes in attacking the opposition. Nothing wrong with that but it does not mean she is not accountable for what comes out of her mouth. If she can dish it out, she should expect to take it

Sure, she is a political pundit. She still seems to really get under the skin of the left wingers though, more so than anyone else. It's curious. :D

Palin serves a purpose

She does rouse the political base and pulls in alot of money (for herself). She embarasses the credible leadership of the Republican Party and most will not appear in public with her. She was not even invited to the GOP convention

She is alos a recruiting tool for the left. The "Did you hear what Sarah said" brings in the contributions to the left. It also allows the left to force legitimate Republican candidates to acknowledge what she said and condemn it. Makes for some awkward moments
Well, for me, she at least earns points for being a tough lady. It is still very difficult for women to get ahead in politics. I find some of the comments about Sarah to be really terrible, considering, especially for those who espouse feminism as a part of their belief system. It is just rotten, IMO.

Don't agree with her views fine, but you should at least respect the fact that she has gone far as a woman politician. Like it or not that means something.

liberals hate successful women. liberal women are required to be dependent on the government, pro-abortion, and lesbian. Successful women with families are a threat to the liberal agenda.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, says she hopes to run for office again and is urging GOP leaders to have "more guts" as they pursue their agenda.

Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."

"The more they're pouring on the more I'm going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with a voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future, too," Palin said.

Palin decided not to seek the presidency in 2012 but remains a popular figure among conservatives. She hasn't held office since resigning as governor in 2009 during her first and only term.

More: Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

I'm also hoping she runs for office again. So are late-night comedians. Run, Sarah, run! Please...
You have one of the worst Presidents in all US history right now and you're busy trying to divert attention to a nobody that is talking about running for some level of political office again?

You should be hate ranting about Obama needing to ends wars, cut, not grow like he has been military spending. Close Guantanamo, get ride of the patriot act and homeland security... Actually create an economy that produces more jobs that it losses every month. The list goes on. Palin is a nobody, a talking head, focus dumbass or history will only make you out to look like one of that partisan fools you are.
If the Dems are stupid enough to run Injun Joe Warren against her, Palin will totally fucking destroy her and her stupid Marxist "You didn't built that!" Narrative
I was not aware that the 'Rent is Too Damn High' guy was still making public statements, or that he was on a National ticket as nominee of a major political party.

I don't believe that she is a nominee. She says she is "thinking about it." Big difference. She has not been nominated for any public office as far as I'm aware and just a private citizen now, who happens to be very outspoken about her political and moral beliefs.
Please carefully review what I posted. Here's where that 'reading and writing' stuff finally pays off.

I read it. Point being, Sarah is also not on the national ticket as a nominee. As I said, she is nothing more than an outspoken private citizen who, for some strange reason, really bothers the liberals. So . . . why the need to ridicule her? Or is that just how you roll whenever you disagree with someone? Perhaps that's the "bully" in you.
Actually, if you keep it under your hat, I'll tell you why Liberals ridicule Sarah Palin. As it turns out, a memo from our Dear Leader, the Muslim, Kenyan-born, Socialist AntiChrist instructed us to aim our blind hatred at Sarah Palin. That's why we're such mean bullies!

Meh, this is not clever at all. It is actually quite predictable. You've got no valid response, so you resort to being ridiculous. :D
Much like Palin and her acolytes.
FACT: IF you didn't fear her, you would feel no need to ridicule her. :D Like the guy with the slogan "The rent is too damn high," she would have faded into obscurity eventually. However, the left clearly has an obsession with this particular woman.

I never understood that logic

Aren't most people ridiculed because of their own actions?

The level of obsession with this woman from the left is like nothing I've ever seen before. It's quite an interesting phenomenon. What is it about her that has you all hot and bothered? :D

I would agree with you if Liberals were attacking her five years after she retired to raise yer children in Wasilla

But she has chosen a career as a rightwing political entertainer who specializes in attacking the opposition. Nothing wrong with that but it does not mean she is not accountable for what comes out of her mouth. If she can dish it out, she should expect to take it

Sure, she is a political pundit. She still seems to really get under the skin of the left wingers though, more so than anyone else. It's curious. :D

Palin serves a purpose

She does rouse the political base and pulls in alot of money (for herself). She embarasses the credible leadership of the Republican Party and most will not appear in public with her. She was not even invited to the GOP convention

She is alos a recruiting tool for the left. The "Did you hear what Sarah said" brings in the contributions to the left. It also allows the left to force legitimate Republican candidates to acknowledge what she said and condemn it. Makes for some awkward moments

Hmmmm, "don't let anyone tell you that businesses create jobs" "you didn't build that" "57 states" "corpseman" speaking of awkward moments.

but its true that you libs are scared shitless of Sarah Palin. I don't understand it, but you are obsessed with her.
Well, for me, she at least earns points for being a tough lady. It is still very difficult for women to get ahead in politics. I find some of the comments about Sarah to be really terrible, considering, especially for those who espouse feminism as a part of their belief system. It is just rotten, IMO.

