Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

Sorry to disappoint, but as you are not her therapist, I do not accept that you are an authority on the innerworkings of her mind
Yes, she knows the rules of her job and career, just as anyone does. Apparently, you would rather call her incompetent...good for you...
One of the servers posted a tweet about Sanders being "86ed" which referenced her PresSec account. Note it is posted at 11:16pm pm June 22nd. Sanders' tweet wasn't posted until the following morning at 7:53am. So, the Red Hen started this public dirty laundry airing themselves. The server calling out Sanders' twitter handle blows up OldFool's legal nonsense.

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Where is the evidence that @PressSec is government property?
His point was, the restaurant threw first punch.. Sanders has every right to defend herself..... ownership of the account is not an issue as no monies were ever exchanged.
Some imbeciles in here, such as dragonlady, claim it's a "government account," and therefore it's illegal for Sanders to have used it to post about what happened.

What is the law that would make her using the account illegal even if it is owned by the government?

According to DragonLady it's 5 CFR 2635.702(a). That claim is based on it being an "official account." However, no one has demonstrated that the account used is in any way "official."
Yes, it is her official press secretary account.
It wasn't the slightest bit inappropriate
Of course it was. She should not have named the restaurant, and likely should not have mentioned it all. That's when a person should let the press dot he footwork.

But, in the midst of what is a dumpster fire of ethics, it doesn't really stand out.
Wrong, dumbass. The restaruant's name is a fact. Stating facts is not inappropriate.

You have to be joking if you believe Republicans should rely on the press to report the facts.

You're a preposterous douchebag.
You are not an authority on what Sarah Sanders absolutely knew.
Huh? Of course she knew that was not appropriate. Are you implying she is incompetent, and has been for 15 years? She's great at her job. She knows it is inappropriate.
They aren't cowering like they're supposed to anymore. Time for another sky scream. Wear your vagina costume for added drama.
Well, while you seem to enjoy degenerating into a quivering little blob of impotent crybabying on a daily basis, I am content to simply point out that what she did was inappropriate, and why.
Where is the evidence that @PressSec is government property?
His point was, the restaurant threw first punch.. Sanders has every right to defend herself..... ownership of the account is not an issue as no monies were ever exchanged.
Some imbeciles in here, such as dragonlady, claim it's a "government account," and therefore it's illegal for Sanders to have used it to post about what happened.

What is the law that would make her using the account illegal even if it is owned by the government?

According to DragonLady it's 5 CFR 2635.702(a). That claim is based on it being an "official account." However, no one has demonstrated that the account used is in any way "official."
Yes, it is her official press secretary account.
Prove it.

Is there even such a thing as an official press secretary twitter account?
So now even the media is pushing Sanders 'ethics' violations...….and that's bad, very very bad, right?

But libs still defend Clinton's use of private server for confidential emails.

Oh the hypocrisy.....
Damn that is a stupid point. All the same libs? All libs?

Hey look, white people are helping minorities at a school in that city. Yet white people are still marching with torches. White people...pfft ..

See how stupid?

No it's not a stupid point. especially if you're still here defending the restaurant owner & claiming Sanders broke some law or whateverrrrrrr.

My point had more to do with a government officials 'misuse' of social media and how it's ok for one, but not the other & how hypocritical the Libs/Dems/Progs or whatever the hell ya'll call yourselves are about it.
You are not an authority on what Sarah Sanders absolutely knew.
Huh? Of course she knew that was not appropriate. Are you implying she is incompetent, and has been for 15 years? She's great at her job. She knows it is inappropriate.
They aren't cowering like they're supposed to anymore. Time for another sky scream. Wear your vagina costume for added drama.
Well, while you seem to enjoy degenerating into a quivering little blob of impotent crybabying on a daily basis, I am content to simply point out that what she did was inappropriate, and why.
They don't care why you throw your daily tantrums anymore. It's amusing how history repeats itself so soon. :)
How did she attack the restaurant? It seems to me that she related a factual encounter with a crazy hostile nut case democrat. Don't Trump employees have the same freedom of social media that crazy lefties enjoy?

She used her official government twitter feed to attack the restaurant. This is illegal and no White House employees don’t have the right to use official government communications to endorse a private business or to criticize a private business.

I find it amusing that Republicans, who say that refusal of service on moral grounds is an important right for business owners, are now complaining quite vociferously that their rights are being violated when decent human beings refuse service to those who take children away from their parents and put them in concentration camps.

When THEY’RE the ones being refused service because of their lack of morality, it’s wrong.
Sorry, dingbat, but it is not. I doubt there is even such a thing as the "official government twitter" for the press secretary. It's not like the government has to pay for twitter accounts, moron.

No Republican is saying the owner didn't have a right to what what she did. That doesn't mean she can't be criticized. She's a dumbass and a bigot. Reporting that fact is not an attack on freedom of speech.

I could spend all day criticizing the idiocies in just this one post, but the exercise grows boring.

