Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

how did she do that?
Used her official account as press secretary to condemn a business for personal reasons. She’ll end up paying out a hefty sum.

She didn't condemn the business.

View attachment 200637
She singled them out knowing what would happen. They have received death threats because she abused her official government position and the power it comes with to destroy them. Easy win for the restaurant in a lawsuit.

Wow. That's really screwy. She did not go to the restaurant in any official capacity. She can single them out all she likes.
Not from her government office according to the law

I call shenanigans.

Please link to the law you claim Sanders broke and present your theory as to how her tweet is a violation of said law.
Don't hurt the restaurant owner physically. That's no good.

Get them where it really hurts, in the pocketbook.

Don't patronize the restaurant and encourage others to avoid it as well.

That's your right as an American citizen.
Used her official account as press secretary to condemn a business for personal reasons. She’ll end up paying out a hefty sum.

She didn't condemn the business.

View attachment 200637
She singled them out knowing what would happen. They have received death threats because she abused her official government position and the power it comes with to destroy them. Easy win for the restaurant in a lawsuit.

Wow. That's really screwy. She did not go to the restaurant in any official capacity. She can single them out all she likes.
Not from her government office according to the law

I call shenanigans.

Please link to the law you claim Sanders broke and present your theory as to how her tweet is a violation of said law.
Already did that in this thread. Will not do it again for a disingenuous, feckless ****. Go back and look if you really care, which you don't.
The law that was quoted had nothing to do with this though. So try again. It talked about benefiting from her official office. Prove how she benefited from this. What gain? Proof of gain?
how did she do that?
Used her official account as press secretary to condemn a business for personal reasons. She’ll end up paying out a hefty sum.

She didn't condemn the business.

View attachment 200637
She singled them out knowing what would happen. They have received death threats because she abused her official government position and the power it comes with to destroy them. Easy win for the restaurant in a lawsuit.

What a loon. The waitress posted about Sanders being 86ed. The restaurant tried to claim her ouster as a trophy. She posted the facts. But I can see why that disturbs you.
Disturbed? You nuts are the ones losing your minds and sending death threats to the restaurant owners. You are disgusting, filthy people.

I have never sent a death threat to anyone in my entire existence.

You SJW-Prog loons set the New Rules when you attacked the pizza maker, florist and bakery owner. They received death threats (one of them for a purely speculative refusal of service) for not engaging in commerce with one of your preferred identify groups. You started it. Now you don't like the New Rules being applied to you. The world's smallest violin is too big....
She didn't condemn the business.

View attachment 200637
She singled them out knowing what would happen. They have received death threats because she abused her official government position and the power it comes with to destroy them. Easy win for the restaurant in a lawsuit.

Wow. That's really screwy. She did not go to the restaurant in any official capacity. She can single them out all she likes.
Not from her government office according to the law

I call shenanigans.

Please link to the law you claim Sanders broke and present your theory as to how her tweet is a violation of said law.
Already did that in this thread. Will not do it again for a disingenuous, feckless ****. Go back and look if you really care, which you don't.

Heh. You just proved that you can't credibly explain how she broke the law.
Used her official account as press secretary to condemn a business for personal reasons. She’ll end up paying out a hefty sum.

She didn't condemn the business.

View attachment 200637
She singled them out knowing what would happen. They have received death threats because she abused her official government position and the power it comes with to destroy them. Easy win for the restaurant in a lawsuit.

What a loon. The waitress posted about Sanders being 86ed. The restaurant tried to claim her ouster as a trophy. She posted the facts. But I can see why that disturbs you.
Disturbed? You nuts are the ones losing your minds and sending death threats to the restaurant owners. You are disgusting, filthy people.

I have never sent a death threat to anyone in my entire existence.

You SJW-Prog loons set the New Rules when you attacked the pizza maker, florist and bakery owner. They received death threats (one of them for a purely speculative refusal of service) for not engaging in commerce with one of your preferred identify groups. You started it. Now you don't like the New Rules being applied to you. The world's smallest violin is too big....
Imagine if Obama's Press Secretary had been the sole cause of the death threats and attacks on those business. I would argue he should be sued in court. Although circumstances are somewhat different, since the businesses you mentioned were in violation of the law.
While she may have made a mistake in using the official account, I’m not sure her tweet constitutes an attack. She simply said she was kicked out because she works for President Trump.

Leftist need to stop with their nonsense.
She didn't condemn the business.