Don't agree with her views fine, but you should at least respect the fact that she has gone far as a woman politician. Like it or not that means something.

liberals hate successful women. liberal women are required to be dependent on the government, pro-abortion, and lesbian. Successful women with families are a threat to the liberal agenda.

I just don't ever remember seeing this level of hatred and disrespect for a person. I've found it interesting from the beginning.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, says she hopes to run for office again and is urging GOP leaders to have "more guts" as they pursue their agenda.

Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."

"The more they're pouring on the more I'm going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with a voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future, too," Palin said.

Palin decided not to seek the presidency in 2012 but remains a popular figure among conservatives. She hasn't held office since resigning as governor in 2009 during her first and only term.

More: Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

I'm also hoping she runs for office again. So are late-night comedians. Run, Sarah, run! Please...

This is the real war on women.

Democrats are conducting one on any woman who dares to run for office as anything other than a Democrat.
Well, for me, she at least earns points for being a tough lady. It is still very difficult for women to get ahead in politics. I find some of the comments about Sarah to be really terrible, considering, especially for those who espouse feminism as a part of their belief system. It is just rotten, IMO.

Don't agree with her views fine, but you should at least respect the fact that she has gone far as a woman politician. Like it or not that means something.

liberals hate successful women. liberal women are required to be dependent on the government, pro-abortion, and lesbian. Successful women with families are a threat to the liberal agenda.

I just don't ever remember seeing this level of hatred and disrespect for a person. I've found it interesting from the beginning.

their hate is driven by fear. Palin represents everything that the dems are against. Independent women, successful women, conservative women, family oriented women, smart women, attractive women.

A nation of Palin-like women would destroy the liberal agenda, and the libs know it.
I'd swear the only people paying attention to Palin are the left-nuts on this site. There isnt a day that goes by that one of you morons isnt posting something about her.
Do you beat off to pics of her killing moose?

Why are RWs so afraid of news about $arah? Hmmmm??

Let's hope she runs. There's still space in the Clown Car and $he's entertaining as hell.

And you're not.

BTW, why do you hate women????

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, says she hopes to run for office again and is urging GOP leaders to have "more guts" as they pursue their agenda.

Palin said in an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday that she is invigorated by her critics, who make her "want to work so hard for justice in this country."

"The more they're pouring on the more I'm going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with a voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future, too," Palin said.

Palin decided not to seek the presidency in 2012 but remains a popular figure among conservatives. She hasn't held office since resigning as governor in 2009 during her first and only term.

More: Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

I'm also hoping she runs for office again. So are late-night comedians. Run, Sarah, run! Please...
You have one of the worst Presidents in all US history right now and you're busy trying to divert attention to a nobody that is talking about running for some level of political office again?

You should be hate ranting about Obama needing to ends wars, cut, not grow like he has been military spending. Close Guantanamo, get ride of the patriot act and homeland security... Actually create an economy that produces more jobs that it losses every month. The list goes on. Palin is a nobody, a talking head, focus dumbass or history will only make you out to look like one of that partisan fools you are.

Well, sparky, since you're obviously suffering from Obama Obsession Syndrome - I suggest you start a thread about him. This thread is about Palin.
I don't believe that she is a nominee. She says she is "thinking about it." Big difference. She has not been nominated for any public office as far as I'm aware and just a private citizen now, who happens to be very outspoken about her political and moral beliefs.
Please carefully review what I posted. Here's where that 'reading and writing' stuff finally pays off.

I read it. Point being, Sarah is also not on the national ticket as a nominee. As I said, she is nothing more than an outspoken private citizen who, for some strange reason, really bothers the liberals. So . . . why the need to ridicule her? Or is that just how you roll whenever you disagree with someone? Perhaps that's the "bully" in you.
Actually, if you keep it under your hat, I'll tell you why Liberals ridicule Sarah Palin. As it turns out, a memo from our Dear Leader, the Muslim, Kenyan-born, Socialist AntiChrist instructed us to aim our blind hatred at Sarah Palin. That's why we're such mean bullies!

Meh, this is not clever at all. It is actually quite predictable. You've got no valid response, so you resort to being ridiculous. :D
Much like Palin and her acolytes.
Well, for me, she at least earns points for being a tough lady. It is still very difficult for women to get ahead in politics. I find some of the comments about Sarah to be really terrible, considering, especially for those who espouse feminism as a part of their belief system. It is just rotten, IMO.

Don't agree with her views fine, but you should at least respect the fact that she has gone far as a woman politician. Like it or not that means something.

There are dozens of female politicans who have accomplished more. Both Democrat and Republican

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