You doubt??? You mean you haven’t seen the screen shots or even checked Twitter for her accounts?

So you’re being willfully ignorant and trashing others who are better informed. What a stupid tool you are.

Here’s a link with a screen shot of the tweet. On her “Press Secretary” account. SHS has two personal twitter accounts but she used her official twitter to criticize this restaurant. As previously stated, that’s illegal.

Ex-White House ethics chief: Sarah Sanders tweet violates ethics laws
Are you claiming you know for certain that the account she used is government property? How can the government own something that is given out for free?

You're an astounding dumbass.

Twitter accounts aren’t “property”. If you attack a business using your boss’ letterhead, you’ll be fired. Any abuse of work related communication devices for personal matters can get you fired.

For White House employees, it is illegal to use government communications - email, letterhead or twitter, to either promote or denigrate a private business.

Conservatives think it’s OK for Christians to deny service to gays on moral grounds, but are whining like babies over liberals refusing to serve liars who think it’s OK take young children from their parents and put them in cages.

Any abuse of work related communication devices for personal matters can get you fired.

But enough about Hillary.
Sorry to disappoint, but as you are not her therapist, I do not accept that you are an authority on the innerworkings of her mind
Yes, she knows the rules of her job and career, just as anyone does. Apparently, you would rather call her incompetent...good for you...

I call shenanigans. Please post a credible link to the rules which prohibit her from responding via the PresSec account when other people post tweets referencing said account.
Where is the evidence that @PressSec is government property?
His point was, the restaurant threw first punch.. Sanders has every right to defend herself..... ownership of the account is not an issue as no monies were ever exchanged.
Some imbeciles in here, such as dragonlady, claim it's a "government account," and therefore it's illegal for Sanders to have used it to post about what happened.

What is the law that would make her using the account illegal even if it is owned by the government?

According to DragonLady it's 5 CFR 2635.702(a). That claim is based on it being an "official account." However, no one has demonstrated that the account used is in any way "official."
Yes, it is her official press secretary account.

Note the time stamps:


His point was, the restaurant threw first punch.. Sanders has every right to defend herself..... ownership of the account is not an issue as no monies were ever exchanged.
Some imbeciles in here, such as dragonlady, claim it's a "government account," and therefore it's illegal for Sanders to have used it to post about what happened.

What is the law that would make her using the account illegal even if it is owned by the government?

According to DragonLady it's 5 CFR 2635.702(a). That claim is based on it being an "official account." However, no one has demonstrated that the account used is in any way "official."
Yes, it is her official press secretary account.

Note the time stamps:

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And? Not relevant.
Please post a credible link to the rules which prohibit her from responding via the PresSec account when other people post tweets referencing said account.
It's the ethical rules regarding the power of her office. Now come on...let's not pretend you actually care if she broke an ethical norms.

You can sit and scratch your head all day over it. But you can bet that Sanders jnew it was inappropriate.
Please post a credible link to the rules which prohibit her from responding via the PresSec account when other people post tweets referencing said account.
It's the ethical rules regarding the power of her office. Now come on...let's not pretend you actually care if she broke an ethical norms.

You can sit and scratch your head all day over it. But you can bet that Sanders jnew it was inappropriate.

If you are an active social media person that was treated as Sanders was, you'd be posting of the offense as well...…..the ONLY difference here is where she works.
Some imbeciles in here, such as dragonlady, claim it's a "government account," and therefore it's illegal for Sanders to have used it to post about what happened.

What is the law that would make her using the account illegal even if it is owned by the government?

According to DragonLady it's 5 CFR 2635.702(a). That claim is based on it being an "official account." However, no one has demonstrated that the account used is in any way "official."
Yes, it is her official press secretary account.

Note the time stamps:

View attachment 200721

View attachment 200722
And? Not relevant.

Only to DERPS who ignore facts and reality.
Please post a credible link to the rules which prohibit her from responding via the PresSec account when other people post tweets referencing said account.
It's the ethical rules regarding the power of her office. Now come on...let's not pretend you actually care if she broke an ethical norms.

You can sit and scratch your head all day over it. But you can bet that Sanders jnew it was inappropriate.

Linky link?

You loons first posted that she BROKE THE LAW. Couldn't prove that, so now you're claiming ethical norms.

Please provide documentation of the ethical requirement that the Press Secretary not respond to tweets that mention her.
The interesting thing here, to me, is that Sarah Sanders absolutely knows what she did was inappropriate. She has spent most of her adult life handling the public communications of government officials.

But Sarah knows that it just doesn't matter anymore. She certainly has nothing to fear from her classless, unethical boss.

So, here we are...a careful, deliberate, brilliant person like Sanders is now blurring the ethical lines of her position. This is what it looks like when shit trickles downhill.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzzz.

You are not an authority on what Sarah Sanders absolutely knew.

What we all do know is that the Red Hen manager was incredibly rude to a family that was there to have dinner.

You're talking to a "make up your own facts troll". Can't take a thing it posts seriously.

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