View attachment 200637
She singled them out knowing what would happen. They have received death threats because she abused her official government position and the power it comes with to destroy them. Easy win for the restaurant in a lawsuit.

What a loon. The waitress posted about Sanders being 86ed. The restaurant tried to claim her ouster as a trophy. She posted the facts. But I can see why that disturbs you.
Disturbed? You nuts are the ones losing your minds and sending death threats to the restaurant owners. You are disgusting, filthy people.

I have never sent a death threat to anyone in my entire existence.

You SJW-Prog loons set the New Rules when you attacked the pizza maker, florist and bakery owner. They received death threats (one of them for a purely speculative refusal of service) for not engaging in commerce with one of your preferred identify groups. You started it. Now you don't like the New Rules being applied to you. The world's smallest violin is too big....
Imagine if Obama's Press Secretary had been the sole cause of the death threats and attacks on those business. I would argue he should be sued in court. Although circumstances are somewhat different, since the businesses you mentioned were in violation of the law.

Obama himself is the sole cause of death threats against police officers.

Just sayin'.
While she may have made a mistake in using the official account, I’m not sure her tweet constitutes an attack. She simply said she was kicked out because she works for President Trump.

Leftist need to stop with their nonsense.
What "official account?" I have yet to see anyone demonstrate that there is such a thing as an official twitter account.
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While she may have made a mistake in using the official account, I’m not sure her tweet constitutes an attack. She simply said she was kicked out because she works for President Trump.

Leftist need to stop with their nonsense.
Welcome to USMB. BT.
Smack her pee pee and give her a stern warning.
I’d pursue jail time if I were the restaurant owners. The case makes itself.

Not to worry, I'm sure some Democrat mega-donor will offer to pay for this losing case.
Nah it'll be a low key easy win for the restaurant owner

Old school got his law degree by sending in $1.47 and two fruit loops box tops to DegreesRus.He learned all he knows watching Scooby doo reruns.
^ And now 8 year olds are posting on the forum. Great.

deannalw told me she was 18.

Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out

Walter Shaub is awesome. Btw - Did Donald ever replace him? Doubt it - ethics schmethics!
I've never claimed to be "nice".
Clearly you never claimed to be bright, informed, or educated either! :lmao:
Jesus you people are stupid. Do you think your dumbass comments make a damn bit of difference? Only a juvenile idiot would be affected by insults from anonymous strangers on the internet.

I've told you over and over again that all those insults are is proof you can't logically respond to what I've said. You morons are apparently too stupid to learn even that simple concept.

No wonder you idiots support a moron like tRump. Your are just to ignorant to know any better.

LOL! It amuses me to read post after post from you complaining about insulting you while you insult everyone who doesn't think like you. I love the irony.
I've never claimed to be "nice".
Clearly you never claimed to be bright, informed, or educated either! :lmao:
Jesus you people are stupid. Do you think your dumbass comments make a damn bit of difference? Only a juvenile idiot would be affected by insults from anonymous strangers on the internet.

I've told you over and over again that all those insults are is proof you can't logically respond to what I've said. You morons are apparently too stupid to learn even that simple concept.

No wonder you idiots support a moron like tRump. Your are just to ignorant to know any better.

LOL! It amuses me to read post after post from you complaining about insulting you while you insult everyone who doesn't think like you. I love the irony.

The SWJ-Prog-Loons are an endless source of irony. That's what happens when everything they post is based on FEELZ instead of rational thought.
I've never claimed to be "nice".
Clearly you never claimed to be bright, informed, or educated either! :lmao:
Jesus you people are stupid. Do you think your dumbass comments make a damn bit of difference? Only a juvenile idiot would be affected by insults from anonymous strangers on the internet.

I've told you over and over again that all those insults are is proof you can't logically respond to what I've said. You morons are apparently too stupid to learn even that simple concept.

No wonder you idiots support a moron like tRump. Your are just to ignorant to know any better.

LOL! It amuses me to read post after post from you complaining about insulting you while you insult everyone who doesn't think like you. I love the irony.
Liberals consider hypocrisy to be one of the cardinal virtues.
One of the servers posted a tweet about Sanders being "86ed" which referenced her PresSec account. Note it is posted at 11:16pm pm June 22nd. Sanders' tweet wasn't posted until the following morning at 7:53am. So, the Red Hen started this public dirty laundry airing themselves. The server calling out Sanders' twitter handle blows up OldFool's legal nonsense.



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