Sarah Palin to Co-Host NBC's 'Today' on Tuesday

Most of the media outlets are hurting right now. Primarily covering the Obama campaign and bashing Romney can only go so far. It will be interesting to see how they con Palin into reading the party script.

Scraping from the bottom of the barrell...they really must be desperate.

Sarah Palin To Co-Host TODAY On Tuesday | Mediaite


NBC’s “Today” won again for the week of March 19, but ABC’s “Good Morning America” continues to creep up on the perennial leader. The gap last week between the two shows was 140,000 Total Viewers and 210,000 A25-54 viewers

Morning Show Ratings - TVNewser

Seems to me that the top show can pay the biggest bucks to bring in the biggest names.


Scraping from the bottom of the barrell...they really must be desperate.

Sarah Palin To Co-Host TODAY On Tuesday | Mediaite


I guess that you didn't get to the part where that piece of work OctoMom
is going to be on later in the week I think....

Oh and FYI this ass clown OctoMom with her brood of 11 kids and no means
of support is on welfare.What a shock.

I guess that Fluke chick used up all the birth control from all that sex she was having and
OctoMom couldn't get her hands on any.
I wonder if nicole wallace will be moderating....

Scraping from the bottom of the barrell...they really must be desperate.

Sarah Palin To Co-Host TODAY On Tuesday | Mediaite


Signifying the changing of the guard. Sarah Palin will probably become a full time host on one of the morning shows. Today wants dibs.

liberals may now shriek
That's fine with me...I don't watch any of the big three anyway, so they won't be getting my stamp of approval with my viewership.

Well, I don't watch 'em for news that is.

After what they allowed the Bush Regime to get away with, I'm the number one proponent of all of them going down in flames. Let real journalism arise and the other's fall.

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